
How To Use Flea market In A Sentence

  • The carnival-like grounds are comprised of booths in a flea market-like setting where proprietors in canvas tents sell merchandise, independent record labels flog their artists, and magazine publishers and non-profit orgs ply their way. Warped Tour…punk, X-treme sports, and fanticipation! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • Inside you'll find a scene he characterizes as a flea market, with individuals bidding on big cats for "canned hunts. Keith Thomson: It's Not Just Chimps: Americans Have 7,000 Pet Tigers
  • Hanging behind them are rugs of varying sizes, layers of them, many with warm deep hues of scarlet, purchased in Dutch flea markets.
  • She scours flea markets and will either repair her purchases or leave them, depending on the extent of the damage.
  • The selection of textiles range from a fragment of printed cotton purchased at a flea market to Parisian couture gowns, African wall hangings and Turkish robes.
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  • Aloha Stadium, by day, is where you will find the biggest open flea market in town.
  • I am going to sew a huge denim tote bag, lined with nice vintage barkcloth and carry it with me to all the flea markets and estate sales in Portland, Oregon covered with pins, patches and buttons! Things I Don't Need But Want Anyway (one of an infinite series) - A Dress A Day
  • But the Recording Industry Assn. of America and the Motion Picture Assn. of America say they sometimes need to use subterfuge as they pursue bootleggers in flea markets and on the Internet. April 9th, 2007
  • My friend likes to stroll around the flea market on the chance of picking up something of value.
  • An article in another paper wrote about the sale of fireworks from a stall in a flea market in Port of Spain.
  • Flea markets, and summer produce stands are great places to shop for previously used wooden crates.
  • The best places to pick up cool vintage toys: Flea markets, church bazaars, garage sales.
  • Most of our furniture arrived straight from the fumigator after being dug up at a flea market, or from Costco. Good-Enough Mother
  • We had driven out to the PCC Flea Market only to find a completely different crowd cueing up. Mat Gleason: Rose Parade Floats: Street Art by Another Name
  • They've only got a five year-old softball bat, a threadbare cap, three scuffed balls and nine second-hand gloves from a flea market. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 14, 2009
  • These tiny documents were purchased by a flea market trader in a trunk stored in the attic of a prominent Savannah family during the dispersal of an estate.
  • Their durability, in fact, is what has long kept restaurant dinnerware in circulation - not in kitchens, but at flea markets and antiques stores.
  • For a 1989 exhibition on the history of television, Smithsonian curators scoured flea markets and garage sales in a search for lunch boxes depicting popular shows and characters.
  • Knockoffs from the flea market: Your kids will roll their eyes at their new pair of Sikes with the checkmark logo. El Guapo: Sinverguenza: A Holiday Survival Guide
  • Thrift stores include the Salvation Army, flea markets, as well as second-hand stores.
  • John Donahoe what was it you call the flea market crowd? Citigroup: eBay Still Has Plenty to Prove
  • That turned him into a serious collector, scouting yard sales, attics, flea markets, estate auctions and used bookstores.
  • At a flea market, McMichael can spot the familiar royal blue bubble shape sitting in a heap yards away.
  • Watch faces, found at flea markets and removed from their bands, are arranged precisely on a tray.
  • Grab your bumbag and hit the flea market where the characters love picking up 'treasure'. The Sun
  • Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market.
  • He bought her the ring one day, knowing that even though he only spent fifty cents on it at a flea market, Zoe would find it precious and cherish it forever.
  • The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.
  • Thrift stores include the Salvation Army, flea markets, as well as second-hand stores.
  • In the flea markets I bought a leather jacket from a woman who spoke in gypsy accent. Help Me Plan My Trip to Italy
  • They've only got a five year-old softball bat, a threadbare cap, three scuffed balls and nine second-hand gloves from a flea market. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 14, 2009
  • She did believe in Santa, but she thought he was just some overlord who bossed his workers around and shopped at flea markets for her gifts.
  • At his traditional food stand in the harborside flea market, one vendor said he is seeing a marked rise in sales of horsemeat.
  • They occasionally escape from headquarters or get distracted by discarded e-brains they find in flea markets. MIND MELD: What Are The Coolest Robots in Science Fiction?
  • Our weekends are typically filled with flea market food tastings, mimosa-soaked brunches, and intimate meals at creative Brooklyn hotspots serving things like fried kale, creamy risotto, and creatively flavored artisan ice cream.
  • Hunter has an interest in prowling around flea market.
  • Wedgwood is spelled without a second T as every flea market afficianado knows. vondrakker Says: HOLIDAY PARTY SUBJUNCTIVE • by Kevin Jewell
  • Festival-goers can look forward to more than 70 artists, deejays, outdoor activities, beer gardens, restaurants, flea markets and a variety of sports.
  • On a visit to a Paris flea market with the sculptor, Breton lit on a curious wooden spoon with a little boot carved under its handle and carried it off.
  • A favorite combination for the dining table is a row of six opaline blue glasses found at a flea market.
  • The local antique dealers held a flea market and fair on the high - school athletic field.
  • Advertisements for pawn shops, bail bondsmen and flea markets confirm a crisis.
  • Excuse me; Ce n'est pas grave = It's nothing; la brocante (f) = flea market; la bricole (f) = trifle, trinket; le potager (m) = vegetable garden; la mère (f) = mother French Word-A-Day:
  • As the band lets the dueling guitars heat up, Johnson barks like a flea market pitchman, bargaining with wary shoppers for humanism and attention.
  • She described some James-controlled rooms which have since been cleaned as abhorrently dirty and disorganized, randomly stuffed with personal belongings, important Club documents, flea market trinkets and infested with vermin and insects. Arts Club Hearing Blocked by Court
  • Despite the ridic weekend heat wave, over 12,000 made it to the first L.A. Flea Market at the Dodger Stadium on Sunday.
  • The selection of textiles range from a fragment of printed cotton purchased at a flea market to Parisian couture gowns, African wall hangings and Turkish robes.
  • Two came recently: the winningly inventive Opening Ceremony, selling pioneering, quirky international fashion — long black Brazilian capes, finely knitted German undershirts — by designers and manufacturers you’ve almost certainly never heard of; and De Vera, a sort of hyper-curated flea market — a Wunderkammer, really — where necklaces made from ancient intaglios are displayed in artfully crammed vitrines alongside antique opium pipes and Victorian mourning jewelry. A Bit of Punctuation
  • Grab your bumbag and hit the flea market where the characters love picking up 'treasure'. The Sun
  • She furnished the space with comfortable, stylish pieces, including a chair found at a flea market, an old coffee table, and an antique daybed.
  • He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.
  • It's a CD of music from the Swiss alps I bought at a flea market one Sunday when I was in an ironic mood.
  • Yet this same day, my local Pressing, where I bring my sumptuous linen sheets to be cleaned (which I bought by being cheap, and bargained for at a flea market), mistakenly overcharged me 60 centimes, which I didn't discover until I got home.
  • In many places around the country, you'll find a monthly antique flea market; sometimes, at the end of the day, sellers actually leave things behind because they don't want to schlepp them home.
  • Or perhaps a flea market, where the detritus of a capitalist culture gets recycled in survivalist fantasia below a mythological rural idyll. Locavore Utopia
  • It's part flea market, part international bazaar, part Dufferin Mall.
  • The arena livens up only on Saturdays and Sundays when a flea market is open there.
  • Also intrinsic to the flea market orientation was an element of bargain hunting.
  • From that point forward I made an effort to look inside old cameras whenever we would stop in antique stores and Sunday flea markets. Mango Falls | clusterflock
  • Late in life the junk store/flea market bug bit Papa hard.
  • I always have this faint hope that I might stumble across some great find at the flea market.
  • An interesting handled smooth plane surfaced at a local flea market this past summer.
  • PLUS DON'T MISS San Telmo Market | Browse this flea market for high-class bric-a-brac. Recoleta Cemetery | Grand old families and military heroes lie entombed in mini pantheons of every imaginable architectural style. Buenos Aires
  • Their physiognomies were based on a Belgian Art Nouveau bust that he found in a flea market.
  • A pawnshop is a bit like a flea market crossed with a garage sale and a jumble shop. News from
  • Sell your music at flea markets, barbershops, beauty salons, birthday parties, car washes, and any place you think people will buy it.
  • He tried to enforce the wearing of dog collars but undermined his own argument somewhat when he confessed how he liked to wander incognito in Rome's flea markets in search of discarded chalices, crucifixes and holywater fonts.
  • One only had to look at the vast amounts of war medals sold for a pittance by impoverished and embittered veterans at flea markets.
  • Many Japanese flags and other articles like swords are sold on Internet auctions and at flea markets.
  • I'm fond of the menko cards I found at a flea market in Nagoya years ago of sumo rikishi and yakuza. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Jewish culture in flea markets, used records stores, and auctions all over. Aaron Ciechanover - Autobiography
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~References~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ une brocante (f) = flea market; un clou (m) = nail; une clef (f) = key; quatorzième = fourteenth Clef - French Word-A-Day
  • College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses.
  • Flea markets are happy hunting grounds for people looking for antiques at good prices.
  • Other buzzing entrepreneurs would zoom up and buy your rejects to peddle at flea markets.
  • A thousand attics and flea markets must have been raided to yield the album's menagerie of castaway ukuleles, autoharps, Marxophones, Aqualins and peck horns.
  • Gary the guide reported that for all Beijing's attractions, westerners are magnetically attracted to the local flea market, the Silk Alley Market.
  • Well, after over 20 years of searching used book stores, thrift stores, flea markets, little kids 'backpacks and the pockets of dead bums in alleys, all with no luck, my long search for the Conan Endless Quest adventure books came to a conclusion thanks to the amazing generosity of a Geek Orthodox reader named Kevin. Archive 2009-01-01
  • It's not about the cost of materials: he scrounges and scours flea markets and online auctions for things that can apply to the tables. Roasting Rich and Famous

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