
How To Use Flecked In A Sentence

  • A boring-sounding penne dish, tossed with crisped bits of pancetta (the unsmoked Italian bacon) and a basil-flecked cream sauce, turns out to hold interest down to the last bite.
  • The colossal arms disappearing into her coat's dolman sleeves, tweed flecked with purple and gold. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • His brown hair is flecked with grey and he has more shiny gold buttons than anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • Viro heard a slither, and a hiss, and looked above; from the rafters, a furred snake hung, its tail coiled upon a rotten wooded sign, the whitish paint flecked and gone.
  • Water rushed by, brown and flecked with foam, swollen by the rain. A SEASON IN HELL
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  • His brown hair is flecked with grey and he has more shiny gold buttons than anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, nearly a calm tries the patience and wastes time; yet is the moonlit sea like a vast plain studded with glow-worms; and the noonday sea like lapis lazuli, flecked with silver. Extracts from a Lady's Log-Book,
  • I remember little about him except that he had a black beard flecked with grey, and gave me oranges.
  • He remembers her as a non-stereotypical 1950s housewife, riding her white bicycle down the middle of the high street while smoking a Woodbine and wearing rubber, high-heeled glitter-flecked galoshes.
  • Luminous stars flecked the black night sky like fireflies.
  • An omelet bundle flecked with chives wraps up roasted mushrooms and melted Gruyère.
  • It's an exquisite dish, as is the chicken, pancetta-wrapped and juicy, a side of basil-and-olive-flecked orzo complementing the herby goat-cheese filling.
  • But I found myself asking, as I often do when my opinions garner the kind of spittle-flecked crazy talk that my end-of-year 'Worst' list did, what is it specifically about the internet that makes people jerks? James Rocchi: The Moviegoer: Manufactured Perspectives
  • Bradford North police last night issued an e-fit photograph of the attacker, who is described as Asian, aged about 40, with brushed back black hair flecked with grey.
  • One had exposed entrails, like blood-flecked sausage.
  • Bar tops in the fireplace-warmed "Bulldog Lounge" are made from local taconite rock, flecked with red iron ore; walls are inlaid with Minnesota stone and the decorative panels are made of wood salvaged from old grain elevators. Why College Hockey Arenas Are the Cathedrals of Sports
  • The bottom of the wound was flecked with very small dots of blood.
  • The shaved flanks of the galloping horses were flecked with foaming sweat.
  • The term 'illuminated' refers to handpainted manuscripts flecked with gold, which created a flickering effect when viewed by candlelight. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Mezzo Marie Lenormand was sweetly swaggering as the Fox, who woos and wins the Vixen; baritone Joshua Bloom was pure testosterone as Harašta; and mezzo Melissa Parks was imposing as the Forester's impatient wife and the Owl for which she wore a cagelike garment flecked with feathers. The Beauty of the Beasts
  • The water looked mixed with black paint, but the surface was flecked with yellow spots of light.
  • The silent roadway looked like a long riband of polished silver, flecked here and there by the dark arabesques of waving shadows.
  • The gold-flecked parfum costs 2,500 for 100ml ( Times, Sunday Times
  • His hair was increasingly flecked with grey.
  • There's a kind of antiqued texture to it that cannot be captured in a picture, and there are these subtle prints of wallpaper flowers flecked here and there, and some limned in delicate etchings of gold.
  • TheRunawaySpoon's simple food processor dough yields tender, buttery coins flecked with blue cheese and black pepper. The Best Open House Dishes From Food52
  • Butternut-squash tortellini flecked with sage offers only a slightly less severe case of blissful oblivion - provided you brush off the slivers of overbearing Parmesan.
  • His hair was increasingly flecked with grey.
  • As well as its creamy throat and underbelly I felt sure that some of its fur was flecked with white. Times, Sunday Times
  • He glanced at the sky, which was flecked with harmless fluffy white cloud. LOST SUMMER
  • 'Relativity' is a sprawling, psychedelic-flecked number, driven by a motorik pulse and surrounded by swirling organs and sheets of jagged guitars.
  • His silver-gray eyes, flecked slightly with green, continued to study the flock and the quarasote bushes, which were all that grew in the red sandy soil of the stead. Darkness
  • The floor was still that gold flecked marble, but it also had a deep red carpet runner down the center.
  • The thick green carpet is flecked with gold, the walls are cream and dividing arches are lit to warm gold by downward-angled lights.
  • The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
  • Insistent, often unpolished, and flecked with humour, Shary Boyle's drawings expose private vice and public embarrassment.
  • Breton butter is notable since it's almost always flecked with large, coarse grains of salt that crunch when you bite into them.
  • The satellite rose into a brilliantly sunny sky flecked with small white clouds.
  • Breeding adults have yellow bills, iridescent feathers that shine purple and green and are flecked with white spots.
  • Her hair, tied at the back with a pencil, is flecked with the odd strand of grey and, of course, there are lines on her face.
  • She has beautiful even skin and her hair is short and undyed, flecked pretty silver.
  • Elizabeth crept closer to snap a close-range shot of her friend's sand-flecked face.
  • The highly incisive aftertaste is flecked with chalkiness from the soil.
  • Here comes to view the 'flecked' appearance of the iris, especially in the right eye. The Appetite of Tyranny Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian
  • Vultures and hawks circled in the flat blue skies above; clouds flecked and passed as ships of ghostly steam; the sun was hot but not scorching.
  • Something about crows, yes, poor fellows, blow them off too, for now, so infuriated, they know the August blacksmith bellows to be a far cry; or November, pinhole in a parallax of sty, cataract, red-flecked polyp spitting flumes of snow. The Last Words Of Julius Orange
  • His pale face was sprinkled with freckles, and Cally noticed that his green eyes were flecked with brown.
  • King Sila was a hard, stern man with cold blue eyes and dark hair, flecked with grey.
  • He's bloody, she announced, her eyes glued to Puff's blood-flecked chest. Puff
  • The gutters were awash with dirty soot-flecked water, rushing down the storm-drain.
  • Their long white necks were flecked with the tiniest feathers of iridescent azure and jade and they walked on their thin bright yellow legs with a magnificent strut.
  • Spurts of sand were flecked up all around The Kid and the big white horse winced and jumped as a ball smashed the saddletree a glancing blow. Kid Wolf of Texas
  • Immediately after my Tweet and the froth-flecked reverberations its flight inspired, I felt more than twinges of regret that I had roused the beasts which I have sought for years to placate through the uttering of low amusements: I felt genuine anxiety that their ire was directed at me, a Show-off who depends on goodwill to ensure the making of a living which in this economy is no easy feat. Steven Weber: Listen to the Mocking Bird
  • He was attired in a plain, mud-flecked uniform.
  • And it has the appearance of Shetland wool because it is flecked with white yarns.
  • Patterned and flecked cord aiguillettes are also available, as well as a variety of tags and attachments for the tips of the aiguillette itself.
  • He coughed again, more painfully, and now his lips were flecked with blood.
  • His dark brown hair was flecked with golden brown and sat flat on his head but curled around his ears, neck and forehead.
  • The bird's breast is flecked with brown.
  • There's a very simple, effective penne pasta tossed with Italian sausage in a basil-flecked tomato cream; at $6 it's enough to share.
  • His features were twisted and mottled with rage, and foam flecked his lips as he rasped at her.
  • It was flecked cloth with zips down the side of the jacket - which looked absolutely horrible - and peg trousers.
  • The white-flecked ones, foaming as they crest, are the angrier-looking.
  • Of course, if you want a herbier start to your morning, increase the amount of herbs used to get a gorgeous canary-hued dish flecked with gorgeous greenery. Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Herbs
  • He had dark blonde hair that was flecked with bits of red, giving it a strawberry blonde appearance.
  • Never would I have thought that you would see rank and file middle/upper middle class people praising and cheering the use of torture and celebrating bush’s ignorant incompetence, but all you had to do was offer them tax cuts, abd they obediently got into line cheering on or turning a blind eye to any number of evils and engaging in spittle flecked rages against Gore and Kerry in their zeal to serve the party. Matthew Yglesias » Death at Gitmo
  • Breeding adults have yellow bills, iridescent feathers that shine purple and green and are flecked with white spots.
  • His brown hair is flecked with grey and he has more shiny gold buttons than anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sheraton describes the tenderly crusty roll as “characterized by an indented center well that is ringed by a softer, higher rim, all generously flecked with toasted onions and, at its most authentic, with a showering of poppy seeds.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Our streets are used as dumping grounds, our buildings are covered with graffiti and our pavements are flecked with sticky-gum.
  • The organisation is trying to lure large birds like the Egyptian geese, flecked with oil, into a boma filled with food, in order to capture and save them.
  • Their wide gray irises were flecked with golden amber and sapphire — flecks that shone like clusters of little aureate and azure stars. The Metal Monster
  • The morning sky was flecked with little snowy clouds; the air was full of pine-resin.
  • She dragged out her husband's old miter saw and two paint flecked saw-horses. O' Bending Light
  • He stared at her; his green eyes were flecked with gold, and something else.
  • I cut them and carried them to Thecla, nigrescent purple flecked with scarlet. The Shadow of the Torturer
  • His heartland is the west of Scotland, particularly Glasgow, which is dotted with his Ashoka restaurants like a tablecloth flecked in korma sauce.
  • She is in shock, and her pale complexion is becoming more and more flecked with blood.
  • We wended our way between hedgerows and verges bright with crane's bill and bellflower, past poppy-flecked fields of ripening wheat, heading for columns of smoke that billowed from the fields at Low Burton. Country diary: Wensleydale
  • We learned the most expensive tea ware is made from a kind of purple clay flecked with real gold.
  • It was all so new," George muses, "the pleasure flecked with its opposite, with little hurts and contradictions that came to seem as much a part of love as the clear gaze of acceptance. The (Private) Lives of the Poets
  • Chunky flecked roll neck sweater, £99, in black or grey with white flecks.
  • Moles were doing the Chalkland Way, leaving molehills of white-flecked soil.
  • Never before have the drool buckets of freedom overflowed with such a steady stream of blooded flecked, hate infected spittle, injective and vitrioil. Think Progress » U.S. General: Iran Attack Fraught With Risk, Bush Needs to ‘Make Diplomacy Work’
  • When we made the passage (bound, although yet we knew it not, for Silverado) the steamer jumped, and the black buoys were dancing in the jabble; the ocean breeze blew killing chill; and, although the upper sky was still unflecked with vapour, the sea fogs were pouring in from seaward, over the hilltops of Marin county, in one great, shapeless, silver cloud. The Silverado Squatters
  • His voice rose with each word and spittle flecked his lips.
  • The fringed petal edges were flecked with blue, and the stem was tied with white ribbon.
  • It is definitely of later formation than the antigorite, and in numerous instances this mineral is itself flecked with platelets of talc indicating a replacement of the former by the latter.
  • The fabric was red, flecked with gold.
  • But it would be flecked with disappointment were he to roll back the advances of the past 12 months in favour of creating his very own Dad's Army through the restoration of the golden oldies en masse. Harry Redknapp's Dad's Army take on England would be a step back | Richard Williams
  • The words he spoke grated against the dry throat, and he coughed, the harsh bark filling the grand room as the man's own blood flecked his lips.
  • The clerk was a small man of indeterminate age, and in spite of working in a wig shop, his own black-died backswept hair was thin and flecked with dandruff. Babylon Nights
  • His brown hair is flecked with grey and he has more shiny gold buttons than anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grass was flecked with sunlight.
  • Steve Carrell was actually being waxed for that scene and the subsequence scene of him walking down the street in his blood-flecked shirt is not a special effect. "I was overwhelmed by a sudden access of lava-like agony, accompanied by the vertiginous sensation that there was no there there."
  • His fingers were soon bathed in olive oil and flecked with pepper, dancing quickly from plate to plate.
  • It's a dark grey material but it's flecked with white.
  • His brown hair is flecked with grey and he has more shiny gold buttons than anyone else. Times, Sunday Times
  • White hair flecked with silver fell about his shoulders, dark piercing eyes smiling out from a face touched by agelessness incongruous to the silvery beard at his chin.
  • He lanced each patron of the tavern with his soul chilling gaze, brown and gray flecked hair framing his face.
  • Cranberry beans: Also called borlotti beans, these lovely, purple-flecked white beans are good substitutes for pintos, favas, or pink beans. The Food Matters Cookbook
  • She has beautiful even skin and her hair is short and undyed, flecked pretty silver.
  • With the wind upon her quarter, she rode on an even keel, and the long iron hull, gleaming snowily in the sunshine, drove on, majestic, through a field of white-flecked green and azure. Vane of the Timberlands
  • The non-breeding adult (November to March) has a cap flecked with white and gray, and underparts (except the wing) barred with brown and white.
  • The silent roadway looked like a long riband of polished silver, flecked here and there by the dark arabesques of waving shadows.
  • Her hair, tied at the back with a pencil, is flecked with the odd strand of grey and, of course, there are lines on her face.
  • The rest of her was flecked with silver and darker shades of gray, particularly on her muzzle and back.
  • The tops of trees flecked with pale yellow light, but the meadow darkens quickly. The light that draws the flower
  • He was a tallish man in early middle age, his beard beginning to be flecked with grey. THE ONLY GAME
  • No sooner had she wished it than his green-flecked gaze fell to her and the reddish brows raised on his forehead once more while one corner of his mouth crept upwards.
  • As well as its creamy throat and underbelly I felt sure that some of its fur was flecked with white. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kyle's brown eyes were flecked with green and his blonde-streaked brown hair was in a ponytail.
  • The figure, in dark pants and red blazer, is flecked with strokes of blue paint that match the deep background of the canvas, suggesting his immateriality and the imagined space of the composition.
  • The mixture is pale yellow, flecked with blades of rosemary.
  • Yesterday bullet holes spattered the walls and the floor was flecked with blood.
  • His wispy brown hair is flecked with gray, a striking contrast to his crimson face.
  • The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
  • THE TWO MEN flew south, across the Paonese countryside, rich with ancient habitancy; then over the seas, flecked with the sails of fishing craft. The Languages of Pao
  • Often swathed in cloud, otherwise fading into a purple haze flecked with white where winter snows remain in gullies and hollows, the highest point is Pic d' Anie.
  • She came to him with a smile on her lips, which were flecked with red lipstick.

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