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How To Use Flirtation In A Sentence

  • The playful flirtation vanished from the dark woman's face in a flash and she straightened suddenly, firing a steel - cold glance my way.
  • The failing to do this is the greatest mistake of the present generation, for if girls be capable of nothing but morbid sentiment or what we term flirtation, they will naturally look to matrimony as their destiny and as a means of support -- a self-abasement from which no woman can fully recover, even under the most favorable circumstances. How to Train Girls.
  • In a story like way, these paintings display the process of love, ‘that moves from initial flirtations, to the ecstasies of physical love consummation, then to the anxieties of jealousy and rejection’.
  • For a long time, what does happen seems almost aimless: scenic walks, music, casual flirtations.
  • Although she loved Nick with all her heart, she certainly would not mind a little flirtation with this captain!
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  • The next morning after a brief flirtation with the idea of going for a swim, we set ourselves free from shore again and continued up the river.
  • Her little flirtation in Rome seemed inconsequential by comparison with the schedule of cruelties she had dealt out. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.
  • He was describing a pheonomenon known as eroticized hanging or autoerotic asphyxia, one of the more arcane sexual kinks, custom-designed for those who consider flirtation with death an enhancement to orgasm. Over the Edge
  • He was taken entirely into her confidence, as will presently be seen, and she even called him in to assist her when she was conducting an elaborate and stilted epistolatory flirtation with Lord Peterborough. Life And Letters Of John Gay (1685-1732)
  • But what begins as manipulative flirtation soon turns into a dangerous and erotic game of passion, power and betrayal.
  • After a brief flirtation with the national interest, the aristocracy is back to putting dynasty before duty.
  • Teasing and light flirtation played a large role in their friendship, but neither wanted anything beyond that.
  • At recess Tom continued his flirtation with Amy with jubilant self - satisfaction.
  • Not even the ladies-in-waiting cared for much except when it had to do with castle romances or flirtations.
  • I do not affect the word flirtation, but the thing itself is not half so criminal as one would think from the animadversions visited upon it. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 69, July, 1863
  • Headgesture : 13456 On some occasions, this act shows self - satisfaction, one's flirtation or courtship.
  • But these flirtations are removed from actual on-going working relationships.
  • After his flirtation with stock brokering Mr Gilmour went to Florence to restudy the piano and later to Vienna to study conducting.
  • The effect of this revision has been to transform Scotland's regular flirtation with recession into a steady relationship with economic buoyancy.
  • In a story like way, these paintings display the process of love, ‘that moves from initial flirtations, to the ecstasies of physical love consummation, then to the anxieties of jealousy and rejection’.
  • This sex-free, friendship marriage will solve all of her problems and give Patrick somewhere safe to go back to after his flirtations and affairs.
  • It enables virtual flirtations, seductions, affairs - without the responsibilities that attend their actual physical realisation.
  • Progress has been made from last season's flirtation with relegation, yet it has come at a cost. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Russia's policy in the Middle East, and its flirtation with China, are also part of the quest for great-power status.
  • An agreed portion of verbal flirtation might be deemed lubricious, to which neither party should pay any heed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in the case of a bartender there is a much thinner line, it is tempting to reward flirtation and tips with favouritism.
  • The previous Transporter films have had Martin dabble with romance before (once with Asian actress Shu Qi and a brief flirtation in the last film with Amber Valetta). Movie Review: Transporter 3 | /Film
  • If I thought you didn't care, that you were just trying to carry on the ghastly game they call flirtation up here, I wouldn't be so angry with you. The Fifth Ace
  • This was a mistake, for Lord John would have considered himself quite as free to attempt a flirtation with Drumcarro's daughter in Argyllshire as in London, and with as little intention of any serious result, the daughter of a poor laird however high in descent, being as entirely below the level of the Duke's son as the mantua-maker. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • Some perverse flirtation as a new hobby for when he comes home from work. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • Out loud, she tried for lighthearted flirtation.
  • He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.
  • At the midsummer revels Miss Julie indulges in a flirtation with Jean.
  • He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.
  • At sixteen, Gwenifer was worldly and knowledgeable about all things, especially flirtations and relationships between men and women.
  • As de Gaulle began to disentangle his nation from the interminable drain of money, resources and blood that was the Algerian war, Le Pen began his first serious flirtation with the extreme right.
  • To marry a Calvinist was déclassé and a flirtation with heresy if not anarchy.
  • The flirtation with danger was worth it, however, as Harvey tagged on the extra two points.
  • Almost imperceptibly, one pair's dancing morphed into wrestling, embraces turned into headlocks and back into eyelash-batting flirtation just in time for another couple's dancing to begin a similar cycle.
  • The dresses held an atmosphere of evaporated frivolity; flirtations lingered in every frill, and memories of old larks lurked in every furbelow. Mr. Opp
  • He is old enough to have felt the disillusion of lost causes such as the Spanish Civil War and the left's brief flirtation with Communism.
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was just one of a number of female celebrity flirtations with nudity that captivated a global audience last year and confirmed an enduring fact of life on the web.
  • A ravishing collage, although it was not an ideal illustration of his brief flirtation with Surrealist practice.
  • Set in a bar, this is a series of flirtations, tiffs, relationships that make out or don't, full of vigorous, jazzy, skittish dances - though there are sags in interest.
  • Although they appeared to be hamming it up for the camera, there was definitely a frisson of flirtation.
  • Consequently Morgan and Mrs. Spaulding were constantly together during the ensuing ten days, and so skilfully did I behave that the innocent pair regarded the flirtation which I was carrying on as a superb joke -- a case of a banterer caught in the toils, and Mrs. Spinney's manners suggested that she was agreeably flattered. The Law-Breakers and Other Stories
  • She's already been submitted to Teddy's playful flirtation.
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Picasso had a brief flirtation with opium and hashish, during the Rose and Blue periods, but soon abandoned them.
  • I sincerely wonder if the invention of the telephone was an equally convenient excuse for previously unattempted types of flirtation on the parts of bored spouses.
  • The speech marked Ventura's decision to withdraw into Minnesota politics following his unsuccessful flirtations with bigger ambitions.
  • Deceived, Olive abandoned herself to the plausive charm of Violet's manner, and at different times she spoke of her flirtation, and told many little incidents concerning it -- what he had said to her, how she had answered him, and how, the last time they had met, he had expressed his sorrow at being unable to call to see her until the end of the week. Muslin
  • There were skirmishes, flirtations and drunken fumblings all the way up the east coast, but never the right person or the right time.
  • Greek frontman K'noup's melodies in and out of rockish flirtations and massed unison celebrations with some of his eight bandmates. LA Weekly | Complete Issue
  • Contributing to the increase in the number of smokers is the flirtation practice of smirting, a ritual of flirting outside pubs using cigarettes as the social piece to do so. Charles Kennedy, Hypocrisy and Consistency
  • The brief flirtation with shares of a few years ago has been forgotten, except by those unfortunate believers who missed out on the chance to get into the housing market when a basic home was still affordable.
  • Even the most prudent club in the division, found the European experience far from rewarding, as bonus payments to players cost more than was recouped from their brief flirtation with the cup.
  • Women and men everywhere have been writing to me about their infidelities, about all kinds of affairs - emotional affairs, physical affairs, flirtations, etc.
  • Eventually it becomes clear to him that Sarah has simultaneously been carrying on a flirtation with another lodger.
  • But are we talking about the real thing, or a little dalliance at the drinks dispenser and a flirtation at the photocopier? Times, Sunday Times
  • It has the world's most famous beaches, the world's most desirable bodies, and inspires the world's most outrageous flirtations.
  • Music itself; and, piling all the upholsteries and ingenuities that other human art could do, had lighted them into a bonfire to illuminate an hour's flirtation of Singedelomme, Mahogany, and these improper persons! The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not suppose the calculating wretch intended to push the 'flirtation' beyond what he called brotherly and sisterly conduct. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 1, July, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • You need a new flirtation in your life to feel alive. The Sun
  • Only Ebie Fairrish, struck to the heart by the inconstancy of Jess, removed at the November term back again to the "laigh end" of the parish, and there plunged madly into flirtations with several of his old sweethearts. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • How many drunken flirtations have you had with complete strangers that you normally would be too nervous/discerning to approach when sober?
  • What we essentially get, therefore, is a compendium of snapshots; domestic frustrations, meaningful glances, subtle slights, and not-so-subtle flirtations.
  • I suspect its some kind of puritan overcompensation for their long-term flirtation with those wicked, wicked Kennedy boys. SurveyUSA: Hillary And Romney Way Ahead In Massachusetts
  • The latter sometimes leaned forward, and tried to divert a little of the flirtation to herself, but the flirters snubbed her with short answers, and presently she gave up and sat still in the sad patience of uncourted women. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • I spent my lunch hour talking to co-workers about my brief flirtation with joining a convent and as a result, got absolutely no studying done today.
  • My flirtation with Abba music consisted of drag shows with outrageous costumes and lipsynching, which mind you, I thoroughly enjoy.
  • Griffey's on-again, off-again flirtation with the disabled list has limited him to 26 games and two home runs. - Second-half success turns on key players
  • But his desire to get big banks back into that lending game runs into his boss's flirtation with forcing banks to divest themselves of those businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barring that brief flirtation with laxness during the second half, Hibs were efficiency personified.
  • There was a lot to be said for flirtation and mutual admiration.
  • QUOTATION: Coquetry whets the appetite; flirtation depraves it. Quotations
  • Heartbreaking though it was to prove my parents right yet again in their decision not to buy me my own skates as my flirtation with the ice would be a passing affair, I turned my attention to a nice dry, warm, indoor sport - basketball.
  • The gesture was playful enough to be part of the throw-away flirtation that was Jerry's stock and trade.
  • The couples on the street showed a noteworthy equality, and everyday flirtation is carried out, in general, without sexist airs.
  • Worse, the way they are playing, it looks as though a flirtation with relegation may well be turning into a long-term relationship.
  • Not to me, quiet, creeping unobtrusively about the old house, childminding, never a whisper of flirtation in me. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Ideophones occur profusely in daily interaction in Siwu in a corpus of 65+ minutes of natural discourse (3000 utterances), there are 240 ideophone tokens chatter, arguments, stories, deliberation, flirtation, gossip, greeting routines, etc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She had no objection to a little mild flirtation .
  • The British have enjoyed a flirtation with American design for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my opinion, this flirtation shows blatant disrespect towards you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Passions for golf, parties and flirtations are all he willingly owns up to.
  • My flirtation with him was an honest mistake.
  • Premiered in Berlin in 2005, the work is a flirtation with minimalism, or at least with the technique of motoric repetition in overlapping cycles or phases.
  • You need a new flirtation in your life to feel alive. The Sun
  • Much Ado About Nothing portrays the return from war of Don Pedro and his men and the subsequent courtships, flirtations, practical joking and witty conversations.
  • There's no reason to impugn the reputations of any of those names above, save A-Rod, who admitted what he called a flirtation with PEDs a few years ago. The Seattle Times
  • Was there some intercouple friction or frisson or flirtation? The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Network Ten's brief flirtation with wrestling matches on Saturday night prime time may have been short lived, but despite this, WWE games sell particularly well in Australia.
  • I felt the blood rush to my face, and I saw others glance around reprovingly when a city girl who sat behind me, and carried on a whispered flirtation with a fopling at her side during Mr. Rhodes's speech, drawled: Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • The friend says, ‘I kind of felt that they just wanted not to hear more about Arnold and his women or his flirtations.’
  • In my opinion, this flirtation shows blatant disrespect towards you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every now and then, for instance, Hanna would start up and commence a series of little flirtations with the blackbird, which she called her sweetheart, and again resume her chat and seat as before; or she would attempt to catch a butterfly as it fluttered about her, or sometimes give it pursuit over half the green, whilst Kathleen sat with laughing and delighted eyes, and a smile of unutterable sweetness on her lips, watching the success of this innocent frolic. The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • It was fairly soon after my brief flirtation with full-time employment as an advertising copywriter. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • And I was half-considering-maybe-but-let's-face-it-no-way-on-Earth talking to her and trying to get some kind of flirtation going.
  • Of course I spoil your flirtation, or whatever it is you call it, with your cousin.
  • The novel is Barnes's first foray into the genre after a long flirtation with flash fiction and the longer short story.
  • In the cafe in Vienna, the women reminisce about their flirtations with the men's swimming and water polo teams also making the trip.
  • The interaction is just superb, there's a touch of flirtation in it that's beautifully handled, and they're so alike.
  • She was aware of his attempts at flirtation.
  • He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.
  • Some of us have become so worried about causing offence or sending the wrong signals that we are in danger of losing our natural talent for playful, harmless flirtation.
  • In all that time, following an all-too brief flirtation with the big time, they employed a total of 12 managers to try and spark a revival in fortunes.
  • She had no objection to a little mild flirtation .
  • Anna was in a very good mood and, when I questioned her on it, she told me that she had met Martin, a graduate student whom she had previously met and had a brief innocent flirtation with while she was seeing Bill.
  • But her flirtation with hats was far from over and several years later a friend introduced her to the then Laura Ashley hat designer Jane Smith, who taught her how to make feather head pieces.
  • There seems to be titillating flirtation that transpires -- vocalization, sniffing, nuzzling, nipping, or flehmen response -- all of which involve the stallion seeing and interacting with a mare's head and forebody. News
  • The thick-cut slices of duck breast were described as char-grilled, but it can only have been the most fleeting flirtation with the grill.
  • What had happened in the kitchen was a calculated wooing, tease, flirtation, safely outrageous.
  • In a recent column I even described my brief flirtation with the skin trade.
  • He said ancient Athenians may have honed the art of flirtation at drinking parties known as symposia, drinking parties where men flirted with dancing girls among other entertainment. Reuters: Top News
  • My only flirtation with blonde has been a sprinkling of highlights, unless you count a one night stand with a mane of white curls which purported to be a Charlie's Angels wig but looked more like one of Dolly Parton's rejects.
  • He turned out to be a film producer in town to promote his new movie and we had the most wonderful conversation about its prospects and the ups and downs of the creative life. Had I been younger, flirtation might have been on the menu.
  • Capricorns have little instinctive knowledge of how to play the dating game and are too earnest with their emotions to respond to light-hearted flirtation with carefree abandon.
  • Much Ado About Nothing looks at courtship, flirtation, practical joking and deceptions in the setting of a leisurely country house party.
  • There is always a flirtation, a real sexual current.
  • I am at a point where I have to decide if I want to do something serious with technology or continue to waste my time with the casual flirtation.
  • After a brief flirtation with the idea of hiring a small crane to transport his books, he hauled both them and himself all the way up to dorm 96.
  • At Campobello there were not more than half enough young men, and there was not enough flirtation to affect the prevailing social mood of the place: an unfevered, expectationless tranquillity, in which to-day is like yesterday, and to-morrow cannot be different. April Hopes
  • She had enjoyed the camaraderie of colleagues, and the mild flirtation which often underlay it.
  • In my opinion, this flirtation shows blatant disrespect towards you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Honest, open communication about flirtation, sexuality and attraction are in my eyes key to a healthy relationship.
  • Delphine has been married, has been through the mill of coy flirtation and courtship, spectacular marriage, adultery, and now is really keen on seeing to it that others learn from her experiences.
  • And what would a ball be without this undercurrent of what we call flirtation; in reality, this yearning for the one in the multitude. A Heart-Song of To-day
  • His non-judgmental cinema creates a flirtation utilizing an unsentimental balance between compassion and sensitivity, steeped in subtly deep melodrama but frequently with an overall bleak and pessimistic outlook. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 1/5.
  • Sadhana pursed her lips and glared at Suraiya, who had just told her, in a burbly excited voice quite different from her usual sober and properly restrained young-married-woman tones, that Eric Redding had come right out that morning, after a week's worth of “impossibly adult flirtation” and asked her out! For the Sake of the Boy
  • He started his own business last year, after a brief flirtation with political life.
  • There were skirmishes, flirtations and drunken fumblings all the way up the east coast, but never the right person or the right time.
  • Sydney's sole flirtation with the horror of British post-war tower block public housing looms large on the Redfern horizon and tellingly, most shopfronts in the commercial hub still have Beirut Blinds.
  • It was fairly soon after my brief flirtation with full-time employment as an advertising copywriter. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Beneath the colonnade, although urged on by a small band of string-players, the debonair couples are too involved in their flirtations and gossip to join the leaders of the dance.
  • From my psychotherapeutic activity, I know too well how much vileness and perversity are gently covered by the term flirtation nowadays in the circle of those who have learned early to conceal the traces. Psychology and Social Sanity
  • The decorous sentimental verses written by patroness and client during such visits hint at a platonic salon flirtation.
  • To borrow Emma's prophetic statement, "[Frank's] gallantry is really unanswerable" (III. vii, 333), and in the aftermath of Box Hill no account surfaces that can explain fully his motives or his part in the flirtation. Unanswerable Gallantry and Thick-Headed Nonsense: Rereading Box Hill
  • Much Ado About Nothing portrays the return from war of Don Pedro and his men and the subsequent courtships, flirtations, practical joking and witty conversations.
  • I spot him near a door to what looks like the kitchen, chatting with a woman somewhere near my age who laughs at something he's said and gives him a playful thwack on the arm that has flirtation written all over it.
  • The children's flirtation with radicalism and terrorism is a function of two factors - time and opportunity.
  • Eventually, Paul and the nanny begin a flirtation that evolves into an affair.
  • A friendship later became a stormy relationship that has survived several breakups, flirtations with other partners and even the occasional fistfight.
  • The older adults played vingt-et-un (Twenty-one) or other card games while the young danced and engaged in flirtations until the party dispersed near daybreak.
  • I suspect its some kind of puritan overcompensation for their long-term flirtation with those wicked, wicked Kennedy boys. SurveyUSA: Hillary And Romney Way Ahead In Massachusetts
  • At least, though, I learnt my lesson during my brief flirtation with this dangerous game.
  • Although they appeared to be hamming it up for the camera, there was definitely a frisson of flirtation.
  • A friendship later became a stormy relationship that has survived several break-ups, flirtations with other partners and even the occasional fistfight.
  • In my opinion, this flirtation shows blatant disrespect towards you. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had a mild flirtation with him when they first met.
  • She's jealous that Peter confides in me and not in her, offended that Dussel doesn't re - spond sufficiently to her flirtations and afraid her husband's going to squander all the fur-coat money on to - bacco. The Diary Of A Young Girl

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