How To Use Flatmate In A Sentence

  • She has also failed to contact flatmates in London.
  • When my flatmate told me about it, my headache was instantly cured!
  • Sometimes I do the cooking and sometimes my flatmate does. It averages out over a month .
  • Only one person out of my seven flatmates could cook, and he had spent his schooldays at boarding school.
  • Next morning, the flatmates have to laugh at me because I'm sitting in my dressing gown, staring into space with the goofiest grin you can imagine.
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  • His flatmate helped to design it while another friend helped him to find the commercial deals that made the website profitable.
  • The two pre-eminent experts at giving directions are my flatmate Mike and my father.
  • Some of you will also be lucky enough to own your own home, saving a bundle on accommodation costs, particularly if you are able to get flatmates in to share them.
  • If you're on incredibly intimate terms with your flatmates, get them to check for you.
  • She will today attend the funeral of the 11-month-old son of one of her closest friends, former flatmate Laura Londsdale.
  • Finally I decided to go, with the proviso that I would phone the flatmate myself and judge her reaction.
  • The two pre-eminent experts at giving directions are my flatmate Mike and my father.
  • I met my wife when I had a flat at Glasgow's waterfront and needed a flatmate to share.
  • Like a nasty fungus or a obnoxious flatmate, the government will expand to fill any available space.
  • Also, as the flatmate in question is Italian, my pig-ignorant English-speaker status was not an undue encumbrance as his friends were used to speaking to him in English.
  • When a gang of my friends arrived with six-packs of beer dressed like they'd just walked off the set of Trainspotting my flatmate's face could have turned a dairy sour.
  • It was his flatmate who eventually roused them, crashing in through the front door exhorting the flat to come and see him dance the polka.
  • If you're on incredibly intimate terms with your flatmates, get them to check for you.
  • The other morning one of my male flatmates was walking around the flat post-shower with just a towel around his waist.
  • She also once worked as a nanny in Sydney, but was left destitute when three female flatmates walked out leaving her with bills to pay.
  • That his newest flatmate happens to be both gay and a fashion design student leads to a makeover montage lifted wholesale from an episode of Queer as Folk.
  • By the time her flatmates return from work, the victim has become the oppressor.
  • Next morning, the flatmates have to laugh at me because I'm sitting in my dressing gown, staring into space with the goofiest grin you can imagine.
  • My flatmate has been getting in my hair a bit recently.
  • She and her new flatmate, Jasper, were moving into a completely unfurnished flat, so they'd have nothing to sit on.
  • My flatmate and I use ‘dutch’ as a shorthand for anything we disapprove of.
  • It was a bit lacking in event, though flatmates Laura and Samantha did their best to give us a cut-price Trinny and Susannah, trying on French maid outfits at sex shops for a fashion show. Lost Land of the Tiger; Unequal Opportunities; Excluded; Spooks; Seven Days
  • I'm making do with a large glass of rather mellow Cabernet Sauvignon and some very yummy soup my flatmate has made out of everything in our fridge.
  • Consider carefully whether these people are friends, or mere flatmates and acquaintances.
  • I then noticed my flatmate and a whole bunch of his friends pour into the pub.
  • The enthusiastic support of friends and flatmates falls on deaf ears.
  • Pat tries to quell her feelings for Bruce, her vain egoist of a flatmate, while navigating the purpose and ethics of naturism at a nudist picnic in Moray Place Gardens.
  • We also have, most useful of things, a kitchen cleanliness freak and of course, five visits a week from a bedder, dubbed by my Greek and Italian flatmates ‘Santa Martha’.
  • If I had better willpower, I could leave it in my fridge for my flatmate / friends.
  • That wasn't the helpful sort of thing I'd hoped to hear from Flora, my new flatmate. SOMEBODY
  • After 10 minutes, a flatmate and occasional musical collaborator appears and offers to make tea but, unable to find any clean mugs, mumbles an apology and slopes off back to his bed.
  • Sometimes I do the cooking and sometimes my flatmate does. It averages out over a month .
  • Literally every evening the flatmates and I would gather round the TV and watch hour after hour of gymnastics, triathlons, high jump, diving, even a spot of dressage - whatever was on, we were transfixed.
  • You cannot advertise for a white flatmate, but a white bedmate is fine. January 30, 2005
  • I start the day by catching up on some well earned sleep, but by lunchtime my flatmates have summoned me to Selfridges.
  • My old flatmate and good friend Phil was Australian, so he wanted to take in a few shows at the Festival.
  • Now everyone knows who I have a ‘crush’ on, as my flatmates demanded his friends give me his number.
  • Behind her, a teddy bear lies on the candlewick bedspread, while downstairs her flatmate is urging their weekly appointment with Dr Finlay's Casebook. That Day We Sang; The Crash of the Elysium; The Village Bike – review
  • Sometimes I do the cooking and sometimes my flatmate does. It averages out over a month .
  • I've been quite bored today, so I have been trying to remember an haiku that an old flatmate of mine and I wrote a few years back.
  • He gained wider exposure in the hip, flip Scottish thriller about three flatmates who dispose of a body that stands between them and a suitcase filled with cash.
  • I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them.
  • But Simon wasn't in, and his flatmate didn't know when he'd be back. DEATH SPEAKS SOFTLY
  • When I got back from Wellington, my flatmate casually mentioned that the rubber bung had somehow been sucked down the plughole.
  • Mark's reveries turn to the minor humiliations he will be able to impose on his flatmate if he gets the job.
  • It found that students worry about leading an independent life, dealing with antisocial flatmates and managing their finances.
  • You and your flatmates should establish some ground rules.
  • He disappeared just weeks before the attack was due to happen, telling flatmates he was going to London ‘to see a doctor’.
  • Serve with salad, crusty bread and Chardonnay to two appreciative flatmates.
  • On sitting in a pub she got a text from her flatmate about a party in Clapham which we decided it would be a laugh to go to since we both hadn't gatecrashed a party in years.
  • Also I am having a party with my flatmate, who henceforth shall be referred to as Blondie.
  • However, we're moving into a place together as friends and flatmates, for the purpose of improving our lives and lifestyles.
  • As Sophie, the druggie flatmate, she brings the right level of emotional distance her part, a darkly moulded background eccentric typical of Leigh's serio-comic work.
  • You and your flatmates should establish some ground rules.
  • I have to be careful though, because I don't want to wake up my other flatmate in the next room.
  • I grabbed a spade and frantically dug a hole in the garden, hoping like hell my flatmate wouldn't turn up during the process.
  • Although my flatmate stresses have been removed I would be lying to say that moving home is hunky-dory.
  • I've lived there for close to two years now, due to equal parts laziness, nice flatmates, and the all-round excellence of my room.
  • It's hard to stay crotchety about Christmas when my flatmates are all spirited.
  • There's their flatmate William who really ought to be getting a place of his own by now.
  • Raul's flatmate, Anto, was crouched in front of the TV fanatically playing PlayStation 2 and making grunting noises. JUST BETWEEN US
  • My flatmate, something of an rib aficionado by this point in the evening, suggests it would have been nice to give the barbecue sauce more time to caramelise as well. How to cook perfect barbecue ribs
  • I must find a way to get more money, a flatmate and a new flat.
  • Her elder sister and former flatmate, Anne, had remained philosophical about being deserted. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • Some context: my flatmate was just back from London, I was just back from camping, we wanted two things - beer and a lowbrow action film.
  • When my flatmates, years ago, chortled through Arachnophobia, I was rigid with terror and couldn't sleep all night.
  • Six weeks later he gets engaged to the flatmate of a friend of mine.
  • I've given my flatmates advance warning - I'll be a bit sad to give up this flat as it's the best one I've had and has really felt like home for almost a year now.
  • It didn't help that our flat was often party central, and my flatmates drank pretty much daily.
  • I found myself writhing in my bed and moaning until my flatmate came to check up on me and brought me a hot lemon and honey drink.
  • Like Casey, my flatmate Joe was multi-talented.
  • He has no real job and owes his flatmate Ned, who is a relief teacher, over $2000 in back rent.
  • Meanwhile, in Fred's flat, he woke up when he saw his two flatmates, James and Billy, staring at him.
  • The defense secretary's Conservative Party supporters fought back Wednesday against what they called an ugly smear campaign against the 50-year-old Fox, who married in 2005, with his former flatmate Werritty serving as best man. Top headlines

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