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[ US /ˈfɫɛtʃɝ/ ]
[ UK /flˈɛt‍ʃɐ/ ]
  1. prolific English dramatist who collaborated with Francis Beaumont and many other dramatists (1579-1625)

How To Use Fletcher In A Sentence

  • It's not going to be easy," says Steve Fletcher, a managing director at GCA Savvian Advisors in San Francisco. Breaking Into the Finance Field
  • Lord Fletcher, said the Bishop, was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.
  • After the passing of his brother, Frank, Uncle Fletcher continued to work non-stop within the community, striving for better conditions and quality for his people.
  • At the latter, another Scottish desk sergeant told me the head of the Scottish Flying Squad, who rejoiced in the name of Fletcher Catchpole, was celebrating his ‘collar’ in the next-door pub.
  • The herbs seller, the fletcher, the smith, and the tanner were not too far away.
  • The fletcher's business is profitable, and it even does well during war.
  • Only a fortnight ago, England coach Duncan Fletcher lamented that even the world's best all-rounders rarely reached the heights of their batting and bowling games at the same time.
  • Mr Fletcher said that a number of people had been caught keeping wild birds, particularly finches and magpies, as pets.
  • Remember the jauntier days when that angel of death, Jessica Fletcher, traveled the land and thwarted homicidal maniacs on Murder, She Wrote? TV needs more sleuths of a certain age |
  • The fletcher had messy ash blond hair that reached to her mid-back, and gold eyes.
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