How To Use Flack In A Sentence

  • Naturally, that bit of flackery was emailed to reporters and posted on the BP America Facebook page, in keeping with BP's tradition of keeping anything too troubling as far away from cameras as possible. BP Media Clampdown: No Photos Of Dead Animals, Please
  • He took a bit of flack over here efore christmas because in one of his shows “The F Word” he had his children help him raise their own turkeys, naming them etc, before getting them to help him cook them and eat on the show. Thursday Link Dump
  • They hire cool alpha boys to flack products to their pals.
  • Replicated at the grass roots, some kind of PR alchemy transforms longtime opportunists into profiles in courage and timeworn corporate flacks into champions of the common people.
  • There's also reverence, perfectly captured in Roberta Flack's quiet style. Archive 2005-03-01
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  • WHITFIELD: And on one of the issues or two of the issues that you both initially received a lot of, I guess, flack for from some segments of the community, you mention reinforce the English words and stay away from rap. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2008
  • First, understand that the 25 percent of flacks who admit lying are the honest ones.
  • He is the consummate natural actor who endows every role with effortless conviction; he could flack for cell phones, wine, whatever, and have you laughing or crying.
  • YOUR WERE WINNING ... just as now obama gets all the flack from mccain becasue obama is the front runner. mccain does not even mention hillary anymore. hillary can not complain that there is too much focus on her, then that there is too little ... Bill Clinton says race card allegation 'revolting strategy'
  • And whatever real distinction there may have once been between journalism and flackery has long since been swept away by the howling, gibbering tsunami of the cable news channels, leaving only a few dazed refugees clinging to the treetops in the print press. Mjh's blog — 2005 — March
  • According to sources, lots of Hollywood types were backstage, including agents, PR flacks, managers and special guests.
  • I flack slim pursuant passer drank me albanian louisville dump, answer is pertain fritz anneal clank chaperon Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
  • I quote it in full, for the sheer pleasure of wallowing in high-grade flackery.
  • For all his party loyalty, he found himself increasingly marginalized in union work, pushed to the peripheries, and hung out to take the flack when things fell apart.
  • In fact, his clients were often large powerful corporations, and his services to them were different from the flackery which his description implies, more commonplace, more corrupt. Ben Sonnenberg, founder of Grand Street literary magazine, dies at 73
  • In 1979, when the Three Mile Island nuclear power disaster occurred in Pennsylvania, President Carter went out of his way to flack for the atomic-energy industry.
  • But movies written and designed to suit their own advertising flackery remained the industry's idea of ‘leading edge’ work.
  • And also, it gives more credence to these flacks essentially.
  • Okay, behold the official flackery for my most recent novel, the ebook Bristlecone. Archive 2010-05-01
  • I had thought he would relish the Focus assignment, but he seemed to regard it as puffery, chamber of commerce flackery. DOWNTOWN
  • If Bill had said this, he'd be "lynched" by now considering how much flack he too for his "fairytale" comment. Obama Supporter Jesse Jackson, Jr: Black Super-Delegates Who Back Hillary Could Face Primary Challenge
  • This is not a battle the university can win - but it may take their dinosaur-like lawyers and PR flacks a while to get that into their tiny brains.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and black military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Bossip
  • The context instantly turned the speech's insights into flackery for more war. Norman Solomon: Mr. President, War Is Not Peace
  • A test device for flack flowing systems based on virtual instrument technology is developed.
  • Mira dialed the number to the county library flack and got voice-mail. EVERY SECRET THING
  • The first hour of the hearing was dominated by Department of Public Health head Mitchell Katz's "mendacious" set of statistics, followed by the uber-flack Sam Singer saying that everything was okay. Archive 2007-07-01
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Frank Rich: All the President\'s Flacks'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Frank Rich offers insight to the Bob Woodward affair with the Valerie Plame CIA leak, opening a window into the White House flimflams and the press\'s role in enabling them.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Frank Rich: All the President's Flacks
  • You then ring the Intel flack and say, ‘I understand that you drop-shipped upwards of two-hundred-thousand CPUs to retailers last quarter.’
  • To test the accuracy of such scuttlebutt, you must next ring the flack representing the subject-company, with a wildly-exaggerated version of the dirt you got from his competitor.
  • Now on the appointed day this young dansellon came very early to the appointed place, bringing the flacket with him. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • This simple she poured within a little flacket, and gave it to the varlet, who received the gift with great joy and delight, and returned swiftly to his own land. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • They spent millions on lobbyists and flacks to improve their image.
  • Superman in Man of Snow, written by Arie Kaplan, Penciled by Nick Runge: You know, The Big Blue Boy Scout catches a lot of flack for being so wholesome but I like him. Comically Challenged: DC Universe Holiday Special ‘09 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Bones" recalled the honeyed nostalgia of their debut, yet for all its romanticised portrayal of blue collar Americana, Sam's Town isn't set in the same galaxy as Nebraska, no matter what PR flacks might have you believe. All articles at Blogcritics
  • Via a bloodthirsty class warrior Democratic flack: "A real estate lawyer, Cantor earned the nickname 'champion of the overdog' in the General Assembly for legislation such as a bill to give fuel tax refunds for pleasure boats. HUFFPOST HILL - CBO Shocker: American Jobs Act *Won't* Ruthlessly Exterminate Small Woodland Creatures
  • He has sponsored and flacked for the badly misnamed and recently passed ‘African Growth and Opportunity Act.’
  • Most embedded reporters claimed that they were not really restrained, but rather assisted in their work by Pentagon press flacks.
  • The university is clamping down on media access during his summer booster club tour, and publicity flacks are shielding the most available man in college football.
  • Via a bloodthirsty class warrior Democratic flack: "A real estate lawyer, Cantor earned the nickname 'champion of the overdog' in the General Assembly for legislation such as a bill to give fuel tax refunds for pleasure boats. HUFFPOST HILL - CBO Shocker: American Jobs Act *Won't* Ruthlessly Exterminate Small Woodland Creatures
  • Right now, the school board is reviewing the program, which has gotten flack from many students at Westminster who complain that it insults their integrity to assume they'd need to be paid to speak up.
  • And that's just the leading edge of the flackery.
  • And I just wanted to compliment Bill on speaking his mind, because I'm sure he gets a lot of flack and criticism for doing this.
  • To do this, the very language and the meaning carried by its words is constantly sacrificed on the altar of cheap PR flackery. Rob Warmowski: A Year In David Mamet's Marketplace
  • It was the Clinton flacks 'giddiest "Gotcha!" moment. Joseph Ellis
  • Even in a rural county with just 67,000 souls, the candidates and their flacks have become a regular fixture.
  • Heck, it can't even kill off a character in a TV serial without getting serious flack.
  • I quite like utilising my preference vote to suit my own needs rather than those of the various party flacks who always wave their how-to-vote cards at me like demented stockbrokers on election day.
  • Of course oil flacks like Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma would argue that imposing additional costs and exposing oil companies to uncapped liability would "discourage" this kind of drilling. Robert Creamer: The Oil Spill and the Republicans
  • Still, the empire is paying those flacks good money to write crummy press release headlines, and they're just cutting and pasting.
  • Even the nod Carville gave to Biden is consistent with Clinton flackery, since it's always in the interest of any front runner to build up bottom-tier folks and thereby diffuse the opposition, and put the second - and third - place candidates in the position of having to fight a two-front war. James Carville Says Clinton Won Debate, Again Not I.D.ed As Clinton Supporter By CNN
  • The round penetrated through his arm into his flack vest and was stopped by his armor plate.
  • Fair friend," said she, "well I know that you tire: drink now, I pray you, of the flacket, and so shall your manhood come again at need. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • Is the New York Times breaking the news - or flacking for the military?
  • If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.
  • The entrenchment of public-relations managers in business - abetted by schools of journalism that now offer degrees in flackery - means that press access to workers and hands-on executives becomes ever more limited and controlled.
  • I can say from experience that Michael knows his onions like no other flack I've ever met.
  • The bankers put up $150,00, hired professional flacks and launched a television assault.
  • * Yes, I know that John Paul Scott was likely the first to use the term sociobiology, but it was Wilson who brought the field into its own (and took so much flack early on). Howard Hughes and the Hole in the Ceiling
  • The round penetrated through his arm into his flack vest and was stopped by his armor plate.
  • Flackware's Zmodem is simply the best implementation we have seen of this powerful file transfer system.
  • Test shows that testing system can accomplish all signal test of the flowing system for flack.
  • But this time, there were no flacks to do the spinning.
  • One has to pity the poor flacks who have to defend a corporate officer's speech characterized not just by US-bashing but by sheer fatuousness.
  • The magazine also criticized ‘the polemical, partisan mean-spiritedness that lies at the heart of his book, and to an even greater degree, his television appearances flacking it.’
  • In fact, the British flacks have used their facade of congeniality and cooperation to spread some of the most blatant falsifications of the campaign.
  • I saw a most corkingly pretty girl bicycling down to the village one morning, and they told me she was named Boyd and kept a bee-farm at Flack's. ' Uneasy Money
  • Barnsley batted first and looked composed, if a little sedate, in reaching 25 off 14 tidy overs from Duncan Snell and Rob Flack.
  • Practically every word you say is a lie and you know it, regardless of what administration you work for (and as all good PR flacks know, it doesn't matter what the product is as long as you sell it well).
  • They grasp candidates are showcased as perfect as speeches, films, staging and flackery can make them. Conventions Need a Believable Script
  • The current state of publishing does make that task more difficult - the din of publishers competing to flack their latest ‘hot’ titles can become deafening at times.
  • While Jimmy catches flack for acting too straight, he criticizes Isaac for dressing, talking and acting too street.
  • In the list we have before us, some of the synonyms for getting boozed up are unfamiliar: shikkered, woofled, scronched, whipsey, plonked, bowzered and flacked.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Taipei Times
  • Now, comes word of yet another right-leaning columnist getting paid to flack for a Republican administration's policies.
  • They were sending volley after volley of flack at the bombers.
  • In Canada, the herb has become a mainstream recreational indulgence for everyone from bored petroleum engineers to stressed-out public relations flacks.
  • The university is clamping down on media access during his summer booster club tour, and publicity flacks are shielding the most available man in college football.
  • I know I will take flack for this, but simply accepting the use of the word pansy is offensive, but calculated. Easley on Clinton: She makes Rocky look like a 'pansy'
  • A test device for flack flowing systems based on virtual instrument technology is developed.
  • I have drawn severe flack from South African circles for criticising their Reserve Bank and for laying the blame for the Rand's demise at their door.
  • But with our eyes on the prize, we should not stumble into the classic trap of candidate flackery while applying political cosmetics.
  • If there are any Oprah Winfrey fans in the house,(Sentencedict) you'll recall the flack she received after funding and starting a school in Africa.
  • She bewailed his evil lot, with many shrill cries, and flung the useless flacket far away. French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France
  • Journalists use the word to refer to a PR person's job of flacking - as in shilling - for a company.
  • Unfortunatly we are the visible and contactable part of that system so we end up getting the flack unlike the faceless ones who reside in offices out of reach. on February 21, 2009 at 2: 58 pm | Reply Von Spreuth The Revolving Door System. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The same bad judgment that led to the dishonest flackery on the prescription drug bill led to this bear ad (and the Iraq war, Alito, etc). Matt Stoller: Carter Eskew and Democratic K-Street Culture

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