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How To Use Fleshly In A Sentence

  • These subjects come together for us when we discuss the representation of embodiment that insists both on the fleshly materiality of the body, and the ubiquity of unconscious fantasy that underpins being-in-the-body.
  • Early Christians often denigrated traditional Jewish sacrificial ritual as inadequate and "fleshly" rather than spiritual, and argued that Jesus 'death had superseded it. The Betrayer's Gospel
  • In addition, marriage clearly promotes the bearing of children, which implies bringing new spiritual beings under the domination of fleshly bodies and so helping the cause of evil.
  • Like the morning glory of a meat minaret from which the muezzin sings out the call to ... well, a more fleshly form of reverence than prayer. Outer Alliance Pride Day
  • In his occasional indulgence in what he called a fleshly frailty, (and for which he said he had a privilege,) which was in truth an attachment to strong liquors, and that in no moderate degree, his language, at other times remarkably decorous and reserved, became wild and animated. Woodstock
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  • The sacred and unfleshly calling of a bishop threw a protecting mantle over the modest shoulders of his wife and daughters; and these did not go unclad. King John of Jingalo The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
  • I don't know if you can call the fleshly lusts divine," replied the thinner, looking into the eyes of the writer of the songs. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • Materiality is pure terror for which the only consolation is materiality itself, in its more benign aspects of color and contour and fleshly pleasure.
  • I could argue that if you had a sufficient outlet for expressing your true selves in your fleshly, corporeal lives, then your blogs would be redundant.
  • It is not ideology, it is incarnation and when it infects our lives we too become incarnated, real, fleshly, vulnerable, and strangely free.
  • But let us now subjoin -- A man who is attacked by the flesh, yet who conquers it in the conflict, is not called fleshly or carnal; but this appellation is bestowed on the man who, by yielding his consent, is brought into subjection to the flesh. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • That is to say, the Word, a pre-existent divine being, became incarnate in the skene tent/tabernacle of David, i.e., in a fleshly body. Did Jesus Predict His Death? The Witness of Mark and John
  • Likewise, greed, a giving in to fleshly temptation, is a descent from human to animal.
  • David's emergence into fleshly existence is not done through miraculous wish fulfillment, but from a profound, human confessional; and the realization of mortality encroaches.
  • Soft paper therapy in massage, astir release, graston, causing point, and a patron of fleshly therapy modalities much as light/low take laser, IFC ultrasound, microcurrent, and baritone oftenness approaches. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Chris is one of the story's truly good-natured personalities even though he submits to the fleshly desires of the wayward physician Diane.
  • She becomes a fleshly embodiment of spiritual wholeness.
  • All the charity we possess beyond this may be properly called fleshly charity '-- he lifted his eyes to see two of his Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • It's an odd thing that libraries - by tradition temples to the unfleshly - can sometimes seem such sexy places. The Guardian World News
  • I can understand where you're coming from, but I've always been uncomfortable with pitching the human and fleshly against the spiritual and transcendent, as if they are two entirely different worlds.
  • fleshly desire
  • Catherine could not speak, but clung to him with many sobs and embraces; and even through the mist of tears her eye detected in a moment the little rent in his sleeve he had made getting out of window, and she whipped out her needle and mended it then and there, and her tears fell on his arm the while, unheeded -- except by those unfleshly eyes, with which they say the very air is thronged. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • : ­ Fleshly Recede: ­ Go back, withdraw ced, cess to yield, to go Antecedent: ­ That which goes before process, go farward Celerity: ­ Swiftness Decelerate: ­ Reduce celer swift Swiftness Accelerate: ­ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • And think upon the soul, lifting herself up from the body and rejecting indulgence and fleshly delights and pleasures and laying aside as well her concern for worldly vanities.
  • That's how I know it's from God, because it so truly models the Incarnation: the power and true nature of God taking material form in a human, fleshly body.
  • He could smell the stuff of her veil, the sarsenet of her bodice, and, as it were wrapped in these odours as her body was wrapped in its clothes, the faint fleshly perfume of her body itself. The Old Wives' Tale
  • He often scrutinizes the fleshly nature of animals, mining for metaphors.
  • There is more to bodies, however, than fleshly materiality.
  • Unlike the austerely disembodied Hungarian, however, Auerbach is a radical populist who celebrates the fleshly and mundane.
  • It's easy to see why Lucy and Mina would be tempted by the fleshly liberation he represents, especially in contrast to the stodgy, possessive dorks who would enslave them with marriage.
  • Pickaxe, grosse feeding and labour, do quench al sensual and fleshly concupiscence, yea, in such as till and husband the ground, by making them dull, blockish, and (almost) meere senslesse of understanding. The Decameron
  • In combination with sixteen plates of illustration he constructs a picture of the rhetorical power of the pope's body in the period, both as fleshly entity and as rhetorical metaphor.
  • I could argue that if you had a sufficient outlet for expressing your true selves in your fleshly, corporeal lives, then your blogs would be redundant.
  • He said: ‘There is a moral code to protect us from ourselves, in our own fleshly desires, which I know can be very, very strong.’
  • We especially fear being constrained by our bodies, because every fleshly constraint is a premonition of death, the final limit our physicality places on our ambitions.
  • Genesis 11, that is, the fleshly delights that the pleasures and profits and honors of this world afford, she, forgetting the word and order of God, was content to dwell in the land of Babel. The Riches of Bunyan
  • There are no disembodied brains, divorced from human emotions, hormonal urges and fleshly thoughts, engaged solely in disinterested play of the mind on the eternal verities.
  • Their preachers were both papists and Puritans, Jacobites and republicans; they ravished wives or influenced them to give up all fleshly pleasures; they coveted other men's goods or denied them the use of worldly possessions.
  • The problem is not with the physical, fleshly nature of our being.
  • At the moment I drew near he was having a long and involved argument with another controversialist touching on the sense of the word tabernacle as employed Scripturally, one holding it to mean the fleshly tenement of the soul and the other an actual place of worship. Europe Revised
  • On the contrary, she should steep herself in the rich history of these shadowy ciphers, for they can carry heavy loads, as freighted with meaning as any more fleshly incarnations.
  • The underlying thought appears to be that Jesus is a pre-existing divine being who became incarnate in the skene tent/tabernacle of David, i.e., in a fleshly body. Did Jesus Predict His Death? The Witness of Mark and John
  • One of the ways of freeing the spirit from the trammels of its earthly role is to replace the fleshly mask with another, the mask of art, which more faithfully portrays the soul beneath.
  • One would only hope that such seasoned cinema vets would produce material that might whet one's libido, or at least take a novel approach to fleshly longing.
  • In that tradition, it may be recalled, the crucifixion of Christ is construed as Christianity's repudiation of the earthly and fleshly, to which Dionysian intoxication is the alternative.
  • Her deception of Tian Tian is understandable enough from the fleshly point of view: The spirit was willing, but, oh, the flesh is not.
  • As she entered the drawing-room she came from out of doors, a slender, unfleshly figure, all intellect and idea. The Dust Flower
  • Introduce it to an enemy position and they'd find themselves overcome with fleshly desires.
  • That oughtest thou to know and no man better, said the good man, for thou knewest the daughter of king Pelles fleshly, and on her thou begattest Galahad, and that was he that at the feast of Pentecost sat in the Siege Perilous; and therefore make thou it known openly that he is one of thy begetting on King Pelles’ daughter, for that will be your worship and honour, and to all thy kindred. Chapter IV. The Fifteenth Book. How the Hermit Expounded to Sir Launcelot His Vision, and Told Him That Sir Galahad Was His Son
  • But his great abstinence of all was from Sleep, and strange it was that one of such a Fleshly and sanguine composition, could overwatch so many heavy propense inclinations to Rest. Characters from 17th Century Histories and Chronicles
  • To preach a sweet Christ to the fleshly world is the most potent poison that has been given to the dear sheep of Christ from the very beginning.
  • It was the falseness of it that Franny and I noticed: the mannequin's chipped face, the obvious wig, and the stiff, unfleshly bust of the dummy — the fake bosom, the still chest, the rigid waist. The Hotel New Hampshire
  • Out of all the gods, only the Jester had children because he was the only one concerned with the more… fleshly pleasures.
  • Seeing the snake cast its old slough and glide forth renewed, he conceives, so in death man but sheds his fleshly exuvia, while the spirit emerges, regenerate. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • She believes we'll all rise again on the day of judgement in our old fleshly form. COMPULSION
  • George's latest work, funded during a fit of good sense by the Rockefeller Foundation, carries his obsession with earthly, fleshly things into the literal stratosphere.
  • And so by the justification of the Spirit is removed from our faith the idea of fleshly weakness; through the manifestation of the flesh is revealed that which was secret, and in the unknown cause of that which was secret is contained the only confession, the confession of the mystery of great godliness. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • The heart must be kept pure from fleshly lusts, all unchaste thoughts and desires; and from worldly lusts; covetousness is called filthy lucre; from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, all that which come out of the heart, and defiles the man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Once your hearts were spiritually what the tables of the law were physically, tables of stone, but God has "taken away the stony heart out of your flesh, given you a heart of flesh" (fleshy, not fleshly, that is, carnal; hence it is written, "out of your flesh" that is, your carnal nature), Eze Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.
  • Scripture fornication is the standing image of idolatry; they are in fact ever spoken of as one and the same sin, considered now in its fleshly, now in its spiritual aspect (Jer 3: 1-15; Eze 16: 1-17: 24) [Trench]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Indeed, the real disciple would abandon all fleshly desires and follow Christ as a priest or a religious.
  • In Moon in a Tree, ‘being’ is both phantom and fleshly, fantasized and actual.
  • Only when he had drained the cup of every fleshly pleasure could he accept those deeper thirsts which drove him on.
  • She calls to the priest to renounce the fleshly woman and cleave to Her, the Bride who took his plighted troth; but it is a scrannel voice sighing from stone lungs: -- Robert Browning
  • He was horrified by living, fleshly, female sexuality.
  • Shortly before I met you I was this cold-blooded animal engulfed in murder and fleshly desires.
  • Although the androids possess fleshly bodies that are animated with passions and affections that their human counterparts do not appear to have, there is a constant reaffirmation through language that they are not alive.
  • Being robed in white bespeaks one who is redeemed and no longer subject to her fleshly appetites.
  • But His desire to complete His purpose subjugated the fleshly desires before Him.
  • Dearest brothers in Christ sweet Jesus: I Catherine, servant and slave of the servants of Jesus Christ, write to you in His precious Blood: with desire to see you divested of the old man and clothed with the new -- divested, that is, of the world and the fleshly self-love which is the old sin of Adam, and clothed with the new Christ sweet Jesus, and His tender charity. Letters of Catherine Benincasa
  • He clarifies what he means by asserting that in the New Testament the word ‘flesh’ refers simply to our physical fleshly body, and not our sinful nature.

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