
How To Use Flapping In A Sentence

  • African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks.
  • Rather than moving forward while flapping their wings up and down like a bird, flies hover while beating their wings back and forth.
  • Caught under by the breeze, the awnings of the fore-deck bellied upwards and collapsed slowly, and above their heavy flapping the gray stuff of Captain Whalley's roomy coat fluttered incessantly around his arms and trunk.
  • Remember that the next time you find yourself enjoying compliments so much they take on the sound of a flapping cape. Christianity Today
  • The throng surrounding them shouted affirming hallelujahs and amens, flapping and singing, rattling their tambourines and bleating their horns.
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  • He made a noise of what I took to be assent, muffled as it was by the furious flapping of his frilly pinny over the shrieking smoke alarm.
  • I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals, and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind, and I thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock. Monday or Tuesday
  • The fear was put into perspective by one crew member who believed when he heard the flapping of the genoa caused by the halyard coming away that there was a helicopter overhead to rescue us.
  • The flag was flapping about in the wind.
  • The dumb birds swarmed me, flapping their wings like crazy, making clucking sounds, and pecking at my legs.
  • He added: 'If the stretcher bar was missing the rail would have been left flapping about. The Sun
  • Georgina opened her fan and started flapping it angrily in front of herself.
  • Is the wind in their sails or are their sails flapping? Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time the first fight broke out I was gripped - feathers were puffed up to ensure maximum hard-man appearance and then a very undignified battle ensued, involving lots of running jumps and flapping and pecking.
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Old Schwerin, the Chief Minister, still with his nightcap on and a robe-de-chambre flapping round his ankles, was hobbling along towards me, with a little knot of attendants fussing in his wake. Royal Flash
  • A butterfly was flapping around the wheelbarrow looking for a fragrance to match the colour of that great metallic flower.
  • It's call the ExoFly, and Ray described it as a "dragonfly-on-steroids … a nimble flapping aerobot. Universe Today
  • Most work on unsteady flow during locomotion in fluids has focused on flapping propulsors, and verifications of the theory have necessarily focused on rigid robotic limbs under carefully controlled conditions.
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • Its wings were splayed as if for flight, but they were not flapping.
  • The great ugly sharky fish was hooked forward by Josh and placed in a great basket, where it lay writhing its eely tail, and flapping its wing-like fins as the boat slowly progressed, and bait after bait was replaced, many being untouched, the thornback, skate, or ray being the only fish taken. Menhardoc
  • The skylights billow like sheets flapping in the wind and dancing curtains shine green and faintly red.
  • Emery, known for steadiness, emerged, the lapels on his blue blazer flapping as he waved people out.
  • An ornithopter is an aircraft that gets its forward propulsion from the flapping of wings (the ORNITH – in ornithopter comes from the ltain for “bird” – putting “ornith” on a prefix makes it “bird-like”) an ornithopter is a heavier-than-air aircraft that is propelled by the flapping of wings. KAMN Show #11: Dune : The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas
  • My older brothers would clunk along the deck above, hauling on lines, and shouting to each other in the wind as they struggled to douse the flapping sails.
  • A solid figure steps out nobly, his robe flapping around him in the wind like a cape.
  • The next day we headed to the gay Beach Number 7, which was marked like a territorial conquest with a huge rainbow flag flapping in the breeze.
  • Her lower-topsails hung in limp emptiness from the yards, heavy with rain and flapping soggily when she rolled. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • I have to admit that I had butterflies the size of bulldozers flapping around in my tum as I walked him round the corner to nursery school.
  • The edge of the ice had started to melt, creating a narrow stream where some of the birds were happily preening, flapping showers of droplets into the air.
  • Mother comes, it hisses before flapping batlike wings and flying off. Slayed
  • I look up and see fat feathery fledglings flapping furiously, flying fairly fast (look at me, I'm alliterating)!
  • A pigeon had mistakenly fluttered inside the pub and was flapping in some women's faces.
  • Her flowing red hair was streaming out the window, the black tips flapping in the wind.
  • His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
  • As we reached the middle of the sound opposite Armadale, there fell a dead calm; and the Betsey, more actively idle than the ship manned by the Ancient Mariner, dropped sternwards along the tide, to the dull music of the flapping sail. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • A vintage sports car passed me and disappeared into the distance, the headscarf of the lady passenger flapping in the wind.
  • Doom metal is usually an analogue affair, full of throbbing tube amps and strings detuned so low they're practically flapping.
  • I could actually feel the volume of the bass, and it seemed to me the flares of my trousers were flapping with every beat.
  • There's the adrenaline rush that precedes the jump: "" To psych ourselves for the plunge we sang "My Girl 'in falsetto and danced the Stroll, swinging our shoulders and hips, flapping our wrists feyly as we made our way ... to the open door of the plane.' ' He's In The Army Now
  • But if wing flapping is so important, and if (according to some studies) comb and wattle size isn't, why possess the big comb and wattle at all? Archive 2006-06-01
  • The cave echoed and re-echoed with the sounds of shrill squeals and flapping wings.
  • The beautiful subalar plumage is then thrown out and cleaned from any spot that may sully its purity by being passed gently through the bill, the short chocolate-colored wings are extended to the utmost, and he keeps them in a steady flapping motion, at the same time raising up the delicate long feathers over the back, which are spread in a chaste and elegant manner, floating like films in the ambient air. In Nesting Time
  • As one Coast Guard cadet said, ‘You're up in the rigging in a storm, the sail's flapping in your face, it's pitch dark, and somebody yells to clear the foreroyal buntlines.’
  • Shelley Singer stood in the doorway, her coat flapping in the chill wind.
  • the synchronized flapping of a bird's wings
  • It's St George's Day and the bunting is flapping in the breeze outside the Barmy Arms in Twickenham.
  • Swept along in the flood all I had to do was to try to navigate through the best looking route by flapping my limbs.
  • I unsnarled the lines and threw her pole into the boat—along with the flapping red snapper. BLOWN AWAY!
  • Tending the flagstick, the polite golfer is considerate enough to hold the flag against the pin to keep it from flapping if the wind is blowing.
  • The main characteristic of all intermittent flight modes is periodic variation in thrust generated by the flapping wings, and therefore in the dynamics of the body.
  • With a great leap, he landed on the hub of the wheel and grabbed the flapping reins.
  • Kyle glanced over at Lady-Bugger flapping his cape mothlike in front of the headlights. RAINBOW road
  • Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun.
  • It swims by flapping its ear-like fins like the cartoon elephant.
  • Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun.
  • But the indefatigable Swans, yellow labels flapping from their shoulder bags, would never dream of sitting anything out.
  • I don't think I would like it if folk watched me fall off my board all the time, cellulite flapping in the breeze and cozzie riding up the wrong places.
  • Her lower-topsails hung in limp emptiness from the yards, heavy with rain and flapping soggily when she rolled. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • Horses whickered and starting at some noise or piece of flapping cloth.
  • On Saturday night, Robbie and his partner Ola were tasked with performing the cha-cha-cha, a dance of Cuban origin that apparently involves a bewildered looking man in a black rhinestone-studded hoodie standing ram-rod straight and occasionally flapping his arms about, while his partner gyrates suggestively around him in a manner not dissimilar to a naked Britt Ekland on the other side of Edward Woodward's hotel‑room wall in The Wicker Man. Bad boy Robbie Savage finds life tough outside his comfort zone | Barry Glendenning
  • Unfortunately, I was clutching the side of the ride, nostrils flaring, eyes popping, and lips flapping unceremoniously.
  • He could just see a black shape flapping off, a bird as a large as a wolfhound at the least, thwacking the air with huge wings. A TIME OF WAR
  • His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
  • The alcids (family Alcidae) have a high rate of energy expenditure during flight due to their flapping, nongliding technique.
  • Give what I hope is curt nod, though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever.
  • Rather than flapping the wings from back to belly, as other birds do, the partridges flap from head to tail.
  • I appreciate that some are working so hard to come up with ideas to discuss on this very important issue instead of just complaining, whining, playing games, making things up, lying and pointlessly flapping their gums (like Sarah Palin). Obama putting heavy imprint on big speech
  • The lush greenery of the marsh to one side and the swamp to the other was splashed with purple mallow and pink hibiscus flowers, and there were blue herons and white egrets flapping through the trees.
  • Adam’s ears were perpetually red-hot, like someone who seems to have just come back from the barbershop, and he was a jiggler; a crossed leg often went flapping like a wing, and if a pencil happened to make its way into his hand, it would soon be put into service tapping out a rhythm that no one in the otherwise silent coffee shop or classroom wanted to hear. Surrender, Dorothy
  • There was nothing really on that corner, but it look a though it was flapping in the wind.
  • After much shouting and dashing about, a percher appeared, flapping its narrow wings and blaring the message given to it. Nemesis
  • We didn't have any bread so we chucked in pebbles to get their attention and keep them flapping and diving for us.
  • Sure it's fun to get rigged up in some flapping strides and dance along to some dire disco every once in a while.
  • The poultry-yard, stables, and cow-shed, relegated to the buildings near the pheasantry and hidden by clumps of trees, instead of afflicting the eye with their foul details, now blended those soft murmurs and cooings and the sound of flapping wings, which are among the most delightful accompaniments of Nature's eternal harmony, with the peculiar rustling sounds of the forest. Sons of the Soil
  • The large hawks, called Buteos, often drift overhead without flapping their wings while they ride an updraft of warm air, known as a thermal.
  • The flapping of wings immediately stirred images of Fandral in pursuit of the errant druid, but what Broll located in the sky was no storm crow, but rather the hazy shape of a hippogryph. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • _Now just hold hard here, busters, now goddamn it enough is ENO UGH, whaddya wheredya get the idea you can_ and so forth, in the grip of his waking nightmare he drivelled on and on until one of the four, obviously it was the woman, came up, swung her rifle butt and broke his flapping jaw. The Satanic Verses
  • Once we have stormed out of the house, shirt tails flapping, we make it to the bus stop.
  • With his arm on the window well, he cruised down the street, the breeze flapping his sleeve.
  • Prairie Crawford's image, her long, tow-colored hair, and her flapping clothes, came and went quickly.
  • Peter Gaskell shuffled through in his oversized wellingtons, a large empty canvas bag flapping against his knees.
  • As the moon arose, the wind got higher, and chopped round to one point north of west, raising a perkish head-sea, and grinning with white teeth against any flapping of sails. Springhaven
  • The only people you see are beachcombers and dog-walkers in their flapping macs
  • Is the wind in their sails or are their sails flapping? Times, Sunday Times
  • As the plants were locked away in a closed section next to the cafe, I strained my neck to see the price tags flapping furiously in the wind.
  • This generality is especially true of muscles composed mostly of a single fiber type, as are the pectoral muscles of fast-flapping aerial fliers like ducks and alcids.
  • Yet here I am in the office blogging instead of at home vegging because ESPN seems to think Chris Fowler flapping his ignorant gums is live tennis. Hey Bristol: Chris Fowler talking is NOT Tennis!
  • Her entire body seemed to ripple and waver, her image flapping like a sheet of cloth in the wind. A Time of War
  • The author kept her word, but big mouths at the publishing house can't keep from flapping.
  • At what a tearing pace he had driven up that road, through the yellow evening sunlight, the shadows flapping irksomely into his eyes as each wayside object rushed past between him and the west! Wessex Tales
  • A really manky pigeon had mistakenly fluttered inside the pub and was flapping in some women's faces.
  • I was still in an agitated state, so I spent the first few songs flapping about.
  • Both circled high over the estuary, sharply-pointed wings alternately flapping and gliding as the great birds searched for ducks and waders.
  • Christa offered her daughter a snack then turned to Liz as her daughter raced back inside, untied laces and pigtails flapping.
  • One morning a loose cord was flapping in the wind, cracking the canvas alongside his ear.
  • In the areal shots, you can see his hair flapping in the wind because he was actually doing it. Dan Lybarger: A Tale of Two Festivals: The Kansas Silent Film Festival and The True/False Documentary Film Festival
  • A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.
  • Felbridge was long-haired, in his late thirties, with a ratty fur coat and plimsolls that were flapping open, but a good photographer. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Their broad wings allow them to soar, gull-like, flapping with strong, slow wing-beats.
  • The question is, once it was airborne, was it just a glider, a weakly flapping flyer, or a strong flyer?
  • Hatbands and flapping ties identify cricket affiliations. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remember the figure of Abu Bakir, burnouse flapping, holding his phone aloft in salute and squinting into the sun. Tea in the Sahara: a road trip through the Libyan desert
  • i was slowly returning to full consciousness and amusing myself by gently flapping my toes in the water in an effleurage motion when i heard raised voices from the hallway. i took a deep breath and thought about trying to hide by sinking under the surface of the water, but figured it probably wouldnt do very well as camouflage. You all know by now, i've got no problem going there.
  • The flying membranes of bats and of pterodactyls were probably used in gliding before they were of any use in flapping flight, and, as Spurway has pointed out, small membranes along the sides of the body are found in some arboreal mammals which do not even glide, and these folds of skin render such animals more difficult to see by eliminating the shadows they would otherwise cause. A Mystery for the Ages
  • From here, there is a continuous series of gradations to gliding wings, and hence to flapping wings.
  • The ducks were quacking and flapping around me loudly, so I thought better of staying in my place.
  • It must be fun writing for Prickly Pete, whose just full of fine asperities such as the “frog-like mouth flapping” of Mr. Price and dismissing his rival as "Kenny and his haircut. Mad Men Reaches Its Appointment in Samarra: James Wolcott
  • Bessie Higgins stood dripping on the doorstep like a cormorant flapping wings on a rock. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • The result: tight and shapely arms that you'll be proud to wave, and the confidence of knowing that nothing is flapping in the wind.
  • It slid to the base of the mast so we could lash down the flapping canvas with extra sail ties.
  • All the colour and scent of the flowers is lost behind a rustling, flapping, sheath of cheap semi-opaque cellophane wrapping.
  • It is produced by flapping wings. Smithsonian Mag
  • When the bomb went through the bomb bay door, number five ship called on the radio and informed us that we had a bomb bay door flapping in the breeze.
  • As she approached her room, hoping to find a good fire, she heard a flapping noise, which was suddenly interrupted by the rattle of a falling poker, followed by the exclamation, in a woman's voice, "Och, musha, I wouldnt doubt you. The Irrational Knot Being the Second Novel of His Nonage
  • True to his promise, the eagle rays are gently flapping and wheeling in the current off the starboard quarter, frustratingly staying just too far away to photograph.
  • You see them everywhere: on the roadsides, clogging up ditches, flapping in the hot winds down dusty streets.
  • Not until spring was the box opened again, when great was my amazement to find a big moth flapping its wings!
  • Ospreys on their southward journeys flew in widely spaced single file above the marsh, some flapping deeply, others soaring gull-like, with wings bowed.
  • She walked up and down, flapping her arms to keep warm.
  • The curtains were flapping at the open window.
  • An autistic child placed under pressure will behave in an asocial way by withdrawing, or ignoring or using stereotypes (e.g.: rocking or flapping) to place distance between themselves and the source of pressure.
  • The only movement was the flapping of a hawk or the swoop of a diving osprey, the only sound the gentle lapping of water on the shore.
  • Such men have generally arrived at the dignity of a pack-horse – no unmixed benefit in the eyes of people driving, since most of the country horses are reduced to frenzy by the sight of the lean screw with his immense white pack – the hawker is merciless to his horse – led by the "black" man in flapping clothes and gay turban. Mates at Billabong
  • Hey folks, we got to get Kenny Boy “Lips” Mehlman out there again flapping his lips at the folks. Think Progress » Downed Powerline
  • We were gliding underneath a dead tree when an anhinga, unseen sunning itself on the limb above us, startled and took off with a stupendous flapping of wings. I DEFINE LOVE AS THINKING WELL ABOUT SOMEONE
  • Does a moth flapping its wings in Timbuktu have any effect on a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean?
  • He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers.
  • Rather than flapping the wings from back to belly, as other birds do, the partridges flap from head to tail.
  • Of the tea and coffee it might be said, as once it was said of two bad roads — "whichever one you take, you will wish you had taken the other;" the beefsteak was a problem of impracticability; and the chickens — Fleda could not help thinking, that a well - to-do rooster which she saw flapping his wings in the yard, must, in all probability, be at that very moment endeavouring to account for a sudden breach in his social circle; and if the oysters had been some very fine ladies, they could hardly have retained less recollection of their original circumstances. Queechy, Volume II
  • This led him to the consideration of many systems of flight, including helicopters and ornithopters (devices with flapping wings) and ultimately to his first theoretical concept in 1920 of the idea of freely rotating wings.
  • But, seriously, for Obama to deride anyone's experience in anything other than jaw-flapping is ridiculous. Palin drills down in policy in high-profile speech
  • Two of them, the aeroplane, and the orthopter, have prototypes in nature, and are distinguished by their respective similarities to the soaring birds, and those with flapping wings. Aeroplanes
  • Do atop flapping about. We'll get the job done in time.
  • His present place was shaky - a violent gale had just blown in the window panes and the frame was flapping loose.
  • It sustains its leap with high-speed flapping of its oversized pectoral fins for distances of up to 100 metres.
  • Damascus cloth flapping over his head, and his nose ornamented with diachylon. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • ‘You're not going to school without them,’ said Hysterical Mum Brenda, holding the boots out and flapping them in the air.
  • His minders goad him into flapping his fins a bit but there is no spark in his fishy eye.
  • Referees spited him for his nonstop lip-flapping and lack of decorum.
  • Then she bounded through the shrubbery, fleeing, her trousers flapping round her, her shoes left behind. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Flags were flapping/fluttering in the breeze.
  • Yesterday, a fair old wind gusted in off the waves and, for the first time this week, gave the grandstands, galleries and flapping hospitality tents the kind of buffeting demanded on occasions such as these.
  • The wind was blowing directly off Point Pedro and the high mountains behind, and because of this was squally and uncertain, half the time bellying the canvas out and the other half flapping it idly. White and Yellow
  • Will looked back at the moth, at its wheeling legs and its flapping antennae. SACRAMENT
  • Crows crept over the shreds of flesh, silent but for the flapping out of black wings and a few angry caws.
  • The car drove off with its rear door flapping open.
  • Whenever Clarence the angel talks longingly about getting his wings, take a shot of bourbon and then mince around the room, flapping your arms as feyly as possible.
  • Flapping his great wings like a real angel of death come for the new-born he inhaled deeply, his eyes becoming two gleaming points in the dark sky.
  • There's no use flapping about it now. What is needed is your solid action.
  • It's also an opportunity of a lifetime to be noticed, because all the provincial coaches will be there, with chequebooks flapping in back pockets.
  • Suddenly the sail is flapping and useless, the acceleration is gone, and I'm coasting gently towards the edge of the airfield, still steering with my feet.
  • The deserted boat was in the trough of the sea, rolling drunkenly across each comber, its loose spritsail out at right angles to it and fluttering and flapping in the wind. Chapter 25
  • She closed her eyes and listened to the cloth flapping in the breeze.
  • He ran around the house flapping his wings, swishing his tail, going RAWWK!
  • But the kehua are flapping and I have to tell you that Beverley was adopted in New Zealand after her real father killed her mother when he discovered she was having an affair. Digested read: Kehua! by Fay Weldon
  • The flag was flapping about in the light wind.
  • The process has been compared to moving a rug by flapping one end of it to create a wave, causing the rug to inch along bit by bit.
  • I quickly joked that if he spent whole day walking around flapping his arms, he would not be fat either.
  • The bird opened its wings and began flapping furiously.
  • The _Mary_ -- for so Fritz now called the pinnace -- had been ten days at sea, the wind had died away, and for some time scarcely a zephyr had ruffled the surface of the water, the sails were lazily flapping against the mast, and but for the currents, the voyagers would have been almost stationary. Willis the Pilot
  • worn-out shoes with flapping soles
  • What life remained on the streets was completely adult: Mr. Erhard holding the lines of the town horses, great rumped and hairy footed, with red ribbon woven through the braided plugs of their tails and little silk Union Jacks flapping from the top of the hames. The Day I Spoke for Mr. Lincoln
  • In hot weather it was pleasant enough to play hide-and-seek or follow-my-leader up and down the long alleys of cool white linen, and if a sudden gust of wind or some unexpected turn of the game set the wet sheets flapping in the children's faces, their senses were rather tickled than annoyed. The Ghost Ship
  • Finally, the easily distracted Laputians could converse only if a servant constantly held their attention by ‘flapping’ their mouths and ears with an inflated bladder, containing a few calculi, and fastened to a stick.
  • She grinned, shoelaces flapping about, and hopped into the passenger side.
  • The comment is restrained, yet behind the scenes you know technicians are flapping and executives are panicking.
  • And he showed them the object he had tucked into the belt that kept his robes of rough brown fustian from flapping in the breeze.
  • Ear lobes will not repair themselves, so surgery is needed to stitch the two pieces of flapping skin back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • So even though a change from gliding to flapping might be an easy idea to swallow, neither the several independently evolved gliders nor the fossil record lend it any support.
  • Plants simply don't have the energy to rush around like animals, pumping blood and flapping wings and flashing nerve impulses hither and thither along their limbs. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • We could revert to our childhood and have a bit of plastic flapping against the spokes or maybe just an alpine cowbell round our necks?
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • The caterers spent the entire time flapping their arms in a furious, but futile attempt to discourage the flies.
  • An elegant swan wandered around the grotto flapping its wings at the mosquitos. DESPERADOES
  • We all three fired at the same instant, and some dozen gulls made a summerset in the air, and with flapping wings and dangling legs, fell into the water. A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • My wife says that one of her first memories of me is when she saw me cycling past her bus, with my mane flapping against the wind.
  • On the pronunciation front: tighty and tidy get to be the same in pronunciation in American English via intervocalic flapping, which plays a role in a large number of reinterpretations, and plain spelling errors too.
  • The beast of prey skulking back to his lair, the stag quenching his thirst ere retiring to the depths of the forest, the wedge of wild fowl flying with trumpet notes to some distant lake, the vulture hastening in heavy flight to the carrion that night has provided, the crane flapping to the shallows, and the jackal shuffling along to his shelter in the nullah, have each and all their portent to the initiated eye. Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series
  • The eagle can soar without flapping their wings.
  • The curtains were flapping at the open window.
  • I pretended to be absolutely thrilled at the idea of bodysurfing in the freezing North Atlantic, until I was caught by an undertow and ended up facedown in two inches of sandy water, flapping my arms like Curly from the Three Stooges. I'm Perfect, You're Doomed
  • Birds grappled and fell, fighting, to the ground, where we could see and hear them flapping and pecking one another in the leaf litter.
  • But he missed three greens in his first nine holes Saturday as he battled swirling wind that had flags flapping.
  • Flapping his hands out of the capacious shirtsleeves, he brought them to his mouth, paused another instant, and then piped out: ‘Release!’
  • 'Twas grey -- grey everywhere: the sky lead-colored, with deeper shades toward the east, where a bank of cloud blotted the coast line: the thick rain descending straight, with hardly wind enough to set the sails flapping; the sea spread like a plate of lead, save only where, to leeward, a streak of curded white crawled away from under the _Godsend's_ keel. The Splendid Spur
  • The cave echoed and re-echoed with the sounds of shrill squeals and flapping wings.
  • There's no use flapping about it now. What is needed is your solid action.
  • Agitations made her anger spew from her mouth like steam jetting from a teapot's flapping lid.
  • Under a hazy sky, detainees rushed to the edge of concertina wire fences, their raggedy clothes flapping in the wind, many giving thumbs-down gestures to the convoy.
  • They can glide with wings held level, and kite (soar on the wind without flapping wings) and hover in moderate winds.
  • Plants simply don't have the energy to rush around like animals, pumping blood and flapping wings and flashing nerve impulses hither and thither along their limbs. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • The hypnotic flapping was like a rabble of butterflies beating their wings.
  • But the flightless giants are also genetically similar to a little-known neotropical bird called a tinamou—a grouse-like creature whose short, rounded wings enable somewhat clumsy but swift, flapping flight. Birdology
  • So my uncle was bicycling and praying, and his tallith, had he been on a real bicycle facing the wind and the elements, would have been flapping behind him like a cape. Wake Up, Sir!
  • His present place was shaky - a violent gale had just blown in the window panes and the frame was flapping loose.
  • Nothing but a curtain flapping, or a shadder, for the poor dears is sleeping like lambs. ' An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • I was still in an agitated state, so I spent the first few songs flapping about.
  • If you get too hot or cold you will not be able to perform, and if you have clothes flapping around you will be restricted. Times, Sunday Times

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