How To Use Flaxen In A Sentence
He's skinny and angular, with a hollow face, jaundiced skin, sunken black eyes and a flaxen mop.
She was dressed modestly but coquettishly in a pale purple silk gown with tiny flowerets in her flaxen hair.
He's skinny and angular, with a hollow face, jaundiced skin, sunken black eyes and a flaxen mop.
Ranger is a 4-year old sorrel with a flaxen mane and tail, right hind sock, and left hind stocking.
They consisted of an elderly, bewigged, and powdered little Italian, his German wife, a much-berouged lady of large proportions and flaxen hair, with a poodle.
From Paris to New York by Land

Few have ever seen a woman hatchel flax or card tow, or heard the buzzing of the foot-wheel, or seen bunches of flaxen yarn hanging in the kitchen, or linen cloth whitening on the grass.
Home Life in Colonial Days
I now have a soft spot for Jaguar Love and, in particular, Johnny Whitney — a vocalist with an uncombable shock of flaxen hair and a flamboyant swagger.
The Siren Festival : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
Her beautiful flaxen hair, unwashed, unbrushed, unpampered for days, maybe even weeks, looked dry and dull.
Darkest Hour
One evening, as myself and my brother, who was then a flaxen headed little fellow, dressed in kilt and tartans, were playing on the grass-plot just described, I saw a strange gentleman enter the postern; and, while we continued at our amusement, we sometimes looked up to remark on him to each other, as he walked to and fro in the pathway beyond the grass: for he appeared very different from the usual order of gentlemen we had seen.
The Scottish Chiefs
Her creamy skin glowed in the firelight, and her flaxen hair was like spun gold.
She turned, all flaxen and pink and white, haloed by the naked light bulbs round the mirror.
Her flaxen hair shone in the dying light, creating a shimmering halo around her head and shoulders.
Her eyes were alight, her hair flaxen, her golden skin shining with more than just the glow of youth.
According to Aubrey, he was tall, had long legs, and was "incurvelting at his shoulders; his hair was but thin and flaxen, with a moist curl; his gait slow and rather astalking; his eye was a kind of light goose-grey, not big, but it had a strange piercingness, not as to shining and glory, but when he conversed he looked into your very thoughts.
Royalty Restored
His newest horse, Harlow, named for her flaxen mane, is being raised in New Mexico for show.
September 2005
Alex was also unexpected; his coffee-flaxen hair spiked up like a crown, wearing a neat collared shirt and stonewashed jeans.
He had an unruly shock of flaxen hair, lighter than the colour of wheat, and huge, sparkling eyes.
Her eyes were alight, her hair flaxen, her golden skin shining with more than just the glow of youth.
Her flaxen hair streamed wild and stringy over back and shoulders, she wore some kind of blackish felt tunic with long sleeves, and beneath it tight-legged trousers.
Fortune's Favorites
Now, the stomach is like a crucible, for it hath a chemical kind of virtue to transmute one body into another, to transsubstantiate fish and fruits into flesh within and about us; but tho it be questionable whether I wear the same flesh which is fluxible, I am sure my hair is not the same, for you may remember I went flaxen-haired out of
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
The voice belonged to a tall knight, dressed all in armor, with dark skin and flaxen hair.
'Faith, Broadbrim, I believe thou art right, and the old gentleman in the flaxen jazy shall have no more of the comforter.
Her flaxen hair was drawn back in a single plait bound with cord.
Miss Jennings, adorned with all the blooming treasures of youth, had the fairest and brightest complexion that ever was seen: her hair was of a most beauteous flaxen: there was something particularly lively and animated in her countenance, which preserved her from that insipidity which is frequently an attendant on a complexion so extremely fair.
Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
Her hair was loosely flowing around her shoulders, its flaxen curls bouncing gently every time she moved.
Two women "ferrymen" found room to row in front, the coachman attended to his horses, one of which was inclined to be restive, while a man, whose flaxen hair was so light it looked positively white against his red burnt neck, stood rowing behind us; and thus in three-quarters of an hour we reached the other side, in as wonderful a transport as the trains we had seen put on steamers in Denmark, Sicily, or the States, but much more exciting and primitive.
Through Finland in Carts
Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.
Aislinn flew to her and cradled the flaxen head upon her lap.
Their name bespoke their old English origin, which (except in the case of Ingred) was further vouched for by their blue eyes, fair skins, and flaxen hair.
A Popular Schoolgirl
Instead it offers miles of flaxen marshes bent by the winds—what Mr. Jacobsen describes as "the flattest landscape imaginable, a prairie on the water.
A Gulf Requiem
Never a night passed but the dreary stage-door was cinct with a circlet of fools bearing bright bouquets, of flaxen-headed fools who had feet like black needles, and graceful fools incumbent upon canes.
The Works of Max Beerbohm
Rose of Ireland and the White Rose of Devon, a noted Society phrasemonger had dubbed them, seeing them together on the lawn one Ascot Cup Day, their light draperies and delicate ribbons whip-whipping in the pleasant June breeze, ivory-skinned, jetty-locked Celtic beauty and blue-eyed, flaxen-locked Saxon fairness in charming, confidential juxtaposition under one lace sunshade, lined with what has been the last new fashionable colour under twenty names, since then; only that year they called it _Rose fané_.
The Dop Doctor
It was silvery white, of unsoiled reed flaxen silk.
Hem – m – that one with the flaxen curls under her bonnet is Miss Day.
The Hidden Hand
The stems are particularly full and smooth, and the heads of the best of them rustle back with a profusion of flaxen flowerage, remarkably agreeable to the touch.
Hypolympia Or, The Gods in the Island, an Ironic Fantasy
With his trademark single flaxen plait snaking lazily down his jumper, Britain's leading organic gardener certainly appears to practise what he preaches.
Asta was a sorrel mare, chestnut colored, with a flaxen mane and tail.
The man with the new flaxen locks instead explained that he was struggling with pityriasis rosea, a chicken pox-like virus.
Does not contain melanin body for the flaxen hair, and gray.
He took off the boy's cap and pushed back his thick flaxen curls.
All about are bondsmen's scalps - bald pates, shaved and shining as this morning's spring-ish dew - while we bonded women wear our best and only sheath of wadmal cloth, gray and drab and of a sweaty woolen, with a flaxen kerchief tied around our brows and braids.
Excerpt: The Thrall's Tale by Judith Lindbergh
Joey Maynard smiled down at the small, eager face with its frame of flaxen curls.
Milo's steed, a roan stallion with a flaxen mane and tail, looked at her with ears pricked up.
‘Faith, Broadbrim, I believe thou art right, and the old gentleman in the flaxen jazy shall have no more of the comforter.
Her flaxen hair was drawn back in a single plait bound with cord.
He had azure coloured eyes and flaxen hair with indigo streaks.
On colour, white metope can hang shallow brown or flaxen picture frame.
Yet it is hard to see why he was any more dangerous than Charles Darwin, whose theory, when distorted and vulgarized as the survival of the fittest, provided scientific support for Himmler's program to breed flaxen-haired demigods—so unlike the physique of the dear Führer and his closest associates.
Hitler's Golden Book
The metope of shallow blue, the curtain can be used dark brown, blue flower of white perhaps bottom makes antependium, flaxen transparent gauze does a curtain.
Samantha sat in her cabin, rinsing the rough soap out of her flaxen hair.
In that white dress, with that flaxen hair and those blue eyes, she looks as if she's descended straight from heaven.
With her flaxen hair and happy smile, she was a diminutive replica of her mother: her life predicted in that rosy face.
His sickly white skin busied itself with actively resisting the urge to create melanin, so as to not contrast with his tightly cropped flaxen hair.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Other things about your characters that rarely matter
The gelding shook his thick, flaxen mane and nickered at his master.
But then he moved, and the candle caught the sheen of flaxen hair.
flaxen locks
Mesa of caesious polish floor tile, flaxen marble, the teak picture frame of ancient sweet patina adds refined flavor.
Marie was blessed with a mane of flaxen hair which normally she wore plaited and doubly looped by ribbons at her neck.
Forth from the frigid mews come easily swinging carriages guided by short – legged coachmen in flaxen wigs, deep sunk into downy hammercloths, and up behind mount luscious Mercuries bearing sticks of state and wearing cocked hats broadwise, a spectacle for the angels.
Bleak House