How To Use Fist In A Sentence

  • In obvious pain, Martin banged his fist hard on the floor a couple of times and had to be carried off.
  • And approaching that very machine, his last pound coin clutched in his fist, was Felix Henderson McMurdo.
  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • The BBC correspondent says anti - piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its pacifist post - War constitution.
  • The question was tinged with a touch of sarcasm that made her embarrassed flush renew its bright shade and caused her to clench her fists.
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  • Sarah made a menacing gesture with her fist.
  • It was the size of a monkey's fist and flew into the kitchen window with a thunk.
  • The organisation's shield consisted of a male forearm whose fist was thrusting the point of a spear into the jaws of a wolf. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • A subsequent kerfuffle (rather drawn out) sounding not unlike a fist fight interspersed with successive shards of glass falling. BEHINDLINGS
  • However, if a serious duct injury is present, a chronic fistula may develop and require surgical intervention.
  • He became a Bren gunner and was taught to kill - a far cry from his Christian pacifist background.
  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • He carried the splashy, two-fisted style of great New Orleans pianists like Professor Longhair toward modern-jazz dissonance, then back toward propulsive barrelhouse; he sang the lyrics, but only after he had whooped and scat-sung, from baritone to falsetto. Jazzfest: “Thank God I Made It” - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • He grabbed a fistful of that lush cashew-colored hair that made Pink Jenny so popular, twisted her arm behind her in a vicious half nelson, and dragged her up to my face.
  • Fistfights broke out in the hall and, for 20 minutes, police were unable to restore order.
  • His clenched fist was the only outward sign of his anger.
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • She shook her fists to the heavens at the injustice of it all.
  • My fists clenched and unclenched as I tried to think of some comeback to scream at her but nothing came to mind.
  • Lord of the Rings, the tale of a pacifist-turned-assassin lugging a rifle to a dictator's heartland in order to get off that one critical shot. Zornhau: Merlin's Snake Oil – or why arcanists are not artillery
  • He evaded the blow quite easily and caught Steve in the mouth with his left fist.
  • He is a fool that makes a wedge of his fist
  • That he expressed the general feeling in our train was evidenced by the many women who leaned from the wagons, thrusting out gaunt forearms and shaking bony, labor-malformed fists at the last of Mormondom. Chapter 13
  • She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly. Ulysses
  • She screamed to the sky, raising her fists as if to try and hit the superlunary force behind it.
  • Eighteen years and 110 Tests later he bowed out, with Nemesis unable to resist shaking her fist at him.
  • I was sitting in Panera Bread last night, fumbling around with proxies in an attempt to get around their ham-fisted network filtering.
  • Je vire ce truc rafistollé qui me sert de lampe de bureau et y pose la lampe papillon fraichement offerte. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • He raved, he cursed, he shook his fists in my face, and then suddenly a horrible spasm passed over his features, he clapped his hand to his side, and with a loud cry he fell in a heap at my feet.
  • The youngster made a competent fist of it until Arsenal's second, but his team's problems lay in the hinterland behind him.
  • Indeed, it is a sad comment about the world in which we live that most women in the so called 'Third World do not have access to even the most rudimentary gynaecological or obstetric healthcare and that vaginal fistulae are so common. The Invention of the Sims Speculum - Surgical Improvisation
  • When the visage of the Pentagon appeared on the TV with a gaping and smoking hole in its side, that little voice had nearly taken me over, and I felt an urge to pump my fist in the air.
  • Caroline Keady, whose parents live in Withington, changed a fistful of old Irish punts into euros before flying.
  • Chip Caray infuriated a lot of baseball fans this October on TBS, sparking jokes as he described seemingly every hit as "fisted," and completely botching a call in the 10th inning of the AL Central one-game playoff, when he screamed, "Line drive, base hit!" on a screamer by Nick Punto that Tigers left fielder Ryan Raburn caught before throwing home to nail Alexi Casilla at the plate and keep the game going. NY Daily News
  • He smashed his fist into Anthony's face.
  • Davey is screaming again, shaking his little fists, when I realize I'm the only human being still standing on the dock with the dog. Excerpt: A Brief History of The Flood by Jean Harfenist
  • At first they saw only the little hand - the fist, decomposed but stretching out of the shallow grave.
  • He reckoned he should make a better fist at farming than educating.
  • An old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face.
  • He closed his fist around the cross dangling from the necklace at her throat.
  • Certain antibiotics have been utilized in inflammatory bowel disease for treating intestinal inflammation, healing fistulas and treating infection. Medications
  • The stick and the fist backed up the array of legal powers.
  • She rested her chin on her fist and leaned her elbow on her knee, staring into empty space and thinking.
  • Perhaps the fist is not a fist, but a waving hand; perhaps the voice is not a cry, but a call. David pichaske | 3 poems « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • He slammed his clenched fist into the desk, and began to cry.
  • The diminutive monkey in front of me puts a hard palm nut, the size of its fist, into one of the many small pits on the rock surface.
  • Now hospital bosses say they have been forced to increase charges to combat tight-fisted holidaymakers who park up then take a short taxi ride to the airport.
  • Assertion: Michelle Obama's affectionate fist bump with her husband as they walked offstage was a "terrorist fist jab" (in the words of Fox anchorperson E.D. Hill). Robert Koehler: The Shadow Platform
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • He pummelled the pillow with his fists.
  • Allowing the tiny twosome to wreak havoc is the Brazilian midfield minder, prone to fisticuffs and protective of the rearguard.
  • For years, the underground bailes, or funk parties, ended in fistfights or shootouts between gangs.
  • He's like a doddering old man sitting in his horse and buggy, shaking his liver spot covered fist at passing automobiles.
  • A petulant man-child with scrunched fists, no sense of natural rhythm and his vision permanently obscured by a single greasy dreadlock. Dancing On Ice: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Fists fly as Eagles sink Sharks THEIR bitter rivalry was born out of the code's most brutal grand final 37 years ago and last night beachboy combatants Cronulla and Manly wound back the clock as the fists flew again in the Sea Eagles '18-4 trial match win. | Top Stories
  • Anxious to avoid confrontation with pacifists, the authorities made life relatively easy for the objectors.
  • When Ms. Aston and her compatriots appeared in traditional Martha Graham attire, Bracie and Ashleigh went wild; they fist-pumped eagerly at their mother's cartwheel. Arts Patrons Kick In a Dance Performance
  • Under the "favored applications clause," a person whose knowledge of any particular subject was unique and authoritative, whether the topic were Esperanto or fistiana, went to the head of the waiting -- list automatically and had his initiation fee remitted. Average Jones
  • The rock structures in Arches range from giant fists to little goblins.
  • And what we found is that in order to really get people out and motivated for a subject, whether you're on our side or not, is to kind of ruffle their feathers a little bit, to give them something to kind of shake their fist at, make them angry. CNN Transcript Feb 22, 2007
  • Fistulous openings in either of the flaps _a, a_ must now be carefully curetted and dressed, and the flaps allowed to fall into position. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Not a natural exhibitionist, he likes his fists to do the talking. The Sun
  • Curt Backa, who has been fist-bumped more than he liked to be, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and kegling savant. - Local News
  • No British sports star identified more with his roots than the happy Manc with the battered mug and the flying fists. Ricky Hatton's love of the high life sent him crashing back to earth
  • He charged the man on the left, leading with his right fist and smashing it into the man's jaw dropping him to the floor.
  • He hoped some of the Fists might perhaps behold that gesture with joy.
  • Fouled hard by Walter McCarty and Rodney Rogers, Martin clenched his fists but calmly walked to the foul line to shoot his free throws. - Nets' Martin cleans up game
  • May 20th, 2008 6: 31 pm ET obamabots have to realize he doesnt have a shot to beat mccain, the whole country will turn on him. only hillary has the hutzpah to win this fist fight presidency. Schneider: Voters in both states say Obama will be the nominee
  • I curled my fingers into my palm and banged my fist weakly against the door.
  • During this same period of Flotilla Face-Offs with the IDF, Pakistan, my nation of matrilineal and patrimonial heritage has witnessed the extraordinary massacre of 120 moderate, pacifist Muslims, followers of the Ahmadiyyah movement that subscribes to peaceful, pluralistic Islam. Qanta Ahmed, MD: Israel and the Flotilla: On the Dangers of a Binary View
  • With his fists, he punched his opponent continuously in the stomach and chest, not giving him the chance to regain his breath.
  • Lou reached back her fist and lunged it forward, knocking one guy into another one and down they went.
  • Starfist’ series follows path Heinlein tread in ‘Starship Troopers’ » » Mind control by parasites might night just be science fiction heinleinblog
  • This is a column I originally wrote for the St. Petersburg Times a few days ago, about what I called the fist pound explained 'round the world. Eric Deggans: Why is Everything Obama Does Considered so, well, Exotic?
  • At a swift 80 minutes, part with your fistful of dollars for this tale that delivers an unconventional but honest approach. The Sun
  • He made a fist and punched the air. The Broken God
  • He remained tight-fisted for the rest of his 101 years.
  • We'll just stagnate, and there could be nothing for Fisticuffs or Oliver or Isa, to take over. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • I pushed the arms away from me and swung around, jamming my fist into the body of the person holding me.
  • Then I recalled the looping fields around the tile and picked up a fist-sized rock and tried to slide undertime and replicate the fields. Timegod's World
  • His face twisted into furry and his hands clenched into tight fists.
  • She is now dedicating most of her time and attention to the completion of her fist novel.
  • Crack the garlic with your fist and flake away the skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • These rapes are brutal, leaving the victims with deep wounds and fistulae that require surgery. Amy Goodman: Eve Ensler: Bald, Brave and Beautiful
  • With a distressed eyeroll at Seanglenn Beckhannity, and a weary headshake at Keithrachel Olbermaddowman, not to mention clenched fists of despair at TalkRadio VonHateScream, let me remind the rest of us -- aka. most people -- that just because the makers of so called News think Balanced and Thoughtful is some long-ago folk duo, it doesn't mean we should join in the sneerfest, and passively watch as standards continue to plummet. Roderick Spencer: Fake News Is the Real News
  • Could it be the drunken, tight-fisted old mother?
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • A ball of hail the size of her fist slammed into her back, driving the air from her lungs and knocking her to the ground, the impact dazing her.
  • She stood in a defensive stance, not backing down from his stare, fists clenched at her sides.
  • This evening-long excursion into cinéma vérité culminated in a fistfight staged for the benefit of Dowse's camera.
  • We saw several fist-sized sea squirts which were bright pink in colour, and only when studying the photographs afterwards noticed that each was attended by a number of well-camouflaged commensal prawns, also pink.
  • While the Canadian government, for all its faceless fumbling bureaucracy, isn't infallible, we've also never had an iron-fisted strongman declare every Monday a holiday to honour his dog.
  • Instead of improving, the boy suffered formation of abnormal passageways between tissues called fistulas and blockages in his intestines.
  • They are full of the glitter and bluster of German militarism ?mailed fist and shining armour.
  • Her father's face was a crimson colour with his hands held in fists at his sides, and her mother was walking purposeful strides towards her.
  • He raised a fist halfway and pressed on further back into the picaresque. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • His specialties were the treatment of rectal and venereal diseases, but no search of his published writings or other literature unearthed any mention of his treating so-called fistulas of the penis. Portrait of a Killer
  • Steel Fists cut the bonds holding the three prisoners.
  • I launched myself at him, pushing him against the wall and pinning him there with my fists against his chest.
  • Some men still believe in fisticuffs as a method of settling grudges.
  • Fossett pumps his fist once, there's some handshaking, and it's over.
  • I've found her with clenched fists, kicking walls and lampposts. The Sun
  • His surface-to-air screamer from about 10 yards was fisted clear by the goalkeeper.
  • He was a U.S. version of Gandhi, advancing the theory of pacifist resistance through his words and deeds.
  • « ‘Starfist’ series follows path Heinlein tread in ‘Starship Troopers’ » Avoiding someone else’s deadly ‘belly laugh’ heinleinblog
  • He banged his fist on the window.
  • The problem certainly isn't with the committedness of the performances; Cath Whitefield is ferocious as Electra, her face like a knuckle-dustered fist from start almost to finish. Review | Theatre | Electra | Gate | Brian Logan
  • It appears very fashionable these days to take a sort of pacifist line.
  • Best known Lock Stepper is Fred Barry aka Rerun from the hit 1970s black TV sitcom, What's Happenin '? simplest of daps is to tap closed fists together one time horizontally or vertically. Katie Halper: The Obama Pound: In Historic Moment, White People Exposed to "Fist Bump" for First Time
  • He stepped forward and with one mighty blow of his fist he felled the tree.
  • Then some began to spit at him; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, "Prophesy! " And the guards took him and beat him.
  • The big difference between pacifists and the kind of activists that Jensen and Churchill are trying to spawn is that the pacifist says that he/she will do "whatever it takes" up to a point. Do "movements to bring about social and environmental justice always fail?"
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • Tongs, pokers and even smoothing irons were used, apart from fists, boots and belts.
  • If the cosmos is against might, if the sun wars not with the planets but retires at dueful time to give the stars their little sway, what avails our mailed fist? Autobiography of a Yogi
  • The cigarette she was smoking is now crushed in her clenched fist.
  • Amid the fisticuffs there's greatness, as we film junkies know.
  • What began as a heated exchange of words soon became full-blown fisticuffs.
  • Oh, buffalo!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands, while Little An stared in horror and absolutely beat his forehead with his fists, and the hapless victim struggled helplessly, distracted and outraged - for I have my dignity, dammit, and I bar being unbreeched and assailed by opium-sodden houris, however be-witching, without even a by-your-leave. Flashman And The Dragon
  • Such a cyst may rupture on the surface, usually as a result of superadded infection, and give rise to a _thyreo-glossal_ or _median fistula of the neck_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • At the word whelp, he cuffed him with his hammerlike fist, and Miner went down in a heap. Wayside Courtships
  • Other edibles include thistle-like giant globe artichokes that vie for attention with the real thing, cardoon thistles as big as your fist and a fennel patch which can only be described as a forest.
  • Zipping up the skinsuit well in advance of the finish line, he took the flowers with ease, punching the air with his right fist before grinning broadly and throwing his arms skyward. Bart Wellens wins 2011 Cauberg Cyclocross
  • The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
  • [FN#421] Cassia fistularis, a kind of carob: "Shambar" is the Arabian nights. English
  • he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations
  • It was damnably uncomfortable, having a lump on one's head the size of a fist and tied with strong hemp rope.
  • Burnell put a clenched fist under his nose. Somewhere East of Life
  • Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in 2, facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in 11.
  • You are currently reading a article at A Fistful of Euros, a blog in the afoe family. Clarke and Dawe: Lending merry-go-round | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion
  • Mandela rubbed noses with activists in Maori "hongi" custom and raised his fist from the pulpit to cries of "Amandla" as he spoke at an Anglican cathedral on the first day of a state visit to New ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A 35-year-old woman detailed how she was beaten with rifle butts and fists before five soldiers threw her to the ground, tore off her clothes and took turns raping her, even as she vomited, urinated and defecated. Congo colonel gets 20 years after rape trial
  • All I can think about is Pat Benatar, spreadeagled and bent over saying "love is a battlefield" while Mike Patton stands behind, poised, saying "no, Pat, love is a fist... BSNYC Firday Fun Quiz!
  • And a redheaded goofball named Grant sticks his fist in his mouth.
  • When the fistula does not get eaten through, having first examined it with a sound, cut down as far as it passes, and sprinkle with the flos aeris, and let it remain for five days. On Fistulae
  • If you go to a world championship boxing match, you know, one of the boxers will come in inevitably thumping his fists in time with the drumbeat.
  • Mahoney clenched his fist in exasperation.
  • In the frenzy, one man raises his fist and ‘cold-cocks’ Dee Unangst, who suffers a mild concussion.
  • The = stem = is clay color to ochre yellow, enlarged below, spongy, stuffed, fistulose, soft, fibrous, more or less ascending at the base. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Fist , 36 , former publisher of the Nation, has never held public office, but cutteeth on politics.
  • The wizard uncurled his stinging fist and the roll of gold coins slipped between his throbbing fingers.
  • Pigeon Tony was unscathed only because he hadn't been at the fistfight and had still been trapped in TV custody. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • In one of her famously impassioned speeches - between threats to bloody noses - she blasted what she called the objectification, disrespect and "violence" toward women, slamming her fist so hard against the lectern that her bracelet shattered. NYT > Home Page
  • The priest realized the crucial moment, felt his power tottering, opened his mouth in denunciation, but fled backward before the truculent advance, upraised fist, and flashing eyes, of Mackenzie. The Sun of the Wolf
  • Ron's fist lashed up into Jim's side, causing him to lean forward enough that Ron was able to drive his head into Jim's face.
  • Interestingly , he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf a fist fight except for rare incidences.
  • I sit on my rock with a fistful of raisins and listen.
  • Green pounded his fist on the counter.
  • He began clenching and unclenching his fists again.
  • In the midst of all this I let go of one handful of weed to shake my fist at him.
  • Apart from the pain and trauma it causes, circumcision may lead to various forms of infection, incontinence, sterility and difficulties in child birth, such as obstetric fistulas. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It can be questioned whether a more elaborate diagnosis (concomitance of fistulas) might allow for more precisely defined traits in the future.
  • He took the hilt in his fist and held the sword skyward as he turned to his men. Stone of Tears
  • The pacifist option was followed by only a small minority.
  • While Woody Guthrie was a rambling, gambling, hard-travelling, hard-drinking guy who collected a handful of wives in his time and whose guitar "killed fascists", his travelling partner, Pete Seeger was a teetotalling Quaker Unitarian pacifist who married a Japanese girl during World War Two and did time briefly for refusing to name names to Joe McCarthy. "This Machine Surrounds Hate and Forces It To Surrender"
  • He had a fistful of my carroty locks and he seemed to be examining them very closely.
  • The group became involved in a verbal altercation with another group of younger males and a fist fight ensued.
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune almost succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
  • His robots fight among themselves most realistically, and his crowning achievement is a pitched battle on an underground road, believable enough to induce cringes and curled fists.
  • She brought her fist round and punched her mother in the shoulder.
  • It's whipgloss, ladies: the grasses steep-edged in the storm, dense with hornets trying to trick their way under the roots while the stains keep creeping out of my fist, moistening the knee of my pants, your pants, our pants leaving us stranded like creatures that gurgle under the waste as the mud hardens. Gloss
  • He punched me with his fist.
  • In the center of the hole was a brawny, black-gloved arm, its fingers curled tightly into a large fist.
  • When he came, Mistress Marian was standing i 'th' great door o 'th' castle, in her hawking gown o 'green velure cloth laced all with silver cord; her plumed hat was on her curls, and her hawk, Beryl, on her fist. A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales
  • Interesting, your point about IRON FIST being your favourite comic since maybe STARMAN, as both titles revivified third-string characters to the point of making them top tier -- bottom end of that tier, but up there -- and they both did it by putting the emphasis on legacy/generational heroism. Shane! Shane! Come back! | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Rock back into a cat stance and block, then fire off a back fist with your leading hand.
  • There's a little diddy baby hedgehog (about the size of my fist) in The Coven Grounds at the moment.
  • The prisoner raised his fist in a gesture of defiance as he was led out of the courtroom.
  • With a sweep of one mighty fist, the daemon dashed the wounded warrior aside.
  • The humiliating injury is called obstetric fistula, a tear in the tissue between the vagina and adjoining organs, caused by prolonged labor in small, undernourished women-and now almost unknown outside the poorest countries of Africa and Asia. NCBlogs
  • Get a 'fistful' of information on that 'rosy' subject. The Freak Network
  • The Slovakians' ability to pass the ball around a pitch that was hardly conducive to an expansive approach embarrassed the ham-fisted attempts of Eriksson's men to mimic their hosts' fluency and rhythm.
  • If his pacifist views had been the predominant ones, at certain times, life would be very different now.
  • Only in the recent years he has finally started to get the status that his fistic achievements have deserved him.
  • Unfortunately, the cocking action that begins a back fist movement presents an unmistakable cue to the opponent.
  • He ducked the blow and countered it, his own fist connecting with my jaw and his knee finding its way to my stomach.
  • There are other indications that the plot - which has been widely portrayed as a ham-fisted attempt by a band of mercenaries to seize power in an oil-rich state - had wider backing.
  • Yeah, there\'s that whole first black nominee for president thing, but more significant is the fact that the greeting, which has been described by confused white journalists as a \ "fist bump, \" \ "closed-fist high-five, \" \ "a frat-tastic fist bump\" and \ "\'Hezbollah\ 'style fist-jabbing, \" is finally being introduced to mainstream culture. Katie Halper: The Obama Pound: In Historic Moment, White People Exposed to "Fist Bump" for First Time
  • Instinctively the kid jumps to his feet, water dripping from his face, and puts up his gloved fists.
  • These terms apply only to the natural condition of the stem, and not the condition brought about by larvæ, which eat out the interior of the stem, causing it to be hollow or fistulose. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • He remained tight-fisted for the rest of his 101 years.
  • Pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery has been reported as a sequelae of Teflon pledget or graft erosion into adjacent lung parenchyma, resulting in cardiopulmonary fistula and hemoptysis.
  • Well what a surprise. 11am Radio 4 gives Billy Bragg a full half hour to prattle on about some obscure 1930s pacifists/ conchies / commune dwellers. Open thread
  • Resentment of foreign influence encouraged the growth of a clandestine society called ‘Fists of Righteous Harmony’, known to Europeans as Boxers from its Chinese name and practice of ritual shadow-boxing.
  • M. ERIC DYSON: I think that, you know, we're engaging in some rhetorical fisticuffs, so to speak, a kind of pugilism of the domestic sphere. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2008
  • He jammed his fist into his baggy khaki pants, aware of the strange chemistry that floated in the air.
  • He screamed down the alley, jumping up and pounding his fists into the wall behind him, bloodying his knuckles.
  • Here, his father comes across as a tight-fisted, big-hearted dreamer who always promised more than he could deliver.
  • He put his fist through a glass door.
  • The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist.
  • I clenched my fists helplessly and struggled back to a sitting position, thinking unprintable thoughts.
  • I skirt the shade of the chinaberry, move steadily away from Jimmy's fistful of asps. South Oak Cliff
  • The effects of hypoxia and air microembolism on pulmonary pressor response and lung fluid exchange were studied in eight conscious goats with chronic lung lymph fistula.
  • He swung his left fist
  • As a modern parent, I know that it's not how much you give children those counts, it's the love and attention you shower on them.A caring attitude can not only save you a small fortune, but also even make you feel good about being tight-fisted and offering more care than presents. 
  • The amateurish performances, hamfisted dramatics and video nasty violence are a completely resistible combination.
  • While it is difficult to measure pregnancy-related injuries and disabilities, estimates of maternal morbidity vary from 16 to 50 million annually and include such profoundly disabling conditions as vesico-vaginal fistulae, a condition many consider a fate akin to living death. Jodi Jacobson: Human Rights Council Declares Maternal Death, Illness a Rights Violation
  • Well it seems like the boy racers spend a huge fistful of money on cool neon lights, mag wheels and bolt-on performance products - but do they get down and dirty?
  • Hopefully marvel does have a problem with this (hopefully it doesnt turn out to be something silly like an actual iron fist (tho i beleive it could work)) instead of ripping off a name why not just do a movie based on the actual character its still cool seems like a waste is all not to Eli Roth and RZA Teaming for The Man with the Iron Fist «

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