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How To Use Flagellation In A Sentence

  • Critics say it encourages flagellation and the use of the cilice - a belt tightened around the thigh with metal prongs pointing inwards which is used in some religious orders.
  • The self-flagellation about our failure to act against evil is at the same time a form of self-flattery.
  • A fat, stalwart, bacchant, boorish race they are, giving signs of anything but fasting and flagellation; and I know of nothing that would so dissipate the romance which invests monks and nuns in the eyes of some, like bringing a ship-load of them over to this country, and letting their admirers see and smell them. Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
  • PETA protests like this one often strike me as a kind of exhibitionist masochism more than anything else, similar to the self-flagellation seen in some religious groups. PETA WOMEN-AS-MEAT DEMONSTRATION » Sociological Images
  • Due to the flagellation constraint, the cost of reproduction (in terms of the amount of time spent in an immotile stage) increases with increasing colony size.
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  • ` Most Eastern treatises divide aphrodisiacs into two different kinds; 1. the mechanical or natural, such as scarification, flagellation, etc; and 2. the medicinal or artificial. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
  • A simple test of the big ego is the inability to take a joke, inability to take criticism, seeing everything as an insult to one's respect or "face" which must be protected at all costs (status game), every idea is to be taken very seriously and a profound dissatisfaction is felt and expressed when reality is unwilling to cooperate, either the lack of self-criticism (everything is the fault of others or society) or the opposite extreme, self-flagellation, which is just basically another kind of big-ego game, the holier-than-thou one, and an inability to see other people as anything else but the object of one's desires or an obstacle to them. Armed and Dangerous
  • Self-flagellation is an annual tradition in Pampanga and other parts of the Philippines in which men whip themselves into a frenzy on Good Friday to atone for their sins. Boing Boing
  • I believe the humility and self-flagellation is real, but also a very effective political tactic: a pre-emptive confession that defuses any accusations. The McCain Story - Swampland -
  • Those with more time go to Urbino, for the enigmatic little painting once called a flagellation, now identified as "The Dream of St. Jerome. A Piero Without Peer
  • It was an entirely sympathetic presentation, in which there was an effacement of the self, and a presentation of a fascinating body of work, where you're supposed to go with the writer into the houses of flagellation or the houses of prayer.
  • Both the rhetoric of self-congratulation and self-flagellation have missed out how much Britain has changed since 1945.
  • But while he peppered his press conferences with the odd spell of self-flagellation, claiming he was being selfish, few will grudge him his opportunity.
  • The second is the mechanical, such as scarification 'flagellation, and the application of insects as practiced by certain savage races. Arabian nights. English
  • Chercheurs et des Curieux_, and thus obtained a complete bibliography of flagellation which is of considerable value. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • Yet upward of a half dozen times a year, this phenomenon of self-flagellation is repeated in the nation's prisons. Why Prisoners Riot
  • Some people like to stand miserably in the rain, taking each cold splash of water as flagellation from the heavens, enduring the torrent as penance for their internalised sense of guilt.
  • – - What a train wreck of a show that would be, unless Beck & Palin are into self flagellation. Think Progress » Palin says her favorite founding father is ‘all of them.’
  • They determined that the flagellation was an appropriate symbolic representation of what happened to Jesus every time we denied the truth of his life and his teachings. The Poet Prince
  • The remainder is blighted by alternating self-flagellation, self-justification and unwarranted extrapolation.
  • Like a zealot who demands a public flagellation to expiate his sin, Martin's thirst for punishment grows until his mental health is in doubt.
  • I mention these mistakes not so much to beat up on myself -- I haven't found self-flagellation a useful investment technique -- as to illustrate an important investment lesson.
  • Asceticism and self-flagellation mortified the flesh.
  • It shows them that even if their attempts at terror fail, they may still obtain an opportunity to propagandize from the largest stage in the world, while their captors undergo self-flagellation. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Problem with the KSM Trial
  • A lot of the flagellation pornography involved men whipping men or tutors whipping boys, and if you think about the position, it's all about the bottom and a whip, so there's a phallic aspect of it.
  • GALLAGHER: Well, self-flagellation is an extreme form of self - denial, what they call mortification, and which, in fact, is not unknown to the Catholic religion, or indeed other religions that practice self-denial and that encourage self-denial, sacrifice, for one's own good. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2002
  • It shows them that even if their attempts at terror fail, they may still obtain an opportunity to propagandize from the largest stage in the world, while their captors undergo self-flagellation. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Problem with the KSM Trial
  • When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • All presidents are human, and taking responsibility does not mean self-flagellation. Dear President Bush,
  • In this way the erotic symbolism of urolagnia and coprolagnia is completely analogous with that dynamic symbolism of the clinging and swinging garments which Herrick has so accurately described, with the complex symbolism of flagellation and its play of the rod against the blushing and trembling nates, with the symbols of sexual strain and stress which are embodied in the foot and the act of treading. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • Ad introitum montis habetur capella, et in illa lapis monumenti quem Ioseph de Arimathea obuoluit ad ostium sepulchri est valde magnus, et est ibidem aliqua pars columnæ flagellationis, ac pars mensæ super quam Dominus vltimò cænauit cum Apostolis, et instituit noui Testamenti sacramentum sui venerandi corporis, et sanguinis. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • In some communities, flagellation and/or real crucifixion is included. Easter in Mexico, Semana Santa and Pascua: a resource page
  • _ [377] Christ tried many: he was baptised out of his love, and his love determined not there; he mingled blood with water in his agony, and that determined not his love; he wept pure blood, all his blood at all his eyes, at all his pores, in his flagellation and thorns (_to the Lord our God belonged the issues of blood_), and these expressed, but these did not quench his love. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • Why a Saint?" by Monsignor Slawomir Oder, the Vatican "postulator" in charge of the canonization process, says the Polish-born Pope performed self flagellation as a bishop in Krakow and continued to do so in the Vatican after being elected Pope in 1978.
  • Flagellation and other exotic practices formed part of its creed and Rasputin entered into the spirit of these with enthusiasm.

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