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flash back

  1. return in time
    the film cut back to an earlier event in the story

How To Use flash back In A Sentence

  • Here, my eyes would glaze over as I flash backed to the summer I spent putting little purple microdot tabs of mescaline in my mouth, waiting for that hallucinatory high.
  • Flash back colleagues carry Wayne Edwards' coffin at his funeral in January.
  • Trailer highpoints for me included the “Pit and the Pendulum Power Tool” business, the black and white flash back to the woman “from over the road” for those of you not paying attention, and the amusing photofit sketches. The Stepfather Remake Movie Trailer | /Film
  • Now let's flash back to Parry's freshman season.
  • As I row in my racing shell, I flash back to Muller's words.
  • Thanks, that is interesting, I had thought that the flash backscatter was the worst aspect.
  • But whenever I see science fiction, I flash back to watching Star Trek with my dad, my teddy bear and/or Tina my doll, watching people getting to go everywhere and everywhen. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Mari Ness
  • In between shots of the Beales as the documentary found them, we flash back to the women in their glory: Big Edie (Lange) entertaining at parties to the disapproval of her strait-laced husband (Ken Howard), who thinks she should be finding a rich husband for their daughter (Barrymore). Lange, Barrymore captivate in HBO's 'Grey Gardens'
  • When he had finished, he would flash back to the complete page and select a new subject for detailed examination.
  • Here, my eyes would glaze over as I flash backed to the summer I spent putting little purple microdot tabs of mescaline in my mouth, waiting for that hallucinatory high.
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