How To Use Flaccid In A Sentence

  • The superior exostoses can extend deep to the pars flaccida and is best removed with a curette.
  • The _panicle_ is oblong to pyramidal, flaccid, open or contracted erect or inclined, 2 to 8 inches; rachis is hairy or glabrous; branches are very fine filiform or capillary, more or less whorled, lower six inches long; branchlets are still finer and capillary. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Bossban Soergg the Hutt was a grayish, heaving, flaccid lump of flesh and muscle only another Hutt could possibly find attractive. The Cat is a Metaphor
  • They hate us, their treatises and demagogues have long proclaimed, because we appear to them spiritually lukewarm, religiously flaccid.
  • And then be! 'slept with that creepy marketing director, Rick - or rather, we grope& never needed the condom lying on the nightstand, because "the big bruiser," as my date called his flaccid penis, went on strike, something it had never done, he assured me, ever. The secret sense
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  • In fact it was from him that I first heard the term ‘wet-fish’ when a friend of mine offered up a floppy, flaccid excuse for a hand-shake at a tournament in 1980.
  • Leaner and therefore less tasty than the proper stuff, this flaccid, pale and insipid bacon is unfortunately afflicted with a water-retention problem.
  • There had been some flaccid rubatos in the preceding Allegro Assai and there were some underplayed syncopations in the Minuet and Trio but the cheer it received was well earned.
  • My weeny merguez, resting flaccidly on couscous, franked the inoffensiveness form, while another, fatter nine quid banger, "the Beaujolaise" – an amalgam of pork, mushroom, onion and bacon – seemed less a sausage than a loose coalition struggling to coexist amicably under the one skin. Restaurant: Bar Boulud, London SW1
  • a flaccid penis
  • Intrepid Lotte sat cross-legged on the floor, hands on knees, a back to make a ramrod seem flaccid. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • My guess is, the use of the word flaccid was no accident. Archive 2006-09-01
  • In a soft voice the doctor spoke his name, squeezing gently the flaccid muscle beneath his hand, as if calling him back from that faraway, inapproachable place. The Monstrumologist
  • Sometimes it presents flaccid bullæ like pemphigus foliaceus, and then there are crusts as well as scales, with rhagades on the mouth, anus, etc.; there is a total absence of fever or other general symptoms. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Pulled out of its tube and drained of its color, the worm is decidedly flaccid and unattractive.
  • During her second evening in hospital, nurses became concerned about her deteriorating mobility, and I found that she had developed a flaccid paraparesis suggestive of cauda equina compression.
  • Fall short of such ingenuity and you're left with a flaccid time-filler. Times, Sunday Times
  • She caressed his flaccid shillelagh, wondering if Ricki would ever forgive her; wondering, too, if she would have felt half this good after sex with Ricki. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • In particular, when called upon to explain the relevance of the reference, explain that you are not about to spoon-feed your opponent and advise him to get off his flaccid fundament and do some independent reading.
  • Doctor Praetorius at least, walked into the studio, where the perfumer was seated in a very glossy old silk dressing-gown, his fair hair hanging over his white face, his double chin over his flaccid whity-brown shirt-collar, his pea-green slippers on the hob, and on the fire the pot of chocolate which was simmering for his breakfast. Mens Wives
  • Still flaccid and lethargic from lack of blood, Ed ambled slowly in front of the doors.
  • At last, I lie with closed eyes, as boneless and flaccid as one of the cats. MOON PASSAGE
  • I am afraid the climax is still suffering from Vague Psychic Battle Syndrome, and the whole thing feels kind of flaccid and colorless right now, but it's written and that's what matters. Best. holiday. icon. evar.
  • Grilled a marinated pork dingus for supper - it's this boneless flaccid tube of pork in a plastic sleeve, soaked in brine and pepper and various other powders.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is linear-lanceolate or linear, tapering to a fine point, glabrous, flaccid, margins finely serrulate and glandular, base rounded, varying in length from 1/2 to 10 inches and in breadth 3/16 to A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • During 2002, fully conscious patients with a polio-like flaccid paralysis were also recognised.
  • The _leaf-blade_ is linear, cordate and amplexicaul at base, acute, flat, flaccid, with scattered tubercle-based hairs on both the surfaces, A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • All-natural aphrodisiacs can get even the most flaccid of men and frigid of women in the mood and raring to go.
  • The heads are disproportionately big, the hands claw-like, the limbs flaccid or cricked and skewed in defiance of anatomy to get across further expression or character. Alice Neel: Painted Truths; In the Company of Alice
  • As you get into higher doses, it can actually cause something known as hypotonia, where all your muscles go flaccid. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • I stepped back; before I could turn away, all the hideous stages of putrefaction presented themselves in order reversed, like urchins at an almshouse who thrust the youngest of their company to the front: the wrinkled flesh swelled and seethed with maggots, retreated to the lividity of death, and finally resumed the coloration and almost the appearance of life; the flaccid hand closed on the corroded steel hilt of the batardeau until it gripped it like a vise. The Urth of the New Sun
  • The penis is usually in a flaccid state.
  • It is important that neighboring countries strengthen surveillance for cases of acute flaccid paralysis, in order to rapidly detect any new poliovirus importations and facilitate a rapid response.
  • 184 cases of acute flaccid paralysis and 85 deaths have been reported from the site of the acute poliomyelitis outbreak centred in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.
  • His character is flaccid and uniformly uninspired.
  • Dead cuttings were obvious because their bud tissue had become flaccid.
  • But in higher doses it can cause something known as hypotonia, where all your muscles just become flaccid. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • The New York Times critic dismissed Solar as one of McEwan's "lesser efforts" while the Washington Post called it "flaccid" and advised readers to "let Solar pass and wait for his next book to eclipse it". Ian McEwan: Americans Are 'Profoundly Bored' By Climate Change
  • Well phil - shame you couldn't actually demonstrate in what way my logic was "flaccid" - or how things are "not going my way". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • First, I'm sure you are both flaco and flaccid, that is, skinny and limp. Illusions: Fake Twitters and Strange Looks
  • I was tickled and amused by the presentation of my waffle, but it was soggy, flaccid and certainly not as much fun to eat as it was to look at.
  • The penis is usually in a flaccid state.
  • I don't want to see my planters parched and my plants flaccid.
  • Slightly rotate your pelvis under while tightening your glutes and abs this will eliminate swayback and flaccid glutes. The Source
  • But beyond the issues he championed in this era of flaccid rhetoric and focus group-approved sound bytes, Wellstone had the rare ability to ignite a fire in his audiences.
  • Globally, polio surveillance is at historical highs, as represented by the timely detection of cases of acute flaccid paralysis.
  • The program included a lacklustre and flaccid account of Rossini's Overture to "La gazza ladra".
  • Sauntering into the living room, I stretched my flaccid body along the couch.
  • I have to say his eggplants look kind of flaccid, not at all the full, glossy thing mine is, but the painting works its own still life magic. Ellen Kanner: Meatless Monday: Still, Life With Eggplant
  • It was a hideous thing—black and flabby and slimy-looking, with a flaccid belly, a batlike face, and long, spindly limbs. Songs of Love & Death
  • Ben inspected the mess beneath his mother's now flaccid body.
  • There was a germ of a good idea here, but the finished product was a pretty flaccid affair, relying on saucy language and innuendo for its cheap laughs.
  • It's an illicit drug, but in higher doses it can cause something known as hypotonia, where your muscles just become flaccid. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • Every song is a flaccid, uninventive mix of mid-tempo, late ‘90s hard rock and pseudo-heavy vocal drive.
  • The neural tube is broad and divides flaccidly into three parts: an anterior prosencephalon, a middle mesencephalon, and a posterior rhombencephalon.
  • The compressor intermittently inflates the balloon, which then slowly returns to its sorry, flaccid state.
  • You realize of course that from here on in the same flaccids you excoriate will now call you a liar as they lie about you, call you a coward as they hide behind their ridiculous pseudonyms, and traduce you as a neocon, a Zionist, a warmonger and an idiot? Archive 2009-03-01
  • It's seems that only in their flaccid middle age that they got inspired to bloodlust and glory.
  • More often than not she appears half-nude, her body lanky but soft, her breasts flaccid.
  • "If there is some skin flaccidity, I will use superficial liposculpture to cause some skin retraction," he said.
  • It can cause something known as hypotonia or all your muscles just become very flaccid and they can cause people to become amnestic, meaning they forget everything that's about to happen to them, which is why it became a date rape drug. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • Sometimes it presents flaccid bullae like pemphigus foliaceus, and then there are crusts as well as scales, with rhagades on the mouth, anus, etc.; there is a total absence of fever or other general symptoms. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Unfortunately, many skiers hold their arms and legs rigid in search of balance while their stomach and back muscles are flaccid and forgotten.
  • Her body has the appearance of a carcass, flaccid and dead.
  • Has the mainstream media gone flaccid -- or MIA -- in vetting candidates, particularly first-time candidates with no public record? Garry South: Where Is the Media's Record on Fiorina at Hewlett Packard?
  • Shaking his head, he plopped him onto his horse with extreme difficulty then rose up behind him, clasping the flaccid body to his chest.
  • The exposure of the upper person shows the size and tumidity of the areola, even in young girls; being unsupported, the mammae soon become flaccid. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Shortly after death all the muscles in the body become soft and flaccid.
  • The word "flaccid" was never used when you referred to me. Jennifer and John Lehr: He Said, She Said: What Happens at Yaddo Doesn't Stay at Yaddo
  • By then, our personalities - soft, giving and flaccid - have already solidified, which renders any effort to stiffen our sinews impotent.
  • Higher exposures (any route) cause loss of consciousness, seizures, muscle fasciculations, flaccid paralysis, copious secretions, apnea, and death. - Articles related to Kill weeds with help from the sun
  • The striated-muscle part of the esophageal body is flaccid at rest.
  • flaccid cheeks
  • The wish to avoid any hint of ‘value judgements' causes journalists to use flaccid and vague language, which in turn leads to confusion.
  • It can cause something known as hypotonia or all your muscles just become very flaccid and they can cause people to become amnestic, meaning they forget everything that's about to happen to them, which is why it became a date rape drug. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2007
  • While anti-spasticity drugs reduce spasticity, they also weaken muscles and may cause flaccidity and muscle atrophy.
  • The dangerous type chronic otitis media occurs with pars flaccida and marginal perforations.
  • I picked up her wrist. It was limp and flaccid.
  • A flaccid, unwholesome-looking hand was raised slowly, in a kind of deprecatory gesture; then allowed to fall again upon the belly where it lay, with the five fingers, round and chalky-white, extended like the rays of a starfish. South Wind
  • Perhaps this, then, is the reason that leaves wilt, that is become flaccid, when they are severely stressed.
  • One of the doctors would be hunting for a vein, thrusting a needle into her flaccid arm so they could get a drip up. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Generally, in a healthy plant the cells alternate between being flaccid and fully turgid.
  • Then true leaves exhibit the flaccid condition.
  • The petals are a jaundiced yellow, netted with purple veins that coalesce in the violet throat where a flaccid bunch of anthers and a longer style rest. Country diary: Elton, Cambridgeshire
  • In the case of the anti-deficit campaign, flaccid fiscal management was a weakness to be strenuously avoided.
  • The final "depressive stage" then enter, dealing with coma, flaccid paralysis, loss of reflexes, agonal gasps, apnea, loss of vital signs, and death. 11 This depressive stage occurs due to central medullary depression and may be related to the acute depletion of neurotransmitters. Cocaine Toxicity
  • The explanted heart was markedly enlarged with a distended, flaccid right ventricular wall.
  • But his animals could be called back to life by visitors, who could reinflate them by blowing through rubber hoses connected to the flaccid structures.
  • The exposure of the upper person shows the size and tumidity of the areola, even in young girls; being unsupported, the mammae soon become flaccid. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Has the mainstream media gone flaccid in vetting candidates, particularly first-time candidates with no public record? Garry South: Where Is the Media's Record on Fiorina at Hewlett Packard?
  • There was no mistaking the flaccid outlines of a suit that had lost its pressure and was open to vacuum.
  • Leaves were scored as dead when they were flaccid or dried over more than half their surface.
  • The ravioli lies flaccidly at the top of the plate; beneath it, in a mockingly straight line, are the four rabbit brains… Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter.
  • The shady lava lamp in the corner of the room supplied a dismal crimson light, the bubbly pink shimmers on the wall fell onto his flaccid, ageless, sweaty body.
  • On 4 April WHO Yemen was informed by Hudeida governorate health authorities of a cluster of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases in children, the first cases of which had occurred in February 2005.

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