How To Use Flies In A Sentence

  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • Butterflies enjoy the daisy family too, and there are a few that they especially love. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were constantly rewarded with stunning scenic views and the satisfaction of navigating challenging terrain with ease, but we didn't get very far, as the crow flies.
  • The wood pewee, like its relative, the phoebe, feeds largely on the family of flies to which the house fly belongs. Bird Day; How to prepare for it
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
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  • After feeding, caterpillars pupate in a chrysalis, then transform into beautiful butterflies.
  • Can't wait to see Ryan score the title clincher v Stoke in front of the Stretford End the week before he flies of to Madrid for the final. this is a big big game so I don't think he should start straight from injury, off the bench maybe .... you know give him a run out when we're 4-0 up: p Manchester Evening News - RSS Feed
  • For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements. Then I'll Come Back to You
  • The space shuttle is coasting from a very high speed and high altitude when it flies hypersonically.
  • Most people would probably mistake them for small flies, such as gnats or midges.
  • Given the extremely backward state of Polish agriculture, its small farming businesses are expected to die like flies.
  • Some taxonomic groups are particularly species rich in a global context: any impact of climate warming on such species, for example, willows (Salix spp.), sawflies, stoneflies, wading birds, and salmonid fish, is likely to affect their diversity at the global level. Arctic environments north of the treeline
  • River smallmouths bite any number of baits but show the most enthusiasm for hellgrammites, the larvae of dobsonflies. Rivers of Bronze
  • BBC | Solar plane flies into the night O Zephyr, protótipo de UAV da Quinetiq a versão britânica da DARPA, bateu um recorde aeronáutico, não oficialmente, ao voar mais de 54 horas continuamente. Leituras
  • This was to be my first real public duty as a guardsman and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.
  • Could butterflies resolve to destroy the Russian Army?
  • Only 1 per cent of the flies are required to go back into the farm to repopulate the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even Lord of the Flies - which I love as a metaphor for many, many things, like the savagery of humanity - treats the children more as symbolic figures.
  • A pair of flies beginning operation in April, if all were to live, would result in 191,010,000,000,000,000,000 (191 quintillion, 10 quadrillion) flies by August.
  • A member of the order Protodonata, Meganuera closely resembles and is related to modern dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). Archive 2008-05-01
  • Flies swarmed in the kitchen, and everything was in total chaos.
  • Huntington welterweight Glenn Banks is set to grace the international stage when he flies to Copenhagen at the end of the month.
  • An increasing amount of forests along ridgetops in the front ranges of the Canadian Rocky Mountains is reducing the ability of some alpine butterflies to disperse among patches of suitable habitat.
  • Furthermore, these gene duplications evolved after the split between the common ancestor of nymphalid and papilionid butterflies.
  • Tsetse flies are carriers of trypanosomes - the parasites transmitted by their bites, which cause sleeping sickness in men and cattle.
  • His version of events flies in the face of all the evidence.
  • Flies blew eggs right thru the treated bags and on the treated meat.
  • We arrived at the grounds after following a rabble of butterflies through the streets.
  • He often flies Northwest Airlines.
  • A recent such program drew about two dozen pilots of high-performance and turbocharged Mooneys for a weekend in Washington, D.C. Some of the airplanes this group flies - all unpressurized - have service ceilings as high as 28,000 feet.
  • Among the best-known of syrphid flies are the drone-flies The Life-Story of Insects
  • It may be that the determination with which I exterminate any flies that enter my house is causing famine in the spider population.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • An exam, or even an exciting social event may produce butterflies in the stomach.
  • So I slipped through the flies, blundered through the warren of half-remembered alcoves and out the stage door.
  • This paper describes a case study of adaptation, constraint, and evolutionary innovation in pierid butterflies.
  • Seed sown in early June has produced a swathe of greenery topped by the most attractive blue flowers that seem irresistible to bees, hoverflies and other insects.
  • Birds fluttered by, and I think there were even some butterflies.
  • Only butterflies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes and flies are netted there.
  • To get the details, a field team has been fitting green darner dragonflies with radio transmitters.
  • Time flies by and I remember I haven't seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.
  • This insect is the maggot of the eggs laid by sawflies or carpenter bees in the freshly-cut cane of the rose after pruning.
  • Old guys spend more time sitting up late after the family's asleep, and in these hours your old guy will plan and replan his upcoming expedition, put new laces on his wading shoes, tie flies, dress in all his Arctic gear in order to see what it's like to move around in, call another insomniac old guy and check out up-to-the-minute river conditions, and so on. The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
  • A plump, fast running bird which keeps to the undergrowth, the black francolin only flies when disturbed.
  • But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies. Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
  • FLYFISHING King salmon (chinooks) require stout fly tackle — 9 - to 10-weight rods with sinking-tip lines, heavy leaders, and large, gaudy flies. How to Plan A Fishing Trip to Alaska
  • Laws catch flies and let hornets go free. 
  • Tomorrow he flies to Moscow for a four-day trade delegation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watch a kite sweep the skies for large insects such as grasshoppers, cicadas and dragonflies.
  • It is subject to grease and grime from the hands, occasional coffee spills, cigarette ash, dead flies and sandwich crumbs.
  • Rather than moving forward while flapping their wings up and down like a bird, flies hover while beating their wings back and forth.
  • Then I go to the scanner, I'm waiting for it to chirp, "Welcome to Wal-Mart!" but it sits silently (much more fashiony to be silent, non?) and I scan my code and then it shoots out a receipt that flies to the floor and I have to scurry around on the floor to find it. Cator Sparks: Bibhu Mohapatra Spring 2011 (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Because fruit and vegetable waste goes in the brown bin and sits there for up to two weeks, maggots and fruit flies end up in it.
  • No more would the swaggies need to walk as the crow flies as the Princes Highway was opened, linking Sydney to Adelaide via Melbourne.
  • Laws catch flies but let hornets go free. 
  • If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. ——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  • Disguises used by female damselflies to avoid unwanted sexual advances can cause males to seek out their own sex, a new study suggests.
  • As King said, "We must see the need for nonviolent gadflies to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood. John W. Whitehead: The 2010 Elections: Full of Sound and Fury, and Signifying Nothing
  • The Neuroptera, called Spongillaflies for their favorite food, are often paired with the Megaloptera in discussions of aquatic insects because of their similar lifestyles. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Just as the flies are unfaithful partners, some flowers are dishonest about signaling a nectar reward.
  • Some butterflies they attract are spicebush swallowtails, monarchs, fritillaries, whites, skippers, and a host of others.
  • The birds and lady-beetles devour them bodily, the larvæ of the lace-wings and syrphid-flies extract their blood while the wasps live as internal parasites. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers.
  • The shape of the pronotum (damselflies) and the head (dragonflies) is very important in reproduction, because the male grasps the female around her neck with appendages on the end of his abdomen. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.
  • With its mellow stonework and battlemented towers, mirrored on the surface of a broad moat skimmed on a summer day by turquoise dragonflies, Bodiam is everybody's idea of what a castle should look like. The House Impregnable
  • There were hatches of sedge, mayfly and olives, and the best flies were mayfly patterns, Golden Olive Bumble, and the Green Peter.
  • The flyingfish are flickering in the orange glow, and one flies close and winks at me before diving below the surface again. First Snakes, Now This? « Looking for Roots
  • For example, there are about 30 species of satyrid butterflies in the genus Calisto that are endemic to Hispaniola. - Articles related to Japan, Pacific nations deny report of trading cash for whaling votes
  • The sooty shearwater flies low over deep water about 50 miles out to sea.
  • These results indicate that male fruit flies adaptively refine their courtship behavior with experience.
  • She was able to tell them that he was an unenthusiastic convert to Shintoism. He retained his Buddhist beliefs to the extent that he forbade his servants to kill flies.
  • He found that parasitism of whiteflies by E. formosa was the same under both standard and UV-blocking films.
  • There were stars in the night besides those known to astronomers: the stellular fireflies gemmed the black shadows with a fluctuating brilliancy; they circled in and out of the porch, and touched the leaves above Clarsie's head with quivering points of light. In the Tennessee mountains,
  • Fireflies danced about and the creek water seemed to glow from the moon's reflection.
  • (_e. g._ flies and fleas) this union of the sexes results in the production of a _skolex_; while others have no parents, nor do they have congress -- such are the ephemera, tipula, and the like. Fathers of Biology
  • Since guanosine is not converted to adenine nucleotides in flies, guanosine must somehow act indirectly, perhaps through a mechanism for balancing nucleotide pools.
  • Zebrafish, also known as zebra danio, have become popular research subjects because they are cheaper to breed than mice and they have a backbone that better represents the human nervous system than fruit flies. Fish Suffer From Insomnia, Scientists Reported on Monday. | Impact Lab
  • Horse flies, deer flies, stable flies, horn flies, and others have been incriminated in disease transmission through interrupted feeding.
  • 'Lord of the Flies' is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island.
  • When the mayflies emerge from the water as winged adults, they're called ‘duns.’
  • The horse-trading was even worse, with great swarms of flies settling on the eyes and mouths of man and beast alike. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Along woodland paths, or alongside tall hedgerows, speckled wood butterflies flit between the sun and the shade. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘In dairy plants, the biggest issue is flies and the next is rodents,’ he says.
  • Billions of flies gorged themselves on the great stacks of refuse and excrement. Modern Science in the Bible
  • Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 
  • Most communication systems in luminescent fireflies have been studied in nocturnal species; little is known concerning communication in crepuscular and diurnal species.
  • Ptolemy Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene were putting a jigsaw puzzle together, a scene of flowers, grass, and butterflies painted on thin wood that some master craftsman with a fretsaw had cut into small, irregular pieces. Antony and Cleopatra
  • On this later-day Earth, drowsing through the late afternoon of its existence, only a few families of the old orders of hymenoptera and diptera survived in mutated form: most dreadful of these were the tigerflies. HOTHOUSE
  • She regularly flies to the USA to see clients and give talks on astrology, palmistry, tarot and how to develop clairvoyance.
  • The production team buzzed around her like flies, coaxing her gently on to the stage as if they were handling fragile goods. The Sun
  • Kenworthy looked at the dejected cakes nominally protected from flies by sliding panels of smeared glass. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • A few cluster flies found the warm logs and sat on them.
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • Dragonflies that migrate appear to build up fat reserves, wait for favorable winds, take rest breaks, and reorient themselves when they lose their way, according to the study.
  • Butterflies are cold-blooded and bask in the sun to raise their body temperatures.
  • Wild-type flies showing normal phototaxis consistently moved towards the light to end up in the last tube by the end of the trial.
  • Mauritanian society is strictly divided into a rigid caste system that flies in the face of the country's supposed march towards political liberalisation.
  • Large numbers of butterflies and moths are flying in most fields and another generation of many pests is likely.
  • The wing bases tend to be very slender, as in damselflies (Odonata, Zygoptera).
  • Butterflies Are Not Free, burst with passionate songwriting in the style of what he calls "bohemian noir. NPR Topics: News
  • We need to encourage new and daring defenders of science, gadflies in the name of critical inquiry; interpreters able to extend the public's understanding of science and its methods.
  • Mecoptera: long-winged: neuropterous insects with similar, large, unfolded wings; mouth mandibulate, prolonged into a beak: head free; thorax agglutinated; transformations complete: the scorpion flies or Panorpidae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Swat flies
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • Birds, bees, butterflies, bugs, bats, native plants and night-scented flowers have all figured in my postbag in recent weeks.
  • The principal enemies of the louse are certain small insect feeding birds, lady-beetles, syrphid-flies, lace-wings and tiny wasp parasites. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • He played himself out of center field when he misplayed a number of flies early in the season, but the Astros like his range in left field.
  • Many groups have the familiar XX female, XY male system encountered in most mammals, but others, such as birds and butterflies, have heterogametic ZW females and homogametic ZZ males.
  • Another problem that troubled Zhu was pests, such as mosquitoes, flies and rats.
  • The insect called the lanthorn-fly, which is peculiar to warm climates, emits light as it flies, producing in the dark a remarkably sparkling appearance. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Leaf-green pierid butterflies alight on the sandy shores of the Tuichi River in Bolivia's Madidi National Park. Color + Design Blog by COLOURlovers / Feed
  • After a few miserable days at Flensburg, trying to make himself agreeable to Doenitz and to assert his importance; suffering humiliations that were a constant source of embarrassment to his staff; and deserted by many of his closest companions who had already set off on their private journeys to ranch cattle in the Argentine or collect butterflies in Switzerland, Barbarossa
  • My force was standing knee-deep in mutilated bodies, surrounded by the guttural moans of dying people, looking into the eyes of children bleeding to death with their wounds burning in the sun and being invaded by maggots and flies," he later wrote. Bystanders to Genocide
  • Its all ephemera and persiflage, as we sit mocking in the plumes as political gadflies who tell the truth.
  • You can almost hear giant Paleozoic dragonflies pausing to the mechanical alien sound of the watch. But a Moment Ago « A Fly in Amber
  • The breeding of mosquitoes, houseflies and other insects create a stench in the area.
  • They look like they are pierids, relatives of the cabbage white. I also have been seeing some Plain Tiger butterflies flying through.
  • Wildlife spotted in East SussexButterflies (13) meadow brown; hedge brown; speckled wood; essex skipper; small skipper; large skipper; comma; small tortoiseshell; large white; small white; green-veined white; purple hairstreak; white admiral How to get back to nature when camping
  • But on such a morning, apparently, with thousands of webs ready, there can hardly have been enough flies to go round; for we saw all the appetent spiders had emerged from their tubes and were waiting impatiently on the web itself -- as though the host should sit on the tablecloth waiting for his guest. Plum Pudding Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned
  • She brought with her a collection of bees, butterflies, flies, moths, and others.
  • May there be some clear little stream just behind you, laughing along its idle way; -- some chirping birds, singing their roundelay -- some buzzing flies -- you will then be lulled into doziness. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 266, July 28, 1827
  • Wrasse, butterflies, boxfish, porcupines and pufferfish round out the picture, while lyretail grouper, Napoleon wrasse and rock cod mix with regal, map and other angelfish.
  • The development of mosaic flies clearly illustrates the cell autonomy of sex determination in the somatic cells of Drosophila.
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Create a shallow puddle to attract swallowtails, blues, sulfurs and other butterflies that enjoy drinking at mud puddles.
  • We are all pretty well, but all but devoured by multitudinous and multivarious beasts of prey -- birds, I suppose they are: mosquitoes, ants, and flies, by day; and flies, fleas, and worse, by night. Records of a Girlhood
  • They resembled flies and their stingers were still very powerful, according to him.
  • Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.
  • Fruit flies down alcohol to kill parasitic wasps that grow inside them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bags will be embellished with butterflies, edelweiss, feathers, motor bike straps, stabbed with decorative applied brooches and finished with chunky short shoulder chain straps.
  • She used to go catching butterflies and wading through streams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giant larkspurs thrust up their flower-rods, between the dentated foliage of which gaped the mouths of tawny snapdragons, while the schizanthus reared its scanty leaves and fluttering blooms, that looked like butterflies 'wings of sulphur hue splashed with soft lake. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Carry the youth to the presence, and I will remain here, with bridle in hand, ready to strike the spurs up to the rowel-heads, in case the hawk flies my way. — The Abbot
  • Some little pieces of sand are so full of ego that they see themselves as a giant rock! But then the wind blows, the big ego flies in the air! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • You'll have so much fun putting a project together that time flies.
  • Further observation revealed the wasps in other parts of the garden, catching houseflies and carrying them off towards the burrows.
  • Treat it the same way as the lavatera and it will produce masses of flowers and attract hordes of butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deal flies in the face of convention - most teams in the yacht race are bankrolled by billionaire businessmen and international companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a stealth aircraft flies, maintenance workers must recoat the skin, repairing the tiny dings and burrs that increase the craft's radar signature.
  • If a bird needs to eat the flies which thrive on uncut grass tussocks, then regular cutting of the grass for silage is going to be a problem.
  • The same is true of tsetse flies that bring sleeping sickness to animals.
  • I've had tons of leeches, foot rot, botflies, and a bite from a coral snake that nearly killed me.
  • Flies were raised on standard corn-meal-molasses-agar medium and grown in an incubator at 25°.
  • However winds blow, or time flies, or spoons stir, our potage, which is now so piping hot, will never get cold. The Virginians
  • Thus comes it that we take a final glance through two childish prison-houses, in far-separate Russian cities, wherein a youth and a maiden lie nightly dreaming the same dreams: one of them a spirit already bonded to the service of mind under the whip of circumstance: destined to storm rocky heights, from which hard-won eminences he shall command great views of sweeping plains and far-off mountain ranges; the other a pretty chrysalis on the eve of her change into a butterfly of butterflies; who is, nevertheless, to attempt flights overhigh and overfar for her frail wings; venturing to unfriendly lands whence she must return with frayed and tired pinions and a bruised and bleeding little soul. The Genius
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • But for a supposed servant of the people to use such a metaphor to refer to a bill that affects us all in such important ways is outrageously and offensively paternalistic or should I say “maternalistic?” and flies in the face of what the relationship between the citizens and Congress in this country is meant to be. HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it
  • He flies into a rage if you even mention the subject.
  • To one side is flowering vegetation and to the other an alert exotic bird shrieks from a ball finial beside a potted berried bush and a teapot, insects and butterflies whirl above.
  • The production team buzzed around her like flies, coaxing her gently on to the stage as if they were handling fragile goods. The Sun
  • Thyme, rosemary, marjoram and lavender will act as a magnet for bees and butterflies.
  • The rules are simple - the plane that flies the furthest distance wins.
  • The greenflies and midges are being drawn by the heatwave and the diner's lights at dusk. The Sun
  • The caddice-flies are very interesting insects, owing to the habits of the larvæ of building little cases of wood, stones, or shells, in which they pass their development stages under water. Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Nature Study
  • year, University of Connecticut science professor David L. Wagner noted a two-year precipitous decline in the number of northern metalmark butterflies in counts conducted in Falls Village. News from
  • There must be some place for warmth in this cold world, she thought, and watched the fireflies dance around a moss-grown statue of Hercules.
  • The company screens compounds for medical uses using zebra fish embryonic cells and fruitflies.
  • Work with fruit flies, sea slugs, and mice has revealed the role of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) - protein kinase A (PKA) - cAMP responsive-element binding protein (CREB) signaling pathway in key forms of experience-driven synaptic plasticity. Multiple Realizability
  • She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.
  • These lavender-blue sentinels stand 80cm tall and are attractive to bees and butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • These will encourage bees and hoverflies to visit, pollinating the flowers and controlling any aphids present.
  • When she returned to Britain, her follow-up project, Early Doors, a sitcom about a Manchester pub and its family of barflies, was also ill-starred.
  • When his fame arrived – appearances on The Brains Trust, a BBC documentary, the film of Lord of the Flies at the Cannes film festival with a party on a boat, of all things, and of course a sudden relaxation of the customary nerviness about money – we weren't surprised at all. Our parents resented us
  • Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 
  • If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth.
  • You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. 
  • Fly parasites are useful for the control of house flies, stable flies, blowflies, and many other fly species.
  • In fact, it was Victorian fly fishermen, not scientists, who first studied these insects closely in order to imitate them with artificial flies.
  • Don't want them blowflies from the media sniffing around till we know there's dead meat, and it's not us. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • There is nothing to see except blackbirds and sparrows; nothing to hear except the noise of butterflies' wings.
  • Yet those little bumps are indeed insects, related to aphids, whiteflies, and jumping plant lice.
  • “Congratulations to you all, Butterflies, for you have this term risen from bottom place to second, and you were very nearly top,” declares Duckworth Butterfly housemaster Mr. Valentine Corrado in the December 1927 issue, adding grandly, as if reflecting on the outcome of a military battle, “to the very end it was uncertain whether you or the Duckworth Grasshoppers would triumph.” Storyteller
  • The heteropterous damselflies have a fat abdomen, a smaller distance between the complex eyes and their frontal wings are different from the back ones.
  • It flies in the face of the so-called Copernican principle and implies that our existence is... well... a miracle. Seth Shostak: Are We a Biological Miracle?
  • The source of the river was over 8km away as the crow flies, and we had come prepared for a long trip.
  • A woodchat's prey is mainly insects, beetles, damsel flies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, wasps and bees.
  • Some, like fireflies, produce light in special organs called photophores.
  • Oxygen thieves, vermin and blowflies is how one particular group of veterans regard these imposters, running their own investigations of frauds and posting the results on their website. ARTHUR REX CRANE
  • Traffic flies along the A19 and too few motorists adjust to the speed restriction imposed at Thormanby.
  • The children's trays began to fill with mayfly nymphs, aquatic sow bugs, and the larvae of blackflies, caddis flies, and bloodred midges.
  • The mosquitoes and the tsetze flies have been, only recently, proved to be the causes, the carriers, of diseases -- malaria, yellow fever, and sleeping sickness -- which annually have killed hundreds of thousands of men, colonists as well as natives. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Now, when an airship flies into bright sunshine, the helium heats up -- ` superheat " it's called -- and it expands, doesn't it? SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • There seems to be a culture that now associates using artificial lures and flies with the need to conserve our stocks for the future.
  • Insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and butterflies are a major part of their summer diet which also includes mammals such as mice, voles, young squirrels and rabbits, and shrews.
  • Various crane flies, spiders, springtails and other species have life cycles of 3 to 5 years.
  • He knows the geology and botany, can describe all that creeps and crawls, bounds and flies and, above all, is able and willing to share his enthusiasms.
  • Butterflies feed on the flowers of garden plants.
  • They warm my heart somethin 'braave; an' they let the gray mosses cling to 'em an 'the dinky blue butterflies open an' shut their wings 'pon 'em, an' the bramble climb around theer arms. Lying Prophets
  • Watch out for otters, rare birds and butterflies. The Sun
  • Murdoch flies into London later this week on a scheduled visit at a time of turmoil for Britain's best-selling newspaper, with journalists on the title angry at News Corp's powerful management and standards committee MSC, whose reconstruction and trawl of the company's email archive produced the evidence that led to the arrests. News Corp may face US inquiry after Sun arrests at News International
  • In warm weather a mister will be attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies too!
  • The howdah, or seat which the Prince occupied, was of silver, embossed and gilt, having behind a place for a confidential servant, who waved the great chowry, or cow-tail, to keep off the flies; but who could also occasionally perform the task of spokesman, being well versed in all terms of flattery and compliment. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • Gatekeeper and speckled wood butterflies flit between hemp agrimony, dusty ferns, patches of yellow bird's-foot trefoil and blue tufted vetch. Country diary: St Stephens-by-Saltash
  • Even when she doesn't start it herself (and even I don't blame her for everything that happens in this misbegotten town), she flies straight to trouble like beetles to a lava lamp.
  • Luminous stars flecked the black night sky like fireflies.
  • When they fly up they look like large butterflies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The virus is spread by biting insects such as fleas, mosquitoes and horseflies. Times, Sunday Times

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