How To Use Flatly In A Sentence

  • Since the trauma of 1929, few people contest this need, although it flatly contradicts the tradition of economic liberalism.
  • Privately in 2006, I was told by a prominent, scholarly absolutist at that end that the Barragan-Martini view 'BMV' for short, and thus my own, is flatly incompatible with the entire logical structure of the Church's teaching about sex and marriage. Condomania
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
  • Something is wrong with our medical clinic if they're flatly refusing to perform a treatment that takes all of five minutes to complete.
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  • And please don't tell me to get marriage guidance counselling because she flatly refuses to go. RESCUING ROSE
  • The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
  • National Post, flatly denies any conflict and notes editorial page editor John Coleman has been "recused" from any discussions and writing of editorials on the mayoralty during the race. - Home Page
  • Mr Chirac has flatly rejected requests to accept a summons for questioning by magistrates in the travel scandal.
  • The detainee handlers and the lawyers for detainees often flatly contradict each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • But again, this has not been substantiated, on the contrary it was flatly refuted by one of the people we spoke to.
  • This rumor was flatly denied by the DPP spokesperson.
  • He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
  • Since the trauma of 1929, few people contest this need, although it flatly contradicts the tradition of economic liberalism.
  • He flatly denied ever having met the woman.
  • It's a delicate endeavor, as one element must be cajoled and conciliated, and the other flatly thwarted within the bounds of democratic politics. Joshua Treviño: A Step Forward in Malaysia
  • This last winter, at its annual meeting, the Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, the coordinating body of Jewish voluntary fund-raising for Israel and local community needs all over the country, said quite flatly, in a public resolution, that policies which disenfranchise the rabbis of the nonorthodox majority of American Jewry are hurting the fundraising for Israel. Begin and the Jews: An Exchange
  • Well, I guess that's all the proof we need," she stated flatly. THE WITCH TREE SYMBOL
  • And the funny thing, as admitted to myself, was that evolution teaches in no uncertain voice that man did run on all fours ere he came to walk upright, that astronomy states flatly that the speed of the revolution of the earth on its axis has diminished steadily, thus increasing the length of day, and that the seismologists accept that all the islands of Hawaii were elevated from the ocean floor by volcanic action. The Water Baby
  • The juxtaposition of my somewhat flatly morbid work with the life and vitality of the farm is quite provoking.
  • Worse yet, partners may flatly disagree on basic policy.
  • The detainee handlers and the lawyers for detainees often flatly contradict each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan-claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Chicago news, weather, traffic - CBS 2 - WBBM
  • ‘Oh, goody,’ Em clapped her hands together flatly.
  • I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone.
  • The party also flatly rejects suggestions that peerages were offered for donations. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when state prosecutors stonewalled the case, the Justice Department flatly refused to bring charges.
  • He evidently didn't reply to his mother, but sent a note to the Duke of Newcastle in which he flatly refused to take the 'physick' and advised the Duke not to take any either! The Spanish Chest
  • The officer who believes that walking away from the RCMP is a Taserable offence stated flatly that "Based on the knowledge we had at the time, we wouldn't have done anything differently. Archive 2009-02-01
  • He was flatly against the use of anabolic steroids by athletes. Times, Sunday Times
  • And at least one "nostril" -- never actually visible in the original Viking image -- is plain to be seen; while its origin remains an unanswered question, flatly refuting its existence smacks of a deliberate attempt to "make the Face go away" in the public mind. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The claim was flatly denied by the Ministry of Defence, which said no UK warplanes had been on bombing missions.
  • With national dignity surging in his bosom, Wu flatly turned down the humiliating demand put forward by Montigny.
  • Mom flatly refused to go back into the hospital.
  • During the period leading up to the last Russian election in 2008, claims that Putin owned a package of shares from Surgutneftegas, Gazprom, and gas-trader Gunvor -- an opaquely structured company registered in Switzerland, and run by Putin acquaintance (or friend, depending on whom you ask) Gennady Timchenko -- were widely printed in the world media, although they were flatly denied by the Gunvor top brass. Matvey Ganapolskiy: Imagine That! Putin Might Not Be So Pure After All.
  • And given CIA's recent past history of being "duped" by other Middle East dictators/tyrants, I hope that any excuse given based on Mubarak misleading them, or reneging on a promise is flatly rejected. Kristen Breitweiser: Rooting for Egypt
  • She flatly refused high office, for socio-political causes meant more to her.
  • This requires that the property be your primary domicile, which is flatly inconsistent with the requirement -- imposed under Article I of the Constitution -- that she be a citizen (read, resident) of her House district as of Election Day. Heather Wilson To Seek Domenici's Senate Seat
  • I flatly refused to attend their reception.
  • The crucial point is that the structure of the bourgeois family flatly contradicted that of bourgeois society.
  • He flatly refused to discuss it.
  • 'Alcohol doesn't solve problems,'she stated flatly.
  • However, western detectives flatly dismissed reports that Government's airship, the blimp, and other sophisticated radar technology were responsible for the seizure.
  • More importantly, however, the Court's statement flatly misdescribes what is going on here.
  • The sweeping statement that healthy people who stay in welfare must be ashamed is flatly wrong Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 27, 2006
  • Although he was seriously wounded, he flatly refused to quit the battle line.
  • The night in all its fulness met her flatly on the threshold, like the very brink of an absolute void, or the antemundane Ginnung-Gap believed in by her Teuton forefathers. The Woodlanders
  • Marx, writing as a journalist observing the American civil war, analyses it flatly as a sectional conflict between Northern industrialism and Southern slave oligarchy.
  • His decision flatly rejects the idea that if enough salmon can be produced in hatcheries, there is little need to protect wild stocks. Hatchery Fish Can't Replace Wild Salmon, Says Judge
  • Recognizing that U.S. foreign assistance does not fund abortion services, he states flatly that, "Support for contraception does not imply or require support for abortion," and goes on say that, "... women in Congo have enough home-grown problems without importing irrelevant, Western controversies. Robert Walker: "Pro-Family Planning" Republicans?
  • And courier firms, despite employing lots of people to drive unsociable hours through the night to fulfil next day deliveries, flatly refuse to deliver anywhere outside of 9-5.
  • He was flatly against the use of anabolic steroids by athletes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jaspers looked at Mr. Steger very flatly and wisely — almost placatingly under the circumstances — and The Financier
  • The collectivist delusion was flatly incompatible with an international division of labor: When the former was ascendant, the latter could not survive.
  • Flat statements like "Freedom is good" or "War is bad" always make my skin itch, because frankly there's nothing out there that's flatly true. Random Items On An Anxious Saturday
  • What is going on in Vienna is flatly felonious behavior that is lifting billions of dollars from the pockets of American citizens.
  • I flatly refused to attend their reception.
  • The article flatly contradicts their claims.
  • ‘Oh, goody,’ you said flatly, and stared at the Cheerios box opposite you.
  • The night in all its fulness met her flatly on the threshold, like the very brink of an absolute void, or the antemundane The Woodlanders
  • This, indeed, is something which the average person will at first flatly deny.
  • However, village residents flatly denied he was involved in embezzlement, saying that it was a dirty plot to entrap the clergyman.
  • In his interview with Fox News Sunday, which is airing right now, Obama said flatly that he didn't think there's been a deliberate effort by the Clintons to racialize the campaign. Obama: I Don't Think Clintons Made "Deliberate Effort" To Racialize Campaign
  • Setting aside the most extreme examples, to flatly dismiss such products as esoteric, or their advocates as delusional, is a mistake. The Best Luxury Audio Gear
  • Would the Arab governments reject such an offer flatly, in pique, and turn UNRWA over to the Russians? The Arabs of Palestine
  • The other day they got their heads together, and wanted me to do something, and I refused flatly, and they begged, and entreated, and argufied, till I made them all get down on their knees and ask me.
  • Perez declared flatly that he had made a mistake bringing Queiroz to the club in the first place.
  • Our request was flatly rejected.
  • He says, flatly, that the jumbo is the greatest big-game animal on earth, and that he loved to hunt them. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • To be plaine, I am voyde of al judgement, if your nine Com{oe}dies, whereunto, in imitation of Herodotus, you give the names of the Nine Muses, and (in one man's fansie not unworthily), come not neerer Ariostoes Com{oe}dies, eyther for the finenesse of plausible elocution, or the rareness of poetical invention, than that Elvish queene doth to his Orlando Furioso, which notwithstanding, you will needes seem to emulate, and hope to overgo, as you flatly professed yourself in one of your last letters. A Biography of Edmund Spenser
  • When I asked him about the standard line - ‘all hypnosis is autohypnosis, no subject would ever do something against their will, etc’ - he surprised me by flatly saying this was bunk.
  • I know you," he said flatly, matter-of-fact, neutral in tone.
  • He flatly refused to join us.
  • First is the irony of a politically correct organization that ‘advocates for the rights of transsexuals’ but flatly refuses membership to transsexuals.
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan _ claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
  • Reporters and editors are credulous, fearful, and flatly bamboozled.
  • After several days of being sulky, Kate flatly refused to talk to me on Wednesday.
  • But atheism - flatly stating ‘There is no God,’ full stop, no room for a shadow or a shade of a doubt, makes a claim for absolute knowledge - gnosis.
  • I had just flatly refused to talk to anybody for a few days but Beverly came knocking at my door.
  • The production of this vibration is by agreement on the part of all great colorists impossible through impasted color or that applied flatly to the surface, which they declare cannot be as powerful, as significant or as beautiful as that which vibrates, either by reason of the juxtaposition of color plainly seen, as with the impressionists, or of its broken tone, or by virtue of the influence of a transparent glaze of color which enables two colors to be seen at once. Pictorial Composition and the Critical Judgment of Pictures
  • That flatly contradicts the Opposition leader's version of events.
  • Twenty-five years ago, there were no developed atheological evidential arguments from evil; that is understandable, since (apparently) nearly all atheologians were of the opinion that the existence of God is flatly inconsistent with that of evil. Warranted Christian Belief
  • The network of alveolar capillary enlarged flatly and fused together as a dense sheetlike network.
  • This, indeed, is something which the average person will at first flatly deny.
  • The sequel was a spiritless, desultory affair - a poorly edited, flatly directed retread.
  • VI, xiv, 1), places it almost on an equality with the antilegomena or better class of disputed writings; Jerome rejects it flatly. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • he flatly denied the charges
  • Some localities flatly refused to accept refugees at all, for fear of overstraining existing resources. 1948, Israel and the Palestinians: The True Story
  • The family seemed to settle into their new life, except for her mother, who flatly rejected the ‘immoral Austrian culture’.
  • Years ago, the famous professor George Simpson wrote, “The most famous of all equid horse trends, ‘gradual reduction of the side toes,’ is flatly fictitious.” Modern Science in the Bible
  • However, members flatly refused to accept such a blanket ruling.
  • Painter John Wesley is known for his flatly painted, cartoonish canvases of figures and animals.
  • Not only does this make no sense but under the language the party plans to readopt this year, it would be flatly unconstitutional.
  • This bill is off-key, out of tune, and even if the Labour Government flatly denies it, its shrill crescendos of fortissimo make no difference to the fact that it is prescribing State control.
  • FEHA," says McCauley, "and other statutory employment claims have been held to be arbitrable for more than 20 years and Sheen's counsel's flat assertion that such statutory claims are not arbitrable is flatly wrong. News
  • a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin
  • The witness responded flatly to the judge's questions.
  • At first I couldn't make out the words, just the preternaturally LOUD sound of a boy's voice flatly declaiming some sort of Important Announcement.
  • First, they flatly refused to carry out their legal duty to appoint independent scrutineers for new executive elections.
  • She stared at him flatly, tossing her head to get her hair out of her eyes.
  • Using live actors to animate digital images was thought a way of getting as close as possible to Hergé's ligne claire clear line drawings, a technique that avoids shading and hatchmarks, uses color flatly, and gives each line equal weight. Tintin & Co.
  • They have been cited as a spur to a recovery in business confidence, though the evidence of this is not clear-cut and, in the case of Japan, flatly contradictory.
  • Once back in Cairo, Wingate's report of the Ethiopian Campaign Wavell now having departed was flatly rejected at GHQ and all those he recommended for DSO's denied. Robert Eisenman: Who Killed Orde Wingate?
  • ‘That's clumsy, chancy and too dangerous for Bannon to try,’ Cole said flatly, ‘my employer isn't that stupid.’
  • Madison stated flatly that the Convention's debates should ‘never be regarded as the oracular guide’ for understanding the Constitution.
  • The disparate-impact approach encourages race-based decision-making, which is flatly at odds with the color-blind ideals of the civil-rights movement and the laws for which it fought. Disparate Impact, Loan Quotas and Mortgage Lending
  • ‘My mother will give you your first wimple and veil,’ she said flatly.
  • She flatly dismissed the idea as impossible.
  • That appeared to contradict a statement by the police yesterday morning which flatly denied having offered any compensation to the family.
  • The sweeping statement that healthy people who stay in welfare must be ashamed is flatly wrong, even in the case you are wanting to use, to use the “shame” as a tool to help one self out of welfare. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 27, 2006
  • Cai must unfold his leads the authority, or along with chases the class flatly , in this at one fell swoop.
  • She caused upset by demanding that her own bodyguards handle security arrangements during the ceremony, a request that was flatly refused.
  • Nay, look you, sir, he tells you flatly what his mind is: why, give him gold enough and marry him to a puppet or an aglet-baby; or an old trot with ne’er a tooth in her head, though she have as many diseases as two-and-fifty horses: why, nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal. Act I. Scene II. The Taming of the Shrew
  • The allegation that there had been a military show of strength was flatly denied by Yakovlev on May 4.

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