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fishing rig

  1. gear used in fishing

How To Use fishing rig In A Sentence

  • With its action, the state's highest court has potentially granted exclusive fishing rights to anyone owning land traversed by a recognized navigable waterway.
  • The committee decided not to take evidence from the Crofting Counties Fishing Rights Group, which represents some 500 gillies, river bailiffs and other river workers in the Highlands.
  • Far left wing liberal agenda could very well take away all of your hunting and fishing rights in the name of environmentalism rather than conservationism. Did Flyfishing Influence Your Vote?
  • Dallas rowed the little boat up alongside the fishing rig.
  • There are five stables and fishing rights, which can also be let. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is difficult to put a figure on how much fishing rights add to the value of a home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.
  • Eleven people living in this region have had commercial perlemoen fishing rights revoked after falsifying their addresses.
  • Most of the estates include salmon and trout fishing rights, grouse moors and deer stalking grounds as well as rambling lodges and outbuildings.
  • So there we have three basic bait fishing rigs for pike that between them will cover most of our bait fishing situations.
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