How To Use Flatten In A Sentence
You see that you're undershooting and so, leaving the throttle as is, you attempt to flatten your descent path by lifting the nose a bit - and you enter the region of reverse command.
Beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, the dentate gyrus becomes flattened and smooth and continues on to the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum as the thin gyrus fasciolaris.
These flattened cells from the ovarian follicle and, therefore, called follicular cells.
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He was totally flattened by her sarcasm.
The second trial also failed - the root crumbled every time he tried to flatten it into a thin disc for frying.

Now he aimed and fired, lying "doggo" behind his favourite stone, while bullets from the enemy's trenches flattened themselves upon it, or buried themselves harmlessly in the dry hot soil.
The Dop Doctor
Since the cloud was rotating, its spherical shape flattened into a disc.
The fused parietals form the posterior two-thirds of the sagittal crest, expanding posteriorly to form a flattened, sculpted deck behind the supratemporal fenestrae adjacent to the squamosals.
The full force of the chromatic harmony was thrilling, as in such details as the cellos' dissonant flattened 6th just before the final cadence.
The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
The long rear part is the opisthosoma, which can be further divided into a broad flattened pre-abdomen consisting of seven segments, and a narrower and more cylindrical post-abdomen of only five segments.
And there is in Egypt another form of pyramid called the mastaba, which, like the Mexican, was flattened on the top; while in Assyria structures flattened like the Mexican are found.
Atlantis : the antediluvian world
My writing heart feels as crushed as that last bit of toothpaste that refuses to be squeezed out its flattened, mangled tube because someone (and I won’t name name but it begins with S and ends in cott) left the cap off again …
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » That’s Right. It’s Contest Time.
I mutter a sheepish apology and get to my feet, smoothing my shirt and trying to flatten my hair.
The village was being pounded by volcano ejecta that have already flattened a house.
One bullet had punctured the spare tire and flattened it as well.
His voice is also surprisingly cultured, far more so in many ways than Jagger's flattened vowels.
Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel.
Success A Novel
Head low, ears flattened, she sagged, spiritless, almost quaking.
Someone's using a 2cm-long rolling pin to flatten out some soba noodle dough!
Times, Sunday Times
Another mode of making a springe, which is a capital plan for catching almost any bird, whether it be a percher or a runner, is this: Procure an elastic wand (hazel or osier makes the best) of about 3 ft. 6 in. long, to the top of which tie a piece of twisted horsehair about 3 in. in length; to the free end attach a little piece of wood of 2 in. in length, by the middle, cutting one end to an obtuse point, flattened on the top and underneath.
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
She tried to flatten down her frizzy red hair and tuck it behind her ears.
Some have a forlorn and battered remnant of a house or two, but they are mostly mere grey areas of flattened stone.
Times, Sunday Times
The story is a steamroller, flattening everything in order to make its ‘big ironic point’.
There's a tender, flattened, finely crumbed chicken milanesa plate with the same rice and plantains, and a pabellón criollo plate that adds heaps of black beans and chewy, pleasant shredded beef to the rice and plantains.
In her haste, she almost ran over a ship's lieutenant, who flattened himself against the doorway as she charged past him.
Out in the middle of the lake, which was now a flattened white teardrop, he could see the black circle of open water.
The jointed stems (culms) are round or flattened (never triangular); they are usually hollow except at the nodes (points on the stem from which leaves arise), where they are solid.
The pyramids of corporate strength have flattened into a web of organizational ambiguity.
The vehicle was completely flattened and its roof was in line with the dashboard.
Times, Sunday Times
So there I was in the paddock when I'm flattened by some idiot running into me on a monkey bike!
The rosettes are somewhat flattened and numerous, and give the idea of greenish-white flowers.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
It was a ship of classic, simple design, like a flattened salmon, twenty yards long, very clean, very sleek.
After the entire body is through the hole, maintain your streamline position and flatten out quickly to direct your energy toward the other end.
And her accent, which had once sounded so alluringly foreign, had flattened into a quasi-American drawl.
Then armed with a sword, gun, battledore, or an armful of bricks to throw, and uttering sadistic cries, Adam would pursue him round and round the room, driving him from refuge to refuge, until almost beside himself with rage and terror, he crouched junglelike with ears flattened back and porpentine hair.
The Complete Stories
She nodded at a pretty brunette and flattened herself against the wall.
With his inventive sense of flattened, decorative form and composition, he has truly reinvented the still life, but he is also a master of whimsical erotica.
Angled legs prevent the arch from flattening and the structure is further braced by four cross frames which also accommodate cross walls.
His regular spot was left empty, the grass he would normally flatten sitting upright and proud.
Nor the pedestrians and cyclists it will flatten, who would have rolled safely off the bonnet of a smaller vehicle.
Times, Sunday Times
With most ofits basic infrastructure flattened and the majority of its citizensliving in temporary housing and tents, Port-au-Prince is beginning tothink about how it will rebuild itself.
Just as they reached it a tank shell sailed into the first house and flattened it.
KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
He went back to the murder scene and found a piece of flattened lead near the front edge of the doormat under the doorsill.
_ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
Place roll on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray and flatten roll to 1-inch thick.
Companies are flattening management hierarchies and erasing the operational separation between managers and workers.
Further into Chinatown there are more traditional market-type shops, including fishmongers with plastic buckets of eels, poulterers with flattened ducks and grocers with rambutans, lychees and other tropical Asian fruits.
Aerial photographs showed great swaths of slum dwellings flattened or swept away by landslides.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a close-fitting red felt hat with a flattened top and a tassel worn to the side.
For other works, conservation treatments include reducing stains with a mixture of distilled water and ethyl alcohol; removing glue with a cotton swab dipped in de-ionized water; humidifying and flattening pages; and resewing bindings by hand.
The New York Public Library: From Vault to Exhibition Gallery: Conserving Library Treasures
In the most extreme cases it renders a wine undrinkable (though not physically dangerous); in others it just flattens its aromas and flavours.
Aerial photographs showed great swaths of slum dwellings flattened or swept away by landslides.
Times, Sunday Times
The flowers are variable in color, and produced in loose clusters; the seeds are produced in long, flattened, or cylindrical, bivalved pods, and vary, in
The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
Overall, the tonal balance, flattening of forms and coolness of colouring projects a feeling of utter limpidity.
When the green light above the elevator dinged quietly he flattened himself against the side of the wall closest to the elevator door and pushed Peaches forward so that she was doing the same.
In engineering, a dull light, as gray and flickery as a cloudy sky before a storm, suffused the two-storey chamber and the long flattened cylinder of the main engine.
Star Trek The Next Generation®
We came to a stream and crossed it on a tree trunk some one had flattened with an adze.
Some of the most frequent gross morphological adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle include the modifications of limbs into paddles and the elongation and lateral flattening of the tail.
Regarding labour, Du Plessis said the current ongoing re-organisation of work - including multi-tasking, multi-skilling and a flattening of managerial and supervisory hierarchies - should continue as they "have significant potential to reduce working costs and deliver productivity improvements in both capital and labour".
ANC Daily News Briefing
You were lucky Brett didn't end up flattening you.
A section of fencing was broken down and advertising hoardings flattened in the stampede as rival fans charged from end to end of the pitch.
Instead they found a circular patch of badly charred and flattened trees 60 kilometres across, formed by the airburst as the rock disintegrated explosively due to the huge stresses caused by entry into the atmosphere.
The montage of icons does cohere into a sort of meta-icon perhaps, of dogs that are (for me) short-haired, middling-sized, with dark-brown fur; but this is … a sort of cubist collage of perspectives that spills out beyond its casual frame, each dog a Cerberus with three heads superimposed one over the other, snub-nosed and long-snouted, ears pricked and flattened, slavering and not slavering.
Archive 2009-07-01
The top surface of the kiln is a flat steel sheet made by flattening old oil drums.
Chapter 9
That way we risk flattening our financial system, squeezing the innovation out of it, trying to return it to the world of yesteryear, which is neither sensible nor economically productive.
Tony Blair Takes on the World
Place roll on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray and flatten roll to 1-inch thick.
The goosefish is practically invisible lying flattened, with its darkly marbled skin matching the bottom color and the outline of its body obliterated by a fringe of branched skin flaps.
I recoiled, eyes wide open and flattened myself to the bed.
And, halfway to the crosstrees and flattened against the rigging by the full force of the wind so that it would have been impossible for me to have fallen, the Ghost almost on her beam-ends and the masts parallel with the water, I looked, not down, but at almost right angles from the perpendicular, to the deck of the Ghost.
Chapter 17
On the inhalation, the collarbones lift, the diaphragm flattens and descends, pushing out the belly, and the pelvic floor descends.
It's quite weird because they're squashed between bits of transparent perspex, so you can see them in their flattened state.
The central nucleus is surrounded by a flattened margin rather bladdery in appearance, of a beautiful red color, formed of a sort of very soft and very elastic jelly.
The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
Place one piece of the dough on a lightly floured surface and slightly flatten with your palm.
Times, Sunday Times
He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.
I've used chicken Maryland portions but you could easier use this for a whole chicken - it would be best if you "spatchcock" the chicken first, that just means you cut it straight down the backbone and flatten it out.
Rainbow Chard and Ricotta Stuffed Chicken
Place on well-greased cookie sheet and flatten with spatula.
Most political biopics depict the personal life of the main figure while flattening out the historical details in order to make them more understandable, or palatable.
The final polish can soon be imparted by means of a small boxwood slip, or flattened peg-wood, and diamantine and alcohol.
A Treatise on Staff Making and Pivoting Containing Complete Directions for Making and Fitting New Staffs from the Raw Material
But in celiac disease, gluten appears to flatten the villi and damage them, reducing the body's ability to take in nutrients properly.
Zeroing In On Gluten
The flapper dress echoed the flattened forms and straight seams of the Japanese kimono.
When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases.
Times, Sunday Times
Critics also accuse the mayor of flattening the Russian capital's architectural heritage and replacing its historic buildings with tasteless sham replicas.
The primary fracture is usually longitudinal, passing through the facets for the talus and cuboid, and from this various secondary fissures radiate; the cancellated tissue is much crushed, so that the whole bone is flattened out.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
The region of the so-called neck is outwardly divided into five divisions, and sixthly comes the flattened portion at the end, and this portion has five flaps, or tail-fins; and the inner or under parts, into which the female drops her spawn, are four in number and hairy, and on each of the aforesaid parts is a spine turned outwards, short and straight.
The History of Animals
Since the human eye moves horizontally with less fatigue than vertically, the cone of vision tends to be flattened.
But if it gets heavy use you will flatten and compact the soil in a ring around the tree, which is not good for it.
Times, Sunday Times
More than 500 villages were flattened to make way for the mines.
Times, Sunday Times
Toughness is often measured with a penetrometer, a device which forces a circular flattened rod through leaf lamina.
Trees crashed on to houses and flattened cars.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to the corpuscles, there were smaller objects; flattened platelike affairs were rather common, for instance.
Fantastic Voyage
Banded archerfish have a deep laterally-compressed body with a flattened head and back.
Andy flattened the bills and added them to the pile before adding up the totals.
He was not happy with the strange inflections of the melodies, with their flattened 7ths and sharpened 6ths, and he was even more perplexed by the words: he had little English to begin with and the rustic archaisms only added to the problem.
His normally very tidy light brown hair had flattened in some areas and began to stick out in others.
The _inflorescence_ is a raceme of spikes, varying from 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 inches, with the spikes mostly densely arranged, though occasionally distant and not close-set, on a long; slender, puberulous or scaberulous peduncle; _rachis_ is flexuous, flattened, grooved and scaberulous.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
Place a clean, heavy skillet on top of the sandwiches and carefully press them down to flatten.
For both species, body size traits (in mm) included mean tarsus length, mean flattened wing chord, tail length, and culmen length (base of cere to tip of beak).
Batch after batch failed; but finally they developed a process in which whole wheat was cooked, allowed to stand for several hours and passed through plain rollers, which flattened each grain into a flake.
The earth is an oblate spheroid - a sphere with flattened poles and a slight bulge the equator.
As the road flattens out you'll get a chance to appreciate views across the valley.
It had large, owlish eyes; ears that were capable of facing backward or forward; a wide, toothless mouth that seemed to split its flattened, ovoidal skull almost in half; and a small, constantly wiggling proboscis.
Lost And Found
We have heard, lastly, that the new fiction is fatally in love with journalism, that it wishes to flatten itself into a registry of facts, an index of social connections.
Heads are flattened and kitchen utensils used in curious ways.
Times, Sunday Times
Less than 200 years ago, the ratites (named after the Latin for having a flattened sternum, a result of not needing powerful flying muscles) were still thriving.
The Times Literary Supplement
Three days into his new term of office, a digger duly arrived and flattened it.
Times, Sunday Times
At the posterior of the body, the pleurae were fused into a flattened tail-like segment, or pygidium.
The word flattened itself against my mind trying to get in, and disordered me a little, and before I could inquire into its pertinency, she was already throwing the needed light:
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories
I was about to wish for a rock to fall off the sky and flatten me into a very slow and painful death, when the doorbell rang.
The winds from the same impact would have flattened forests 1000 kilometres away.
The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
He fell, landing heavily on his butt, then flattening out on to his back.
Thousands were left homeless as towns were flattened in the disaster.
The Sun
Peel off the blackened skin, flatten the pepper out and trim it into edible pieces.
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region.
He is not a land artist, he flattens no grass and makes no patterns with twigs or boulders.
The leaves of various kinds receive the water very differently: some are completely bathed, showing a smooth surface of varnished green from stem to point, like the lilac of the garden, for instance; on others, like the syringa, the fluid lies in flattened transparent drops, taking an emerald color from the leaf on which they rest; while the rose and the honeysuckle wear those spherical diamond-like drops, sung by poets and sipped by fairies.
Rural Hours
She mounded the soil so the center of the bed was the highest point and firmed the soil by tamping it down with her feet to prevent it from flattening over time.
The band is fitted over the area of the head which is abnormally predominant, and redirects the growth into flattened areas.
Grain flakes or rolled grains are sliced and then flattened between rollers.
The storm crossed land near the same state-line spot where Ivan arrived, pounding beachfronts already painfully exposed by denuded dunes, flattened neighborhoods and piles of rubble that threatened to turn into deadly missiles.
Shoppers yesterday spoke of their shock at the wanton act of vandalism as they walked past the flattened £1, 500 tree with its brightly coloured baubles strewn across the paving.
Among these lesions, angular stomatitis and glossitis were more prevalent than flattening of the fingernails.
I would like the page to be finished - I know in Photoshop this is called "flattened" - how do I do this?
Discussions: Message List - root
Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough.
Flatten a chicken breast to 1/4-inch thickness with a meat mallet.
The fir trees of the mobile forest lay flattened and scorched.
In engineering, a dull light, as gray and flickery as a cloudy sky before a storm, suffused the two-storey chamber and the long flattened cylinder of the main engine.
Star Trek The Next Generation®
Roll tablespoons of mixture into balls and place on cookie sheet and flatten balls with fingers.
The stone tool assemblage includes convex end scrapers, bifacially-flaked small knives, and flattened discoids and microliths.
I flattened myself against the wall.
The hills flattened out just south of the mountain.
Stone slabs surrounding the churchyard were knocked over and iron railings and the church noticeboard flattened after a green Rover car which was being followed by police went out of control.
The flattening of organizations means that all employees have to learn that old-fashioned promotion is not the only way of getting ahead.
He has flattened himself violently against the wall, his knees bent in towards it, body shaking.
The florets touched each other at their tips, creating flattened sides and triangular openings between them.
Adding poha (flattened rice flakes) to dosa is something new to me.
Archive 2008-03-01
The moment the provincial boundary was crossed the washboard highway flattened into smooth, perfectly maintained blacktop.
She confesses to wearing an occasional daub of men's cologne so as to seem tomboyish and to using masking tape at night to flatten her bouncy curls.
The Scary Future, the Embarrassing Past
What she would give to punch him on the nose, and flatten once and for all his insulting, devilish assumptions.
That leads to flattening of the lining of the small intestine (called villous atrophy).
Further aft, the wreck is substantially flattened, but some structure remains.
It left houses flattened but nobody was killed.
The Sun
He bit, and there was an outright flash of anger at that: ears flattening and a glitter of teeth in the firelight.
Does Oz think that the people in Sderot just need to concentrate really really hard to stop all those rockets flattening their homes and schools and blowing the legs off of their kids and neighbors.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
They show adaptations for underwater swimming, including flattened tarsi and humeri, and shorter wings and higher wing-loading than most other petrels.
The blackened hulks of the great ships and the flattened hangars testified to the fact that the American awakening to what was happening in the rest of the world was sudden and painful.
the ray has a dorsoventrally flattened body
Secondly, the mixture is then flattened out in the blending machine, and then it is flattened further in an extruder machine.
The violet disk of the sun touched the water, then became minutely flattened on the bottom, like a locomotive wheel in need of regrinding.
A small additional amount of flattening and lengthening, with a corresponding increase of the supraciliary ridge, would convert the Australian brain case into a form identical with that of the aberrant fossil.
In case you are worrying how you might file a claim once a piece of space debris has flattened you, it is worth knowing that this insurance is a joke.
The labium, which is divided into three joints, becomes flattened towards the tip, which is square, and ends in two thin membranous lobes, probably endowed with
Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
Full breasts can lead to swollen, flattened nipples and areolae, which your baby may have trouble latching onto.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
The storm, which also flattened several power pylons, left much of the Eastern Cape without electricity.
If you think about the natural evolution of, for example, a “pidgin” language which then undergoes a process of “creolization” as its role slowly changes from a “lingua franca” used by speakers of two communities to the main vehicle of communication amongst a community of speakers, then you may see that this flattening-out so to speak of cultural peculiarities follows naturally from the participation of speakers from different cultures in its development.
“Who CARES what English people have for breakfast?” My contribution to the culture debate… « Ken Wilson's Blog
Open the back, and with the heel of your hand, press the center of the breastbone firmly to flatten it.
These shrimp stand in silent rebuke to their unfortunate cousins that are butterflied and flattened by less sensitive restaurants.
But it holds the chief and highest power, as mese to hypate, in respect of the concupiscent; as mese to nete, in respect of the irascible; insomuch as it depresses and heightens, — and in fine makes a harmony, — by abating what is too much and by not suffering them to flatten and grow dull.
Essays and Miscellanies
In some instances it does, but the irregular and angular outline, the slightly-umbilicated, flattened, smooth or scaly summits, and the dull-red or violaceous color, the history and course, of lichen planus, will serve to differentiate.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
If you retain the rind intact and carefully flatten the base, it can serve as your punchbowl too.
Times, Sunday Times
To flatten out your swing, hit some drivers with the ball teed up on top of a golf pencil.
There it comes sliding down the luggage ramp: flattened, tattered, stained, wonderfully unappealing.
On the planetary scale the geoid is approximated by an ellipsoid of revolution about its minor axis with a degree of flattening of around 1 part in 300 caused primarily by the Earth's rotation.
Eutropius, flattened his neglected nose against the panes and looked at the drag, as the laquais de place sprang from the box and let out the persons in the carriage.
Vanity Fair
Although they may get flattened by a rainstorm, they quickly recover once the sun comes out.
Does the dome have a pleasing aesthetic quality or is it mushroomed, flattened, or split open?
This is hardly the place to rehearse the errors and elisions in his original article, or the way it allows its thesis like a steamroller to flatten the facts.
Anything unshaped, such as a bandeau top, will flatten and hide them.
+Cap+ reddish-brown, 3 to 6 inches broad, fleshy; when young egg-shaped, and then campanulate, and flattening out with a broad, obtuse umbo.
Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
He flattened his hair down with gel.
A business that is hit hard during a recession is not unlike a business whose building is flattened by a tornado.
The five-year old flattened himself against the wall, whimpering.
Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground.
Lay the rashers of bacon on a board and flatten and stretch slightly using the side of a knife.
Times, Sunday Times
Monstrous storms descend from the Artic circle, blanketing Europe in snow, sending a tidal surge across the US east coast, and flattening the west.
All sea snakes have flattened compressed paddle-like tails for propulsion in water.
Art teachers often instruct students to close one eye in order to flatten what they see.
The silhouettes of eagles flatten out, while the wings of vultures show a dihedral curve (bird guides love throwing in words such as "dihedral," forcing you to not only look up birds but words as well).
Confessions of a Lousy Bird Watcher
Kristie landed on him, flattening him against the floor.
Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.
In the case of both the hump-backed carid and the squilla the middle art of the tail is spinous: only that in the squilla the part is flattened and in the carid it is sharp-pointed.
The History of Animals
The curve of the Carthaginians, however, flattened by degrees, became quite straight, and then bent inwards; upon this, the two sections of the velites drew together in parallel lines, like the legs of a compass that is being closed.
I took the remaining section of the telescopic boathook and flattened out the end with a hammer.
Rowing the ATLANTIC
Flatten each ball, put one part of filling in the centre and cover it to make an oval ball.
As the road flattens out you'll get a chance to appreciate views across the valley.
Divide the dough into two pieces, Flatten the small doughs into 0.2-0.3cm thick, Brush with Crisco and sprinkle some salt and chopped green onion.
The problem of variable flattening of specimens during negative staining and slight variations in the electron microscope magnification complicates the interpretation of small variations in diameter.
Open out the birds and flatten slightly.
Times, Sunday Times
My life seemed as fixable as a thin, glass vase which is conveniently dropped at a height of a hundred meters over a concrete area, stamped on and then flattened by a couple of rollers.
Whether the embryo is a ball of cells or a mass on top of a yolk, though, all vertebrates carry out equivalent movements during gastrulation; again, the differences are superficial, depending on whether the cluster of cells is balled up or flattened.
A bit more on Haeckel - The Panda's Thumb
Newton had deduced from his theory of gravitation that the Earth would be flattened at the poles.
The K, or critical point, marks where the landing area ends and the hill begins to flatten out.
First, Grandmother cut off equal-size segments of her log of dough and then passed them to my mother, who used a wooden roller to flatten them into circles, a process called gan mien.
My Grandmother's Dumpling
Our wooden fence was flattened and a house two doors up had part of its roof blown off.
Times, Sunday Times
Again, the more ancient Crocodilia and Lacertilia have vertebrae with the articular facets of their centra flattened or biconcave, while the modern members of the same group have them procoelous.
Shape some of the mixture around each skewer in a rough, slightly flattened oval shape.
Times, Sunday Times
Almost every gravestone was flattened by the force of the water which even got into the vestry - two steps higher than the church floor.
She scowls and takes out her hairbrush and flattens her hair with quick, angry strokes.
Damage was caused to the fence and chain, the crosses by the memorial were flattened and litter was strewn around the area.
Instead of using the oilstone an easier, tho less perfect, way to flatten out the burr on the edges is to lay the scraper flat on the bench near the edge.
Handwork in Wood