How To Use Fixative In A Sentence

  • The globe should be fixed in an adequate volume of fixative with at least a 10: 1 ratio of fixative volume to specimen volume recommended.
  • The top bid was $7,500 for the painting whose intensity and tactile quality are achieved with layers of charcoal, then fixative, then more layers, then sand-paper.
  • The retinas were postfixed for 30 minutes in the same fixative, washed and incubated in a solution containing 0. 02% NADPH-diaphorase and 0. 04% nitroblue tetrazolium PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Applying the fixatives before dyeing gives both fiber components of the fabric a positive charge.
  • Dr Rui Jiang, leading the research, said high levels of nitrites are used in cured meats such as bacon as preservatives, anti-bacterial agents and colour fixatives. Too Much Bacon is Bad for Lungs | Impact Lab
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  • The art is delicately done on a textured paper and a fixative is applied before mounting.
  • Purpose : To search for an effective fixative solution for retina.
  • Half of the left uterine horn was fixed in Bouin's fixative, and processed routinely for immunohistochemistry.
  • For histopathological observation, interphalangeal joint of right hind paw was sliced and placed in fixative of 10% formaline.
  • Before squashing, the roots were washed in water to remove the fixative.
  • This approach preserves native structure by rapidly freezing the specimen in a thin aqueous layer by plunging into cryogen, without the use of fixatives or stains.
  • The eyes remained in the fixative solution overnight.
  • In this technique, color fixatives called mordants were hand painted on the surface prior to dyeing with chay, which was derived from the root of an East Indian herb.
  • We believe that this is contamination that occurred during the process of lifting the coagulum from the dish and transferring it to the fixative solution.
  • Dentures require a strong fixative.
  • Afterwards all the new art studenty types sprayed all their drawings creating a cloud of pungent fixative in the basement studio.
  • A technology that is being developed and refined at present is a fixative that allows blood samples to be stored and transported over 5 days without loss of accuracy in test results.
  • Gelatine, an animal by-product rich in collagen, was frequently used by Middle Age painters as a fixative to bind pigments to canvas or wood.
  • As much sea water as possible was removed from the samples and 4-5 volumes of cocktail fixative were added.
  • A second motor initiation, which depresses a plunger in a manner similar to a syringe, combines the cell culture mixture with a fixative reagent, which squelches further biological reaction.
  • For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris, civet, musk and castoreum.
  • The residual material that remained on the collection device was then transferred to the liquid fixative and a second slide was prepared in the laboratory.
  • Tissue samples are preserved in formalin or occasionally other fixatives before processing and embedding in paraffin.
  • It appears that the use of tissue that had been formalin fixed before processing stabilized the uncoated asbestos fibers, since none were detected in the wash or fixative solutions.
  • They determined whether use of fixative fluid, organic solvent, or both might contribute to the low numbers.
  • The main purpose of chemical fixatives is to preserve the tissue, changing its fresh liquid sol state to a hardened preserved fixed state.
  • Perfume: Fluid preparation used for scenting, composed of natural essences or synthetics and a fixative.
  • Tissue samples are preserved in formalin or occasionally other fixatives before processing and embedding in paraffin.
  • The best option for those with older printers is to use a fixative spray.
  • The book dummies, storyboards, jacket covers, and double page spreads were proudly displayed, still smelling strongly of glue and fixatives.
  • The sandals are sewn by hand, made with low-impact, fiberreactive dyes and no fixative chemicals.
  • In the evening, back home, rummaging about in my big box of old art materials I came across a can of spray fixative and two bottles of spirit varnish.
  • The alcohols (eg, ethanol, methanol, propanol, and ethylene glycol) play a small role individually as fixatives but penetrate quickly and denature proteins by coagulation.
  • Because of this, a variety of fixatives are used to preserve and stabilize certain structures and inclusions to withstand the procedures just outlined.
  • To prolong the potpourri's scent, use a fixative—a powdered root like orris or angelica, available at . A New Whiff on Potpourri
  • Although it allowed for precise mapping and removal of skin cancers, the fixative applied during the procedure was extremely painful due to the epidermal devitalization associated with the fixation.
  • Use a fixative, if available, for stabilization.
  • The retinas were postfixed for 30 minutes in the same fixative, washed and incubated in a solution containing 0. 02% NADPH-diaphorase and 0. 04% nitroblue tetrazolium PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Instead, the sample is placed in a small bottle containing fixative solution.
  • The remaining fixative solution and 5% KOH solution were examined under a microscope to determine whether pollen grains had been removed from stigmas during the treatment.
  • The gums showed the victim secured his teeth with a standard fixative. TALKING GOD
  • This plant is one of the natural sources of Benzyl benzoate, an aromatic liquid used as a fixative and solvent in the manufacture of flavorings and perfume.
  • The chemical composition of each of these fixatives as detailed by the manufacturers is listed in Table 1.
  • The book dummies, storyboards, jacket covers, and double page spreads were proudly displayed, still smelling strongly of glue and fixatives.
  • But the real emphasis of this book is in developing an understanding of how the body moves and the many media and techniques for rendering the human form: chalks, charcoal, pastel, fixative, watercolors and oil paints.
  • A chilling hospital scene depicts zombified patients walking up and down a small corridor in rhythmic despair, pushing their IV stands and furiously puffing away on their oral fixatives.
  • The book dummies, storyboards, jacket covers, and double page spreads were proudly displayed, still smelling strongly of glue and fixatives.
  • The zinc salt components mimic mercuric chlorides but without toxicity and are used in other modern fixatives to replace B5-type fixation.
  • After three subsequent changes of fixative, metaphases were prepared by dropping the cell suspension onto labelled clean, moist microscope slides.
  • Osmium tetroxide was used as a secondary fixative and stain prior to a second wash in phosphate buffer.
  • For electron microscopy membrane ultrastructure, cells were fixed in Karnovsky's fixative (1% paraformaldehyde/3% Glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M Sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4) at room temperature for 30 min before being stored at 4°C. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Copperas was closely linked with the woollen industry because it was mainly used as a textile dye fixative, a dye darkening agent and a black dye.
  • The team will create a new fixative mixture that combines minerals and slow-release growth factors.
  • The fixative solution was partially but not completely removed, the pellet was resuspended, dropped onto pre-cleaned microscope slides and dried for 24 h at room temperature.
  • Finally, while the fixatives provide the background, the base note lends the perfume its lasting impression.
  • This fixation step was repeated twice and the resulting cells were resuspended in a small volume of fixative solution and carefully placed onto clean slides.
  • The muscles were stored in the fixative solutions at 4 deg C for further use.
  • The fixative can be part of a broader spice blend added to the dried garden ingredients to give the composition another dimension: cinammon, bay salt or dried citrus peel. A New Whiff on Potpourri
  • Squashes were made in the fixative on a glass slide and flame dried.
  • Pictographs also are fragile, since prehistoric artisans do not appear to have used any fixative, such as animal fat, in their pigments.
  • When individual factors in fixation were studied, some fixatives performed better than others.
  • Squashes were made in the fixative on a coverslip.
  • There is no single fixative that is ideal; every fixative has positive and negative attributes.
  • The brushes can be rinsed in saline solution or in liquid-based fixative for cell concentration procedures.
  • When the class had the backgrounds rendered with about four to six values, we held a class critique to evaluate if they had developed their contrast enough to go ahead and spray the artwork with workable fixative.
  • A liquid fixative was deliberately not used in order to prevent dislodging of pollen grains.
  • After a fixative solution is added, the sample is run on the instrument.
  • This approach preserves native structure by rapidly freezing the specimen in a thin aqueous layer by plunging into cryogen, without the use of fixatives or stains.
  • Ambergris is used as a fixative in the manufacture of perfume.
  • They had better success, after much trial and error, by using a one-step cocktail fixative.
  • The macerated cells were dissociated in a clean slide with a fresh fixative solution.
  • In the early 1970s, the use of the fixative paste was eliminated, which meant that tissue could be removed and processed immediately by frozen section.
  • Especially when the greying crims could only be called hard-bitten if they'd managed to apply their denture fixative that morning.
  • Daniel remembered film speeds, light meters, the acid smell of developers, fixative. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Cold anaesthetised bees were killed by gently cutting through the thorax just posterior to the first coxae, then submerging the head and prothorax in fixative (3.7% formaldehyde, 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The cultures were pooled after adding the fixative.
  • Mosquitoes were preserved in fixative solution and stored at - 20° until use.
  • No asbestos bodies or uncoated asbestos fibers were found in any other water or fixative samples.
  • Dried orris root smells like violets. It is used primarily as a base for natural toothpastes, and as a fixative in perfumes to enhance other aromas.

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