How To Use Flan In A Sentence

  • Spoon the mixture into the prepared flan case and chill until set.
  • A 'the time we lay there it lowped and flang and capered and span like a teetotum, and whiles we could hear it skelloch as it span. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • Still, the crêpe was even oilier - thick, flabby and barely hot, with the flavour of an onion-soaked flannel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put a drop of peppermint oil on a flannel or tea towel. The Sun
  • We approached from one flank. Anti-Ice
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  • Flanagan and McCulloch were co-writers on the television series 'Sleepers'.
  • Two flannels, draped across this, were mermaids, who swam and flopped and basked on islands of flesh.
  • Some days earlier, they'd left the hill country behind for the flanks of the mountains. A Time of War
  • The forwards also seemed intent on glory as several rolling mauls were stopped dead in their tracks when the wingers were standing idle and unmarked on the flanks.
  • A flanking attack on Antigonus' troops from Spartan light infantry stationed in the Oenus valley was thwarted by an aggressive cavalry attack led by the Achaean general Philopoemen.
  • Every time that the backwoodsmen tried to stitch her up, though, she would outflank them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Flemish, those residing in Flanders, the northern half of the country, speak Dutch.
  • The detained calculation methods and steps are introduced on technology of flangeless cylindrical part. It possesses much better applicability in production and teaching.
  • To study viral infections, Weitz teamed with postdoctoral fellow Yuriy Mileyko, graduate student Richard Joh and Eberhard Voit, who is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, the David D. Flanagan Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Biological Systems and director of the new Integrative BioSystems Institute at Georgia Tech. Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between "lysis" and Innovations-report
  • He just moves on, as if we were unworthy of his attention, like the remoras which hitch a free ride on his flanks, and which he brushes off if they carelessly move within reach of his flippers.
  • And it was not reported, it can be reported now that in the very beginning they had identified this very small area called the carbolic (ph) gap as their entranceway, basically, into Baghdad and into flanking and enveloping the Medina. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2003
  • After advancing about 100 meters, it became obvious that high ground to the north and south meant their western line of advance could be flanked from the high ground on both sides. Todd, Robert J.
  • An old stone wall marks the boundary of the plot to one side, while a rocky hill and concrete wall flanks the other.
  • The flank is located under the filet, along the sides of the beef. Choice Cut Or Mystery Meat? A Guide To Mexican Butcher Shops: Part I - Beef
  • I could hear my little one screaming and then heard Ryan telling him to calm down and get mummy some flannels.
  • Consider earth tones of all kinds, and different kinds of fabrics like cotton flannel, faux leather, warm chenille, and luxurious velvet.
  • En la sama momento papilio, kiu sidis proksime de ni sur la barilo kaj jen etendis, jen altiris siajn rugxajn flugiletojn kun argxenta subajxo, rapide levigxis kaj transflugis al la germana flanko. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • More than 200 people gathered outside his home on the outskirts of Bolton as a steam-powered cavalcade flanked by police motorcycle outriders escorted him on his final journey.
  • A rectal probe housing a linear array of five copper-constantan thermocouples was designed to measure colonic temperatures simultaneously at positions anterior to, within, and posterior to the region of the colon flanked by the countercurrent heat exchanger. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • The planter behind is filled with fragrant vines; two ‘Royal Cape’ plumbagos in red pots flank the front posts.
  • Sarah Flanagan said the Odeon was the closest cinema for many people.
  • The same yeare, Matthew sonne to the earle of Flanders married the ladie Marie the abbesse of Ramsie, daughter to king Stephan, and with hir had the countie of Bullongne. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • England see him as a centre, although he has made an impact for Bath at blindside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cotton flannel and knit sheets offer you more softness without crispness, which is just what some people want. HOME COMFORTS
  • Then the connector was flanged onto the newly installed flexible pipe end termination which will mate with the male hub connection structure.
  • The building is flanked by a Liver bird on each tower watching over the city and the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditionally, white flannels are worn when playing cricket.
  • These vehicles are not Hi-Rail equipped but do have a steel flange fastened on the inside of the tires.
  • Above the centre gateway, between the noble wings of the propyla which flank it, is a representative emblem of Osiris, in the shape of a splendid shield of the sun, a half-sphere of gold, from which extend wings for many yards, each feather glittering with precious stones. The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage
  • The arched cupboards flanking the fireplace held the silver and best ceramics and glass in the house.
  • The Afghan army on their flanks was better armed and vastly more competent. Times, Sunday Times
  • On my way out I grabbed my jacket, an insulated flannel overshirt. Arcane Circle
  • To investigate further, the biologists took to subalpine forests in the foothills of Mount Fuji, where the cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of red-flanked bush robins.
  • The major advantage of flanged windows is that they are one integral unit that is easy for the contractor or homeowner to install plumb and square within a framed opening.
  • Today he was wearing a dark jacket with light flannels pressed to knife-edged sharpness. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • A wide receiver that is 6-2 or taller I classify as a flanker receiver. - An early look: Six golden nugget wide receivers
  • Security was such a concern that the seven defendants were taken to court in an armed convoy of armoured vans flanked by police motorcyclists.
  • Maces of the late 15th and 16th century often had multi-flanged heads shaped in the Gothic style.
  • The convoy also included ambulances and a fire engine and was flanked by police on motorcycles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poured hot oil an 'laud'num into it, an' kept a hot brick rolled up in flannel against it, but didn't do no good. The Miracle Man
  • Likewise, other artillery and light artillery companies from both flanks of the city began to fire.
  • In a 45-minute harangue in Brussels, flanked by a group of photogenic women bodyguards, he will have caused anxiety to those who have welcomed him back to the fold.
  • Golden retrievers and boxers are known to have high rates of cancer (50 and 44 percent of deaths, respectively), but the researchers found that the Bouvier des Flandres has am even higher death rate from cancer (47 percent) than the boxer. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Based on the mathematical models of the flute surface and the flank of the twist drill with quadratic flank faces, its relevant planes and lines were mapped on a projection plane.
  • Over against its left flank was a German "fortin," known to us as Stony Mountain, bristling with machine guns, guns which later did terrible execution. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • He shook his head to dismiss the troublesome thoughts, and dug his spurs into the flanks of the horse.
  • Thousands of tulips, pansies and forget-me-nots, together with venerable lilacs, wisteria, spireas and deutzias (many from the 1930s Annette Hoyt Flanders renovation) dominate the spring show of flowers.
  • Chassepot armed infantry easily checked their opponents, but were pounded by artillery and forced to retreat as the Germans found their flanks.
  • Nearshore, the seaward flanks, in the lee of a SSW-directed alongshore flow, are steeper.
  • To identify expressed sequences, 16 kb of genomic DNA flanking the proviral integration site was sequenced and compared to genetic databases.
  • I'm talking about "Bouvie," a black-dark gray, Dutch-bred Bouvier des Flandres, who was born to "royalty" in Europe with the official name, Tynan Inca van de Duca Vallei. Alex Pattakos: Bouvie And Me: Things I Learn From My Dog
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • By the end of July, the forces of the three fronts outflanked the Orel force grouping of the enemy in the north, east and south.
  • Not the $8 an hour knocker, sticker, bleeder, tail ripper, flanker, gutter, sawer, and plate boner slaughterhouse jobs that even Americans prisoners on work release won't do. What Do Immigration and Religion Have to Do with the Price of Meat? Everything!
  • The upper wall 56 of the bin 54 for the unweighed feed f includes a flange 62 receiving the lower end of an upstanding conveyor generally designated 64.
  • They found themselves outflanked by the rival takeover bid.
  • Somehow, he managed to flank Pat Buchanan on the right, to no avail.
  • As growth proceeds, intercalated or bifurcate ribs may appear between the paired ribs, furcation normally occurring on the lower third of the flank.
  • The rear part of the storm is where tornadoes are likely to spawn as the downdraft in the flanking line meets the rotating updraft.
  • Big threat down the right flank. The Sun
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • But if you mark a point B on the circumference of the flange of a locomotive-wheel, the curve will be a curtate cycloid, as in Fig. 2, terminating in nodes. Amusements in Mathematics
  • Steel plates connect the flanges of the columns, producing an in-situ tensile membrane capable of resisting loads up to 50 psi.
  • He won most of his other 87 caps as an openside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Species are diagnosed on the basis of carinal height and the nature (height, symmetry, completeness) and number (zero, one, or two) of flanking rows or parapets.
  • It is established as intelligential design system of automobile flanging die on base of 2 D environmental.
  • The flowers were the same colour as the mysterious building which flanked the cemetery - an innocuous pale pink. The Crossing-Place
  • Flanked by a bodyguard and disguised in a hat, mask and glasses, he spoke through a modulator that led Washington Post columnist David Ignatius to liken his voice to Darth Vader's.
  • The flowers were the same colour as the mysterious building which flanked the cemetery - an innocuous pale pink. The Crossing-Place
  • Sir Bobby Charlton and George Best were among VIPs holding the hi-tech baton, flanked by flag bearers carrying the flags of the Commonwealth nations.
  • To one flank rises a sweep of sand dunes that lead off into pristine wilderness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wore pale flannels, a blue T-shirt with a button-up neck (quite similar to the one I was wearing) and a pair of flashy sunglasses.
  • Do not share towels or flannels until the infection has cleared.
  • Formerly a dairy farm, the house sits in a farmyard setting flanked by historic buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Struggled badly at times, mixing poor clearances with an ability to keep danger at bay on his left flank. Times, Sunday Times
  • So much so that one begins to wonder if one is in fact witness to an ancient Flanderian sign language, life-threatening to those who fail to grasp its flailing inflections.
  • The house, approached by a set of steps, stands behind a fence with iron palings and brick columns flanking an ‘eyeglass’ gate.
  • Strainer shall be Watts Regulator Company Series 77 F - SS ( flanged ends ) or 77 G - SS ( grooved ends ).
  • Two bronze candle holders in the center flanked a floral piece.
  • Forbid welding the flange after installing the valve. Both sides of the flange should be added the asbestos gasket.
  • Notice, too, the Cardinal Deacons in their dalmatics and simple mitres, flanking the Pope.
  • Often, reflective insulation materials have flanges that are to be stapled to joists in attics or floors, or to wall studs.
  • Between 1621 and 1623, three new armadas were established in Flanders, Galicia and Gibraltar to support those in Cadiz and Lisbon.
  • The play during the latter interludes - humane warmth not being Flannery's forte - seems somewhat enfeebled.
  • At right, the redoubt has opposed caponiers or ‘flanking angles’ designed to allow the defenders to fire into the ditches.
  • At the front are two projecting horns flanking a forecourt, at the back of which is the entrance to the chambers.
  • Small wonder that, mounted on her fiery little mustang, untrammeled by her short gray riding-habit, free as the wind itself that blew through the folds of her flannel blouse, with her brown hair half-loosed beneath her slouched felt hat, she seemed to Dick a more beautiful and womanly figure than the stiff buckramed simulation of man's angularity and precision he had seen in the parks. The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
  • There are many international sides who would love a blindside flanker in their team as good as Haskell. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a patrician of Dordrecht and a patriot, he paid homage to Holland as a trim and handsome place where even the windmills rotated their sails with a Sunday sobriety; much as his contemporary Teniers depicted Flanders.
  • They were working to remove a bolted flange, a rib-like assembly that must be taken out in order to install another piece of equipment - known as a flanged spool - over the drill pipe and connect it to the new containment dome. The Age News Headlines
  • The tight end and flanker line up in the normal spots on the three-receiver side.
  • The other selectorial issue will be at openside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adam created many variations on the basic design of a central handle flanked by pendant swags and scrolling foliage.
  • In years gone by, entire summers could pass with barely a glimpse of flannelled foolery on the back pages of the tabloids.
  • OK, cut the flannel and tell me what you really want!
  • But it was Oxlade-Chamberlain's intelligent movement, dextrous footwork on the left flank and composed finishing that warmed the hearts of the Arsenal supporters who gave him a standing ovation when he was withdrawn. Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is a natural, says Arsène Wenger
  • In Domesday it is spelt 'Flaneburg,' and _flane_ is the Norse for an arrow or sword. Yorkshire
  • Two hours and fifteen minutes into the game, upon the expiration of his seventh turn, Ted removed his glasses to wipe them slowly with the worn cotton of his flannel shirt.
  • It is in typical ‘Kentian’ style, with the cornice supported on scrolled brackets flanking a frieze with swags and a central mask, the jambs being carved as female terms with classical drapery.
  • The trailing end has a height greater than the maximum height of the disc space forming a flanged portion adapted to overlie a part of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies adjacent and proximate the disc space to be fused.
  • It is composed of a single floral head within a diamond framework flanked by four outwardly curling leaves.
  • It's possible Doc sought to ride us round them, skirting their flank without looking left nor right to acknowledge their being there.
  • Each was flanked by two guards. The Sun
  • The coffin was carried on a cannon of the Royal Horse Artillery and flanked by artillerymen in ceremonial black and red uniforms.
  • Now that she had jot down in her hard cover dark green diary with her name in cursive on the inside cover, Connie then decided to call it a night and accumulate the last five and a half hours of sleep under her fluffy flannel red and black linens.
  • Super cook Ilse also made 12 strawberry flans, two kiwi fruit flans and seven gateaux, malt loaves and gingerbread to sell on the stalls.
  • Minefields flank the road edge, marked by red-painted rocks, and any driver unlucky enough to misjudge one of the treacherous bends will find themself in the middle of one.
  • Mesogastric, urogastric, cardiac, and intestinal lobes disposed in a longitudinal, continous band, flanked by accessory lobes.
  • Get into your white flannels and pretty blue coat and put on your dinkey rah-rah, and follow me. The Common Law
  • Set the new floor bolts in plumber's putty and insert them through the flange, adjusting the bolts so they line up with the center of the drainpipe.
  • Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.
  • Je flane dans les librairies, je serre les dents quand je vois les livres que je voulais acquerir. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • It is composed of a single floral head within a diamond framework flanked by four outwardly curling leaves.
  • 'Last night when you picked off that Jerry trying to outflank us - swing-lead-squeeze,' he said, demonstrating. AMAGANSETT
  • It was designed to deliver a frontal strike and to create a chance to outflank the enemy's strong points.
  • Severine flane flane flane. moi je repere tous les trucs avec des papillons dessus. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Debris avalanche deposits along the Vallehermoso barranco suggest massive destruction of the north flanks of the volcano.
  • As the storm pushes northwards it is building up high pressure on its eastern flank, covering much of the UK. Times, Sunday Times
  • To cap Flanagan's misfortune, he punctured with 15 miles to go and there was an immediate charge from the front of his bunch, capitalising on his ill luck.
  • They decided to attack their enemy's southern flank.
  • I moved briskly toward the Emperor's tower, striding through the corridor toward his private lift, the entrance to which was flanked by two Imperial Guards in crimson robes. This Is Tense
  • For dinner, I'm getting more of what I want--I'm making some old favorites: grilled flank steak with arugula salad, grilled asparagus, paesano bread and soft centered chocolate pudding cakes for dessert. Archive 2008-05-01
  • She held an absurdly elaborate weapon of some kind, a pistol shape nearly lost beneath a flanged overlay of scope sights, silencers, flash hiders. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • Of his white flannel suit with our bench-legged fyce! Love-Songs of Childhood
  • On the catwalk, shirts are oversized and flannel, while archetypal 90s label Versace is back doing couture for the first time in 15 years. Stone Roses, Trainspotting and the grunge look: the 90s revival is here
  • But if it all gets too tranquil for your taste, you can always head back to the bright lights of Palma or the seaside resorts which flank it on both sides.
  • The funeral cortège was led by a lone piper and flanked by a guard of honour.
  • Flanders and Wallonia legally become unilingual regions.
  • Inside is a nave surmounted by a generous barrel vault supported by large but simple columns and flanked by side aisles; a transept separates the nave from a central apse behind the altar.
  • The 49-year-old was a blindside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • A typical example is minced beef cobbler, braised lambs' liver and onions, stuffed tomatoes, seafood flan salad or mixed side salad - all at a reasonable price.
  • Flanagan was twenty-one years old when she joined the Central Branch of the league as part of the 1899 cohort.
  • By the evening of 28 August, German forces advancing on the flanks had closed a circle around Second Army.
  • Closed doorways flanked either side of the passage while at one end it finished in a latticed window - dark outside - and at the other in the blank wall of a T-junction.
  • ‘You're probably not going to sell much heavy wool or heavy flannel fabric in south Texas,’ he said.
  • Fig. 1 - 5 double-pointed picks, fig. 1 - 3 with removable blades and fig. 1 - 2 retaining flanch on helmet by using fig. 3 a wedge following the Acmes method. 7.1 Pneumatic jack hammer, drilling stand, jackleg
  • The upper roundels with resting warriors represent Peace, flanked by a figure of Justice.
  • The square was then modified so that an element could be detached, marched to be adjacent to the enemy, and the enemy flanked.
  • To the left lay the viscountess 's apartments - a light, airy sitting room flanking a large dressing room and bathing chamber. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • The bell tower is pointed with four miniature spires and the paired Corinthian columns and the flanking pilasters on either side of the altar are a distinctive feature.
  • The shirt has a polo collar, and inside the collar is a high quality woven small blue label that reads Arsenal, while engineered in to the side seam is a small label featuring two Arsenal canons either side of the club motto, ‘Victoria Concordia Crescit,’ which translates as ‘Victory Through Harmony’ flanked by two canons. Arsenal 2009/2010 Away & Third team kits
  • At Georgia, he had started at flanker, tailback, quarterback, and split end, and also had handled punt and kickoff return duties.
  • So far, so predictable, but its huge flanks are encased in a delicately ribbed translucent skin that scintillates arrestingly with both natural and artificial light.
  • The northern flank is hollowed by a giant chalkpit with cleanly cut sides. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were then moved to the right to strengthen that flank, at noon, then forward to help repel French cavalry charges at 15.30.
  • Extrusive igneous activity dominates the northwestern flank of the trough.
  • Although not as polished as the two professional actors flanking her, Jann Arden charmed the audience from the outset by letting her personality shine through her performance.
  • On the left flank, the tank crews were overcome with fumes from the engine and got lost. The Sun
  • I'll also use effects for harmonizing and flanging.
  • Stick to using a warm, clean flannel instead. The Sun
  • Miss Lackey's definition of 'abused' is so broad that any reader who had parents can fancy they were eligible to be whisked off to Elfland. Archive 2007-10-01
  • There are also a series of intensely sweet, almost saccharine desserts, like peanut ice parfait (spiked with cane liquor) and an extra-creamy flan made from vanilla beans.
  • The fireplace is flanked by fitted floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.
  • She was flanked by security guards as she entered court yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though the bottom ten feet or so had been polished smooth, the flanks higher up were like crumbling battlements. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • The side altar of the right choir pillar is the altar of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (the famous Shrine of the Fourteen Holy Helpers - Vierzehnheiligen - is on the opposite Banz on the other side of the Main valley, can actually be seen from Banz and will be the subject of a subsequent instalment of this series) flanked by statues of Saints Dorothee and Margaret. Catholic Bamberg: Banz Abbey
  • The sinks flank a vintage five-panel door and are backed by beadboard wainscoting made of tongue-and-groove 1x4s.
  • England's best option on the right flank, provided that he is revitalised by the challenge. Times, Sunday Times
  • The installation is, above all, a mass-cultural version of individual flanerie, as described by Benjamin, and therefore a place for the emergence of the aura, for 'profane illumination'. Rhizome Inclusive: News, Blog, and Digest
  • The mouth, which, when she smiled, looked like a sword wound on the flank of a horse, now, when the "pout" is complete, looks like a crumpled concertina. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • The Wigwam Resort is turning its ballroom into a football stadium with a huge rear-projection screen flanked by Roman Colosseum-like pillars.
  • He was led to a prison van flanked by guards. The Sun
  • As we walked on, beautiful Indian sunbirds, their iridescent green flanks flashing brightly in the sunlight, flew past in a profusion of colours.
  • The knowledge that his left flank would be protected by the Prussians encouraged Wellington to strengthen the right and centre of his line. WATERLOO: Napoleon's Last Gamble
  • Both are young centre backs who have been forced to play out of position on the flanks and are deserving of considerable sympathy. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the speculators financing these towers are very adept at flannelling the press and public with distracting trivia. Times, Sunday Times
  • By skilful use of ground and determined personal leadership, the huge enemy army was attacked from the flank. The Scottish Regiments
  • Remove all dust from crevices and notches and then lightly rub the entire surface with a soft flannel cloth.
  • Its surfaces are covered with a checkered, machine-loomed flannel, a subtle, polychromatic patchwork of nocturnal blue, heather and black that enlivens the sculpture's truncated planes and the quiet space it occupies.
  • The Russians developed a huge pincer movement against the flanks of the salient that led to Stalingrad. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He touched his toes to the horse's flanks
  • Although the foam-backed type is nonslip, I prefer a felt or flannel-backed padding. HOME COMFORTS
  • Examples of fabrics made by the twill weave include denim, Jean, gabardine, surah, sharkskin, some flannel fabrics and some tweeds.
  • Some time later he wrote to the same friend: ” “Nous avons fait un charmant voyage sur la Saone, de Macon a Verdun avec retour a Chalon ” une flanerie a voile avec toutes les varietes de temps: vents forts et vents faibles, calmes plats (c'est le moins agreable), bourrasques, beau temps, pluie, clair-de-lune, obscurite presque complete, splendeurs du soleil. Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  • A set of matching cotton, flannel, or silk pants and shirts are good selections.
  • He had changed back into Chinese dress today, and his lean frame was draped in a long, navy-blue flannel gown, giving him the air of a worthy descendant of some famous scholar.
  • The modern bouvier de Flandres is a powerful but compact dog.
  • In a gothic cathedral, the nave is flanked by aisles which run parallel to it.
  • Here too in one of these small hamlets through which we passed Ruskin with a gang of his pupils in flannels started roadmaking, and for days and weeks were to be seen at their arduous task of digging and excavation, toiling and moiling with pick, spade, and barrow, while From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • The Conservative leader tells the paper that while he was "outflanked" by Clegg in the TV debate, voters will dismiss the Lib Dems as a serious contender once they learn more about the party's policies. says Labour is now "wooing" Clegg "in earnest" amid mouting speculation there will be a hung parlaiment. The Guardian World News
  • J., supplier of flannel sheets, knowing that the firm manufactured knitted jersey crib sheets.
  • I had to make a quick dash to the grocery store to pick up some flank steak for a little trick I was prepping for.
  • He was led to a prison van flanked by guards. The Sun
  • Some days earlier, they'd left the hill country behind for the flanks of the mountains. A Time of War
  • One entire flank of the Witch King's army was held by Chaos Knights and their bestial retinues.
  • The flower-woman at the gate of her garden had now only autumnal blooms for sale in the vases which flanked the entrance; the windrows of the rowen, left steeping in the dews overnight, exhaled a faint fragrance; a poor remnant of the midsummer multitudes trailed itself along to the various cafes of the valley, its pink paper bags of bread rustling like sere foliage as it moved. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • The horse's flanks were soaked, its face was white with lather where the bridle rubbed, and foamy spit flew from its mouth as it tossed its head.
  • The new national coach needs a proper openside flanker for the Six Nations. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems that he was never tortured by his homosexuality, and he had a curious fetish for grey flannels and corduroys.
  • [Footnote 10: snake, bad steer.] [Footnote 11: Dolly welter, rope tied all around the saddle.] [Footnote 12: rim-fire saddle, without flank girth.] Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads
  • The piece has a mitred border and a mitred flange - which is a new one for me - it really wanted to have the flange, but it also wanted to be mitred, so I gave it a go - it works ok, though it's a little thick at the seams. Minis, minis, everywhere
  • On two sides, the garden is really just a grassy walkway flanked by skinny beds and a few flowering trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brian Phelan, who had a superb game against Cork on the left flank, was settling in against Benny Dunne on the right, while on the opposite side, Ken McGrath was finding the range with his clearances after some early mishits.
  • Supported by not very many Russians the Bulgarian volunteer detachment drove off dozens of frontal and flanking attacks by an enemy far superior in terms of manpower and equipment.

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