How To Use Flemish In A Sentence

  • The Flemish, those residing in Flanders, the northern half of the country, speak Dutch.
  • At the Battle of Courtrai in 1302, the French army was disastrously defeated by Flemish burghers.
  • Detached translations also exist in Italian, Flemish, and Bohemian. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • There were no artists of importance after the time of Rubens and his followers whom we call Flemish artists. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • Belgium, and the Flemish "caddies," who cheerfully carry the clubs for Peeps At Many Lands: Belgium
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  • Jacob Jordaens, a Flemish artist, painted The Feast of the Bean King 16401645, one of six Twelfth Night festival paintings, which shows, among other things, a little girl drinking wine. Let Me Eat Cake
  • Grimoire commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • Perhaps someone has the instructions in Flemish for cropping in photoshop? Slim, sexy en druk
  • donjon" of great antiquity, crenelated, with towers at each corner and the whole construction forming an admirable specimen of Hispano-Flemish architecture. Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders
  • Philippe Marie Guillaume Vandermaelen (1795-1869) was a Flemish cartographer responsible for what has been described as "one of the most remarkable developments of private enterprise in cartography". Did You Know? Trade in Mexico's cacti grew in the 1840s
  • Its name is said to originate from a church built here by the Duns in 646, and in Flemish its name signifies the _church of the Duns_. A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium
  • Flemish bond uses alternating headers and stretchers in each course.
  • He was said to have been a pupil of van Eyck, e.g. by Vasari and other writers, but the researches of Weale in Flemish documents proved this incorrect, and showed that Campin was Rogier's master. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Then went the innocent into the chamber of his wife, whom he thought more beautiful than the Virgin Mary painted in Italian, Flemish, and other pictures, at whose feet he had said his prayers. Droll Stories — Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
  • The ebony veneered case was probably made by one of the other Flemish artisans active in Rome in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
  • It might not have struck every beholder, for it looked old and smoke-dried; but a connoisseur, on inspecting it closely, would have pronounced it to be a judgment of Paris, and a masterpiece of the Flemish school. Lavengro
  • Like Buck's Store and Dougherty's Tavern, the Custom House is laid in a Flemish bond with glazed headers.
  • The Flemish women were lacing in front of the cathedral
  • I want them to be fluent in Flemish and to pronounce “Antwerpen” with a hint of “vh” embedded in the “w. Excerpt: I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley
  • Flemish painters
  • A Flemish string can be twisted far more than an endless loop type.
  • Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Flemish, and German are the more important languages within the West germanic grouping.
  • It's not a term Flemish speakers would use to describe the French," said Hugo Coorevits of the Belgian sports paper Nieuwsblad. VeloNews
  • Its name is said to originate from a church built here by the Duns in 646, and in Flemish its name signifies the _church of the Duns_. A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium
  • A Flemish string can be twisted far more than an endless loop type, so brace adjustment for this style of string has a much greater range.
  • Henry III took the hansa of London under his special protection and promised the Flemish traders that they should not be molested even if war broke out between England and France, unless Flanders took an active part in the conflict. Belgium From the Roman Invasion to the Present Day
  • Flemish and Netherlandish art deeply impressed Cassatt during her student years and provided many of her enduring themes, secular as well as sacred.
  • A Flemish bond is created by courses of alternating stretchers and headers, with every header centered over a stretcher above and below.
  • The brickwork is laid in Flemish bond with a molded brick water table.
  • In the next forty years, English and Flemish settlers poured into the rich arable coastlands of south Wales.
  • the Flemish population of Belgium
  • Called Arnolfini, in honor of the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, the bejeweled chandelier, rendered out of glass containers, including egg cups and poison bottles, suggests a phantasmagoric Still Life painting. Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
  • Some Flemish ‘mother and child’ virginals were made effectively double-manual by having a small 4 virginals tucked away in a drawer beside the keyboard.
  • The volume was painstakingly compiled by hand in the 16th century by Flemish mapmaker Gerardus Mercator, the man believed to have coined the term "atlas" for a collection of maps. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • 'Vandyke' was the early Victorian spelling of the surname of Sir Anthony Van Dyck, the seventeenth-century Flemish painter famous for his fine portraits of members of the English aristocracy and royal court. 'The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy: Books, Bodies, Fortune, Fame'
  • The Flemish bond brickwork with decoratively glazed headers recalls colonial architectural details.
  • For that reason one is amused rather than taken aback by a Flemish diptych of the turn of the fifteenth century from the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht.
  • Nothing is known about him; he was clearly familiar with Franco-Flemish painting, but his main debt is to the earlier court school in Bohemia, at Karltejn and in the chapels of the cathedral in Prague.
  • So how can it be that educated Dutch and Flemish people still make so many spelling errors that a dictation can be a challenge?
  • The road from the railway-station to the centre of the town is commonplace indeed in its lack of picturesque Flemish house-fronts or stepped, "corbie," Flemish gables. Beautiful Europe: Belgium
  • Two separate exhibitions focus on the drawings and oil sketches of the Flemish master.
  • In 1210, he invaded Ireland with a fleet of 700 ships carrying his feudal host and a force of Flemish mercenaries.
  • Bill commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) gemma commented in entry' Why Hitler hated Jews view) 1. (main blog)
  • The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual(Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in1830. Metropolitan area population, 2,395,000.
  • Fig. 44 the openwork design of the Flemish; a formal Dutch pattern being illustrated in Fig. 45; whereas the heavy German floreated type is shown in Fig. 46. Chats on Household Curios
  • The ordinary way of pointing a rope is to first whip as described (Fig. 4), and then unlay the end as for the Flemish eye. Knots, Splices and Rope Work A Practical Treatise
  • Lurker commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • The Flemish version of the news item has a dig at Dutch cuisine, because they only got two 2-star restaurants.
  • The fourteenth century is interesting for the awakening, especially in Italy, of literature and art; for the wars between the French and English, and the English and the Scots; for the rivalry between the Italian republics; for the efforts of Rienzi to establish popular freedom at Rome; for the insurrection of the Flemish weavers, under the Van Arteveldes, against their feudal oppressors; for the terrible "Jacquerie" in Paris; for the insurrection of Wat Beacon Lights of History
  • None that I saw mention that although he was originally a canon of the Tongerlo Abbey [the link is in Flemish, but the pictures are worth the visit] in recent years he had transferred to St. Michael's Abbey in Orange, California and died a member of that community. 02/01/2003 - 03/01/2003
  • Soeur Gabrielle Rosnet is a small round active woman, with a shrewd and ruddy face of the type that looks out calmly from the dark background of certain Flemish pictures. Fighting France
  • Kulak commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle view) gagoonies commented in entry 'A genocide in South Africa view) ltniu commented in entry' Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • Flemish researchers provide the first experimental evidence of dynamic allostery in protein regulation - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
  • The need for such a contextual foundation of the study becomes evident in the chapter on Italian responses to Flemish landscape paintings and portraiture.
  • The Flemish component of the collection, though fairly small, includes standout works by Jan Brueghel the Elder and David Teniers. Collecting as a Fine Art
  • Flemish is the name for our variant of the language, as differ British English and American English. Slim, sexy en druk
  • PLACENTIA - The booming start-up Placentia microbrewery, The Bruery, is introducing its annual spring brew, a sour Flemish red ale aged in red wine barrels and a bright-red Valentine's Day beer that's only available in select Southern California bars. The Orange County Register - News Headlines : News
  • Wandrin commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • Notice the "mkt" parameter for distinguishing between the two site localizations under the same domain - for Dutch / Flemish - the default is French. MSDN Blogs
  • Called Arnolfini, in honor of the Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, the bejeweled chandelier, rendered out of glass containers, including egg cups and poison bottles, suggests a phantasmagoric Still Life painting. Out of the Gallery and Into the Home
  • The language spoken in Flanders is Dutch, which is commonly called Flemish.
  • Arnold Geulincx, a Flemish philosopher, produced a treatise on ethics along Cartesian lines in 1655.
  • Invited competition, organised by Flemish Government Architect.
  • She has since worked as associate producer and production assistant on numerous, and varied productions, including a 10-minute film for Flemish Government.
  • Horror at the death of a Flemish worker does not chime with his detachment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord Cardinal is to stay behind and go on to Bruges as ambassador, and I with him, so thou must bear my greetings to thy naunt, and tell her I'm keeping from picking up a word of French or Flemish lest this same The Armourer's Prentices
  • “Le bateau ivre” is a poem written by Arthur Rimbault in 1872, about a drunken boat carrying Flemish wheat or English cotton, no longer pulled by ropes and floating down impassible rivers, running into the furious breakers of the sea, dancing on the waves, lighter than a cork, bathing in the Poem of the Sea, nacrous waves, silver suns ... piercing the red skies … Serment - French Word-A-Day
  • I was also singing and studying the great Flemish choral music of the Renaissance.
  • The saddle and the man were girthed on the ridge bone of a great trampling Flemish mare, with a nose turned up in the air like a camel, a huge fleece of hair at each foot, and every hoof full as large in circumference as a frying pan. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Well, _Mister_ Paine," he cried, sarcastically stressing the title, "are n't you man enough to unlay a bit of rope and make a Flemish eye? The Mutineers
  • In a like manner, the 18th-century bitstock of Flemish origin (fig. 46), the English cabinetmaker's bevel of the same century (fig. 47), and the compass saw (accession 61.52, fig. 48) capture in their basic design something beyond the functional extension of the craftsman's hand. Woodworking Tools 1600-1900
  • Now the aproned man gently pulled the bags away, murmuring something—I couldn’t understand the Flemish.
  • Strongbow's uncle, Herve, was endowed with two other cantreds, to the south of the town, now known as the baronies of Forth and Bargey, where the descendants of the Welsh and Flemish settlers then planted are still to be found in the industrious and sturdy population, known as Flemings, Furlongs, A Popular History of Ireland : from the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics — Volume 1
  • April is ploughing time for the Flemish farmers and the brown furrowed fields dominate the landscape.
  • He puffed away comfortably at a very thin, long, and evil-smelling "stogie" which he seemed to enjoy immensely, and which in the Flemish manner he seemed to eat as he smoked, eyeing us the while amicably though absent mindedly, as if we were far removed from his vicinity. Vanished towers and chimes of Flanders
  • Then a cheap supper, a long walk along the quais or ramparts or outside -- a game of dominoes, and a glass or two of "Malines" or "Louvain" -- then bed, without invading hordes; the Flemish are as clean as the Dutch; and there he would soon smoke and read himself to sleep in spite of chimes -- which lull you, when once you get "achimatized," as he called it, meaning of course to be funny: a villainous kind of fun -- caught, I fear, in Barge Yard, The Martian
  • IsbellsIsbells are the Flemish genteel-rock quartette captained by singer/songwriter Gaëtan Vandewoude (guitar), with Naïma Joris, Bart Borremans, and Gianni Marzo rounding out the lineup. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume 144
  • Flemish pictures of the 15th century often show devotional woodcuts fixed to a wall with sealing wax, and already flyblown and curling up.
  • [Treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea with a suspension of donor faeces]" (in Dutch; Flemish). Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • His five-bay building, with its glazed header Flemish bond brick facade had a gambrel roof typical of local vernacular architecture.
  • It is the _brok lempe_ of old writers, _Veronica beccabunga_, the syllable _bec_ signifying a beck or brook; or perhaps the whole title comes from the Flemish _beck pungen_, mouth-smart, in allusion to the pungent taste of the plant. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The brickwork is all of one color and laid in Flemish bond.
  • Children's Games is the title of the work, conjuring Pieter Bruegel's great painting of the same name, and there are traces here of the Flemish painter's compendious humour and spirit, just as there is something of Magritte in the queer scenarios of Alÿs's little paintings. Francis Alÿs: A Story of Deception; Ernesto Neto: The Edges of the World
  • Four generations of the famous Flemish painting family are assembled here. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Mary's reign, England was exposed to the potent artistry of Flemish and Spanish music, while the seminal influence of Italy was always present in the shape of Palestrina's motets and the works of the Florentine madrigalists.
  • But did they pretend to naval power beyond such dictates, or occasionally commandeering the resources of English merchants trading with Scandinavian, Flemish, or, later, Gascon ports?
  • Dan Dare commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • In Europe atmospheric perspective remained in abeyance for 1,000 years, to be rediscovered by the early 15th-century, Flemish painters.
  • Rouen art "The Baroque in Flanders: Rubens, van Dyck, Jordaens" showcases 30 drawings by the Flemish masters of the 17th century. What's on Around Europe
  • A certain confusion arises with artists living in cities on the border between the two parts of the Netherlands as to whether they form part of Dutch or Flemish art.
  • made of superfine Flemish cloth
  • In an old Flemish custom, Christmas gifts were brought in sabots, or wooden shoes.
  • The revival of interest in Flemish painting at the time is reflected in the glazing.
  • The Flemish bond brickwork with decoratively glazed headers recalls colonial architectural details.
  • Within the history of Flemish art Bosch was the one who fostered the advent of broad landscape vistas with their own intrinsic importance to the principal subjects of either saints or sinners.
  • It is characteristic of Belgian civilization and of its irradicable traditional spirit of regionalism that the Hôtels de Ville built in imitation of the Flemish Renaissance are particularly numerous, and even in some cases, such as the Maison communale of Belgium From the Roman Invasion to the Present Day
  • I could easily classify her as a timeless Flemish Mysthic if I wouldn't be afraid to use the word classify in her case. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • The next day, we all commenced in earnest our studies in navigation and seamanship, the naval instructor with his assistants working us up in our mathematics and imparting to us the elements of plane and spherical trigonometry; while the boatswain and his mates gave us practical lessons in the setting up of rigging and making of knots, so that there should be no chance of our mistaking a "sheepshank" for a "cat's paw," or a "Flemish eye" for a "grommet! Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • For at such times, when he found his martial spirit waxing hot within him, he would prudently sally forth into the fields, and lugging out his trusty sabre, of full two flemish ells in length, would lay about him most lustily, decapitating cabbages by platoons — hewing down whole phalanxes of sunflowers, which he termed gigantic A History of New York
  • Then a cheap supper, a long walk along the quais or ramparts or outside -- a game of dominoes, and a glass or two of "Malines" or "Louvain" -- then bed, without invading hordes; the Flemish are as clean as the Dutch; and there he would soon smoke and read himself to sleep in spite of chimes -- which lull you, when once you get "achimatized," as he called it, meaning of course to be funny: a villainous kind of fun -- caught, I fear, in Barge Yard, The Martian
  • A picture from the same era of a woman surrounded by colorful thermos flasks marries the saturated colors of cheesy calendar art with the grace of a Flemish genre painting.
  • Thunder commented in entry 'Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not? view) 1. (main blog)
  • In 1787 the count hired Pierre Cloostermans, a Flemish ceramic painter living in Paris, to continue making creamware and to develop a formula for hard-paste porcelain.
  • A group of manuscripts made for the Dowager Queen Eliska Rejka 1315-23 show first-hand knowledge of Franco-Flemish illumination, while a passional illuminated for the Abbess Kunhuta in about 1320 (Prague, University Lib.) remains obscure.
  • Then I find myself at the old-new cathedral, begun about a century ago, and finished about fifty years since -- a 'poorish' heartless edifice in the bald Italian manner, and quite unsuited to these old Flemish cities. A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
  • The capital and largest city of Belgium, in the central part of the country. Officially bilingual (Flemish and French), it became capital of Belgium in 830. Metropolitan area population, 2,395,000.
  • Two separate exhibitions focus on the drawings and oil sketches of the Flemish master.

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