How To Use Flimflam In A Sentence

  • But the only thing these people got for their effort - and their money - was flimflammed.
  • Will the grass-roots nation call these gentlemen to account for their freedom flimflamming of the past? The Tea Parties Are No 'Great Awakening'
  • As the movie's plot gets more embroiled, it becomes less coherent and amusing, climaxing as it does with a massive train derailment, a hostage situation, and a final bit of flimflammery that's truly just nonsensical.
  • I have created a special folder in which I toss notes on short problems with answers that are based on some sort of joke, swindle, misdirection, or other kind of flimflammery.
  • Frank Rich offers insight to the Bob Woodward affair with the Valerie Plame CIA leak, opening a window into the White House flimflams and the press's role in enabling them. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Frank Rich: All the President's Flacks
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  • ‘The Music Man’ is a masterful musical from 1957 about a traveling con-man who, for the first time in a long career of band-themed flimflammery, finally gets his foot caught in an Iowa door.
  • Also the local gas station is a haven for flimflam gas scams. Calakmul
  • The yellow metal couldn't be bribed, flattered, seduced, or flimflammed.
  • They are warned that, eventually, the Court will recommend that the District Attorney open up a new file to investigate this obvious financial flimflam.
  • They engaged in financial flimflam on an even larger scale in pushing through its record tax cut for the wealthy.
  • Stripping away all the flimflam, I thought I'd pick just six highlight vehicles that made their debut in Detroit - products I believe will make a major impression on the marketplace, though sometimes for different reasons.
  • Paulsen was a crook and a shyster, and McCain goes along with flimflams as did Bush, as he did when he sat with Bush/Obama last Fall, and blessed all this resultant madness. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s in Waxman-Markey?
  • In the context of her earlier flimflammery on this issue, that's simply not credible.
  • I was sick of his intellectual flimflam.
  • But in Auntie Eeee's opinion, only a flimflamming trollop would sell it. E. Jean Carroll: How to Sell Your Maidenhead
  • Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: USAID spins liabilities into assets again, as the administration eats its young, tossing depleted agencies at the pursuing mob ... do flimsier flimflams and smellier red herrings portend a last desperate all-or-nothing attempt to rule the world?' Burocracide: The NIE flap is but the tip of a very dangerous iceburg
  • As the interviewer made clear in the interview, the number is itself the product of a little numerical flimflam.
  • The grand-sounding phrase about freedom being a ‘long-distance race’ is just another piece of flimflam.
  • What makes combating Flimflam even more challenging is that he often flimflams management, who are impressed at "his" productivity. Jonathan Littman: Tips to Survive the Cubemate from Hell
  • If they already know they are deliberately flimflamming the public, there is an advantage to letting the public in on the ruse. KCFS Response to IDnet Proposal - The Panda's Thumb
  • A free and democratic society requires a citizenry that can not be easily swayed by statistical flimflammery.
  • He stipulates his own flimflammery early on—he who claims to be born to run actually lives now about 10 minutes from his hometown.
  • Each of them tries their hardest to get one of the opposition sent off through cheating, faking, and as much general flimflammery as they can muster.
  • I have not been with Gorilla since he and I were young and flimflamming the tourists around New York Harbor, telling them that the Statue of Liberty is green on account of it was a gift from the generous people of Mars. Michael Winship: Making Ends Meet in Coin-Operated Washington
  • Paul Krugman in the NYT sees nothing but flimflammery, and I tend to agree with him. Paulson and the Regulators
  • Moreover, as Charles Krauthammer argues, CBO's figures on ObamaCare are based on false premises topped off with accounting "flimflammery. ObamaCare for less
  • Here in Norway we have our fair share of flimflam.
  • The trailer is also a nice, atmospheric flimflam, selling the film's terror while, surprisingly, avoiding all its tedium.
  • Having said that, it's good to see your newspaper lighten up a bit with the occasional flimflam such as this.
  • We're so busy making money that we may not always be squeaky clean, so be prepared to expose financial flimflammery. Globe and Mail
  • Not mean or scolding, mind you, but a look that saw right threw my scams, shams and flimflams. Helen Thomas and the Watchdogs of the Golden Bull
  • And thus came all the later linguistic flimflammery. The Volokh Conspiracy » Putting Heidegger in the library’s grave of discarded lies
  • Values and ideologies certainly did play a role in affecting voter decisions, but to label the contest an ‘ideological battleground’ requires downplaying or ignoring the veil of flimflammery and flapdoodle behind which the political parties all too often concealed their ideas.
  • He threw around the word "flimflam," as in Ryan is "serving up leftovers from the 1990s, drenched in flimflam sauce. The Patriot Post
  • If you haven't been flimflammed into seeing this one yet, don't bother.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Frank Rich: All the President\'s Flacks'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Frank Rich offers insight to the Bob Woodward affair with the Valerie Plame CIA leak, opening a window into the White House flimflams and the press\'s role in enabling them.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Frank Rich: All the President's Flacks
  • The most longstanding, and perhaps easiest, criticism of these fantasies is that they are unreal - mere flimflam or tinsel, designed to distract, and so dupe, the purchaser of the fantasy.
  • But, though sober reason told him this, it was astonishingly comforting to be going to some one who could be relied on to see the facts of the situation without any of that 'flimflam' with which imagination is accustomed to surround them. The Freelands
  • Midway through this month, a Wall Street Journal headline captured the flimflam spirit that infuses so much of what passes for mass communications these days: ‘Despite Slump, Students Flock to Ad Schools.’
  • Flimflam is not mere deception but an invitation to be entertained by deception.
  • He reacted to the admonishment with another lengthy piece, batting back the insinuations of journalistic flimflammery.
  • Once again, the Bush administration is flimflamming the hapless Democratic majority in Congress into rushing an important piece of legislation into law without serious thought or debate about the implications. Joe Galloway: Wake-up Call
  • Are you trying to say, Justin, that these blessed people are using trickery, skullduggery, flimflammery, shams, pretence, to ply their trade?
  • ‘We want footie, not flimflam,’ screams one headline.
  • This will help them in explaining the various flimflams of Wall Street and city leaders. A Boot Camp For the Media
  • He used "flimflam" elsewhere and concluded that "the Ryan plan is a fraud that makes no useful contribution to the debate over America's fiscal future. The Patriot Post
  • They followed with some odd flimflammery, as the Post reports: The commission leaders said that, at present, federal revenue is fully consumed by three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Scammed: What Shirley Sherrod and Social Security Have in Common
  • All they need do is drop me an e-mail every time an under-sub-deputy-director of flimflam convenes a background briefing.
  • Mexico's history contains its share of such flimflammery in rude and violent acts. Printing: Mexico: Sex Slaves (Part II)
  • Before science took over the healing arts and focused physicians' attention on biological causes of disease, mystics and alchemists and flimflam artists alike offered potions and powders to the ailing.
  • Forget all the flimflam about whether there are sufficient sexual services in Christchurch.
  • The only justification for this bipartisan legislative flimflam is that a prescription-drug benefit needs a certain number of holes to come in at a mandated 10-year cost of $400 billion.
  • And this flimflammery is all because Republican leaders understand that after their two years blocking the Will of the People, after John Boehner saying "We will not compromise our principles," after trying to convince people that the Republican Party is now in charge -- they know that they now have to put up or shut up. Robert J. Elisberg: Where There's a Will, There's Away
  • And why are they publishing such obvious flimflam?
  • The show—which includes nonsense songs, surreal dance numbers, a visit from a mystery guest, and the staging of a terrible play—takes its energy and much of its shape from an arsenal of genial flimflammery.
  • Ill intentions, flimflammery, and greed had no role in the process. In the Plex
  • In other words, instead of glamorizing Sarah like The Times did with this biker edition Cover Girl photo and the movie lot "Easy Rider" title, what if the media published photos of Team Palin -- in this case, at Sunday's Rolling Thunder veteran POW/MIA motorcycle ride starting at the Pentagon -- as the flimflam they really are? Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: What if the Media Stopped Sensationalizing Sarah Palin?
  • But this word does not apply to them, even if they are guilty of the kind of flimflam that would send common hucksters to prison.
  • Rudolf Steiner was a complete nutcase," Mr. Smith writes, "a flimflam man with a tremendous imagination, a combination if you will, of an LSD-dropping Timothy Leary with the showmanship of a P.T. Barnum. Biodynamics: Natural Wonder or Just a Horn of Manure?
  • Is he a flimflam artist who talked about reducing government while actually expanding it?
  • The most disturbing lesson is that it is not too difficult to flimflam the public on the most consequential matter there is.
  • The trick is not be distracted by the stupid claims and just to focus on what's important here; everything else is just flimflammery.
  • Ratliff quietly casts shame upon the walking dead of Trinity by allowing for gray area and trusting that his audience is keen enough to know a flimflam when it sees one.
  • I was sick of his intellectual flimflam.
  • I note that book publishing itself is becoming much more honest, truthful, unimpeachable, authentic, and precise about everything from numbers of books sold to the unvarnished, unexaggerated, unerring, and unaffected stories it tells as all who toil and sweat in this scrupulous business strive as best we can to maintain the veracious sheen-of-sham and hocus pocus so inherently attached like Superglue to our equivocated reputations for flimflam and fiddle-dee-dee. Obscure Books, Part II - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • His parents are putting his little sister to bed with the usual Christmas Eve flimflam about Santa not coming to awake children.
  • Let's start with the fact that none of the flimflam men behind the high-level financial swindles will have to do any time behind bars.
  • Be careful, New York is full of slick flimflam men.
  • Instead, we get the flimflam of the weasel words that are scattered through this legislation about environmental sustainability and economic benefits.
  • There will be no way to add a dollar to the profit margin by flimflamming employees. Proposals to Save America, Part III
  • And I'm far from the only one who has been flimflammed by articulate, accomplished candidates who turned out to be psychotic, fascist, or just plain useless even before the ink was dry on their personnel forms.
  • Some of the best and the brightest are giving up, rejecting businesses based on flimflams and deceptive marketing. Danny Schechter: Why The Government Can't "Fix" the Crisis
  • There is long groan with clutching wrist. Sigh the flimflam . You have become a trousseau!
  • Budiansky's argument tars all eat-local proponents with the same broad brush, warning us that we're turning into a bunch of joyless, sanctimonious schmucks who are flimflamming an unsuspecting public: Kerry Trueman: The Myth of the Rabid Locavore
  • Who are all those journalists who've accused the company of flimflammery and carnival barker trickery in their public shows?
  • What if ending the taxation of foreign-earned income increases accounting flimflammery?
  • A CBS movie revisits Enron, with all its chicanery, flimflam, excess, hanky-panky, and its descent into the dark, if darkly comic, side of capitalism.
  • He characterized as a flimflam my Medicare Advantage amendment to the health-care bill that would transitionally protect the benefits of nearly a million seniors currently enrolled in these plans. SplicedFeed
  • He also has been tarnished not only by a couple of big budget deficits but by revelations of the fiscal flimflammery he used to cover them up.
  • But what all this flimflammery—as well as the occasional dollop of genuine theatrical invention—obscures is that vast amounts of energy and talent have gone into this production.
  • Beyond such flimflammery, however, was an adventurous and gripping glimpse of an unseen Italy.
  • His career rose on a chic, combustible mix of obtuseness and literary flimflam.
  • Any attempt to refashion one policy without making it part of the other two is only going to produce a piece of flimflammery.
  • But all the same she was not idle: she polished away at her flimflams, bringing them nearer and nearer probability, never, thanks to her sound memory, contradicting herself or making a slip, and always able to begin again from the beginning. The Getting of Wisdom
  • It won't be long before you'll see commercials and ads for ‘miracle’ fuel boosters and other such flimflam promising to help you save fuel and money.
  • It's the tool I use to measure malarkey—also known as balderdash, hogwash and flimflammery—in politics.
  • She was the no-nonsense heroine, but in the end, she was susceptible to flimflammery too.
  • Book jackets are known for their hyperbole and general flimflam.
  • No flimflam, just straight down to business on the Middle East.
  • If not, it's farewell to this flimflam fellow and his faux fortune.
  • This time, she accused him of flimflamming the country.
  • EXAMPLE: The reports of huge profits being made in the sales of the worthless product were just flimflam invented to stimulate investment by naive people.
  • Therefore, thanks to this budgetary flimflam, that has been going on for some time, one part of the government can't even certify what the right numbers are.
  • President Ronald Reagan in 1986 dismissed congressional demands for import tariffs as ‘flimflammery’ and warned against the dangers of protectionism.
  • He is a gigolo, a love 'em and leave 'em flimflam man who promises widows and spinsters marriage and devotion on the premise of a substantial upfront cash payment.

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