How To Use Fixing In A Sentence
On the same day the pound fell four pfennigs to DM2. 8324, as speculators calculated that Gordon Brown was not going to repeat the mistake which John Major made as Chancellor in 1990, by fixing the pound at too high a level against the mark.
While things are bad now, I've noticed that blue collar families that had jobs during the boom, but couldn't afford to get into one of the overprices houses are now snatching up foreclosures, fixing them up and living the dream. top stories
It took me two days to do three "simple" jobs ... installing a shutoff valve behind a gas stove, replacing/fixing a tub faucet stem, and capping a sump pump.
Projects You Shouldn’t Try To DIY | Lifehacker Australia
He was fixing his car when the shell landed in front of the simple home where he and his family lived as fruit farmers.
Times, Sunday Times
We have been at the mercy of the storm for days, and the cloud cover still prevents me from fixing our location by the stars.

Twitter in an attempt to exert discipline at the end of a year that has been blighted by rebellion within the side and allegations of match-fixing.
Times, Sunday Times
‘With a sled, I can also carry firewood or all the fixings for a picnic,’ Cheryl says.
We had turkey with all the fixings.
Tanner, Kaylee, and Mike were fixing to leave and go fishing.
While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape.
Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
The ink of the fixing agent is subsequently overprinted on the above block of colour in the required image.
In 1985-86, the domestic FA ordered the final round of league fixtures to be replayed amid accusations of match-fixing.
We have used tree nails (trunnels) for frame fixing, stone ballast, and hand made rope stropped blocks.
And they will want to win to banish match-fixing gloom.
The Sun
I have to say that I strongly disagreed with fixing the one young woman who had a big booty.
To protect shrubs, erect a windbreak by inserting stout canes round the plant and then fixing several layers of hessian or netting to them.
The government managed to control inflation by the fixing of wages and prices.
M. le Comte's guests followed closely on the triumphant bridegroom's heels: M. le préfet, fussy and nervous, secretly delighted at the idea of affixing his official signature to such an aristocratic _contrat de mariage_ as was this between M.le. de Cambray de Brestalou and M. Victor de M.rmont, own nephew to M.rshal the duc de Raguse; M.dame la préfète, resplendent in the latest fashion from Paris, the Duc and Duchesse d'Embrun, cousins of the bride, the Vicomte de Génevois and his mother, who was Abbess of Pont Haut and godmother by proxy to Crystal de
The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
Transfixing and intense, their dark, wine-soaked ballads and lock-tite harmonies are addictive.
He bought a foot-long hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.
He fumbled with the lock on the door to his apartment, looking forward to a stiff shot of single-malt Scotch before fixing dinner.
The interface can be tweaked to show only the most used tools, such as cropping or fixing red-eye, or it can be expanded to give access to advanced features, such as masking and special effects.
This has been an ongoing discussion for quite some time, with the reddest of the right-leaning anti-public broadcasting crowd fixing to "defund" and altogether eliminate some of the stalwarts of American news such as NPR and PBS.
Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
And furthermore, every insurance company in the country does the same thing, which in my language we call racketeering and price-fixing.
Archive 2007-01-01
In the interest of fairness, Munster Finals should be on neutral ground but once again the Munster Council showed its downright craziness by not fixing the match for Cork.
The fixing of these strips will entail a certain amount of carpentry, and in addition to bradawl, screwdriver, and footrule you will need a hard pencil and a carpenter's square, as well as some stout iron screws one inch long.
The Book-Hunter at Home
In the curious ceremony of the fixing of the Nones (the first quarter of the month), held on the Calends in the _curia Calabra_, she seems to appear as a moon-goddess: the _rex sacrorum_, after a report from a _pontifex_ as to the appearance of the new moon, announces the result in the formula:
The Religion of Ancient Rome
The chairman of the football club embroiled in cricket's match-fixing scandal has apparently taken his own life.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than fixing a position on a hierarchical socio-economic ladder, consumerism establishes lateral connections that affirm middle-class affiliation.
It's like something you could put on the stereo while fixing your student bouffant in the mirror.
Although at first sight it is a single panel and it is fixed onto a later wooden backing which had a hook at the top, it also has the traces of fixings on the left side.
The cutter lay like a log on the water, the reef-points rattling on the main-sail like a shower of small shot; and, every time he heard the sound, the man at the helm would raise his eyes aloft, and, fixing them steadily on the gaff-topsail for a minute or two, turn round and scan the horizon; and then, walking to the quarter, moisten his forefinger in his mouth, and hold it above his head.
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
The remark translates as "If only he could buy a star," referring to the "white star" that indicates a win in sports, and the rumors of match fixing that surround sumo.
Japan Zone - Entertainment News from Japan
Supply and fix all necessary associated flashings, galvanised gutters, fillers, ventilated fillers, closers and fixings to form a totally weathertight construction on completion.
An upper fender apron, a fixing and connecting arm, a rear baffle and a roller device are also installed on the rack.
The invention provides a super well - type medicament fixing device and relates to the field of medicaments.
They started pillaring and demeaning all of those guys who were actually responsible then for re-fixing the books.
CNN Transcript Oct 21, 2009
International soccer authorities and law enforcement officials are struggling to combat rampant match-fixing by what they describe as sprawling networks of organized crime, a problem that has plagued the sport for decades but appears to have intensified recently.
NYT > Home Page
Possibly everything depends on just what kind of affixing we have to deal with.
Chapter 6. Types of Linguistic Structure
The seed of nitrogen fixing trees should be treated with Rhizobium inoculum after scarification and prior to sowing.
Chapter 4
The Beverage Council of Ireland this weekend strenuously denied that the organisation had been involved in illegal price-fixing in the wholesale drinks market.
He landed hard and suddenly the platform cracked from its fixings.
And I think, Oh-oh... If I was the suspicious type I'd suspect them of fixing up a rendezvous, sans moi.
He no longer sees computers as aids but as correctives, ways of ‘fixing’ past movies.
One summer night we sat outside under the gnarled 100-year-old trees and talked while his mom finished fixing dinner.
The officers of the amphitheatre were still employed in the task of fixing the vast awning (or _velaria_) which covered the whole, and which luxurious invention the Campanians arrogated to themselves: it was woven of the whitest Apulian wool, and variegated with broad stripes of crimson.
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
If the solution seems like too much hassle, and you get that niggling feeling that you'd never get around to fixing things up, accept it and move on.
The big names also recommend that players tainted by match-fixing allegations should not be selected in future.
The Sun
In fact most outstanding problems were ironed out over the last couple of months, Goldstein says; bug fixing remains.
So I'm 12 miles from home, with no spare tubes, a blown tyre, and no way of fixing it.
Celebrate that space bloke fixing his knackered old shuttle by playing the Solar Games.
Ministers want the public to offer ideas about what needs fixing, and where the vision should be for the long-term future of schooling.
The cost of price-fixing is not really borne by the large corporate customer, but by all of society.
This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure?
Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
So lonesome that there were times when life looked absolutely worthless; when the blue devils made him their plaything, and he saw Billy Louise looking scornfully upon him and loving some other man better; when he saw his name blackened by the suspicion that he was a rustler -- preying upon his neighbors 'cattle; when he saw Buck Olney laughing in derision of his mercy and fixing fresh evidence against him to confound him utterly.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
It was a minor problem and didn't take long to repair, but while I was in the process of fixing it, another fella asked if I would give him a hand to muster some sheep.
The builder gave an approximate cost for fixing the roof.
Most of the time, fixing or replacing loose bushings means backing them out, applying a thread locking compound, retightening them and forgetting immediate future concerns.
I had just got to the point where I was beginning to worry that fixing things was going to cost me money when a chance remark by the guy I buy my computer consumables from gave me an idea.
An unnamed whistleblower outlined in detail to Ireland On Sunday how he took part in such fixing, at times casting as many as four votes in the same election.
Two or four holes in the base, again outside the sealed area, enable the base to be fixed to a surface with no visible fixings once the lid is fixed to the body.
The amusement of the onlookers changed to gaping wonder when they saw him deliberately bore a hole in the bottom of the boat near the bow, after which, fixing up some kind of derrick, he tipped the boat so that the water she had taken in at the stern ran out in front, and she floated safely over the dam.
The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln
Nevertheless, in the wake of fines and legal fees related to the price-fixing probe, Christie's is proceeding with a number of serious belt-tightening measures.
The adjusting nut and the anti - fake seal fixing body are arranged on locknut through screw threads.
After fixing the gates across the entrance to the farmyard to keep the sheep in one place we marched up the hill to drive them down.
The genre was known for its urbane disinclination to perform any icky operations involving hearts: pouring them out, for instance, or affixing them to sleeves.
In other respects, he was experienced in the ways of courts, calm, cool, and crafty, fixing upon the points which he desired to attain, while they were yet far removed, and never losing sight of them, though the winding paths in which he trode might occasionally seem to point to a different direction.
The Fair Maid of Perth
I was fixing to go with him when she pulled out her cell phone.
The Court notes at the outset that the fixing of the listening device and the recording of the applicant's conversation were not unlawful in the sense of being contrary to domestic criminal law.
She was in the act of fixing up "contumacious," and making it a little more un-English if possible, when the poke awoke her to her surroundings.
'Lizbeth of the Dale
Pulses are also necessary for sustainable agriculture, since they are nitrogen-fixing crops and provide an ecological alternative to chemical nitrogenous fertilizers.
•Trouble spot:: With at least five new starters projected for an overhauled defense, fixing the run suppression is a priority.
'More consistent, more urgent' Falcons out to defy own history
‘N-no,’ Stasia stuttered out, before fixing him with a glare.
Then, very abruptly, fixing his eyes on me, all of a swither, with my milk-stained cap in my hand,
The Yeoman Adventurer
This solution is favored by politicians and agency heads who can avoid responsibility for fixing today's problems simply by deferring them into the future.
He glides the details of passing time over the page while fixing the reader's eyes on the daily plane engine failures, empty suitcase encounters and shirt-drenching negotiations.
We also wanted to make it cyclone proof, so John came up with a unique fixing system to bolt the panel to the slab.
However, these communities, especially it seems in estuaries, have become nitrogen fixing, rather than denitrifying, effectively becoming a source of nitrogen, rather than a sink, with possible ramifications in ocean acidification or the production of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas.
Research Blogging - All Topics - English
She anxiously put a hand to her bangs, fixing imaginary strays and adjusting the many colored, chunky plastic bracelets on her arm.
This writer therefore attributes the poisonous effects to the formation of the hydrogen compound of arsenic, viz., arseniureted hydrogen (AsH_ {3}); the hydrogen, for the formation of this compound, being generated, the writer thinks probable, "by the joint action of moisture and organic matters, viz., of substances used in fixing to walls papers impregnated with arsenic.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
People are also concerned that fixing the loan to the property may make it harder to sell.
Times, Sunday Times
Two stories and a side shed provide space for calving heifers, storing wagons, and fixing equipment.
Green hardwood battens were then attached to the ribs, forming fixing points for the narrow steel shingles.
Chi Mei, which is based in Tainan, Taiwan, is charged with price fixing in violation of the Sherman Act. Each violation carries a maximum fine of $100 million for corporations.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
QE may end up prolonging the euro agony, not fixing it.
Times, Sunday Times
Progress in fixing the problems in education cannot await the outcome of elections, but requires ongoing attention across political administrations.
A fixing had come adrift, freeing about seven or eight feet of the bamboo screening.
`No, thanks," I grumbled, wondering whether my father was going to have any luck fixing a leak during a rainstorm.
The only possible criticism of the various leadwork details is that a number of the fixing/holding straps to the various ridges and hips have been wind uplifted and accordingly these should be replaced / refixed.
In fact most outstanding problems were ironed out over the last couple of months, Goldstein says; bug fixing remains.
Serum agglutinins, precipitins, and complement-fixing antibodies can also be used to establish a diagnosis.
People are also concerned that fixing the loan to the property may make it harder to sell.
Times, Sunday Times
Once your rollers are in place, set with a light fixing spray for a long-lasting result that has shine without stickiness.
Nicholas's ID photo from the Saigon embassy shows a young man with a Superman forelock, fixing the camera with a challenging stare.
The Old Soldier Who Didn't Fade Away
And one thing that they do sometimes -- excuse me, a little bit of throat congestion -- they actually sometimes will divert some of the intestine into a bag -- it's called a colostomy bag -- so that actually the intestine gets a chance to heal, the abdominal cavity gets a chance to heal while that suture line is fixing itself.
CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2007
The _lagan_ or paper fixing the date of the wedding is written by a Brahman, who seats himself at some distance from the sweeper's house and composes the letter.
The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
The doctors and the medical staff did a great job of fixing me back up and I'm just happy I still got a pinky.
They were not far from completion on fixing that building up.
That evening the referee's bank balance swells with thousands of dollars, his reward for fixing the biggest soccer match in the world for a criminal betting syndicate.
And its history is pebbledashed with scandal, from ball-tampering to spot-fixing, from underarm bowling to underhand dealings.
The Sun
When the bet was eventually discovered I was convicted for match fixing in 1965.
What a boon it would be for week-ends, when one starts off with a Spartan resolution to take only one extra gown, and ends up with slipping two party dresses and the 'fixings' into one's trunk.
The Motor Girls on Crystal Bay or, The Secret of the Red Oar
We believe we are great at feeling what is wrong or what we would like to work better and then fixing it.
Cricket chiefs are also hopeful that Ashes hysteria will also help dispel any lingering disenchantment among fans or sponsors caused by the match-fixing saga that scarred Pakistan's tour of England last summer.
English cricket hopes for a sponsorship bonanza
The parents provide all the fixings for the children to make root beer floats.
Instead of going out with my g/f, I spent this evening fixing bugs in Ubuntu bacula packages.
Archive 2006-04-01
So, fixing a short-term logjam by sending Saunders to the minors -- undoubtedly the plan when spring training ended -- won't be so easy if he's producing.
The Seattle Times
Fixing a hollow force turned out to be a lot more expensive than just maintaining an adequate military.
In 1564 the original list became an updated and patrolled index, with professional theologians censoring texts and affixing imprimaturs, denying approval, or delaying approval until corrections were made.
Since then, they have turned their attention to fixing roads and keeping people fed.
Clips for fixing and joining the nets are available from some cage and netting manufacturers.
It specialises in making bolts and fixings for power stations and the oil industry, but not many of those are being built in Europe these days.
The alcohol group burning nozzle comprises the pneumatic cutting knife, a tubular fixing seat, an air vent, a gas and liquid conduit, a fixing cap and a gas and liquid cutting seat.
Her grandparents were fixing to leave for work, leaving her all alone in the house.
Over the eight-foot security fence we see a man fixing the thatch on a new hut in an adjacent field.
The fruit were covered with aluminium foil to prevent them from fixing carbon dioxide.
The image will lighten considerably during clearing, but don't worry because all the lost density will return during toning and fixing.
India had been rocked by the match-fixing episode and the team was rudderless.
Fixing the boy with a steady look, the teacher forced him to tell the truth.
Then he pulled himself together by a great effort, and fixing his eyes on a shockheaded urchin half way down the church, read the service to him.
Robert Elsmere
Alright, she thought to herself as she went to the fridge for the rest of the salad fixings, this is the easy part.
Handling Installation Fixing with Gyproc cove adhesive 1.
Rope splicing is a very strong method of fixing a loop eye or joining two ends together.
The initial thought of his sister had him fixing a fire hose and using the long length of piping to lend to his escape.
What we don't particularly like is the idea of our man ogling his pecs in a sweaty gym when he could be at home fixing the dinner.
Times, Sunday Times
Consider fixing up some bat boxes too, high up on a wall, near the eaves of the house or in a tall tree.
If the backstabber is your boss, demand you create "clarification procedures" for fixing the problem that are put on record somewhere.
Karen Salmansohn: Protect Yourself From Backstabbers!
So I'm going to do what I always do and just plow on through and fix things as I see they need fixing.
Added to the already harsh 3% fee for foreign currency transactions (1% to Visa or Mastercard, and the remaining 2% to BofA) and interest accruing from the first day that an advance is taken and you've got all the fixings for a spectacularly bad deal for obtaining pesos.
Credit Card Use
Are our brains so "atrophied" that we now believe there is no other way for the Department of Transportation to learn what highways need fixing or that the MTA needs funds for its capital plan without a lobbyist for Houston or New York City sidling up to a federal official?
Harry Moroz: Of Course We Need Lobbysists, Said the Lobbyist
Mike made short work of fixing the engine.
Workers set about fixing the tacky decorations on lampposts as stunned onlookers enjoyed the summer sunshine.
The Sun
This needs fixing too and, at least, the Tories are addressing that by, effectively getting rid of the useless FSA and restoring the powers to the BoE frow where they should have never been wrested in the first place.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
It can be a result of an application developer using methods such as parameterized queries to put unsanitized user input into the database (perhaps fixing some SQL injection that was discovered), and then not realizing it is used elsewhere in dynamic SQL.
The Web Security Mailing List (WASC)
I was still fixing my hair and makeup when I heard my door open.
Regulation needs to be relaxed except for fixing the price of a second-class stamp.
Times, Sunday Times
I see my uncle master of the farm instead of my cousin, and can see in imagination my old neighbours and things just as they were; fixing the memory thus, brings in a strong point of view the quick successions and changes amongst us; for if I had 16 years ago fixt my attention on a flourishing oak, or a whole grove of oaks, the alteration might be disernable, but not striking.
Letter 5
Many other details, from the staircase treads to the fixings, were also executed in plastic, while, for pragmatic reasons, the load-bearing structure was made of steel.
When consumers hear the term monopoly, the first thing that comes to mind is often price-fixing and other illegal business practices.
The Next 7 American Monopolies
Although I never use it to make projects it has been great fixing up my bloops.
I bored a hole so that the fixing bolt would pass through.
This is all about fixing legal liability, so it is not a purely philosophical debate.
The landlord said that fixing the house up would be a waste of time and money.
The big names also recommend that players tainted by match-fixing allegations should not be selected in future.
The Sun
Not sure if it can be dialed from the USA, but try prefixing it with the usual 011-52
Long distance bus schedules
So far as fixing human responsibility, the most important division of ignorance is that designated by the terms invincible and vincible.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
We can hugely increase the number of words at our disposal by prefixing an un-: uncool, un-sorry, unyoung.
Times, Sunday Times
Much work done this week on the house: little things such as caulking seams, getting a new deadbolt, fixing a door or two, finally putting the huge brass gargoyle-y doorknocker I bought a full eight years before the house and never hung because our apartment lease wouldn't permit it on the front door, etc.
Shows, house, general
One industry source claimed that price fixing and the operation of cartels was widespread in the business.
He bought a hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.
Fixing prices regardless of the companies' costs is a certain way of deterring investment.
Times, Sunday Times
It was time for the Vikings to put the wraps on their exciting 26-11 season, so some fried chicken with the fixings was a good way to ease into the future of the rising program.
And if you think about it, what makes up the cost of motor premiums is the cost of fixing smashes, and the cost of parts keeps going up because a lot of them are imported, the exchange rate impacts on that.
He said a consultancy will be awarded soon to look at existing system and formulate plans for fixing it.
The enforcement of price-fixing intensified as a result of granting leniency to companies that blew the whistle on their competitors.
Times, Sunday Times
And, she adds, at a time when essential City services are under real financial pressure, the city's hiring outside lawyers to fight its citizens instead of fixing the flood-prone city's drainage system, or the uneven bluestone sidewalks that trip visiting pedestrians
Andrew Reinbach: Historic Preservation Goes Bananas
Below is an incomplete code segment for taking the timer event message (which is stored in LocalEnvironment), and fixing up the StartTime by adding "BurstInterval" to it.
Other plans involve an early dinner with G. in honor of my birthday tomorrow and then on the day itself I'll be up and out to get the fixings for beef barley stew.
Fixing the currency to a finite standard guarantees that it will be necessary to "debase" to accommodate a growing population, growing demand for money itself.
How an Iranian 'Oil Bourse' Threatens the American Empire
The drying step is performed after using a 0.02% diluted uranyl acetate solution for fixing the DNA molecules in their conformations.
Pasiya threatened legal action against those individuals who are tarnishing the image of his club by associating them with the match-fixing allegations.
Juan de Lyone's eyes glinted in anticipation as he watched his men, they scattered the deck in no real order, sharpening weapons and fixing cutlasses and daggers to their belts.
Aisha went about fixing a tray laden with a jug of lemonade and plates of cookies.
Depending on the availability of materials, animal manure can be substituted with fresh leaves of nitrogen-fixing trees like Leucaena (ipil-ipil) and/or Gliricidia (kakawate) or with green grass clippings and/or fresh weeds.
Chapter 4
The star batsman, who is banned for life for alleged match fixing, is here in a different role as a media representative in the ongoing Asia Cup.
Vigilantes aren't the problem, it's the system which creates them that needs fixing!
Ahmed took great delight in fixing an assortment of dainty little sandwiches to serve at this daily ritual.
Some of the most damaging ties are fastened around trees for secondary purposes, for washing lines, swings or bird box fixings.
Backformation is the reverse of adding an affix (i.e prefix or suffix) to a word (or if we’re not just talking about English, doing any kind of derivational operation on a word, whether it’s affixing, or repeating a portion of the word, or changing the vowels, etc.)
The Volokh Conspiracy » Watch my Backformation
Recently, a common method is fixing direction of drill hole, not considering anisotropy of rock body.
Herr Pfannenstiel served three-and-a-half months in the chokey recently for match-fixing in the local S-League.
Investigators told the news conference an Asia-based crime syndicate is behind the fixing of the 380 matches.
The fixing of the date of Easter was causing a lot of controversy in the church in Ireland just before the middle of the seventh century.
Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean, however, that history can be undone.
And recently, researchers identified a nitrogen-fixing spirochete bacterium that lives in the gut of termites.
Restrictive practices such as price-fixing agreements between competitors were often permitted providing they were not shown to be against the public interest.
I'm having a devil of a job fixing my car.
The Senate debated adding funds for fixing levees, but it was too late.
This is another passage unnecessarily obscure: the meaning is, that when he _dazzles_, that is, has his eye made weak, _by fixing his eye upon a fairer eye, that_ fairer _eye shall be his heed_, his
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
That bulge in the kitchen wall needed fixing pronto.
Times, Sunday Times
That is the essence of Progressivism and offers a stark contrast to the party of no ideas and no true interest in fixing the problem.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 5, 2010
Among the demands made by the council are the painting of gable walls, plastering a brick chimney, and fixing loose slates.
Please help me in fixing the washing - machine.
Using precisely graduator of cam, hypo - mood position fixing accurately.
After studying mechanical engineering, he worked in a garage while fixing funfair rides.
The Sun
He's a plumber and he's fixing the toilets and not in a Village People tribute act.
You always have a light where you're looking-handy for fixing a flat or broken chain.
In the last 10 years, we have uncovered many cartels, many secret price fixing agreements.
So this is what we call fixing the roof while the sun is shining.
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Also, by fixing things yourself, you are internally giving up on the delegatee and reinforcing your belief that you are the only one who can do the job.
Making Work Work
When I looked up at his face he had that smirk, that's when I knew he was fixing to do something crazy.
Allegations of widespread corruption and fixing are regularly doing the rounds and smaller clubs are struggling to attract supporters in the face of the marketing onslaught of the big two.
"All this controversy about drugs in sport and the fixing of sporting results, to my eyes, makes the integrity of horse racing look rather good," he wrote.
In the mechanic testing, the method of backward V insulators with the side fixing of cross-arm and adding force on side of wire was adopted.
What they came up with, according to federal prosecutors, was a massive price-fixing scheme among airlines that artificially inflated passenger and cargo fuel surcharges between 2000 and 2006 to make up for lost profits.
Airline Price Fixing Fines: Prosecutors Target 21 Companies Over Passenger, Cargo Fees
As a general matter, there is an international consensus about the economic evils of price-fixing cartels as unjustifiable restraints of competition.
She confessed that she had just started fixing herself with Morphine and Pethedine.
The concrete sleeper can be cast to any required form, to provide for the fixing of the rail at the right gauge.
FOUR players were banned for up to a year yesterday after a huge match-fixing probe by football chiefs.
The Sun
The corporation shall have a common seal and the affixing of the seal shall be authenticated by the signature of the trustee.