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How To Use Fisherman In A Sentence

  • This is God-fucking wondrous awful, Thomas Blanky had time to think as the entire ton or ton and a half of ice-encrusted manrope and human being began being pulled upward as easily and surely as if a fisherman were hauling up his net after a casting. The Terror
  • A fisherman's son opened this beachside restaurant, which stretches down into the sand. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lone fisherman sorts through his gear as we approach.
  • A straight man and a good fisherman.
  • From the outset, she is not sure she will survive this touchy encounter with a legendary fisherman who taught her everything she knows and is one tough, crusty character.
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  • Once or twice a day the intrepid fisherman ‘runs’ his trot line meaning he gets in a boat and checks the hook dangling beneath each float and if necessary sticks a fresh perch on it for bait.
  • It was in this fortalice that Kornati fisherman left money for fish tax and the hard lifestyle of a fisherman forced them to build settlements on the nearby island of Piskera.
  • Now, a fisherman can always throw a catch he doesn't like back, but, ultimately, no matter how cunning and patient a sportsman he is, what ends up in his creel is really up to the fish. INTERVIEW: John C. Wright
  • Depart the Bay Area for Monterey Bay, visit Fisherman's Wharf and the Cannery Row, made famous by writer John Steinbeck.
  • A series of mainly South American fisherman have been hauled back to Australia with their ships and prosecuted after they were caught fishing near southern Heard Island, and HSI said it hoped to see similar action against whalers.
  • The fisherman made the request of the flounder, and this wish came true too.
  • An elderly fisherman wrote to a mail order house the following: "Please send me one of those gasoline engines for my boat you show on page 438, and if it's any good, I'll send you a check.
  • San Pedro was a fisherman as was the father of the great DiMaggio.
  • Fisherman Ray Turner hand-built the V-shaped stone overflow dam, or weir, in the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York; its walls funnel eels into a wooden collecting rack.
  • A mutant crab has been caught in a fisherman's lobster pot. Times, Sunday Times
  • But unknown to Iphigenia, he was no ordinary fisherman, but a sea wizard, one who lived from the flotsam which washed up upon the beaches and shores of the world.
  • Norwegian fisherman use nets to capture halibut, red perch, cod and king crab.
  • A night fisherman had to get hospital treatment for a facial wound after being attacked in his tent by a marauding fox. Times, Sunday Times
  • I must be the oldest fisherman around. The Sun
  • A night fisherman had to get hospital treatment for a facial wound after being attacked in his tent by a marauding fox. Times, Sunday Times
  • I asked if his father was a fisherman ( "patar hithus?") and he answered excitedly in English, "sardine, sardine! Undefined
  • The fisherman cast off the rope and set the boat adrift.
  • As the fisherman approaches, the falconer's spaniels look enquiringly at each other, and his whippet, all four paws at attention, stares respectfully at such an admirable salmon.
  • Seton was but a small town, a fisherman's village where my friends and I would play and bathe in the waters.
  • The fisherman was able to catch so many fish because other workers are making nets. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • The sheet bend, and in some cases the fisherman's knot, are simple binding knots that can replace the reef knot.
  • The spell was broken one day by a particularly stubborn fisherman who used clubs to beat his way through the grey mist.
  • One of them wore trousers with big yellow and black checks, the other a battered straw hat and a white rollneck fisherman's arran. WHITE LIES
  • A keen fly-fisherman caught a record-sized salmon.
  • One of the most profoundly beautiful reggae songs ever made, Fisherman bathes the daily grind in a spiritual light, naming its titular anglers after four of the disciples (dubbed Fishers of Men by Jesus), though it's not known whether the original apostles also stopped off to see the local collie man. Expecting Rain
  • The fisherman cast off the rope and set the boat adrift.
  • The ledger fisherman and his rod rest and two rod approach needs a much wider platform from which to fish.
  • The author and the fisherman were strangers, for the author would not want his identity known if the letter was later opened and read by the fisherman, or if the mailer was eventually found.
  • The suggestion is that instead of fish, the fisherman himself has been caught in the net.
  • If the fisherman has the wit to put his (or her) bottles in the stream one presumes they have nearby for piscatorial endeavors, the Malt beverages need never be warm ... Fine Wine & Warm Beer
  • After all, he believes, a fisherman should always seek a challenge and the wels is the biggest challenge on the river. Spain's Ebro River Is Big Catfish Country
  • After a time the hellgrammite comes to the surface and takes to the air as a beetle, but in that state he interests the naturalist rather than the fisherman. Healthful Sports for Boys
  • the fisherman caught a 10-pounder
  • My father was a fisherman sailing out of Milford Haven and my late husband, Royston, was a coppersmith in Milford Docks.
  • The fisherman made another cast with the fishing net.
  • The king called a tunny and commanded him to take the fisherman on his back and deposit him on a rock near the shore, where the other fishers could see and rescue him. The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
  • The fisherman was able to catch so many fish because other workers are making nets. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • But, as you would expect, the Inspector is no mug and played our fumbling probing with the skill of an experienced fly fisherman, which in fact he is.
  • On the downslope from the foreboding metal fence of the Camarones del Sur shrimp farm, known as Camarsa, a few fisherman stand half-submerged in the shallow waters.
  • The latest catch was a large mature male crab netted by Bridlington fisherman Andrew Sanderson last week.
  • They supply the fisherman with everything from soup to nuts.
  • Once upon a time there was a poor old fisherman.
  • As Cesare stood talking to the fisherman, he spun a gold ducat between his fingers. THE FAMILY
  • His father is a fisherman.
  • In his very brief opportunity as the fisherman, Ruodi, Anthony Dean Griffey unveiled an exquisite lyric tenor.
  • If Aengus is a figure of passion, so, interestingly, is the fisherman.
  • That evening we rendezvoused with a rambunctious fisherman who had motored down to meet us from his home in Pelican.
  • The fisherman found a rare dugong in the water.
  • He is married with two children, lives in South Croydon and as a hobby, is a keen fisherman.
  • When I meet a fisherman on one of my waterside rambles, he may mention birds I haven't seen.
  • Here I am in a boat, with fellow fisherman, Hal, pitting my newly acquired skills against the canny trout.
  • The best book that I have found for readability on the subject, and without losing me along the way with uber-florid prose about artists in smocks, mixing cerulean blue pigment on their paint spattered pallets as the fisherman hauled in pilchards at their feet, is The Shining Sands Artists in Newlyn and St Ives 1880-1930 by Tom Cross. A day in Cornwall
  • Mandurah angler Shane Kirkham lands Monday monster mulloway MANDURAH fisherman Shane Kirkham enjoyed his long weekend, landing a monster 22. 5kg mulloway off the beach south of the town. | Top Stories
  • I was surprised to read that one of those soft-hearted Cornish fisherman had put a lobster back in the sea after catching it in one of his pots, because he thought it looked tired and deserved a break.
  • Today, Dave is a lobster fisherman, while Maureen is both a fisher and a writer of short stories, novels, poetry, and children's literature.
  • A friend met me at the Ocean River Sports dock at noon; 30 minutes later, we crossed the runway and bee-lined for Fisherman's Wharf, a klatch of pastel-colored houseboats and floating restaurants on the edge of the Inner Harbour. Victoria, By Sea
  • Sure enough, at nine o'clock sharp, a man who looked very much like a fisherman walked in bearing assorted calamari, shellfish and prawns on a large plastic tray.
  • I am an avid fisherman and have been fishing for salmon all my life: I am now 53.
  • The old fisherman was cursed by his shrewish wife.
  • When the snipe and the clam grapple , it is the fisherman who profits.
  • And now this fisherman is come to Jerusalem, the place is packed with pilgrims ripe for any trouble, and Hanan stirs and stirs the broth. Chapter 17
  • The farmer and the fisherman relied much upon favourable weather. The Gods of Asgard
  • Well, it all starts with an old weather-beaten fisherman who complains to the wise and worldly Dr. Yano that the heavily-polluted water of Suruga Bay can no longer sustain fish.
  • Mrs Martin was a widow and a washerwoman, and had a ne'er-do-well brother, a fisherman, who frequently "sponged" upon her. The Lively Poll A Tale of the North Sea
  • The fisherman begins wading over to me as I rebait and cast out. Stockies
  • Thus the bracketing of hull and basketwork trap also instils notions of the fisherman and his catch, the hunter and his quarry, the slayer and the slain.
  • Why hasn't he got that big fisherman's staysail on her?" she demanded irritably. Chapter 19
  • Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman.
  • A room at the Marriott Fisherman's Wharf can run you up to $369.
  • Fisherman say whitebait catches have fallen to a fifth of their peak. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • Although he resented his father for the neglect of the family he joined him as a fisherman when he was sixteen.
  • Hubei province, Honghu city: A fisherman tries to paddle his boat through a small stream amid the partially dried-up fishery in the Honghu lake, Hubei province.
  • A gaff, a pugh, and a dip-net, all of which an old fisherman declared I could not sail without, were also put aboard. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • My guess is if this had been about spin fisherman it would have never made the Wall Street Journal. Warm water fishing: Do you Brownline?
  • A lone fisherman sorts through his gear as we approach.
  • There was Edna and Edna's fisherman brother, Bert.
  • He works for two years in his Grandpa's store, picking huckleberries, and selling bait to local fisherman in order to save the fifty dollars needed to buy the hounds.
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • A giant crab with claws so powerful that they could crush a man's wrist has been hauled from the sea by a Portsmouth fisherman. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ocean fisherman changing work is difficult not because of unenough government supporting and uncompleted policy.
  • How could this boy from Brooklyn, this New Yorker in heart and mind, this supermale with six marriages, this man whom the feminist Kate Millett called the quintessence of the heterosexual, macho pig — how could this man have chosen to live in a small town of 3,500 souls, most of them homosexuals, whose contribution to local culture consists (if I am to believe the waiter in the faux fisherman's restaurant where I wait till it's time for our interview) of a festival of sexy bodies, a week for leather enthusiasts, and a colloquium on the problems posed by adoption by same-sex couples? In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • Fisherman Loc says he will continue fishing near the Paracel islands in the future.
  • There on the windowsill in his room were three shells, knobbed whelks, mementos of his older brother, who had been a fisherman. The Sound Thief « A Fly in Amber
  • The boat was an old trawler, something more for fisherman than pleasure cruising.
  • One of his parishioners, a fisherman with three children and a pregnant wife, is in a state of depression, deepened by the immanence in the world of nuclear-bomb threats.
  • One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.
  • I tell you this vagrant fisherman, this wandering preacher, this piece of driftage from Galilee, commanded me. Chapter 17
  • What makes a good fly fisherman is being able to read patterns and follow them. Ok fellow fly fisherman im 13 and i need some major help im going on a week long fishing trip with my dad and grandfather and i
  • A lone fisherman on a seawall is silhouetted against the sunset. The Sun
  • A professional noticer, a powerful communicator, a teacher, and a serious fisherman, Andrews is the best-selling author, of The Traveler's Gift, with millions of books in print.
  • When Daniel returns, hr is worried about his grandpa dying, but instead he finds his grandparents happy; their catalyst Mara; but even she with her whimsy upbeat demeanor fears she will never reach the soul of the stoic sad fisherman. Church of the Dog-Kaya McLaren « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Grown-up in his own fisherman's kingdom, his cruelty brands him an emblematic villain.
  • On a July day in 2003, a fisherman was casting the North Fork of the Shenandoah River when he found Paz's body.
  • On the blue-gray waters of Lake Edward, where the eastern fringe of Congo blends into Uganda, Byanmongo Matabishi, a fisherman from the Congolese village of Vitshumbi, stands on a pirogue and shakes his head. As Go the Hippos …
  • Nearby, fisherman Rolando Ramirez helped others pull their fishing boats from the water.
  • His job as a fisherman brought in some money, and most was spent on beer.
  • Now you probably understand just why that old fisherman was willing to sell you his yawl. THE TREASURED ONE
  • A fisherman passed with a string of fish on a bamboo pole across his shoulders. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was however an ardent and expert fisherman, and tended to haunt waters more suitable to that end.
  • When the wind blows, the fly fisherman keeps on casting and reeling them in!
  • Fishermann drives home a very good point in that being ultra "greenie" actually marginalizes the content ... you are less effective in forwarding an agenda by shouting from the fringe. Sharks - The World's Top Predator?
  • My eldest is a No. 1 hunter and fisherman, the two younger ones like hunting but not as much as they like to fish (which is fine with me). Daddy Deer Camp
  • Hubei province, Honghu city: A fisherman tries to paddle his boat through a small stream amid the partially dried-up fishery in the Honghu lake, Hubei province.
  • A creel is the woven basket a fisherman keeps his catch in, but I can't see how that could enter into the equation. The Burglar On The Prowl
  • Fisherman: Know who I am?I'm animal storeman. I'm moving the fish to another place.
  • Salomon, a fisherman, has to work in the diamantiferous mines.
  • a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel
  • In vignettes centering on a fiery local waitress, a seventh-generation fisherman, the doyenne of a fading lesbian power culture, an unrepentant jinx, and other characters for whom the term colorful does scant justice, he introduces a community bound by tradition, superstition, recalcitrance, and a profound, more visceral than affectionate love for the sea. Undefined
  • Chris Mehlig, a fisherman from Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish, said he is getting eight days of work a month, laying down containment boom, running supplies to other boats or simply being on call dockside in case he is needed. Gulf Oil Spill: Is Clean Up Help Being Turned Down?
  • Kara stared aghast as the brawny Maggie Finch, with a florid complexion like red brick and forearms like a butcher's, rolled up her sleeves and went to meet the threat of the two men in black Greek fisherman's garb.
  • I am told that a fisherman of more than 70 summers was repairing his boat on the slipway of a little Northern port much used by divers.
  • An hour or so later the fisherman felt a tug at his pant leg.
  • As the Arctic Ocean north becomes less and less icy, commercial fisherman have begun eyeing these vast, untapped waters as an adjunct to the famously rich fishing grounds of the subarctic Bering Sea, west of Alaska. Shifting spring: Arctic plankton blooming up to 50 days earlier now
  • The shark's dorsal fin was cut off by the fisherman.
  • Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
  • June 26th, 2006 at 12: 47 pm they actually have a bad ass grimm reaper on there for 1000 …. oh and the fisherman is awesome as well Fork Accident
  • Carrying plugs festooned with treble hooks is a price that is inevitably paid by the penitent plug fisherman.
  • The next morning we set about the arduous task of rowing up river in what is a very powerful current, until we were met by the fisherman and were told about a mahseer of 50 kg that had come out of this place two days ago.
  • A smaller instrumentation is adopted with English Horn obbligato (as if a shadow of the storyteller). In Part II, the singer 'jumps out' from being a storyteller and becomes the fisherman himself.
  • He was a keen fisherman and shot and a naturalist, and his harmless eccentricities caused much amusement.
  • The bikers are setting up a barbecue, and a spearfisherman tiptoes into the waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a golden age for poets and panegyrists, koranists and literati, preachers and rhetoricians, physicians and scientists who, besides receiving high salaries and fabulous presents, were treated with all the honours of Chinese Mandarins; and, like these, the humblest Moslem — fisherman or artizan — could aspire through knowledge or savoir faire to the highest offices of the Empire. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He spent six years as a commercial fisherman. Times, Sunday Times
  • WE'RE all spear fisherman at heart - this game is a chance to get back to your inner caveman. The Sun
  • Roy dreams of being a baseball player, or an architect, or a fisherman.
  • Hubei province, Honghu city: A fisherman tries to paddle his boat through a small stream amid the partially dried-up fishery in the Honghu lake, Hubei province.
  • With great difficulty, the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef.
  • The fisherman had a good haul.
  • Blackbird House is a chronological series of stories, all set in the same weatherboarded farmhouse on the Cape, built by a fisherman trying to escape the sea.
  • The man had a worn, weathered face, he might have been a fisherman or a villager; he looked hard-up, in his frayed overcoat. COUP D'ETAT
  • The typical 'bluenose' is the small farmer-fisherman, a handy man of many trades. The Canadian Type
  • The incident has put a lot of pressure on local people, says fisherman Le Van Loc from Quang Ngai province.
  • He has been a fisherman for as long as he can remember, starting with eels and cockabullies to the current day, where anything that swims is in potential danger.
  • It was here the Saltwater Fisherman players finally got cracking.
  • ‘I'm a fisherman, me, like my daddy and granddaddy,’ one old shrimper tells Tidwell.
  • In a humbler-looking fabric, like a gray or brown herringbone, a plain loden or a lightly speckled tweed, the cap looks great with a peacoat, leather jacket or fisherman's sweater - or anything one might deem more Irish than squirish. NYT > Home Page
  • The fisherman plopped the bait into the river.
  • A Maine fisherman took us up the Saint Croix River in his boat. Champlain's Dream
  • In Wisconsin some of my muskie fisherman friends use a snap swivel which they attach to the wire with a crimp.
  • Far down the line of brightly painted longboats I saw a fisherman who owned just one net, which he had draped on a tepee of bamboo stalks to dry in the sun.
  • Individual fisherman are allocated quotas that entitle them to portions of the authorized total allowable catch.
  • During the process, one South Korean policeman was hurt by a weapon wielded by Chinese fishermen, and one Chinese fisherman was shot in his leg, the coast guard said. Beijing's Buildup Stirs Fears
  • Nomura's jellyfish first arrived in Japanese waters in 2005 when fisherman out looking for anchovies, salmon and yellowtail began finding large numbers of the gelatinous creatures in their nets.
  • Fisherman are involved in a price dispute with fish wholesalers.
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • A native of Minnesota, he grew up a hiker and fisherman, and guided canoe trips on the U.S. His Innovations Got Americans Talking About Their History
  • Cheney, who is known as an ardent hunter and fisherman stated, I'm tired of every liberal, socialist, pantywaist Democrat questioning the size of the trout I landed. Bill Allen: Cheney to Undergo Waterboarding
  • A poor fisherman who knows the beauties of the misty mornings is much richer than a wealthy man who sleeps till noon in his palace! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • It is worth noticing also that a distinction was now drawn between the fisherman and the fishmonger — the man who caught the fish and he who sold it — piscator and piscarius; and in the vocabulary itself the leonine line is cited: “Piscator prendit, quod piscarius bene vendit.” Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Now you probably understand just why that old fisherman was willing to sell you his yawl. THE TREASURED ONE
  • Across a two-mile expanse of water, Dorchester Heights, bosoming to the skies with luxuriant verdure, was at that time undisturbed by any habitation of man, save one small, rude building, where dwelt a fisherman and his wife, to whom we shall more particularly refer hereafter. Nix's Mate
  • Then, by chance, he met a local fisherman who helped him to unlock the puzzle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teak, mahogany, white oak, carvel planked, and oakum plugged; stout as a horse.www. OpEdNews - Diary: Dead Fisherman Guy 8
  • He was the most ingenious fisherman, the most resourceful craftsman, and the most competent sailor whom I had ever met.
  • Kino, a poor fisherman, found a very large pearl.
  • Australian sea-side hotel was regularly supplied with young shark -- "gummy" -- by a fisherman, for whose veracity the author can vouch. Terre Napoleón; a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia
  • Depending on weather, sea state and our selected altitude, we can ‘see’ a weekend fisherman in his tinnie, a pod of leaping dolphins or a submarine's periscope, far beyond our binocular-assisted visual range.
  • Ask DeeterNot really sure what a wannabe fly fisherman is ... The Abel-Madoff Dish from the Drake
  • She was discovered two miles offshore, despite dense fog, by a surprised fisherman.
  • Typically the fisherman is a lone black smudge hunched on his bait-box for hours at a time.
  • The 'And please' must be a corruption of 'An it please,' which does make sense, but the rhyme cannot have been invented until later, for it certainly was not within the power of a fisherman to offer 'bohea,' or any other kind of tea, in those days. Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • Granted, gentrification has improved much of the burg, but be that as it may, whether the locals like it or not, Fisherman's wharf is an essential tourist trap. Eric Lurio: Essential Tourist Traps, Part Four: Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco (PHOTOS)
  • With our slippery fingers still entwined, we made our way past a sunburned fisherman unhooking a sand shark — his fourth, judging by the pile in the middle of the pier — from his fishing rod. Myrtle Beach Daze
  • Khalifah the Fisherman, naked and wrapped in the net; and indeed he was horrible to behold, as to and fro he rolled with eyes for very redness like cresset-gleam and dusty hair in dishevelled trim, as he were an Ifrit or a lion grim. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His latest, Ondine (2009, Paramount, 12), finds Jordan returning to more rewardingly lyrical fare with a whimsical tale of a lonely fisherman (Colin Farrell) who catches a "selkie" (half woman, half seal) and finds himself entrapped in a tightening emotional net. Mark Kermode's DVD round-up
  • The sum of money is the equivalent of four or five month's wages for a fisherman in the area.
  • The young fisherman knew nothing of Mephistopheles; but he smiled when the captain stopped to double himself up and slap his leg, and they went along in right goodfellowship. A Message from the Sea
  • And be in 4 days before, this maritime space is in " Sang Mei " below typhonic indulge in wilful persecution, gobbled up hundreds fisherman and nautical life.
  • In a small fishing village in Cuba, Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish.
  • It happened to be an octopus a fisherman had brought Tillman two or three days ago.
  • As it happened a fisherman out of Friendly Cove was just clearing Yuquot Point heading south-west out of Nootka Sound. HIGH STAND
  • The birds had cords tied round their necks, the idea being that any small fish they caught could be swallowed but anything larger would stop and be regorged for the fisherman to collect. Recent Updates
  • Hemingway's novelette tells of the Cuban fisherman Santiago who for 84 luckless days has rowed his skiff into the Gulf Stream in quest of marlin.
  • I even help out our fisherman and do the nitty-gritty work. Olivia
  • Ask any fisherman what his greatest enemies are and high on the list will come midges, flat calms and leaking waders.
  • Diary Entry by Allan Wayne (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Dead Fisherman Guy 8'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Teak, mahogany, white oak, carvel planked, and oakum plugged; stout as a horse.' OpEdNews - Diary: Dead Fisherman Guy 8
  • A fisherman will likely consider the accommodations downright luxurious while a cruiser will find them a little short on privacy.
  • Walls will be crafted in Yorkshire gritstone and there will be wildflower meadows, a bridge, lockkeeper's cottage, fisherman, and even dirty water in the stretch of canal.
  • The Navy has placed warning signs around the area to warn fisherman and commercial ships of the wreck as to avoid any accidents.
  • I wonder if his buddies at the wharf called the lovelorn fisherman “Mr. Baiter” behind his back. GUIDO BEACH: STALKER EDITION
  • Well what id like to interject is this. why is it that only fish taken on a pole is considered sportsfishing .. i grew up as a fisherman working with my dad and we never used hand held lines commercially, just isnt done anymore .. so why is it that handheld "records" cant be counted in with the "sportsfishing" records?? The Suggestion Box is Open
  • This photo shows a thresher shark caught in a fisherman's net in Mexico's Gulf of California.
  • On good days, each fisherman can gather thousands of pounds of salmon; sockeye are the most valuable.
  • Finally, Palin is surrounded by a full cast of characters that couldn't be improved by Central Casting -- kindly but gruff grandpa Chuck, handsome rugged dogsledder/fisherman/Mr. Mom Todd, adorable feisty daughter Piper and good girl gone bad gone good again, daughter Bristol. Bonnie Fuller: Sarah Palin's Alaska Should NOT Be Cancelled -- It's Great TV & Brilliant Marketing!
  • He tells of a Cuban fisherman who is a simpleton.
  • He made friends with an old fisherman.
  • And that evening, when the moon had risen, the young Fisherman climbed up to the top of the mountain, and stood under the branches of the hornbeam.
  • Roy dreams of being a baseball player, or an architect, or a fisherman.
  • Among the most important parts of the mass to bless Benedict XVI will be when he receives his Fisherman's Ring and the pallium, a narrow stole of white wool embroidered with five red silk crosses, pinned with three jewelled gold pins.
  • Peter has become a judge but John remains a fisherman.
  • His face was covered with blood and dirt, for his nose had bled from the fall; an old hat, which his pirate-fisherman had given him in place of a very good one they took, had been torn at the same time, and seemed only half a hat; his great coat was gone, and his coat was French; his waistcoat being the only part of his dress that was the same as he brought from Quebec. The Old Manor House
  • Some way from them, the fisherman cast his line.
  • Annette had now a new incentive to work; the fisherman had once praised her voice when she hummed a barcarole on the sands, and he had insisted that there was power in its rich notes. The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories
  • The fisherman apologized for bothering him and then told the fish about the wish for a cottage.
  • She graduated from the University of Idaho in 1987 with a degree in journalism, and worked briefly as a TV sportscaster in Anchorage and a commercial fisherman before pursuing a career in politics.

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