
How To Use Flaw In A Sentence

  • Yet there is one basic flaw in the argument. The Sun
  • The two leads give crackerjack performances, their timing, dynamism and interaction almost flawless.
  • Although the strategy was flawed by its excessive voluntarism, it did force the party to modernize itself.
  • The fact that his acting was flawless in every way while talking to his other ... gv 2010 Academy Awards Winners | /Film
  • When faced with mass desertion, regiments often lacked the personnel to pursue the scofflaws, and soldiers could count on the sympathy of civilians willing to give them jobs rather than report them.
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  • The service is flawless; and every employee you pass in the corridor greets you with the unstudied politeness that is the hallmark of a great hotel.
  • I'd digitally greet him, applaud him, shake his hand, give him daps, but there's a flaw within the fine print, a question i got to ask— A poetic response
  • The report reveals fatal flaws in security at the airport.
  • The heavy-handed allusiveness may just be an aesthetic mistake, a secondary flaw we have to countenance while otherwise acknowledging the narrative power of the novel as a whole. Translated Texts
  • It's fisking an article that has so many flaws that criticizing it is like shooting fish in a barrel.
  • But what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw.
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
  • To avoid another crisis we must address this flaw in our regulatory system.
  • About flaws, failings, and sins in your life that perhaps only your husband know and see? Christianity Today
  • Intel judged the flaw to be minor, hid the truth from customers and quietly went about correcting the problem.
  • He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass. The Overload Protocol
  • His talent is amazing, his superb phrasing and sense of rhythm as flawless as a perfectly cut diamond.
  • The angel's face was luminesced, his skin glowing and perfectly flawless.
  • These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.
  • The seemingly random splotches of bold color mimicked the appearance of tortoiseshell while simultaneously obscuring flaws still evident in the body and glaze of many pieces.
  • The flaw in this style is it's concentricity, which will no longer convince growing adherence by new audiences - since increased accessibility to information has changed the rules of argumentation. Come Here Said the Spider to the Fly
  • She had exquisite taste and a flawless grasp of the Court's Byzantine code of conduct.
  • Taskbar is still annoying, everything looks worse than vista, my soundcard still doesn't work (probably creative's fault, but still, it's flawless in vista and 'Buntu), and it actually takes longer to boot than vista for me (or does it need to' mature 'like Vista does?). Windows 7′s Best Underhyped Features | Lifehacker Australia
  • The second year went up in the flames of a deeply flawed health-care reform.
  • Straight through her flawless appearance and extraordinary manners I saw an artificial person.
  • In her decision, Judge Coral Shaw found that the employer's investigation was flawed and the report was invalid and should be set aside.
  • Proponents say exam scofflaws are part of the price of annual testing, which shows parents how well a school is really doing, and dismiss the notion that accountability itself is the problem.
  • And in clubbing Clement Sunday in 1 hour, 46 minutes with a nearly flawless baseline game, Agassi showed he is as strong as ever. - Agassi, Capriati return to tennis' elite
  • The mental burden is weighing him down more than the technical flaw. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its flaws are like blemishes on the surface of a pearl: you wish they weren't there so that you could enjoy a perfect treasure.
  • Actually, the prevailing wisdom that iambic pentameter is somehow ideal for relating the rhythms of English speech seems deeply flawed to me. Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • It may, ironically, be the biggest flaw in his argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can she really be as flawless as her complexion? Times, Sunday Times
  • What seemed like a flawless operation has become a nightmare for the commander and his staff.
  • I fancy she entertains an 'arriere' idea of proposing her flawless niece Gracey, Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • These groups point out details that might flaw a study, like that researchers used too weak a dose or treated patients for too short a time.
  • The A-class is most exciting, with many of the old model's flaws addressed and a new interior to boot.
  • What are the fatal flaws that bring him into such contempt among his own peer group?
  • The claim is made that there were several flaws in this case, and for years there has been a concerted attempt to declare that the case made against Hanratty was ‘unsafe.’
  • There has been no such command performance since his hurried but deeply flawed return from serious injury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Denture preaches that the body and its engine, the brain, are the physical manifestations of all of our flaws, psychic, spiritual, and dermatological. Anhedonia (excerpt)
  • Can she really be as flawless as her complexion? Times, Sunday Times
  • The flaws should be relieved by means such as penalty, disciplinary sanction, civil compensation and criminal compensation.
  • The company started developing a type of malicious software known as adware that hackers install on PCs, where they served up pop-up ads for travel services, pornography, discounted drugs and other products, including its flawed antivirus software. IOL: News
  • Almost flawless in his midfield holding role. The Sun
  • Those scientific minds brave enough to point out these obvious flaws get fired, while the insane, lazy, and stupid continue to uphold a broken system that clearly doesn't work, punishes innocent citizens, overcrowds prisons, and generally increases suffering. Allison Kilkenny: Government Adviser Fired For Saying Alcohol Is More Dangerous Than Drugs
  • The nave but essentially well-meaning Peter's interaction with his flawed clients formed the centre of the piece and much of the comedy sprung from the dynamic duologues.
  • The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
  • That does not mean that the same principle applies to an uncatalogued and flawed reproduction. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the charge of "harlotry," it is equally flawed. La Malinche - harlot or heroine?
  • There is still a basic flaw in your selection procedure.
  • Is he afraid we will expose the huge holes in these fatally flawed proposals?
  • It has the grandeur of a true epic, a thrilling, if flawed hero, momentous political struggles, bravery, love and death.
  • The reasoning of the founders of the UN was that the League had failed on account of flaws in its constitution which were identifiable and corrigible.
  • Each field is built up of gesso, each layer sanded to a flawless finish, the last one airbrushed smoother than any shell.
  • The company is more than pleased with the results, although he says they are well aware of Julies flaws, which he mostly attributes to the limitations in the state-of-the-art technology behind Julie. Your Call Is (Not That) Important to Us
  • All very reasonable arguments and succinctly put, but in my opinion reusable nappies still have one fatal flaw - they are not self-cleaning.
  • While such a sophisticated politician was well aware of the pitfalls involved in fiercely defending his policies and sticking unswervingly to his principles, with hindsight this decision can be seen as fatally flawed.
  • Randy Krajewski, who plays accordion, bass, concertina, and piano and sings, appears to be the driving force behind this homage, and the band pulls it off nearly flawlessly.
  • At the very least, this flaw wastes huge sums of taxpayers ' money and police officers' time.
  • He is too committed to his reform package to be able to make changes as flaws become apparent during implementation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The empress dowager looked up, the tears beginning to course down those flawless cheeks.
  • Ben, for all his many flaws (and they ARE many), is a superb number-cruncher who knows the normal partisan leans of precincts across the county, and I'll remain pessimistic unless and until we KNOW Marsden has won. PROJECTED WINNER
  • Such profuse adulation of the rich exists side-by-side with occasional media trashing of individuals as overly piggish or personally flawed.
  • Do you think they just have a screenwriting computer programme that builds in all these character flaws and foibles?
  • And although government programs have their flaws, they are totally consistent with heavy government interference in agriculture.
  • Once you have found your colour match you will be well on your way to flawless skin. The Sun
  • He is the last man to concede that it is flawed or failing as a concept. Times, Sunday Times
  • They claim that evidence used to dismiss concerns about side-effects is flawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of writing in opposition to your nemesis, write in favor of your cause; instead of calling the boneheaded author's integrity into question, extol the virtues of those who oppose that person; instead of pointing out flaws in the author's logic, create a flawless argument of your own. Edward Muzio: The Power of Shutting Up in the Internet Age
  • As skin starts showing dullness and fine lines, choose a foundation that softens and camouflages flaws.
  • The album's major flaw is that 15 tracks of repetitive bloops and beeps is simply too long.
  • Apart from being a brilliant if flawed politician, he was up against a divided and unpopular Opposition. The Sun
  • The flaw in that theory lies with thinking of any potential buyer for the business. Times, Sunday Times
  • We ourselves realize that there are flaws in the scheme.
  • Freire's own model of critical pedagogy invites a critical interrogation of this flaw in the work.
  • All of these flaws came to a head during the week of rioting and looting, when rolling news media overdosed on graphic but often misleading imagery, politicians over-reacted and the rightwing print media went apeshit. Has Newsnight lost its way?
  • The most remarkable thing about Kenna's shameless new wave revivalism is that Fred Durst likes it - enough to take Kenna aboard his inappropriately named Flawless imprint, anyway.
  • The markets have exposed the fatal flaw in the government's economic policy.
  • The fatal flaw is that their very success means nobody looks different. Times, Sunday Times
  • All she could do was stare, still in awe of his flawlessness.
  • What's even more revealing is how the elite has come to see itself as ethically flawed.
  • To me the problem lies in one unescapable human flaw - people's overwhelming drive to seek power and control over others.
  • WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: Happening now, Barack Obama sharpening his criticism of Hillary Clinton, what he calls her flawed judgment. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2007
  • The movie isn't without its flaws, however, as some of the humour is rather juvenile, and some just plain stupid.
  • Whether or not these methods were flawed matters not; what is important is that ideal womanhood was, in part, physical.
  • Thus, although these boys view Australia as a kind of ‘Utopia’, the attitudes of many Australians flaw this ideal.
  • To be sure, some geologists have found flaws in certain parts of the theory, but few reject it entirely.
  • Mr. Gaddis's admiration for Kennan is obvious, but it does not stop him from portraying his subject's flaws— an immense ego, a deep insecurity, a volatile temperament. Uncontainable
  • His girlfriend was very pretty with a flawless complexion and hair the colour of new parchment.
  • Not only were their animated "masterworks" failing to live up to their flawless ancestry, but their live action efforts -- Movie Reviews
  • Now he breaks his silence about the flawed evidence.
  • His Protestant heirs continue to view the New Testament as a seriously flawed historical document.
  • And many studies are flawed by the tendency of researchers to look for information that confirms their own beliefs.
  • The mechanism may be full of flaws and faults but these reflect poorly on those that staff the system, not the system itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would point to Francis Fukuyama's insightful "The End of History", which was only been flawed by assuming that the US was a real democracy --- and not a very subtle, guileful ruling-elite 'corporate financial Empire' disguising itself behind the facade of this two-party 'Vichy' sham of democracy. Coming Soon-- Riots in America?
  • The flaw is the characters don't seem to belong together. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ruling dashes Ms. Kissel's chances of securing a release through a retrial after Hong Kong's highest court early last year threw out her 2005 murder conviction, citing procedural flaws in what became widely known as the "milkshake murder" trial. Hong Kong Jury Finds American Expatriate Nancy Kissel Guilty of Murder
  • But to give yourself the best chance of retaining a fresh and flawless complexion as you age, you need to look after your skin. The Sun
  • This debate about a device to “save” newspapers is fundamentally flawed because it assumes that the newspaper industry will remain cohesive with a single revenue and distribution model, as it did until about 5 years ago. Why the Kindle HD Can’t Save Newspapers
  • The phenomenon is easily seen by eye and apparently cannot be ascribed to statistical artefacts, selection procedures or flawed reduction techniques.
  • I can tell you from experience that the public financing system, despite numerous flaws in reporting and timing requirements, works.
  • If Mad Men isn't a perfect show, it wasn't a perfect time, but I do think what you see as a flaw is an attempt for the show to remain truthful. Ask Matt: CSI: Miami Move, a Bones Scoop-let, Lone Star, NCIS and More!
  • While I've praised the improvements that Assembly and Senate committees made last week, the bill is still fundamentally flawed in several ways.
  • For an institution whose culture has been built on order and seemliness, it is deeply distressing to learn of serious flaws and even criminal activity within its fold.
  • They saw the flaws and cracks in the system. [But] we have to move on and think beyond one man.
  • Kent the narrator is wise to the flaws of his younger self, if not exactly regretful.
  • The central character is deeply flawed and yet he is also extremely likeable. Times, Sunday Times
  • A short crop of blond hair accented the flawless skin, the blue eyes.
  • Mrs Drummond waved well-formed fingers tipped with flawless ovals of strawberry pink enamel. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Taken as a whole, there are more strengths than flaws in the floor plan.
  • Who in the heavens could match his pecs, his flawless jawline, his crystalline gaze?
  • My ball mouse on my special 'mousepad' (a book made of canvas) tracks flawlessly ALL the time and never ever gets dirty (inside), and with PS2Rate it's smoother than a USB optical mouse and uses fewer resources. Kevynwight Diary Entry
  • It keeps my complexion flawless - it's not a big deal and takes five minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A period of passionate love gives way to companionate love, where there is a readiness to accept and acknowledge a partner’s flaws and sacrifices are made for each another.
  • In baseball though, the boy played flawlessly, often reaching second safely on a lazy groundball hit to the second baseman. A Boy Who Looks Like Horses, or A Horse Who Looks Like Boys
  • All round, a flawless account, celebrating a Schubert who is as much the son of Haydn and Mozart as the father of Schumann and Brahms.
  • Currently, variants of the fake bomb technique are used only for unsystematic exposes of flaws in the security system, not to improve inspector performance.
  • an obscure flaw
  • Sometimes, music can scare you through its flawlessness.
  • Her history is what Rove was talking about when he called her fatally flawed. Karl Rove Denies He's Attacking Hillary To Help Her
  • The price/quality ration is very high and the reel performed flawlessly. Gear Review: Daiwa Strikeforce 100SH Baitcasting Reel
  • It was only when the nails had been driven home and the hammerman had climbed down to admire his handiwork that the flaws in this novel form of punishment became evident. River God
  • The authors offer some propositions which I take to be logically flawed.
  • Tutu also criticized what he called the dangerously flawed intelligence used by the U.S. and Britain to justify military action in Iraq. CNN Transcript Feb 21, 2004
  • Leftists have been known to use literary theory to demonstrate flaws in science.
  • In the last few years, Professor Hayes has testified in various Senate hearings claiming the EPA is accepting flawed chemical industry-funded studies as evidence of atrazine's safety. Annie Spiegelman: Living Downstream: Steingraber Documentary Puts Moral Imperative on Banning Cancer-Causing Chemicals
  • Core developmental conflict, ego deficits, flawed character, and childhood traumata due to parental inadequacies postulated in dynamic etiological theories of drug abuse, also appear in theories regarding alcoholism. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • He pulled from within his robe a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, a magnificent silver filigree forming beautiful designs on the neck clasp but flawed by only one thing.
  • What emerges is a portrait of a fine but flawed human. Times, Sunday Times
  • He traced the flawless black ivory of the fingerboard, moving up to the tuning pegs, to continued on to curl along with the scroll at the end.
  • The flaw at this performance was a sameness of colour in his voice, especially during his big aria.
  • And if the show has a flaw it's that the recorded sound is pretty tinny. Times, Sunday Times
  • People say he is a flawed character. Times, Sunday Times
  • a flawed diamond
  • He spoke English with the softest slur, his grammar flawless except for his reliance on the present tense.
  • For this reason, in my judgment, the decision of the Tribunal on this issue is flawed and cannot stand.
  • In Medusa, thankfully, he is once again on thoroughly familiar territory, battling to pursue his own flawed version of truth through the lies, evasions and corruption that surround him.
  • She was originally convicted of murder, but had the verdict overturned at appeal because of procedural flaws.
  • The image overall is often fairly soft, but this seems to be a deliberate cinematographic choice, rather than a flaw in the transfer process.
  • The final act exposes the fatal flaws in his make-up.
  • Although it may be common for structural geologists to assemble fault-slip data without regard for their ages, such an approach is flawed for multiphase deformation in which the principal stress axes change orientation.
  • The design increased boot space and was cheaper but contained a fatal flaw. Times, Sunday Times
  • I won't comment on his self-confessed psychological flaws as that would force me to include similar comments on that other nutter, Derek Draper. Alastair Campbell starts a blog
  • City of Darkness, City of Light is a notable achievement of historical fiction, though not a flawless one.
  • It is a compelling account of a commonly flawed man who accepted the sacrifices of service and survived with honor.
  • It wouldn't be the first time the industry was made to pick up the tab and take the flak for flawed political policies.
  • Now, if you were to just pop over to the PS3, and set the environment variable DISPLAY to, for instance, "laptop:0.0", and run an xterm, you'd discover a tragic flaw in this scheme: Permission denied.
  • What are the flaws he exposes in both men and women? Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • There was some fatal flaw in his makeup, and as time went on he lapsed into long silences or became off-hand.
  • He has a wry sense of his own flaws. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like all of Roth's fiction, this novel is dazzling but flawed.
  • His greatest strengths - the uncompromising determination, sharp-tongued irreverence, and unblushing idealism - turned out to be critical flaws.
  • Crowe is stoic and selfless - a perfectly flawed hero worth rooting for.
  • About flaws, failings, and sins in your life that perhaps only your husband know and see? Christianity Today
  • The script showed him as a vulnerable, troubled and flawed character. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil and fragrance-free, it has an SPF 14 and photochromatic pigments to bend, reflect and diffuse light to erase flaws and give a soft, luminous finish. WalesOnline - Home
  • The only flaw is the stowable foot that stands the dock upright, which doesn't lock into place. Gizmodo
  • With its insane mix of loves-me-loves-me-nots, switcheroos, flawed motives, crooked laughs and crying babies, it is one of cinema's most buoyant genres.
  • Behold thoroughly dimensional characters, quirky and flawed and utterly believable whether human or nonhuman.
  • They are not going to look favorably on the idea that the A300 series may have a design flaw.
  • Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
  • Muddy trainer prints stained the polished floorboards, marring their flawless exterior like blood seeping over a white surface.
  • He gave a flawless performance inspiring confidence by his pinpoint accuracy.
  • They see themselves as skilled pilots flawlessly navigating the treacherous waters of higher education and race relations.
  • By no means is it an original movie, but it is a well constructed one that often rises above its stupendous flaws and contradictions.
  • Proposals supporting non-cooperation are flawed as models.
  • Mortgage fraud investigator Steve Dibert of MFI-Miami said, "Seventy percent of the loans we investigate are flawed due to recordation, PSA violations, etc. Richard Zombeck: Massachusetts Courts to Banks on Foreclosures: The Law Matters
  • All fun: but what the play really needs to cover its flaws is to become a daft musical. Times, Sunday Times
  • With Dalek at the studio controls and me to temper and customize each track, we were flawless. ICED
  • Can you see the flaw in this argument? Times, Sunday Times
  • But nowe pryde, covetyse and envye han so enflawmed the hertes of lordes of the world, that thei are more besy for to disherite here neyghbores, more than for to chalenge or to conquere here righte heritage before seyd. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • With these words of faint praise, Maskelyne tactfully conceded a few major flaws in the lunar distance method.
  • As if this isn't enough, even though his revisal of the phonology is fundamentally flawed with the basic data available to us, he goes on to add that chi is not a palatalized velar as his proposed pattern would suggest, but a velar fricative /x/. Some observations concerning Woodard's The Ancient Languages of Europe
  • And whether one is a 'scofflaw' is sometimes in the eyes of the beholder. Questions and Concerns about Foreigners in Mexico
  • My Lord, I am not standing before my Lord to say that there is an obvious flaw in the logic.
  • The short-term answer: play the FA Cup final and England's warm-up match against Mexico a few miles away at the Emirates, where the groundsmen seem to have no trouble producing a flawless surface. Riot of goals makes compelling case for the defence
  • Despite its marvelous achivements, Greek mathematics was flawed.
  • There is always a flaw in the character of a tragic hero.
  • I don't think we should mourn the demise of our deeply-flawed nations.
  • This happened because the shuttle is a fundamentally flawed design. Hints of A Shuttle Extension Appear - NASA Watch
  • From the wonderful acting to the beautiful cinematography, the movie is as flawless as anything I've seen in recent memory.
  • The area of loss high-lighted in Plate XII illustrates the intrinsic flaw in tessellated inlay decoration: particles were apt to become dislodged as the thin strip of mixed clay was bent around the oval teapot.
  • Crime writers love misfits and losers, characters whose awareness of their own flaws leads them to battle against injustice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main flaw of this show - designed to be a crowd-pleaser in many ways - is its lack of critical engagement with the photographer's own claims about her work.
  • Is the BBC staffed by flawed human beings who will occasionally make mistakes?
  • Technically, flaws remain - most noticeably a stiffness in the feet that compromises the men's jumps and the women's pointe work.
  • Clear and bright pupil, the MI, long eyelash tremble slightly, white flawless skin with light pink, thin lips like rose petals delicate drips.
  • One just can't help feeling, however, that the entire base he has predicated his argument on is flawed.
  • This study has the same flaw as numerous prior studies on prostate cancers (which is why we still overtest and overtreat them) and some other diseases. An Illustration of Premium Medicine, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Modi’s office is on an upper floor of a massive, scabby-faced ministry building in Gandhinagar, the planned city of government workers north of Ahmedabad that is a monument to the flawed architectural schemes of formerly socialist India. India’s New Face
  • He did insist on remaining human and flawed and contradictory and in touch with other people. Times, Sunday Times
  • The image is clean and sharp for the most part, with only random flaws from the source print - some graininess, a few flyspecks - cropping up here and there.
  • Looking at the results, you can see how the originals were made: all their folds, flaws, corrugations and staples.
  • He is a flawed, insecure character who seems suddenly to fear being left on his own.
  • The player is flawless, meaning its scratchless, except for one minor scratch on the outside top. Craigslist | for sale / wanted in seattle-tacoma
  • If there was a flaw in the production it was the New York accents, which sounded British and artificial and might best have been left unattempted.
  • The professional airmanship, attention to detail, and flawless crew coordination were an absolute necessity for the safe recovery of 20 crewmembers and a $300 million national asset.
  • The performances on A Concept from Fire are technically flawless - but that is the bare minimum in an age where metal musicians practice constantly and shredders are commonplace.
  • The film has flaws, but its sheer exuberance deserves viewing. Times, Sunday Times

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