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How To Use Flinty In A Sentence

  • Instead, we butted through the heaving, flinty grey water towards the narrow passageway that separates Karmoy from the mainland.
  • Portraying the flinty faces of science - daunting complexity twinned with numbing wonder - demands both craft and art.
  • Who can resist the flinty crispness of baked pecans, suspended in a maple-goo inside short, buttery pastry?
  • London metropolitan types also think I possess a kind of doughty flinty independent spirit which they wish they had so they too could flee the bars of Charlotte Street and the watering holes of Soho.
  • On the outside she is as hard as nails, those flinty eyes constantly darting about, seeking the next opportunity to make a quick buck. The Sun
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  • Meanwhile at the opposite counter a deaf and grisly tradesman was casting a flinty look at certain cards, apparently combining advantages of business with religion, and shoutingly proposed to him in Daniel Deronda
  • Burley was hewn from flinty, industrial Ayrshire.
  • She often has only a few moments of screentime to get across what phase Lureen is in, but as we follow her from a wild and flirty girl to a flinty woman trapped in a loveless marriage we feel a complete and three dimensional character.
  • Her character, Anna, is one of the great female parts - too flinty to be dismissed as a ladette, too smart to be written off as a hedonistic bimbo.
  • In their intense concentration, they neither move nor whimper while their brown fur, wet and bemired with hunting, appears all of one color with the earth like two animate objects formed from the flinty Pennsylvania soil.
  • It appears to be a little cavern of death; a wooden stake has been driven through the privates of one of the fellas, while a flinty knife points at the woman.
  • Chert is sometimes called hornstone; also the term chert is often applied to any impure flinty rock, including jaspers. Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • Shape and texture terms tend to be applied to wines with a high degree of acidity, as angular, austere, flinty, steely.
  • His immediate response showed showed his flinty ad-lib ability.
  • In photos from this period, the flinty gaze is not yet apparent.
  • But, believe me, in "contrariwise," he is flinty obsidian when it comes to his convictions. The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
  • There is something old-fashioned in his manner which may explain why he excels as gruff authority figures and flinty men of the West.
  • An excellent performance against Kildare in Leinster and a thrilling win over Offaly in the first round of the qualifiers made Carlow a more flinty proposition than normal, but Limerick stayed calm and eased their way diligently past.
  • The winter wheats are, as a rule, more soft and starchy than the spring wheats, which are usually corneous or flinty to different degrees. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Duvall gave him a flinty stare.
  • He pledged to keep a flinty eye on it and vowed to slay the threatening blip should it grow.
  • The protection of these historic cities is faced with the flinty challenge and good opportunity.
  • The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed milch cattle of Switzerland.
  • I settled for one hand on the lower rung and a flinty gaze into the middle distance, careful not to meet his eye.
  • The beach was flinty; there was no pavement, no electricity, no scuba divers with credit cards.
  • Tickets for a private Fred-ception are $500. $50 is what it takes for flinty Granite Staters to get into the general reception. Jennifer Donahue: View from New Hampshire: There's Not As Much Red Without Fred
  • Classic Sancerre ingredients all coming together skillfully with sharpish gooseberry fruit rolling along a mineral path leading to a flinty finale. 5 Stars.
  • Ill-concealed beneath the impeccably civilised surface of the Portuguese filmmaker's comedies there bristles a flinty refusal to take any prisoners.
  • From the coiled, flinty Gethsemane, through the almost jaunty I'll Tag Along and One Door Opens to the slurred tango of First Breath, this is an album of exciting accomplishment.
  • I'll provide some facts and my own point of view on our recent history to challenge his flinty attitude.
  • The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed milch cattle of Switzerland.
  • Laurie Sansom's production hits its emotional straps, and Jones delivers moving scene after scene of rising, fractious, heart-rending drama and flinty, defiant humour.
  • He had bright, flinty eyes and an air of silent confidence - one of those men whose alpha status seems to emanate from their pores, their rank in any group somehow implicit, beyond question.
  • Now, there was a flinty look in Eddie's eye and a grim expression on his face as he sat down alongside the assistant coach and the manager.
  • At 70, the flinty jazz diva took her final bow.
  • This wine is spot-on in quality and price, and reveals rounded apple notes threaded with flinty acidity. 7 / 10
  • Coupled with the characteristic flinty aftertaste of the Chablis this is a great white to slurp.
  • Snarf it with a flinty white and think of me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The distressed surfaces, with their flinty earth tones, cobalt blues and nacreous whites, hold light like rough alabaster.
  • The flinty soil there makes for a robust, nutty grain and the sea frets mellow it to a delicious flavour
  • His immediate response showed showed his flinty ad-lib ability.
  • He is a famously flinty treasury secretary, a man suspicious of international aid and bailouts, who isn't afraid to say so.
  • Bougrier Tourraine 1998 Sauvignon Blanc, $9.95 - A delicate, crisp white wine with tart fruit flavours and a subtle, flinty finish.
  • At times, the performance even seemed to display in equal measures the vitality of a young Eric Black and the flinty resolve of Terry Butcher.
  • Can there even be a Conservative with a heart so black and flinty that he or she would oppose a program to improve the quality and accessiblity of American community colleges? Obama: Community colleges can help boost ailing economy
  • The distressed surfaces, with their flinty earth tones, cobalt blues and nacreous whites, hold light like rough alabaster.
  • As loose cooperation between countries, the economic cooperation in GMS confronts flinty strategic and practical challenges.
  • It was, in many ways, his finest appearance - the flinty New Englander's feelings on full display for perhaps the first time in his candidacy.
  • His epic-length reflections sweep aside not only the flinty facts, but the vital importance of history and tradition in our constitutional architecture.
  • She gazed upon those chiseled granite features, the sharp angle of his jaw, the stubborn chin, the hooded eyes whose flinty gaze could penetrate with spearlike precision. Earl of Durkness
  • But when he goes behind the curtain and sheds the costume, a flinty, thin-skinned, immature man who has never taken responsibility for his mistakes emerges.
  • Curiously, they all carry (wear, pet, hug) rocks on strings like prehistoric necklaces - a metaphor, perhaps, for survival in a flinty world of not very much.
  • Chert is sometimes called hornstone; also the term chert is often applied to any impure flinty rock, including jaspers. Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico :
  • He is able to get outside his flinty, tightly wrapped personality just enough to convince a majority of voters that he deserves another chance.
  • So here was Orwell, famous for being a flinty man of integrity, in effect throwing in the towel.
  • Perhaps this helps to explain why digging for randomness in the flinty soil of physics is such hard work.
  • Who can resist the flinty crispness of baked pecans, suspended in a maple-goo inside short, buttery pastry?
  • Rumpled and flinty-looking, with a kind of rawhide, folksy sincerity, Russell epitomized the rugged and independent spirit of the West. Zane Grey, Romancing the West
  • The grey, flinty slopes covered in the serried ranks of vineyards, gave way to the high pastures, the Alpine meadows, which nourished the famed cattle of Switzerland.
  • Courage and insight, action, motion are flinty , arrogant, sharp, fight.
  • The always reliable actress brings a flinty edge to the formidable Maggie.
  • There is something old-fashioned in his manner which may explain why he excels as gruff authority figures and flinty men of the West.
  • Seas shift their beds, rivers change their channels, continents grow old with the weight of years and hoary crowns bestud the islands, while ocean currents grind their rocky feet to dust and scatter their flinty ribs in the secret chambers of the deep. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • his flinty gaze
  • London metropolitan types also think I possess a kind of doughty flinty independent spirit which they wish they had so they too could flee the bars of Charlotte Street and the watering holes of Soho.
  • To let the sailors go ashore with us, we drew up the boat on the rock several feet, and made it fast with a line knotted into a crevice between two fragments of flinty sienite rock at the foot of the crags. Left on Labrador or, The cruise of the Schooner-yacht 'Curlew.' as Recorded by 'Wash.'
  • But she is a flinty character who won't leave without a fight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combined with his flinty voice, the results are often bluesy and hypnotic without being dirge-like. The Short List: Steven Van Zandt Goes to Norway in 'Lilyhammer'
  • His voice broke piteously, but Bahzell only gazed down with flinty eyes, and something inside the landlord shriveled under their dreadful promise.
  • Caleb augured the worst, turned a deaf ear to the trio aforesaid, and was moving doggedly on, his ancient castor pulled over his brows, and his eyes bent on the ground, as if to count the flinty pebbles with which the rude pathway was causewayed. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • He had a hard, flinty, businesslike look to him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its problem is that it is a very flinty wine that leaves a kind of sour aftertaste on every possible opportunity.
  • I mean, how confident are you that you will convince those flinty eyed people over at Finance that you've got a case for more money?
  • In Sarah, he had found a tall, power-dressing, glamorous partner, serious and flinty, with a successful business record in developing a right-on public relations company.
  • It is generally medium to full bodied with aflinty aftertaste.
  • His important poems were mostly published at this time, in 1650 and 1655, in the collection which he named 'Silex Scintillans' (The Flaming Flint), a title explained by the frontispiece, which represents a flinty heart glowing under the lightning stroke of God's call. A History of English Literature
  • I happen to like feisty political personalities with regional color whether they are flinty Vermonters or silky Mississipians.
  • Her character, Anna, is one of the great female parts - too flinty to be dismissed as a ladette, too smart to be written off as a hedonistic bimbo.
  • The latter spoke first, gaze turning flinty as she turned her attention to the uninvited guest.
  • The heat of this water before it rose out of the earth could not be ascertained, as water looses all its heat above 212 (as soon as it is at liberty to expand) by the exhalation of a part, but the flinty bason which is deposited from it shews that water with great degrees of heat will dissolve siliceous matter. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Chevy's chassis boffins have reinforced the convertible so that it is at least as stiff as the coupe—despite its lacking the cross-bracing rigidity of a hardtop—and the shock and spring rates are just as flinty as the coupe's. A Genuine Ragtop Road Monster, Leaks and All
  • His father was a naval commander of "flinty and adamant" Tory views who became a school bursar. Christopher Hitchens obituary
  • As I tramped pale flinty paths through the cornfields, larks sang and March hares frolicked.
  • Under my feet the flinty soil shattered into a thousand arrows pointing a hundred different ways.
  • This show of sincere affection had no affect on the flinty-headed calculator of other people's nativities. Jack London's Parentage

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