
flag officer

  1. a senior naval officer above the rank of captain

How To Use flag officer In A Sentence

  • He had to wait for the first-class passengers to deplane, of course, since even flag officers fly coach. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • He had to wait for the first-class passengers to deplane, of course, since even flag officers fly coach. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Also prominent at the event were the flag officer for the fleet, Rear Admiral Eric Green, and other top-ranking officers.
  • Flag officers from Maxwell and Pensacola and an official from Eastern were among the dignitaries at the ceremony inaugurating Dannelly Airport on July 1, 1943.
  • I called the JCS on the secure telephone and spoke with the Army brigadier general who was the duty flag officer. Klusmann, Charles F.
  • Despite being personally confident that the camp was empty, a four-star flag officer remained either silent or chose not to forcefully argue his case.
  • Normal aiguillettes are gold with a blue thread woven through; Flag Officers wear only gold aiguillettes.
  • Gold lace became confined to flag officers in both dress and undress uniforms; captains wore it only in full dress.
  • Gold lace became confined to flag officers in both dress and undress uniforms; captains wore it only in full dress.
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