How To Use Flask In A Sentence

  • The silver flask touched her lips as reverently as the Christian chalice of gold.
  • Dalmius nursed the invigorating fire-drink from a horn-flask, ensconced in leather, e'en as his thin hands trembled.
  • Unleashed, she is a maenad: not crabby but sardonic and perpetually restless, she scrambles over the stage, squaring up to several men at a time; she drinks from a hip flask; she wees; she smokes – and she fumes. The Taming of the Shrew; The Trial of Ubu; Our New Girl – review
  • Toasting their successful ascent to the summit, she lifts her flask in the air, and father waves his walking stick.
  • Susan Warren and her son Mark, 15, from Cheadle Hulme, joined the queue at 5.50 am, kitted out with deckchairs, waterproofs and a flask.
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  • A fire was burning in the grate to warm the salon, and ratafia biscuits and a flask of sherry were arrayed on a side table. The Dressmaker
  • He then decanted the pulpy slurry into an Erlenmeyer flask set atop an electric hot plate. Hipster Moonshine
  • Accompanied by a flask of tea and his familiar pipe, Britain's most famous campaigner for socialism filled the Grand's stage without ever leaving his comfy seat.
  • The flask holds one gallon
  • The cells could also be grown as suspension culture in conical flasks on a rotary shaker giving higher yield of cells.
  • For most of us that means a ramble across the North York Moors, or a bracing walk along the east coast before map reading our way back to the car for a flask of tea.
  • I'll trade in my sandals, shorts and sunnies for a hip flask of brandy and a gnarly old jacket which can't quite keep the wind out.
  • To the back of Adian lay a bar, with flasks and wooden kegs that were tapped for liquid stacked in every available place.
  • Angus thought everyone looked so chilly that he shivered in sympathy and took a swallow from his flask.
  • She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.
  • One gave me a hug and a cup of tea from a Thermos flask.
  • To honor the festival's origins, locals concoct fiery brews, which they carry in flasks for warming nips.
  • Excess acetylene should be vented from reaction flasks, tubing, etc., rather than scrubbed with strong base to avoid the formation of acetylides.
  • In a broader sense, New Orleans is a ‘movable feast’, a flask of good wine that you carry with you wherever you are.
  • So, I made a flask of tea and a knocked together breakfasty lunch to take out in the car.
  • Remove the needle from the nozzle of the syringe and deliver the citrated blood into a small Ehlenmeyer flask containing about 250 c.c. of nutrient broth. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Every few hours, under hundreds of shanty tents and lean-tos scattered across the hills, they pour mercury from metal flasks into soil that they have dragged in sacks down rutted tracks behind bullocks.
  • In the middle of the room was a small fire with several discolored flasks gingerly stuffed in the coals.
  • From the bottom of the flask-shaped cell the axon arises; this passes through the nuclear layer, and, becoming medullated, is continued as a nerve fiber in the subjacent white substance. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • Experimentally, a few milliliters of a volatile liquid are placed in a stoppered flask containing a small orifice.
  • I am so thirsty I guzzle several glasses of fruit juice, a litre of water and most of a flask of red bush tea before I even sit down.
  • I swear she swigged the stuff from a flask in her purse.
  • Sitting alone on the stage with only his trademark flask of tea and his pipe for company, the old boy positively exudes optimism.
  • She looked at Alistra, and unbuckled her safety belt, containing a water flask, some rations (in case they got lost), and her weapons.
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • And therewith I held the flasket aloft; but her face changed horribly; she sprang up in her chair and reached out her arm to clutch at the flasket, screaming like an eagle therewith. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • -- These thin, flat flasks (to contain agar or gelatine, which is allowed to solidify in a layer on one side) are extremely useful on account of the large nutrient surface available for growth. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • They held Britain to ransom with a flask of tea and some picnic chairs.
  • Since that day Mary had carried a flask of tea with her, now noting with dismay that she had left it behind at the wall.
  • Measure out double strength meat extract, 500 c.c., into the "tared" flask. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • So I took the said flask and went my ways hastily to my own chamber, and there I looked at the said flask and took out the stopple; and there was a liquor therein, white like to water, but of a spicy smell, sweet, fresh, and enheartening. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Wherefore the she-wolf went red and white by turns, and fumed, and fretted her bedizenments with unrestful hands, and when she should let us go our ways, she lingered and looked back oft, and was loth to depart ere she had gotten what she lacked, and that, forsooth, was the said flasket. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Others drank from flasks and clay bottles, or huddled together to read futures from the faces of playing cards.
  • I considered the flask with something approaching awe, and I touched its silvered epidermis. ANTI-ICE
  • The stopper was hermetically closed and the flask exposed for 5–60 minutes to the light from either a typical UVA tanning lamp or visible light.
  • There is a vacuum flask on the damask table - cloth.
  • We find there some of the same costly foodstuffs (especially cherries and roast fowl) and wine flasks.
  • The flask, along with a jewelled dagger, flywhisk and a hugga, had originally been part of the collection at the Imperial Court in Delhi.
  • Hot soup, stew or casserole in a thermos flask, plus a roll - but no butter or margarine.
  • Barth put his head in his hands and stared down at the greenish liquid in his flask.
  • They palled up with booze and they kept their pal close at hand: a pint in the glove box, a flask on the hip, and most famously, the fifth in the desk.
  • Next, he placed them in the bowl over the fire, and added some of the steaming liquid from the flask.
  • Perfect for tools or a vacuum flask, and it handily fits across the handlebars of your bike. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third mate is Flask, who seems to have a personal grudge against every whale in every ocean on the globe.
  • Let a condensed beam be sent through a large flask or bolthead containing common air. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • I had but sat down to a flask of malvoisie and a mortress of brawn, as is my use about this hour, when there comes a cherking, and I find my wine over my legs and the flask in my lap, and then as I stoop to clip it there comes another cursed cherk, and there is a mortress of brawn stuck fast to the nape of my neck. The White Company
  • Former serviceman Ray's next port of call was to grab his flask and give the ‘shaken’ woman driver a cup of coffee to calm her.
  • What collectors refer to as historical flasks are glass bottles blown into metal molds between about 1815 and 1870.
  • The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
  • Collect ascitic, pleuritic, or hydrocele fluid in sterile flasks and allow to stand in the ice-chest for twelve hours to sediment. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • But as she recorded their business accounts, the story of Moses flitted in and out of her head between the credits and debits, the flasks of beer and wine and jars of olive oil and measures of profit.
  • In April 2002, researchers noticed an anthrax-laced deposit on the outside of a flask outside the biocontainment area. In Anthrax Case, Hindsight
  • Should any part of you or your kit freeze up, Thermos flasks of boiling water are always close to hand to warm your gloves or unfreeze your camera.
  • Aye, what we call brass-monkey weather," said Dalziel, taking a swig from his flask. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • Five minutes passed and the scientist held up two flasks filled with liquid: blue and green.
  • There I told them all the tale of the last night and of the flasket, and put before them all that was in my mind to do that evening at the banquet, and they both of them yeasaid it. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • She saw a flask hovering to one side and reached for it weakly, finding that it was already unstopped.
  • Current stock includes a set of eight rummers, at €280 each, a delightful typically Irish perfume flask and an unusual Cork-made, double flask circa 1800.
  • Fill the burette of the acidimeter with the solution of NaOH and begin to titrate the milk in the flask. Chapter 6
  • Fairfax's steward has packed sandwiches for us and an ancient vacuum flask of tea.
  • They passed cabinets and shelves filled with strange bottles and flasks and urns.
  • On the stage is a lectern, a leather armchair, a potted palm and a table with a Thermos flask: enter the speaker in a beige cardigan.
  • With that, I opened up the flask with my mouth and began pouring cold liquid on my injured hand.
  • Suddenly oblivious to my presence, she dropped her purse on my desk, pulled out a flask and a small jar of olives and made herself another strong one.
  • The wine comes in deep-bottomed 46 cl flasks.
  • Armed with copies of the morning newspapers and flasks of coffee and dressed in their civvies, they chatted, or played cards to pass the time.
  • But he filled his hip flask.
  • If you really want to save, think about having a coffee before you leave home, taking a flask or making coffee in the office. The Sun
  • What is it about vacuum flasks that makes every drink taste like there's a chunk of dead mouse at the bottom?
  • The sample brominated epoxy resin enclosed in filter paper is burned in flask filling with oxygen.
  • The reasoning was: "Boiling has killed all forms of vitality _in_ the flask; by the hermetical sealing nothing living can gain subsequent access to the fluid; therefore, if living organisms do appear when the flask is opened, they must have arisen in the dead matter _de novo_ by spontaneous generation, but if they do never so arise, the probability is that they originate in spores or eggs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • Through the other opening passes a glass tube bent at an acute angle and connected by a short rubber tube to an adjoining flask, two-thirds filled with decinormal baryta solutions. Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
  • He gave her his sleeping bag and used a flask of ginger tea to warm up her hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The franc-tireur in charge of the wine-bin watches us complaisantly from his counter where he sits flanked by flasks of Hoboken chianti and a case of brittle cigars. Shandygaff
  • That is, if you take a nice flask of coffee and rum for the cold nights.
  • There is also some ado about puppy-walking and what a whipper-in does, and a number of references to hip flasks.
  • Fergus had brought a leather case with him; it held three of the silver cups and a big hip flask.
  • Images of goats, birds, trees, and other plants decorate both sides of this lentoid flask.
  • At 8.45 I shall make flasks of strong, black coffee and also have chilled mineral water on hand in case of dehydration.
  • As the liquid evaporates, its vapor replaces the air in the flask.
  • Each flask was sealed with a foam bung and foil cap, and placed on an orbital shaker at 135 rpm.
  • The canteen was a hard leather flask with straps to tie it to a belt.
  • She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in.
  • What horrors will come creeping out of the flask on the laboratory bench?
  • The trussing, for which the demipique saddle of the day afforded particular facility, is alluded to in the text; and the author, among other nickcnacks of antiquity, possesses a leathern flask, like those carried by sportsmen, which is labelled, "King James's Hunting The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Middle-aged men threw their Thermos flasks in the air; young women jigged; the many children at Old Trafford dreamed, ‘That could be me.’
  • I walked next to him for an hour or so and shared my brandy flask with him.
  • In these areas, they're using both tissue culture flasks and custom made bioreactors to simulate, on a small-scale, how cells will behave in the human body.
  • He would drive out each day, a flask of iced tea in one pocket, a bottle of cognac in the other - every inch the fearless veteran war photographer.
  • He reached into his bag and pulled out three cups and a flask of some greenish blue liquid.
  • I also like NB Design's silver jewelry, such as the Erlenmeyer flask pendant shown at left. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Nobody said a word about partridges; but it was remarkable that from each carriage that arrived there was taken a long mahogany case, followed by a tin canister and a powder flask; and that each new-comer, in the course of the first evening, invariably asked if the harvest were well in, and if the birds were tolerably strong and numerous. The Semi-Attached Couple
  • Tristram took the sea, and La Beale Isoud; and when they were in their cabin, it happed so that they were thirsty, and they saw a little flasket of gold stand by them, and it seemed by the colour and the taste that it was noble wine. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • He kept the young man to dinner, and made himself very agreeable by the freedom and liveliness of his conversation, especially when warmed by a flask or two of Tuscan wine.
  • I remember eating dinners from a Thermos flask in the back of my mum's car on the way to something.
  • Hearing that, the blonde reaches over to her right sleeve, unzips a pocket, removes a flask and hands it to him.
  • Gavotte said he suspected they were short of "needfuls," so he had filled his pockets with coffee and sugar, took in a bottle some of the milk I brought for Baby, and his own flask of whiskey, without which he never travels. Letters of a Woman Homesteader
  • If you don't have a sauna nearby, you could use one at your local gym and take a flask of camomile or mint tea with you. The Sun
  • Seeds are scraped off into sterilized flasks containing nutrient agar-agar.
  • With a few gurgling noises created from his throat, and, evidently, some mucus, he filled the glass to a quarter inch below the brim with the liquid in the flask.
  • It might help to take along a flask of coffee, plus some delicious pastries. The Sun
  • Sake is usually drunk from small cups called choko and poured into the choko from ceramic flasks called tokkuri. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • I guess I must have hummed along or waved my flask to the old familiar march, for presently the villain Augustus (a frightful handle to fix on a decent enough urchin, but no work of mine) detached himself from the waterweed and came to stand snottering before me with his head on one side, thoughtful-like. THE NUMBERS
  • He reached inside his shirt and pulled out a small bottle, shaped like a flask.
  • The flask is then heated to a temperature above the boiling point of the liquid.
  • Good spot to stop for a cup of coffee providing you have taken your flask with you!
  • In the middle of the room was a small fire with several discolored flasks gingerly stuffed in the coals.
  • While the article touches briefly on trends among women waterfowlers, it mostly follows this group through an unsuccessful Monday hunt, during which they manage to take none of the ducks that pass (some within 40 yards), they smoke, pass around a flask, apparently wear purple bands on their hats and finally leave empty-handed. Poor Representation
  • The third mate is Flask, who seems to have a personal grudge against every whale in every ocean on the globe.
  • An elderly man in a parked car, sipping tea from a flask, was the only visitor we encountered. Times, Sunday Times
  • No stodgy sandwiches, lukewarm tea or coffee from a flask.
  • The last flask was opened, and we drank it between us, to the accompaniment of Scotty's stertorous breathing. Chapter 6
  • At the summit, while taking celebratory sips of whiskey from my Kansas City Chiefs flask, we were approached by an athletic couple from Colorado.
  • Hot soup, stew or casserole in a thermos flask, plus a roll - but no butter or margarine.
  • Older ones can be given a flask of soup made with milk for extra nourishment during winter months.
  • The head nurse was standing over her with a silver flask of water in one hand and a damp white cloth in the other.
  • The sword clanked against die container side as I freed it, and I set aside my little pack of flask and sandwiches. The Gates of Noon
  • Curdle fresh milk by warming to 60°C., and adding rennet; filter off the whey into a sterile "tared" flask. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • They also brought water, which went largely untouched while there was still wine in the flask.
  • He stood back so that I could put my face to the microscope better, and in doing so he knocked over a flask with some ether in it.
  • The water in my flask isn't completely hot any more but I use it to make some chamomile tea anyway. POPCO
  • McPeabody unscrewed the lid and poured some of the flask's liquid contents into his coffee cup.
  • This time the modern-day Lady workers were enjoying a string concert and a glass or two of wine (though I suspect some people smuggled in flasks of rosehip tea).
  • But the latter occur in profusion, too: pirootin ': Messing around; from "pirouetting." tickler: A flat pocket flask. favorance: Resemblance. gumshot: Slingshot. throddy: Well rounded; plump; chuffy. in the room of: In place of. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 3
  • Those folks would have understood instantly what I was up to last week, stirring zinc powder in a flask with some dilute hydrochloric acid and washing it off.
  • In a series of comparative experiments, 200 grammes of sugar-candy being used in each case, we found that whilst saccharomyces pastorianus effected a complete fermentation of the sugar, the caseous ferment did not decompose more than two-thirds, and the ferment we have designated NEW "HIGH" FERMENT not more than one-fifth: and keeping the flasks for a longer time in the oven had no effect in increasing the proportions of sugar fermented in these two last cases. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • `At the heart of this boiler is a Dewar flask ," she said crisply. ANTI-ICE
  • Outside, a man is pushing a battered shopping cart filled with flotsam from the road: crumpled cans, a discarded flask, a pillow.
  • Then the cannon roared from the walls of Castle Zollern; and Count Wolf and his mother were delighted to think that they would get the fine flask of wine, the property, the pond, besides the jewels; and above all were they pleased with the echoing sound of the cannon. Hauff's Fairy Tales, Translated and Adapted
  • Many were in full countryside regalia - corduroy and tweeds, flat caps, hip flasks and sticks - despite having only walked from their expensive 4x4's parked nose-to-tail in the surrounding narrow lanes.
  • I considered the flask with something approaching awe, and I touched its silvered epidermis. ANTI-ICE
  • He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.
  • Wash the emulsion into a "tared" 2-litre flask with 300 c.c. fish bouillon. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • In the course of his cryogenic work he invented the vacuum flask.
  • Two-hundred microliters of the stock solution of the lipid sample in chloroform was placed in a round bottom flask to which 300 L of methanol was added.
  • I read that as "somebody poured cream liqueur from a flask. Poor Representation
  • In the evening Uliba took me to a little room off the stables where we packed our bags for the trip — spare clobber of shamas and boots and waterproof cloaks, blankets and utensils, biltong and bread and teff-cakes, (* Millet.) flasks of maise and tej, cheese and dried fruit and locust-balls, God help me. Flashman on the March
  • About the only thing I saw that might have raised an eyebrow was "Somebody poured cream liqueur from a flask. Poor Representation
  • She poured herself a cup from the flask she had tucked away in the holdall she'd brought.
  • One of the flasks holds an oily liquid approximating to coffee while the other holds almost-boiling water that might nearly brew a half-strength cup of extra-weak tea.
  • Then they poured distilled water into the columns and captured this leachate as it flowed out the bottom into flasks.
  • Before leaving his home for Wigan at about 4.35 am on February 28, he had a mug of sweet tea and as he drove westward, he drank coffee from a flask.
  • Falnec crumbled a tab of painkiller into his canteen and held the rim of the metal flask to the youth's lips.
  • 'environment' is not just made up of the flask and media but also the * other cells in the flask* with which it must compete. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • I will ask my wife to prepare me some sandwiches, and make a flask of strong, hot tea to go with my tube of peppermints - that should do it.
  • When he climbed in the snow he always carried a silver flask of brandy for emergencies.
  • It's great to hear Rich and Stew's classic dialogue again, all best washed down with a flask of weak lemon drink.
  • I gather up the silk I have spun since the last time he came to me, and the empty flask, and fill the basket, lowering it down the cord in silence, as always.
  • It's also advisable to take a golf glove, a flask of tea-and a brolly!
  • Wash the emulsion into a "tared" 2-litre flask with 500 c.c. distilled water. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Open the vacuum chamber to take out flask.
  • If no acid or gas is formed, the bouillon is in a sugar-free condition; but if acid or gas is present, again make the bouillon in the flask +10, reinoculate with one or other of the above-mentioned bacteria, and incubate; then test again. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Jonathan pulled out a small flask, and shook it a bit and heard liquid sloshing around.
  • The hip flask was in the glove compartment.
  • No, no, the 'petit goutte' 's better -- try that flask. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 3, July, 1851
  • It was no wonder the chatelaine had instructed the child to withhold the flask save the three times. Healing the Highlander
  • Where, among the wooden fowls and "impracticable" flagons, were to be seen very imposing pasties and flasks of champaigne, littered together in most admirable disorder. The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Complete
  • The varlet took the maiden in his arms, but first he gave her the flask with the precious brewage to carry, since for pride he might not endure to drink therefrom, save at utmost peril. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • I strained it very carefully, through cheese cloth, and got out every solid I could, until I ended up with about 2 liters in the Erlenmeyer flask. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • He looks at the cup, smiles, and adds a little liquid from a flask.
  • They may be stellate in the anterior horn of the spinal cord or flask-shaped, as in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.
  • Now, having long since left behind the toil of the sea, he hefted flasks of whiskey instead of halyards, ladled grog instead of tar, or polished glass instead of brass.
  • Mr Uhdd is somewhere between here and Brighton, on the train, with a flask, a bale of butties and a copy of ‘Perverting the Course of Justice’. Two Million Visits To Police Inspector Blog « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He pulled the flask out with a series of quick, almost convulsive movements.
  • Some mornings we stopped on a kopje and made a small fire and Dad fried up eggs and steak in an old pan and we washed them down with flask coffee. Rainbow’s End
  • My excessive nerves were rewarded with a hip flask and a half bottle of whisky.
  • People just thought I was drinking moonshine; I never let them see what was in the flask.
  • They put methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide in a flask with some water, sparked some electricity through it, and after a week they got a brown sludge which contained amino acids.
  • Between the folds of the bottom towel in the linen closet, he retrieved a silver flask and took several greedy swallows.
  • Keep the mixture in a vacuum flask for 6-8 hours.
  • Large, who advises governments on nuclear hazards, pointed out that the tests which are designed to ensure the safety of nuclear transport flasks had no scientific basis.
  • She took her hip flask from her coveralls and emptied it in one long gulp.
  • Ryne looked to his companion, ‘We did, but that didn't stop them from bring flasks and canteens filled with it.
  • He turned, still imperious, to the table, placing in the center of its well a small glass beaker, which he filled from a flask until slivovitz reached a marked level circumference. The DreydelMaker (exerpt)
  • Things must have seemed to be going his way as he prepared his flask of coffee and headed to Wigan for work.
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • A flask of Greek coffee so sweet and thick you could cut it with a knife wakes you up and it's time to go back to work again.
  • The contents of E, E, together with the rinsings from the tubes, are poured into a capacious flask. 100 c.c. of the manganous sulphate and Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886
  • He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask.
  • There was those diborane leaks, the transformator fire, my collegue who was thrown across the lab from high voltage, the unlabeled flasks with chemicals, … Oh, well, maybe I earned that PhD after all! fnxtr On the Contemplation of Panda Poo - The Panda's Thumb
  • round-bottom flasks
  • My hands raised up as if to guide the flask to a more giving position, but fell again to my side when whoever was holding it seemed to sense my desire and tipped the flask just a bit more.
  • I had the cellarer bring me a flask of good de Nef wine, all for nothing.
  • Arven examined the box and saw at its end was a spout that was draining liquid into a flask.
  • Here, give him a sip of this -- it's brandy!" and an automobilist, who had come across the links from the nearest point to the highway, offered his flask. The Golf Course Mystery
  • A vacuum flask keeps cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot.
  • A select group of chemists, however, rarely handle flasks of foul-smelling fluids.
  • These bottles bear witness to the multitude who tried to take advantage of the distinctive flask to flog off their own less-than-distinctive swill.
  • I had a week at most at my disposal, so for three or four nights I set off stealthily after dark, dressed in an ancient pea jacket and patched unmentionables, with a muffler and billycock hat and cracked boots, Galand in one pocket and flask in t'other, skulking round Conduit Street to see what his movements were. Watershed
  • The hip flask was in the glove compartment.
  • I took a flask of coffee and some bacon sandwiches, sat on a bench, and thought about life.
  • Levengood tested the metal fragment for the presence of hydrogen by putting a sample in a flask with a weak solution of acetic acid.
  • He opened the flask and took a long drink. ‘'Tis nectar of the Gods!’
  • In icy conditions, carry a flask of hot water in the car.
  • After incubation, 5 ml of RPMI media were added to the cell flasks and then the cell solution was pipetted to a 50-ml vial.

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