How To Use Five hundred In A Sentence

  • `'The peak of Cerro el Capirote is only five hundred meters above sea level. INCA GOLD
  • Me and two more fellows put something over five hundred looms on what they call dollies, they just shut down about eight a day and move eight a day and move them down in the new part and put them to running. Oral History Interview with Jefferson M. Robinette, July 1977. Interview H-0041. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • The eland, which is closely allied to the American wapiti if not specifically the same animal, is still kept in the royal preserves of Prussia, to the number of four or five hundred individuals. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • The procedure cost five hundred dollars, which Amelia left unpaid.
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  • The city of Worcester may appropriate a sum not exceed - ing seventy-five hundred dollars for the purpose of providing a suitable gift for the U.S. S. "Worcester" to properly com - memorate the dedication and commissioning of the afore - said ship. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • In this way an amount of roughly two thousand five hundred rupees every month can be easily collected with little effort.
  • Under present policy the county council is putting down as many as five hundred dogs annually.
  • Having just completed an audacious leap from aircraft into the jaws of death, five hundred feet above Munsan-ni, against a numerically superior and fanatical force, we were ready to return to K-2 Airstrip at Taegu. Lafayette Keaton
  • Five hundred years later in the first century of Christian era, the religion was introduced into China, and the Chinese people accepted the doctrine almost immediately.
  • Her passion for paleobotany was already developing by this time, and after graduating she went to the Botanical Institute in Munich, where she was the only woman among five hundred students.
  • Now protected, its numbers do not exceed five hundred.
  • Eighteen ships having arrived, with merchandise and five thousand five hundred Chinese on board, besides five hundred more who remained in this city from last year, I ordered the cabildo and regimiento of the city, if Chinese were necessary for the public service, to enter petition therefor within four days, giving a memorandum of the number necessary and the duties that they were to perform. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • _ On November [_sic_] nineteen, one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, there met and assembled before me in Manila, Esteban de Marquina, public and cabildo notary of this city, and the magistrates and regimiento of the same -- namely, Captain The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • For every one rich man there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes indigence of the many.
  • So they scoured the bottom and fixed up a banderbast for keeping the mud from coming downstream from above, and having made a sort of stewpond, put in four or five hundred yearling brownies. The Tragic Bride
  • So we marched with the army, and long marches it was, they winter days, nighly five hundred mile in six weeks as I've been told. The Drummer's Coat
  • _Tuy, sixty houses; Bantal, thirty houses; Burat y Buguey, with five hundred houses_. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • By 1844 the Bethany settlers, almost all of them of peasant stock, had nearly five hundred acres under cultivation, most of them with wheat.
  • A New York magazine has offered five hundred dollars for a best story -- _five hundred dollars_! Solomon Crow's Christmas Pockets and Other Tales
  • But when a man betted a marker in a game and said it was worth five hundred dollars, it was accepted as worth five hundred dollars. Chapter 2
  • As for the history: the game of marbles may be claimed by the ancient Romans, or perhaps in India five hundred years ago.
  • The term laborer as used in chapter five hundred and three of the acts of nineteen hundred and twelve, as amended by chapter forty-seven of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and fifteen and by chapter twenty - one of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and nineteen, providing for the pensioning of laborers in the employ of cities and towns and as used in chapter four hundred and thirteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and eleven, as amended by chapter three hundred and sixty-seven of the Pensioning of foremen, in - spectors, me - chanics, draw - tenders, assistant drawtenders and store - keepers in employ of cities and towns. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • He had not gone quite twenty miles from Ispahan before five hundred horsemen, armed cap-a-pie, came up with him and his attendants and discharged a volley of firearms upon them. Candide
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • A hundred miles long and soaring seventy-five hundred feet above the plains, the Macarena is an island of astonishing diversity, one of the richest biological preserves in the world, a lost world of mist and rain that to this day remains largely unexplored. One River
  • Priestley used every available information network of the day to share his discoveries and insights: he published nearly five hundred books and pamphlets over the course of his life, and wrote endless correspondence to his colleagues, documenting in exhaustive detail the techniques behind his experiments. Boing Boing
  • Five hundred families will be selected to join the scheme for six months. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then up comes a great jewfish, which is just as likely to weigh five hundred pounds as fifty, and to be as large as a good-sized Shetland pony, and he makes a lunge for your bait, and -- Around the World in Ten Days
  • phalanstery" -- five hundred or a thousand people living in one great palace, built in the form of a hollow square. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 09 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers
  • Five hundred years later in the first century of Christian era, the religion was introduced into China,(Sentencedict) and the Chinese people accepted the doctrine almost immediately.
  • The minister who hardens his heart to a call, and waits for a certain congregation to offer him say five hundred a year more, often finds himself scabbed upon by another and more impecunious minister; and the next time it is his turn to scab while a brother minister is hardening his heart to a call. THE SCAB
  • 91 The light brigantines of the Greeks were scattered in ignominious flight: the nine castles of the Venetians maintained a more obstinate conflict; seven were sunk, two were taken; two thousand five hundred captives implored in vain the mercy of the victor; and the daughter of Alexius deplores the loss of thirteen thousand of his subjects or allies. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I'm prepared to knock five hundred pounds off but no more.
  • When you've got a couple of top-five New York Times best sellers under your belt and you want to do a five hundred page exploration of terrorism in iambic pentameter, go for it. An Interview with Kyle Mills
  • The death and revival every five hundred years, and the reference to the sun, implies such a grand cycle commencing afresh from the same point in relation to the sun from which the previous one started. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The buildings were low by the standards of a contragravity-using people, the highest barely a thousand feet and few over five hundred, and they were more closely set than Sword-Wonders were accustomed to, with broad roadways between. Space Viking
  • Many a shield full of treasure was then brought forth which the king dealt out unweighed to his many friends, to each five hundred marks of gold, and to a few, still more. The Nibelungenlied
  • The Greylock reserva - tion commission, established by chapter five hundred and forty-three of the acts of eighteen hundred and ninety - eight, in this and the following section called the commis - sion, shall continue to serve as an unpaid commission, consisting of three persons, all of whom shall be residents of the county of Berkshire. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • It is fortunate, and not to be wondered at, that the Scotsman so seldom goes home: for he is never so attractive as when, five hundred or five thousand miles away from them, he is agreeably engaged in beholding the Hebrides. Try Anything Twice
  • The host was well beseen with five hundred men with steeds and vesture. The Nibelungenlied
  • Heaven is _not_ so cruel! to give us five hundred dear twin-friends, on whom one has to tie five hundred different colored bows (I assure you, Monsieur, the ribbon-florists have this season produced _five hundred colors_) in order to distinguish one from another! The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Mr. Doe unwrapped the tin foil and found five hundred dollar bills.
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • “Hah, my brave soldier, Edward!” said the Emperor, “I must have been blind that I did not sooner recognise thee, as I think there is a memorandum entered, respecting five hundred pieces of gold due from us to Edward the Varangian; we have it in our secret scroll of such liberalities for which we stand indebted to our servitors, nor shall the payment be longer deferred.” Count Robert of Paris
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • From a hilltop in a silent residential quarter, the vigil filed down to the junction where the main road reopens - but only as far as the roadblock five hundred yards away.
  • A glass fishing float, five hundred miles from the sea.
  • She said her husband thought they would get five hundred pounds out of the silly clunch, he were so simple. Morgan’s Run
  • We do retaste all wines the score over 90 points or under 80 and those that are flawed – about 40% of all wines reviewed, but even then, there is no such thing as five hundred word essays on a longitudinal set of tastings of the same wine in a variety of contexts. Tasting Bordeaux 2005 blind with Robert Parker | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • I bought a car for five hundred pounds.
  • A cheating dealer will cheat anybody he wants to, whether the person is betting fifty cents or five hundred dollars.
  • The most concrete observation I have of my ungraceful exit was the sign on the gatepost forbidding the imbibing of alcoholic beverages in the park by penalty of five hundred pounds.
  • In order that they might cover both hemispheres to the depth of five hundred feet, not only would an ocean of that depth be necessary over all the land, but a new sea would, in addition, be required to envelop the ocean at present existing, without which the laws of hydrostatics would occasion the dispersion of that other new mass of water five hundred feet deep, which should remain covering the land. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • But this was not all, the five hundred copies were sold to great advantage, for it was against my will that _five hundred_ copies should be printed, till the printer told me he would take the risk on himself, on the usual terms, at that time, of bookseller and author. The Poetical Works of William Lisle Bowles, Vol. 1 With Memoir, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes by George Gilfillan
  • Five hundred riot police now patrol the streets.
  • At last provisions became exceedingly scarce in the camp, and the price even of an ass's head was raised to five hundred dirams.
  • He watched up to five hundred people cross Tennessee each day on the worst road on the continent.
  • How biddable would the circus tigers be, uncaged, five hundred yards from the trainer with the whip?
  • Congress had allocated General Sherman, whose brother John was a US senator, some five hundred thousand dollars for subsisting the needy Indians under the area encompassed by his Department of the Missouri.
  • Winning first prize, it was supposed to bring the first-time author the handsome sum of five hundred dollars.
  • Then perhaps a hundred thousand people can change the trend, if they and their descendants labor for five hundred years.
  • "Five hundred calories per hour, " she muttered and stabbed her ski poles meaningfully into the soft snow.
  • Five hundred globules, one hundred of which should weigh one grain, should be moistened with one drop of this solution.
  • Such debts amounted to about four thousand: one thousand five hundred for a horse, and two thousand five hundred as surety for a young comrade, Venovsky, who had lost that sum to a cardsharper in Vronsky’s presence. Chapter XIX. Part III
  • How biddable would the circus tigers be, uncaged, five hundred yards from the trainer with the whip?
  • Persons report that near this spot is a spacious harbour, or lagune, sufficiently capacious to contain four or five hundred sail of the line; but, unfortunately, the entrance is obstructed by some rocks, which, however, it is added, might easily be blown up. Travels in Morocco
  • We now know that it contains about nine hundred "planetoids," or small globes of from five to five hundred miles in diameter. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • It's stupid to ask a cineaste for his top ten films - top five hundred, more like.
  • Barmecide said, “This bread was baked by a hand maid of mine whom I bought for five hundred dinars.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They would not be pleased with an order to bury nearly five hundred Fardohnyans in this cold, hard ground. TREASON KEEP
  • This amounts to five hundred pages of self-obsessed navel-gazing, interspersed with intense bouts of self-loathing and lame jokes.
  • The Council of the Ancients had, however, already decided that a provisional executive commission should be appointed, composed of three members, and was about to name the members of the commission -- a measure which should have originated with the Five Hundred -- when Lucien came to acquaint Bonaparte that his chamber 'introuvable' was assembled. The Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Now, that man who is affable in public and who is irritable in private is making a fraudulent overissue of stock, and he is as bad as a bank that might have four or five hundred thousand dollars of bills in circulation with no specie in the vault. The Wedding Ring A Series of Discourses for Husbands and Wives and Those Contemplating Matrimony
  • We were making an entry of somebody's chickens at a store door in the village just mentioned, one August day, when a familiar "hillo!" reached our ear, and turning round, we perceived, some twenty yards off, the quizzical face of our old friend, projecting over the fore-gate of his wagon, and puckered into five hundred little wrinkles as he cachinnated joyously -- Some Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs, Late of the Tallapoosa Volunteers; Together with "Taking the Census," and Other Alabama Sketches. By a Country Editor. With a Portrait from Life, and Other Illustrations, by Darley
  • 4Written nearly five hundred years ago, Babur's description of Kabul and its dependencies is peppered with references to heavy wine-drinking bouts set in lush and bountiful venues. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Cult of Mac explains, "Instead of paying $40,000 for a Swarovski iPhone 4, two Australian businessmen paid customizer Stuart Hughes eight million dollars to plate their iPhone 4s in gold and then encrust them in over five hundred diamonds totaling over 100 karats. Most Expensive iPhone 4 EVER Is Encrusted With Over 500 Diamonds (PHOTOS)
  • A New York magazine has offered five hundred dollars for a best story -- _five hundred dollars_! Solomon Crow's Christmas Pockets and Other Tales
  • Five hundred copies have already been ordered in advance.
  • She weighed five hundred tons and carried thirty-eight guns: twenty-two culverins and sixteen demi-culverins.
  • Five hundred people then scoffed it. The Sun
  • I'll tell you: seventy-five hundred a year as a secretary at Ogilvie and Mather. SORT OF RICH
  • Daylight won across Chilcoot that same day, dropping down five hundred feet in the darkness and the flurrying snow to Crater Chapter V
  • Here, some five hundred years ago, the river encountered an obstacle that caused it to split into two channels.
  • Two to five hundred nanograms of total RNA were reverse transcribed using Superscript II RNaseH - reverse transcriptase and an anchored oligo primer.
  • Ticket price averaged five hundred dollars with scalpers getting as high as twenty-five hundred dollars for a seat.
  • Cult of Mac explains, "Instead of paying $40,000 for a Swarovski iPhone 4, two Australian businessmen paid customizer Stuart Hughes eight million dollars to plate their iPhone 4s in gold and then encrust them in over five hundred diamonds totaling over 100 karats. Most Expensive iPhone 4 EVER Is Encrusted With Over 500 Diamonds (PHOTOS)
  • The number of peers of the realm fluctuated over the years, but generally hovered around five hundred and seventy. Daily Life in the British Parliament: The House of Lords | Edwardian Promenade
  • These factors force chemical rockets to deliver specific impulses well below five hundred seconds.
  • He had transplanted to the coldframe strong plants numbering nearly five hundred. Hiram the Young Farmer
  • West Germany's got five hundred Devon Aviation Striker SK-6 swing-wing aircraft in service with the Luftwaffe as part of NATO's nuclear and conventional air force. The Striker Portfolio
  • The hunting party had only been walking for a few hundred meters when he stopped at the edge of a clear-cut swath about five hundred meter wide.
  • Between its horns the sea comes in eleven miles broad, and spreads itself into a great bay, which is environed with land to the compass of about five hundred miles, and is well secured from winds. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: The Road To Science Fiction 1 - James Gunn
  • Above the Griffon Gate a towering griffon five hundred feet high seemed to leap from the mountain.
  • I'll tell you: seventy-five hundred a year as a secretary at Ogilvie and Mather. SORT OF RICH
  • To think that a fourpenny foreigner had cost him five hundred odd pounds! On Forsyte 'Change
  • Nonetheless, mariners landing in 1803 and 1822 found no inhabitants save ‘cormorants, petrels, gannets, man-of-war birds, and turtles weighing from five hundred to seven hundred pounds.’
  • You must know that I once sowed a crop of flax in these parts and pulled it and scutched it and spent on it five hundred gold pieces; after which I would have sold it, but could get no more than this therefor, and the folk said to me, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Summoned by their chiefs, they came – chosen representatives of all the big tribes – one thousand five hundred strong, each tribe headed by its Bariaktar with the bullet-riven banner, and led by its priest or Franciscan – sons of the Church militant (a revolver peeped from the habit of more than one) – riding or marching in front of their men, and marshalling them with a precision that called forth general admiration. High Albania
  • I told him; and aded, that their troops had catched aground in passing the River, and that There would be five hundred Americans there in a short time, for I had alarmed the Country all the way up. Fact checking Sarah Palin's twist on Paul Revere
  • Then perhaps a hundred thousand people can change the trend, if they and their descendants labor for five hundred years.
  • Five hundred men from the regiment's battalion are currently on a tour of duty in Afghanistan which began in April and will end in October.
  • Next, I decreed and superintended the disembarkation of the stolen slaves; and, lastly, I concluded the morning call with a request that Brulôt would _produce the five hundred doubloons and his "promissory note" for two hundred slaves_! Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • They supplied the food for five hundred people from acres of land. Christianity Today
  • Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed.
  • France, and in particular Lyons, has been renowned as a center for weaving high quality textiles for more than five hundred years.
  • In this situation, a retreat was inevitable, and made in the utmost precipitation and confusion, with the loss of our cannon on the batteries, provisions, five hundred stands of small arms and a batteau load of powder. . . Washington
  • Five hundred and fifty billionaires possess the same amount of wealth as the poorest 2 billion people on the planet.
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • She said she was niece to a pewterer of considerable circumstances, not far from Tower Hill, who had promised, and was able to give her five hundred pounds; but the fear of disobliging him by marriage, hindered her from thinking of becoming a wife without his approbation of her spouse. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • The red signifies the blood this country has endured for over five hundred goddamned years of treacherous racism.
  • He did borrow it, getting a thousand from one man, five hundred from another, five louis here, three louis there.
  • It is all so peaceful and soothing; as peaceful and as soothing as the land through which you are gliding when once you have left behind smoky London and its interminable environs; for now you are in a land that was finished and plenished five hundred years ago and since then has not been altered in any material aspect whatsoever. Europe Revised
  • Last year he had four thousand acres in potatoes, a thousand in asparagus, five hundred in celery and five hundred in beans. CHAPTER XI
  • Twenty-five hundred years ago, a disenchanted prince and seeker of truth sat quietly under a bodhi tree. Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
  • There's accommodation for about five hundred students on campus.
  • Bowrick made semimonthly paycheck deposits, each around five hundred bucks. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • He searched the hills of the Flinders Range some five hundred miles north of Adelaide, Australia. - latest science and technology news stories
  • One estimate from the time puts the English casualties at five hundred whilst the Welsh suffered no losses.
  • Old drawings show us that the Komondor has not changed much in the last five hundred years.
  • The British government bought five hundred thousand copies of Raine's works to supply the "tommies" at the front. Zane Grey, Romancing the West
  • It's said that in the old days the warriors of the Satsuma domain [in Kyushu] would strike a bundle of brushwood ten thousand times every day, but I could only manage about five hundred at best.
  • Write an essay of about five hundred words.
  • To the Gaijin rear Jotan's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat.
  • By careful examination, Lamb estimated the age of the tree at five hundred years.
  • To put the case more concisely, the _Star of the North_ had been carried for the distance of _four degrees and a half_ exactly of longitude backward on her outward track to New York and some _two degrees_ or thereabouts to the southwards, placing us as nearly as possible in the position the skipper had already indicated, a direction of some five hundred miles more or less from our proper course and about midway between Bermuda and the Azores, or Western Islands. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • It would seem a purposeless and even cruel task to recount in some five hundred pages the cranks and crotchets of a great mind, but there is the personal Russell to be chronicled.
  • As we grew older we played cards - five hundred, patience and crib.
  • There are here," he reports, "about twenty-five hundred men, five hundred of them sick, the greatest part of them what they call poorly; they bury from five to eight daily, and officers in proportion; extremely indolent, and dirty to a degree. Montcalm and Wolfe
  • Also adept at writing scientific popularizations and textbooks, and even science fiction, he published all told over five hundred technical, popular, and pedagogic books and articles.
  • His aim was perfect at five hundred metres, a testament to the hours of practice he put himself through.
  • Shoveling all this stull onto Central Courts had been all right when Mallorysport had had a population of less than five thousand and nothing else on the planet had had more than five hundred, but that time was ten years past. The Fuzzy Papers
  • Five hundred men were caught shirking their duty; one out of every ten was selected for execution, which is why the procedure was called decimation analogous to our word decimal, that is, one-tenth. The Spartacus War
  • Her passion for paleobotany was already developing by this time, and after graduating she went to the Botanical Institute in Munich, where she was the only woman among five hundred students.
  • Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly.
  • This they repeat every quarter of an hour, insomuch that a single last of herrings requires five hundred billets to dry them.
  • Moreover Alvarez Nunmius, a Spaniard, and learned cosmographer, and Jacques Cartier, who made two voyages into those parts, and sailed five hundred miles upon the north-east coasts of The North-West Passage
  • Five hundred policemen in riot helmets were assigned to the march, an extraordinarily large force.
  • Five hundred feet high, it was completed by a tall tower, crowned with the symbol of the State - an eagle and a swastika.
  • The _bonbonniere_ can cost anything, from five to five hundred dollars; fifty dollars for a satin box filled with candy is not an uncommon price. Manners and Social Usages
  • A few are standing at an elevation of nearly three thousand feet; at twenty-five hundred feet, pyrola, veratrum, vaccinium, fine grasses, sedges, willows, mountain-ash, buttercups, and acres of the most luxuriant cassiope are in bloom. Travels in Alaska
  • “Yesterday the captain of five hundred men, the bravest in France — the bravest, that is, who breathe mortal air — and I am here without a glimpse of light, to direct me how to avoid the corner in which lies a wild tiger-cat, prompt to spring upon and to devour me.” Count Robert of Paris
  • You must know that I once sowed a crop of flax in these parts and pulled it and scutched it and spent on it five hundred gold pieces; after which I would have sold it, but could get no more than this therefor, and the folk said to me, ‘Carry it to Arabian nights. English
  • If you have ever tried to pay off your five hundred on the credit card you will know how hard debt is to clear.
  • Five hundred and sixteen other patients who also had surgery there have been warned of the remote possibility of exposure.
  • Five hundred families will be selected to join the scheme for six months. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five hundred years ago, the available tools for enquiry were distinctly limited by parochial geography and religious culture.
  • The aerodrome was a grass field of about five hundred acres that had been laid out for training in the last war and not much used since; it was grazed by sheep and the farmer had the one small hangar full of haymaking machinery and stuff of that sort. The Rainbow and the Rose
  • Write an essay of about five hundred words.
  • Dasmarinas, in the city of Manila, on the twenty-third day of May, in the year one thousand five hundred and ninety-one, on behalf of the cabildo, magistrates, and regimiento of the city. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed.
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • By the regular shipyard charges it ought not to have been a centime over twenty-five hundred francs - Bunches of Knuckles
  • As we grew older we played cards - five hundred, patience and crib.
  • They would be doing four complete set texts and a good handful of poems along with completing a four thousand five hundred word critical essay on three novels or a selective group of poems of their own choice.
  • There was a sheer drop of five hundred feet to the rocks below.
  • And write your selves and I wrote to Will Misner and maybe he did not get it neither and if you please tell him I have plenty of everything to wear but socks I want two pair I have been drawing shoes till I have got a sack fool and some pretty damned good ones well being it is Sunday we dont work any on Sunday I want to go up to the regiment to see the boys I forgot to tell you movers made about five hundred dollars in the last fight in awatch and hors. good bye friends, write soon Augusta County: RF Misner to George P. Kersh, September 4, 1864
  • A modern writer, well acquainted with this subject, says, “There are now, at least, five hundred herds, large and small, in this kingdom, and from six to seven thousand head registered every alternate year in the herd-book.” The Book of Household Management
  • The camp eventually succeeded in training more than five hundred special operatives.
  • A fire broke out at the printing office in the Rue du Pot-de-Fer, and burnt the first hundred and sixty pages of the third dizain of the "Contes Drolatiques," as well as five hundred volumes of the first and second dizain, which had cost him four francs each. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • The Swiss have an interesting army. Five hundred years without a war. Pretty impressive. Also pretty lucky for them. Ever seen that little Swiss Army knife they have to fight with? Not much of a weapon there. Corkscrews. Bottle openers. "Come on, buddy, let's go. You get past me, the guy in the back of me, he's got a spoon. Back off, I've got the toe clippers right here". Jerry Seinfeld 
  • I bought a car for five hundred pounds.
  • I bought a car for five hundred pounds.
  • But I agree with Mr. Kinnaird perfectly, that the concluding _five hundred_ should be only _conditional_; and for my own sake, I wish it to be added, only in case of your selling a certain number, _that number_ to be fixed by _yourself_. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • A proof of the broad intent and oecumenical consciousness of this infant College appears in the fact that its Medical Department, which alone numbers ten professors and five hundred students, allows the option of one of four languages in the thesis required for the medical degree. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • At about five hundred yards he eased back on the throttle, the bows slowly lowered.
  • The Macanese, who had seen five hundred years of modernization projects founder in their little backwater, were dubious.
  • There, on a bend of the stream, at the junction of the River Nanay, which is here about five hundred feet across, there had been established for many years this farm, homestead, or, to use the expression of the country, _ "fazenda," _ then in the height of its prosperity. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • We were given five hundred pounds in compensation which isn't much but at least it's something.
  • Our soldiers annihilated a force of five hundred enemy troops.
  • Venus thus overtakes and passes the earth once in five hundred and eighty-four days, or nearly two and a half of her own years, constituting what is called her synodic period of apparent revolution as seen from this globe. Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • Two mushrooms of smoke rose in the sky, about five hundred meters away, and melded together.
  • Five hundred pairs of eyes were fastened upon him eagerly.
  • Five hundred limited edition copies of the book, which follows the story of the sheepdog and his friends on Whimsey Farm, went on sale.
  • Shun4b, who had seconded and guided [the Emperor before he was appointed] and had been his former benefactor, there was added to his enfeoffment [the income of] five hundred households. The History of the Former Han Dynasty
  • Read in studio Five hundred homes had their power supplies cut when a hot air balloon collided with high voltage cables.
  • And we applied the principles of the benthoscope that Barton used to descend forty-five hundred feet in 1949. Tom Swift Jr And His Jetmarine
  • These factors force chemical rockets to deliver specific impulses well below five hundred seconds.
  • He was also well aware that many of the reservation's sixty-five hundred residents lived near the creek bottoms that provided pasturage and a ready supply of firewood.
  • To the north-west lie the Malacca Straits, five hundred miles of international water, bordered by Malaysia to the north and Indonesia to the south, which are barely policed.
  • The Athenian polis, buttressed by the strength of its Council of Five Hundred and Assembly of citizens, managed to gain control of a confederation of city-states which gradually became the Athenian Empire.
  • An accomplished skier, he got back on his skis not long after the cryosurgery and, five hundred yards down an easy slope, slipped at three miles an hour on a patch of ice and broke his hip—which meant four months on crutches and in a wheelchair to avoid putting weight on the fractured bone. After the Diagnosis
  • _Le petit lundi_ of the Empress was not so _petit_ as I expected; there were at least four or five hundred people present. In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters
  • That fellow swam off to the coaster - five hundred yards or so - with the end of a warp made up of all the running gear unrove for the purpose.
  • Moreover, he presented to him three hundred male white slaves and the like number of concubines, in loveliness like moons, and three hundred Abyssinian577 slave-girls, beside five hundred mules laden with treasure and sheep and oxen and buffaloes and bulls and other cattle beyond count; and he commanded all his Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees and Notables and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Ivan immediately sent to Iermak Prince Simeon Bolkovsky and the officer John Glukoff with five hundred strelitz (infantry). The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Five hundred good reasons allowed, and had long allowed, free bootery to flourish in American seas. Pioneers of the Old South: a chronicle of English colonial beginnings
  • Five hundred people then scoffed it. The Sun
  • Five hundred watched a live broadcast from the student center. Declan Sullivan Mourned At Notre Dame
  • We are confident not one chest in five hundred has been seized in this Province for two or three years past, and the custom house officers seem unwilling to run any risk to make a seisure. Tea Leaves Being a Collection of Letters and Documents relating to the shipment of Tea to the American Colonies in the year 1773, by the East India Tea Company. (With an introduction, notes, and biographical notices of the Boston Tea Party)
  • The example used in the texts is somebody called a bodhisattva a monkey and was reborn as a monkey five hundred times. Brief Presentation of the Main Points about Karma
  • Five hundred people filled the lecture hall.
  • In the "Kapi-jataka," No. 404, a bad monkey drops his excrement first on the head and then into the mouth of a priest, who later takes revenge on the monkey by having him and all his following of five hundred destroyed. Filipino Popular Tales
  • At last bail was fixed at one thousand five hundred rupees. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • The ships, huge junks nearly five hundred feet long and built from the finest teak, were under the command of Emperor Zhu Di's loyal eunuch admirals.
  • The eighty-five ships, necessary to supply even her present consumption, bountied, as the English are, will require a sacrifice of twelve hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred livres a year, to maintain three thousand five hundred and seventy seamen, and that, a part of the year only; and if she will put it to twelve thousand men, in competition with Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 2
  • Her pulse athrob but her senses and judgment preternaturally sharp, she gauged its dimensions as five hundred by three hundred meters. The Game Of Empire
  • Five hundred bodies, in a state of coacervation, without even a preference for cleanliness, "think of that Master Brook. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • An Act for granting a Royal Aid to the King's Majesty, of Twenty-four Hundred Threescore and Seventeen Thousand and Five Hundred Pounds, to be raised, levied, and paid, in the Space of Three Years.

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