
How To Use Flimsy In A Sentence

  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • The metal hinges feel rather flimsy. The Sun
  • As Mona she wears glittering, flimsy garments with sheer embroidered scarves, hennaed hair, nail varnish and lipstick.
  • The army's Quartermaster Corps, unaccustomed to providing for the needs of a wartime force, had disbursed flimsy, floorless tents; as a result, Grant and the rest of the four - thousand - man force slept in the cold mud, protected from the elements by thin woolen blankets. 'The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848'
  • She is inside, her flimsy clothing soaked through.
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  • If she do not gravitate too irresistibly towards that class of New-Era people (which includes whatsoever we have of prurient, esurient, morbid, flimsy, and in fact pitiable and unprofitable, and is at a sad discount among men of sense), she may get into good tracks of inquiry and connection here, and be very useful to herself and others. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol II
  • But super-power trappings offer only a flimsy mask for the realities of poverty and are no substitute for grassroots economic development.
  • In Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief, diamond-nabber Bill Mason notes notes a strange security trend: people will spend big bucks to have a whole host ultra-sophisticated locks on their front doors -- but they'll put something flimsy on the back door, or leave the windows unlocked altogether. Defense Tech: Lock the back door, too
  • Their flimsy tent gave/offered little protection against the severe storm.
  • Some pairs breed very early and will soon be making a flimsy nest of twigs in the branches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other avocado trees grew tall and rather flimsy as they were planted too close together and we did not realise that we should have topped them.
  • We cross and recross the sheer drop, swinging on ropes and balancing on flimsy-feeling ladders. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's my own duty to expose Caz for the flimsy lies and unfounded insults she slaps up here on a weekly basis.
  • The effectiveness of even the best quality locks will be reduced if a door frame is flimsy.
  • Rolando the Lasso, and flaunt on the flimsyfilmsies for to grig my collage juniorees who, though they flush fuchsia, are they octette and virginity in my shade but always my figurants. Finnegans Wake
  • You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.
  • I took the flimsy song words on paper and ripped them up, till coloured confetti showered on my legs and hands.
  • This sort of abuse will break a too brittle blade or loosen a flimsy blade pivot, but it stood up to this challenge before shaving off more ribbons of paper as cleanly as it had at the beginning.
  • Of all my second viewing fluctuations, I'm most pleased to say that the cast entire fares much better when not jumping off the screen like flimsy cardboard cutouts, which is to say that I no longer feel so ungodly embarrassed for the lot of them. Avatar: Notes on a Second Viewing
  • The relatively flimsy sukkah is a striking reminder that our lives on earth are but temporary, and our reliance and trust are not in our material possessions but in our faithful and loving Father and in the One who "tabernacled" among us - Yeshua, His Son and our Messiah. Lent & Beyond
  • The leaders pointed to previous alleged assassination plots based on what they called flimsy evidence.
  • Suddenly they all seem desperately flimsy for the job.
  • Nor, perhaps, did they wish the supernatural to meld with the sexual, as otherworldly beings turned out to be alluring mortal women in flimsy garments. Scott Repatriated?: La Dame blanche Crosses the Channel
  • The commercial world can no longer fob us off with these flimsy excuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Balancing a flimsy umbrella on her shoulder, she began to walk as stately and imperially as ever, into a nearby inn and bar.
  • They can kick open a door with a flimsy lock easily, so a solid lock will make it much less vulnerable. The Sun
  • On top of it all was a flimsy, translucent material embedding the palm trees picture.
  • And the houses, what you call houses, are flimsy little abodes. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • Yet it's stale and flimsy, its tame, outdated sitcom style as obsolete as a minidisc. Times, Sunday Times
  • One touch, one thought, one look was enough to break through the flimsy barrier.
  • He knelt there rocking to-and-fro in the flimsy coracle, the waves almost coming over its sides, he legs becoming numb with cold and tried to remember. A Sorcerous Mist
  • Although it has a superficial sheen, the film is mired in structural errors, weak plot contrivances and flimsy characterisation.
  • The nail file on these clippers is about two inches long - if that - and incredibly flimsy.
  • And while the reporter and photographer were at the site, its lack of security was shown when a group of teenage boys easily slipped through the flimsy plastic fence to switch on a water pipe.
  • Boasting four fire buttons, plus a fairly flimsy throttle control, this too has plenty of features.
  • Modern plastics and latex materials are too elastic and flimsy to compete with nature's brilliant design.
  • A couple of psychologists have claimed on the basis of very flimsy evidence that Australians are particularly " authoritarian".
  • Ellen thinks that the stranger has made a flimsy connection between the name ‘messmate’ and mates on a troopship.
  • Meanwhile, the drunken man on the other side of the room was struggling to break free of the flimsy curtain that separated us.
  • As Noel kept up a commentary on his life in the aborigine reservations, he also showed pictures of how tin shanties and flimsy tents were the ‘homes’ of the aborigines for the better part of the 20th century.
  • The plain if deeply unpleasant fact is that history's hard men are not deterrable by the flimsy threat of eventual prosecution. A United Nations Court For Gadhafi?
  • This was much more important than the flimsy physical evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The families had erected flimsy tents by stitching rags together.
  • And would love deepen and mature as a result, or would it be too flimsy to withstand the onslaught? Times, Sunday Times
  • a flimsy table
  • Also, a pair of tricksy pop-out cupholders hide behind a flimsy bit of plastic on the passenger side.
  • French supermarkets, bless them, no longer give out flimsy plastic carriers.
  • The door is very flimsy. Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness
  • He had on a blue V-neck sweater over a loose T-shirt, a short, rather flimsy jacket, jeans, sneakers, and no hat.
  • Air rage, DVT, in-flight radiation - these are flimsy reasons for staying out of the skies.
  • At seventy-five feet Sea Dragon had been larger than Hsu Fu and a much more substantial vessel than a flimsy bamboo raft.
  • Aid agencies are increasingly concerned about the plight of people trying to escape in overloaded and flimsy boats. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wears glittering, flimsy garments with sheer embroidered scarves, hennaed hair, nail varnish and lipstick.
  • Flimsy storylines concentrate on chaste boy-girl relationships, with hip-grinding dance numbers providing enough sex to titillate the audience without upsetting India's puritanical film censors.
  • He uncrumpled the bag from around the water bottle and let the light flimsy plastic drift down behind him, idly fiddling with opening the bottle.
  • When I asked him why he was late, he gave me some flimsy excuse about having car trouble.
  • She felt cold in her flimsy dress.
  • In some spots, villagers were building cinder-block houses, a sturdy if ugly improvement over their flimsy bamboo shacks.
  • But dismissing the idea wholesale, on this flimsy evidence, makes no more sense than giving up driving because your motor has failed its MOT.
  • The gauzy curtains might represent flimsy barriers that will be easy for you to push through to get what you need.
  • Only a flimsy barrier stops the crowd from spilling onto the field.
  • The paper support for this is a flimsy piece of plastic, and a wire loop.
  • This is a great way to extend the use of your flimsy summer dresses by making them wearable in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The credit for the most abominable use or misuse of plastic carry bags goes to the political parties and their feeder organisations, for whom the flimsy bags are handy and cheap decorative material.
  • Reality seemed flimsy; certainties were abandoned, and threats were constant.
  • Aristotle was charged with preferring flimsy theories and sterile syllogisms to the solid, fertile facts.
  • But that just means our parks are now full of special bins containing flimsy plastic bags packed with excrement.
  • He has always looked a chaser and his unexpected achievements over flimsy flights of timber make him a most exciting prospect.
  • And a formidable one at that – it's Hulk Hogan, who for two decades was the leading proponent of ripping flimsy T-shirts open, pretending to be deaf and flexing his saveloy-style arms in slow-motion to the sound of copyright-free hard rock music on VHS compilation tapes. Rosie O’Donnell Gets All Hubba Hubba Over Elisabeth Hasselbeck
  • They showed Long, primping and preening in flimsy muscle shirts that hugged every ripple in the fifty-seven year-old's startlingly chiseled physique. Zandile Blay: Bishop Eddie Long: A Wolf in Chic Clothing?
  • At seventy-five feet Sea Dragon had been larger than Hsu Fu and a much more substantial vessel than a flimsy bamboo raft.
  • First of all newspapers are rather flimsy by nature and thus quite perishable and this fragility tends to limit value.
  • The evidence was so flimsy that the case should never have gone to trial.
  • Most of all, the show's universe was flimsy and under-developed, the result of too much attention paid to thin allegory and facile real-world parallels, and not enough energy diverted to making Galactica's universe its own living creation. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • He literally trembled with excitement as he slid his right foot into the flimsy garment and pulled it up to his thigh.
  • The stars' likable performances make this flimsy romcom a better bet than you might imagine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The door is very flimsy. Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness
  • Evidence could also be flimsy, meaning a fiend could get off whereas under a caution guilt is assured. The Sun
  • He performed a samba that was clean, energetic and crisp, but the judges gave him very flimsy scores - tying him for last place in the round - insisting that his style was too "balletic" for the samba and that his feet weren't pointed correctly. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • Granted, the word "flimsy" overstates the fiction of separateness between the Republican super PACs and the candidates they are supporting. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • It could not be at the fact that, for all your hollow proclamations of the auteur's commitment to the work alone, this imposture is actually an artifical bolstering of a self-esteem that's actually quite frail and flimsy. How Not to be a Writer
  • He says, moreover, that all goods carried from the said islands are mere trifles, from which the land derives no profit -- such as porcelains, escritoires, caskets, fans, and parasols, all flimsy and very unprofitable. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 06 of 55 1583-1588 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • The nests of this species that I have seen have been very slight flimsy structures, nearly hemispherical cups, composed of fine twigs and the leaf-stalks of pennated leaves a little bound together with cobwebs and thinly lined with fine hair-like grass. The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
  • The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
  • The power that they wield appears flimsy — the most serious penalty they can levy is a rebuke to firms and individuals through public notices. Archive 2008-02-01
  • You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.
  • He had tied a plastic sheet to a flimsy paddle to use as a sail, and was using another oar as a rudder. The Sun
  • The school claimed that the decision was based on flimsy evidence from an unsatisfactory inspection in April.
  • They are allowed a few bolstering bits of flimsy cloth to try to retain an air of modesty despite being shoehorned into bras that are less about pushing up, and more about throwing out.
  • The headline-grabbing conclusion is drawn from exceedingly flimsy evidence.
  • He was no seaman, yet those vessels looked too flimsy to his landsman's eye.
  • That yellow bus with its flimsy metal sides and its driver I didn't know from Adam charioted away what was in effect everything to me. Tell No One
  • They sleep on flimsy mattresses and wrap themselves in parkas or sleeping bags to keep warm at night.
  • The crew wore hard hats but no safety harnesses as they balanced on the flimsy narrow structure. The Sun
  • The protesters hid behind flimsy tents and offered the journalists with them face masks as protection against the expected teargas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only later were they housed in flimsy huts where they continue to live today.
  • Motorway pumpers don't want flimsy or demure, we need dairy-farm efficiency - something bulky and rubberised.
  • The paper on which the books were printed was flimsy and cheap, and the books sold chiefly on the strength of their garish covers.
  • Forecasters said 80mph winds and heavy rain could uproot trees and flatten flimsy buildings. The Sun
  • They can kick open a door with a flimsy lock easily, so a solid lock will make it much less vulnerable. The Sun
  • Their flimsy tent gave/offered little protection against the severe storm.
  • Someone we love is dead; or a child is seriously ill; or a relationship that sustained us falls apart; or a family conflict devastates us; and we begin to see how flimsy and ethereal are money or success or influence.
  • Particularly pernicious examples of packaging are the flimsy plastic bags given out by stores in which to carry Stuff home, and single-serving bever age containers. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • One of the reviews in England said my songs were flip and flimsy trifles.
  • They were said to have sat on towels on the wrong side of a flimsy wooden safety fence close to the edge. The Sun
  • These range from flimsy ‘floating meadows’ of intertwined grass to thick rafts of peatlike material that often support rooted trees and are likely to support nests as well.
  • The tutor breakfasts on coffee made of beans, edulcorated with milk watered to the verge of transparency; his mutton is tough and elastic, up to the moment when it becomes tired out and tasteless; his coal is a sullen, sulphurous anthracite, which rusts into ashes, rather than burns, in the shallow grate; his flimsy broadcloth is too thin for winter and too thick for summer. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • My own only really substantive reference for him is L'opera architettonica e urbanistica di Armando Brasini dall'urbe Massima al Ponte sullo stretto di Messina published in 1979, an enormous and rather flimsy paperback edition of which I purchased in Rome when I was studying there. The Modern Baroque of Armando Brasini
  • Her costumes steal the show, flimsy cobwebs dew-dropped with crystals in shimmering colours.
  • States which are defenseless can be attacked at will, with the most flimsy pretexts and virtually no international support.
  • The hardware design felt "clunky" -- especially the flimsy-feeling sliding of the touchscreen, needed to reveal the keyboard underneath. LinuxInsider
  • The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
  • How can we raise a secure and objective historiographical edifice on such flimsy foundations?
  • My gracious! the best blanchisseuse in the land could not cope successfully with all that flimsy finery, laces and ribbons. Social life in old New Orleans : being recollections of my girlhood,
  • The commercial world can no longer fob us off with these flimsy excuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • A narrow, flimsy staircase led through a hole in the ceiling to another floor upstairs.
  • a flimsy argument
  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • Plus there was only a flimsy shower curtain between the two of us.
  • The optical drive's flimsy spring-loaded door is very chintzy.
  • The trouble has been that the seemingly flimsy excuse for a bread product really can be a diet buster.
  • All you should need to take is a pair of very flimsy flip-flops or sandals for the beach, a pair of trainers or canvas shoes to wander around in and a pair of evening shoes for nights out.
  • Now thousands of families face a snowy winter in flimsy plastic shelters, with only a few thin blankets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The countryside appeared largely depopulated, apart from the occasional cluster of flimsy refugees' tents pitched on frozen mud. Times, Sunday Times
  • His evidence is flimsy; his insouciance is disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paper on which the books were printed was flimsy and cheap, and the books sold chiefly on the strength of their garish covers.
  • One of the reviews in England said my songs were flip and flimsy trifles.
  • She was wearing a dress of pale muslin, sari-style, that clung like a gauzy skin but flounced out below the knee above thonged sandals; one ivory shoulder and both arms were bare, and as she swept towards me with a swift graceful stride the flimsy material outlined her figure - gad, it was all there. THE NUMBERS
  • The first thing to go should be expensive sting operations based on flimsy evidence. The Sun
  • Having forgotten his baseball cap in a hasty exit from his home after siesta, he has to make do with a flimsy local newspaper to fend off the Mesopotamian sun's hot temper.
  • The handbrake looks very out of place and somewhat flimsy compared to the rest of the interior.
  • Respect for minority rights is definitely important, but she was being overly sensitive in censuring this community-building event with her flimsy, misguided affirmative action notions.
  • It all seems rather flimsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there was the ultralight, a flimsy little tricycle fitted with a hang-glider's wings and a motor hooked up with a propeller.
  • It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
  • The protesters hid behind flimsy tents and offered the journalists with them face masks as protection against the expected teargas. Times, Sunday Times
  • flimsy construction
  • She looks pretty in a flimsy nightgown of a dress.
  • His office was smaller than her own, with only room for his throne, as he called it, and a flimsy whatnot that masqueraded as a desk. PROSPECT HILL
  • The storm flattened the flimsy wooden huts that the villagers lived in.
  • The following morning, I was rudely awakened by the loud downpour of rain bashing against the sides of our flimsy tent.
  • It's a flimsy effort, but oddly, to me, so much more real than anything I've put on this here digital contrivance.
  • The stars' likable performances make this flimsy romcom a better bet than you might imagine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or fury that a totally innocent young man has spent so long in jail when the evidence was always flimsy? Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the reason I want one of these things is that my current flimsy ticket keeps getting demagnetised when it goes anywhere near my phone.
  • I bellied up to a flimsy, portable bar that had been set up for the occasion.
  • That three of England's top six were bowled hints at flimsy defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Always wear sensible footwear around horses - flimsy sandals are dangerous. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • What is particularly fascinating, however, is that the whole story is built on such a very flimsy foundation.
  • It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
  • He had tied a plastic sheet to a flimsy paddle to use as a sail, and was using another oar as a rudder. The Sun
  • Scrap wood, darning needles, string and sealing wax held his flimsy contraption together.
  • A will-o'-the-wispish set of tortured facts, emotions, and flimsy philosophies, the arguments are super-charged with pure poppycock. Growing Pains
  • The crew wore hard hats but no safety harnesses as they balanced on the flimsy narrow structure. The Sun
  • Nothing that the US has done in Iraq marks a new strategy: not the flimsy pretext used to invade, not the doctrine of ‘preemptive war,’ nor America's unquenched need for empire.
  • Yes, McCarthy’s “analysis” of the Bybee/Yoo memoranda is flimsy and ideologically motivated, just like his criticisms of the AQ7. The Volokh Conspiracy » My Contribution to the NYT ‘Room for Debate’ Blog on the AQ7 Argument
  • Always wear sensible footwear around horses - flimsy sandals are dangerous. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • Walls are for cowards - those of massive ego but flimsy spine.
  • The flimsy familiar office chair that he†™ d grown old and fat in creaked as his weight shifted slowly off its edge. “Showtime” he muttered to himself. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • So I buy the wrong footwear, a flimsy slipper when my climbing style is better suited to a model with a thin mid sole.
  • If the plot of The Killer Inside Me seems flimsy -- even arbitrary and contrived -- well, that's an element of Thompson's stories: a fervid, almost feverish quality, a helplessness to deal with bad impulses and a quick canniness for covering one's tracks. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Killer Inside Me
  • One woman in Vicar Lane had already snapped the flimsy strap on her vest top, and laughed as her breast fell out to give a gang of cheering lads an eyeful.
  • Now thousands of families face a snowy winter in flimsy plastic shelters, with only a few thin blankets. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wore a flimsy white cotton dress with short sleeves, a pink sash about the waist, and a skirt that blew in the wind.
  • Picking up a small dandelion as they walked, Sara struggled to blow off all the flimsy, feathery seedlings.
  • All you should need to take is a pair of very flimsy flip-flops or sandals for the beach, a pair of trainers or canvas shoes to wander around in and a pair of evening shoes for nights out.
  • Not 25 yards behind me are nearly destitute people preparing to bed down for the night under flimsy pieces of cloth attached to poles.
  • I unzipped the covering and inwardly groaned at the sight of the flimsy white dress.
  • The metal hinges feel rather flimsy. The Sun
  • A far cry from those flimsy, grill-free clip-on fans you often see, the Propello creates some serious wind with an ultra-quiet ball-bearing motor. An Air of Cool
  • Recently, we have witnessed a powerful custom to adorn one's sukkah with images of tragic dwelling places throughout our country and in the developing world: FEMA trailers, African huts of wood and thatching, flimsy tents, dilapidated shacks and even small cars that have become makeshift homes. Rabbi Aaron Alexander: Huts Of Joy, Homes Of Shelter
  • His evidence is flimsy; his insouciance is disturbing. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you ask Ned Wright, a UCLA astrophysicist and WISE principal investigator, he'll tell you, "It's really kind of flimsy. It's there, but they don't have super data.
  • The flimsy structure of the vehicle could not withstand even mild impacts.
  • Another visitor who arrived just before the Bigelow party took one look at the flimsy contrivance and declined to descend.
  • But when he'd asked, when he'd lifted a hand to my face and looked at me with those slumberous green eyes of his, any logic I'd possessed had crumbled like nothing more than a flimsy, false idol.
  • But like him, they assert the supremacy of their cause on flimsy grounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slide was flimsy, and if you had the help of a stout friend you could tip it over.
  • It was clear tens of thousands lost their homes and many perished in collapsed buildings that were flimsy and dangerous even under normal conditions. Stunned Haitians stacking victims by fallen homes
  • Proving prostitution or related charges like soliciting and trespassing is difficult, and in most cases the evidence is fairly flimsy.
  • As Mona she wears glittering, flimsy garments with sheer embroidered scarves, hennaed hair, nail varnish and lipstick.
  • Bastion, the biggest, staggered under the weight of my flimsy camera tripod. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a woman too, dressed in a flimsy robe, curled up in a chair just to the side of the big man.
  • The flimsy walls wobble in the faint summer breeze. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silvia (who makes an omelette to die for and has a nice line in flimsy clothing) works on the shop floor at the local underwear factory.
  • They were kept inside a flimsy wire fence on an undersized dirt lot.
  • It does not require even half an education to guess why he feels obliged to adduce flimsy evidence and extrapolate fanciful conclusions from it.
  • June unwrapped the flimsy tissue paper from one of the almond biscuits and rolled it carefully into a tube.
  • Each song received great cheers - and a couple of pairs of flimsy underwear were thrown onstage before the night ended.
  • So given the Aztec is unpressurized, the door is a flimsy little aluminium thing, and all the passengers were seatbelted, it wasn't as much of a Hollywood-type emergency as I first imagined.
  • It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
  • The first thing to go should be expensive sting operations based on flimsy evidence. The Sun
  • My flimsy jacket was inadequate for the freezing Japanese weather.
  • It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
  • Maybe that's why they're there, to add structural strength because of the somewhat flimsy nature of aluminium.
  • A warped rationale twisted and struggled madly to keep back the torrent rising against the flimsy barrier of his lie.
  • On the other hand, if your windows have other problems - balky hardware, flimsy construction, or whatever - window replacement may be the right move.
  • I took the flimsy song words on paper and ripped them up, till coloured confetti showered on my legs and hands.
  • The evidence against him is extremely flimsy .
  • Off she flapped, her flimsy cotton based trainers galumphing all the way.

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