How To Use First-rate In A Sentence

  • We had a gam one day, on this voyage, with a Yankee whale-ship, and a first-rate gam it was, for, as the Yankee had gammed three days before with another English ship, we got a lot of news second-hand; and, as we had not seen a new face for many months, we felt towards those Yankees like brothers, and swallowed all they had to tell us like men starving for news. Fighting the Whales
  • Simple, rustic meals, focusing more on quality ingredients, such as first-rate olive oil.
  • We may produce much first-rate food, but there are few really good delicatessens.
  • With all the first-rate self-tanning products available, it's easy to fake it if you haven't had the chance to lie out in the sun safely slathered in high-factor sunscreen.
  • He has the makings of a first-rate lawyer.
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  • The questions he raised are of first-rate importance.
  • It also gets a really first-rate, unshowy production from Rapture.
  • The sport was growing here in numbers, but many cutters did not want to travel all the way to Texas to compete in a first-rate futurity.
  • He added his two penn'orth to the discussion, saying that he habitually told his students it was better to read first-rate SF than second-rate science writing.' Archive 2010-01-01
  • Then they all settled down to a first-rate supper of ham, tomatoes, cheese, ripe plums and orangeade. Working Without a Net
  • Now a five star hotel complete with and a first-rate masseur. Carole Mallory: Pan Am Memories of My Adventures to Tokyo and Kyoto
  • Alan was a first-rate kisser, right up there with Jeff Moser, my date to the senior formal and claimer of my virginity. How to Flirt with A Naked Werewolf
  • Although Schneider is a first-rate puck mover, Burke thinks he at least mitigated the damage by acquiring Ken Klee, a steady defenseman, from the Atlanta Thrashers and signing free agent Steve Montador, who played last season for the Florida Panthers. Pacific preview: Sharks hungry for postseason success
  • First-rate writers don't need to create plotty ‘suspense’ in order to achieve their moral climaxes.
  • A second-rate adaptation of the book eclipsed it; a first-rate readaptation, at the right moment, has rescued it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scheme will turn the 36-acre Regents Park site into a first-rate animal conservation and captive breeding centre.
  • Daniel Crossley as the guilt-haunted Paul, Rachel Wooding as a pigeon-toed ding-a-ling and Nina French as a chorine cracking under the strain of her fixed smile also stand out in a first-rate cast.
  • Institute faculty will, of course, play an important role in providing a first-rate, quality program.
  • A first-rate biography might have reminded the art world of his unique eloquence.
  • First-rate higher education institutions place primacy of importance on research and this is increasingly the case here at Waterford.
  • He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.
  • She was a first-rate raconteur who delivered stories with dry, sometimes biting wit.
  • I've seen more first-rate cinema in the past five weeks than I have in the past five years, and now I'm getting into the books as well.
  • she doesn't feel first-rate today
  • A good, substantial meal, perhaps more akin to first-rate home cooking than wildly fancy restaurant food, but none the worse for that.
  • He is a first-rate actor.
  • If you want a bit of class, golf, first-rate diving and hurricane parties, think mid-Atlantic.
  • Word History: We know very little about the origin of the word copacetic, meaning "excellent, first-rate. The WELL: West L.A. Fadeaway
  • This close analysis of commercial patterns and practices not only supports the author's thesis about regional identity, it also offers a first-rate case study of mercantile practice on the frontier.
  • Her dining room was fitted out like a fine restaurant and the galley was run by a first-rate chef. INCA GOLD
  • We drafted out all the worst and weediest of the cattle, besides all the old cows, and when we counted the mob out we had nearly eleven hundred first-rate store cattle; lots of fine young bullocks and heifers, more than half fat — altogether a prime well-bred mob that no squatter or dealer could fault in any way if the price was right. Robbery Under Arms
  • I'm just eating some warm, ungarnished, biscuit pudding; and you're absolutely right, it is first-rate comfort food! The proof is in the biscuit pudding | Homesick Texan
  • 'gentlefolk' in the book are the merest marionettes, but there are descriptive passages of first-rate vigour, and the voice of wisdom is heard from the lips of an early Greek choregus in the figure of an old parson called Mr. Wyvern. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • Everyone, right and left wing, agrees he is a first-rate expositor.
  • A first-rate biography might have reminded the art world of his unique eloquence.
  • It was computed by an experienced arithmetician, that there was as much twopenny ale consumed on the discussion as would have floated a first-rate man-of-war. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Lots of children are not academic but would make first-rate plumbers or electricians.
  • Jamie Lloyd's first-rate production intersplices the martial and the romantic to disturbing effect from the beginning: light filters prettily through Christopher Oram's lovely louvred-door design on to the couple tussling amorously in bed. Hamlet; Passion; Beautiful Burnout; Wanderlust
  • Beef and chicken souvlaki are first-rate kebabs, with appealingly scorched edges and juicy interiors.
  • The cheeses are splendid and there is a first-rate patissier on the team.
  • Thanks to these alpha parents' first-rate genes and nonstop cocktail parties, their scions were both very good-looking and highly adept at small talk.
  • For years the plant has constantly been treated against oidium with antiseptics, which destroy the spores and germ-growths; and we can hardly expect a first-rate yield from a chronically-diseased stock. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • “The moll is a beauty; she is well informed, and stands by her mates, and a first-rate hand. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • The Babysitters Club would have been a first-rate film had they simply scuttled the stupid story points and let the characters interact and speak to each other.
  • And she would be within her rights if she did, for certainly what she called her itinerary had promised her a first-rate hotel, in which she was to continue till a finished and comfortable house was stepped into. Christopher and Columbus
  • In the YouTube video of that performance, you see a pretty, kittenish, frumpily dressed brunette, an alumna of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, a first-rate Manhattan private school, who was at that time enrolled in New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She sings with style and conviction but betrays few hints of the pop superstar she was soon to become-after "the transformation," as Gorka referred to it. The New Yorker
  • Why three of us are hardly able for the work, and how can I make head against this plague with only the poor sav -- with only Jacky, that is first-rate at light work till he gets to find it dull -- but can't lift It Is Never Too Late to Mend
  • The well-known writer is open-minded enough to admit that not all his novels are first-rate.
  • We're losing a first-rate editor in Kathy.
  • And indeed, why should he have thought this difficult? seeing the herb ethiopis opens all locks whatsoever, and an echinus or remora, a silly weakly fish, in spite of all the winds that blow from the thirty-two points of the compass, will in the midst of a hurricane make you the biggest first-rate remain stock still, as if she were becalmed or the blustering tribe had blown their last. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Seems like you're the one turned him into a media dandy, a first-rate sound-bite slinger. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • She has great reserves of iron ore, although mostly not of first-rate quality.
  • Abbas, the late Pasha, did his best to buy first-rate Arab stallions: on one occasion he sent a mission to Al-Madinah for the sole purpose of fetching a rare work on farriery. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • We drafted out all the worst and weediest of the cattle, besides all the old cows, and when we counted the mob out we had nearly eleven hundred first-rate store cattle; lots of fine young bullocks and heifers, more than half fat -- altogether a prime well-bred mob that no squatter or dealer could fault in any way if the price was right. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.
  • First-rate duos are a rarity of sorts in today's indie scene.
  • He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.
  • he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
  • Nora was a woman to laugh and chat with; Nora was kind and gracious, and gentle too; Nora was amiable as well as witty; charming in manner, piquant in expression, inimitable at an anecdote, with never-failing resources, a first-rate lady-conversationist, if I may use so formidable a word -- in fact, a thoroughly fascinating woman; but Marion! The Lady of the Ice A Novel
  • Although disabled by polio during the Second World War, Proctor was also a first-rate helmsman.
  • Where there was a wealthy patron the chances of a first-rate building were obviously greater.
  • “But, if my devotion, as you are pleased to call my summerset, saved you, did it not save me too, for here we are, all three of us, in first-rate health? Five Weeks in a Balloon
  • He added his two penn'orth to the discussion, saying that he habitually told his students it was better to read first-rate SF than second-rate science writing.' Archive 2010-01-01
  • If Scotland is to live up to its reputation as a first-rate nation, voters - and newspapers - have every right to demand unimpeachable standards from the First Minister.
  • Miller is a first-rate intellectual but an unreliably quirky, quixotically overcerebral, hit-or-miss director.
  • 'steels' in my father's little workshop, and harden them and produce such first-rate, neat little articles in that line, that I became quite famous amongst my school companions; and many a task have I had excused me by bribing the monitor, whose grim sense of duty never could withstand the glimpse of a steel. Industrial Biography, Iron Workers and Tool Makers
  • 'I'll pick up something at the market, we can have a third-rate picnic to pay you back for the first-rate dinner last night. FOLLY
  • Twenty first-rate musicians and singers perform on this album, adding colour, texture and contrast to the songs of the little Yorkshire lass.
  • A first-rate man will have seventy, and, if called upon to show what he is made of, will shear a heavy-woolled wether in six minutes. Lippincott's Magazine, October 1885
  • A few of the highlights included a gorgeously nuanced 2009 Terre Alte, a Fruiliano-Bianco-Sauvignon blend from Livio Felluga that put me in mind of a first-rate Chablis and admittedly it was comparably priced, around $70 a bottle. The World's Best Food Wines
  • Try the first-rate mojitos, served with a sugar-cane stirrer, or a potent sangria, amped up with top-shelf liquors.
  • Why am I independent and able to give my daughter a first-rate education, when other women that had just as good opportunities are in the gutter?
  • He claimed that outstanding scientific collections were basic to first-rate scientific work.
  • He introduced himself to the owner as a first-rate painter and engrainer, and offered to turn this door into a mahogany, walnut, oak or what-not door. It Is Never Too Late to Mend
  • We'd prefer something with a little more class, a touch of sentiment and romance perhaps, and first-rate production values.
  • His mathematical work, though not large in quantity, was first-rate in quality.
  • Can such a third-rate human being write a first-rate novel?
  • My fellow students and I had some first-rate teachers and two excellent and highly-respected heads.
  • A dancer of exquisite instincts and a first-rate actress, she fills the astonishing fluidity of her movements with richly communicated personality.
  • The collaborators are first-rate, but the performers are mostly amateurs - autotune may have been deployed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality is first-rate and orders are processed quickly.
  • This handsome son of the Derby winner Shirley Heights looked a first-rate prospect when cantering home at Haydock.
  • He's a first-rate surgeon.
  • Those who decry the Freudian technique as far as our interior mental landscapes go would do well to remember that, whatever his flaws as a scientist, he was a first-rate essayist.
  • Minus points aside, the cabin ergonomics are first-rate and it's easy to achieve a comfortable driving position.
  • Schreier sets a brisk but effective tempo here and the horn and bassoons with continuo are first-rate.
  • He was also a first-rate administrator and complemented his more boisterous chief who disliked desk work. COVER STORY
  • He's not obliged to like her ” some people don't, as he points out ” but it is only fair to let your readers know that she has a thoroughly first-rate mind (not just "jaggedly sharp") and a phenomenal (not merely "retentive") memory. Life with Picasso
  • This handsome son of the Derby winner Shirley Heights looked a first-rate prospect when cantering home at Haydock.
  • His foible was his admiration for the poets, and his belief that he could write poetry and was a first-rate critic. The Pirate of the Mediterranean A Tale of the Sea
  • It's time to distinguish costs from investments, and recognize that there is great value in having the safest, speediest and most complete rail line we can afford - and Metro's books show we can afford a first-rate rail connection to the airport. Mark Ridley-Thomas: Metro Can Afford to Build the Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Corridor Right
  • A man may be a first-rate soldier, doctor, banker -- as we call the usurer now-a-days -- or brewer, orator, anything that leads up to a figure-head, and prove a foolish fellow if you sound him. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Burger king client Food and beverages industry united states country / region Fast food gets rapid results with customised Xbox games Burger King wanted to test "advergaming" as a marketing medium, but was By using such a high-quality game, products, but had to deliver a first-rate gaming experience. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • One of a first-rate series of wines from Burgundy, all sold under the Blason de Bourgogne label, this Mconnais white outperforms its appellation.
  • In the early nineteenth-century the area was described as a ‘first-rate covert for game and a favourable resort of sportsmen.’
  • But those game-breakers complement a first-rate defense in Tampa, a rapidly developing one in Atlanta, and some ballhawks in New Orleans.
  • It included two first-rate composers and several excellent performers.
  • Nothing can replace the feeling of taking out crisp $100 bills from a first-rate designer wallet.
  • A man may be a first-rate soldier, doctor, banker -- as we call the usurer now-a Lord Ormont and His Aminta — Volume 4
  • It is certain, more words would have been uttered in this little lugger in one hour, had her crew been indulged to the top of their bent, than would have been uttered in an English first-rate in two; but the danger of using their own language, and the English peculiarity of grumness, had been so thoroughly taught them, that her people rather caricatured, than otherwise, _ce grand talent pour le silence_ that was thought to distinguish their enemies. The Wing-and-Wing Le Feu-Follet
  • Nevertheless, Thomas continued obstinate; and, at length declared, that if the dog was not shot immediately, he himself would be his executioner — This declaration opened the flood-gates of Tabby’s eloquence, which would have shamed the first-rate oratress of Billingsgate. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • So I used to forge old files into 'steels' in my father's little workshop, and harden them and produce such first-rate, neat little articles in that line, that I became quite famous amongst my school companions; and many a task have I had excused me by bribing the monitor, whose grim sense of duty never could withstand the glimpse of a steel. Industrial Biography
  • The texture quality is first-rate, creating highly detailed objects, environments and vehicles.
  • Nobody designs online features better, and its article on how emoji conquered the world is a first-rate example.
  • As usual, Jack has done a first-rate job of muckraking, but there is no way to disguise that boxing is planned savagery.
  • You probably know there's a lot of first-rate tourmaline in Maine. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Construction throughout reflects first-rate craftsmanship and excellent attention to detail.
  • The film is a delightful romantic and comedic concoction with a first-rate cast and excellent production values.
  • If they go blitz-wacky against first-rate teams in the playoffs, woe may betide.
  • I calls my cove -- for he is my cove -- a snarler; because your first-rates at matthew mattocks are called snarlers, and for no other reason; for the chap, though with a high front, is a good chap, and once drank a glass of ale with me, after buying an animal out of my stable. The Romany Rye a sequel to "Lavengro"
  • They're pretty enough to look at when you're feelin 'first-rate, but when you git the neuralgy they sort of turns yo' stomach. The Voice of the People
  • You're asked how spicy you'd like your first-rate, made-to-order guacamole, and that's how it comes.
  • Via drop shipment, you can sell first-rate merchandise on your site and make a healthy profit, but without actually having to stock and ship product.
  • Try the first-rate mojitos, served with a sugar-cane stirrer, or a potent sangria, amped up with top-shelf liquors.
  • I don't know his theology and it sounds as if it might be kind of screwy, but one way or the other, he's a scholar and and a gentleman, a science fiction writer and a first-rate Christian apologist. D. G. D., where are you?
  • She is a consummate singer and incomparable actress, but also a first-rate comic and a comely presence.
  • Warrigal used to get the lowan eggs -- beautiful pink thin-shelled ones they are, first-rate to eat, and one of 'em a man's breakfast. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • One sensed the anger and frustration of a first-rate mind that had never quite made it with the musicological establishment.
  • The area desperately needs a first-rate transportation system to replace the subways and rapid transit trains that once fed thousands of people a day into the World Trade Center.
  • Your letterhead, stationary, business cards and Web site must be first-rate.
  • It was cast out of first-rate silver, based on a clay model of the dear departed thing which I made from memory. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Abundant tonnage of ships under his control, enormous first-raters down to the lowliest cutter. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Of course brass is easy to machine, but the tooling is first-rate.
  • a first-rate golfer
  • they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members
  • Crystal has had steady, stable personal relationships, family support, the benefits of first-rate community programs, and educational opportunities.
  • You probably know there's a lot of first-rate tourmaline in Maine. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • Few will recognize first-rate music, because fourth-rate music is all most people know.
  • The moll is a beauty; she is well informed, and stands by her mates, and a first-rate hand. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • For by this proportion it will never fail, but a hundred shall be found excelling in mental vigour, that is, on the hypothesis that, out of fifty that seek and obtain office, one will always be found not less than first-rate, besides others that imitate the virtues of the first-rate, and are therefore worthy to rule. A Political Treatise
  • He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.
  • And John Bold was a man to be loved by a woman; he was himself affectionate; he was confiding and manly; and that arrogance of thought, unsustained by first-rate abilities, that attempt at being better than his neighbours which jarred so painfully on the feelings of his acquaintance did not injure him in the estimation of his wife. Barchester Towers
  • Stop by for a drink before dinner and even come back afterwards to enjoy first-rate music and fine company.
  • Query: doesn't it make sense to maintain a first-rate desert training center?
  • In this role, Ms. Davis reveals herself to be a first-rate farceuse. Head Case
  • But the writing and the direction are excellent, absolutely first-rate, and I cannot resist it.
  • The well-known writer is open-minded enough to admit that not all his novels are first-rate.
  • The food here is absolutely first-rate.
  • Warrigal used to get the lowan eggs — beautiful pink thin-shelled ones they are, first-rate to eat, and one of ’em a man’s breakfast. Robbery Under Arms
  • After customer satisfaction, be sure to leave a first-rate impression about the quality of your company.
  • His mathematical work, though not large in quantity, was first-rate in quality.
  • Visitors to an inn in the Langdale valley are being treated to some first-rate clarinet music by an accomplished European musician this summer.
  • The presentation quality of the book is first-rate and technical errors are generally minor.
  • The cheeses are splendid and there is a first-rate patissier on the team.
  • And as a first-rate contrapuntist, she felt entirely at home in the medium of the quartet.
  • As a senior club, this was their second team, yet their hunger and quality was first-rate.
  • This is nearly a fantastic evening, characterised by the kind of simple miracles of stagecraft that make Graham a first-rate director.
  • The image quality on this disc from Warner Brothers is first-rate.
  • People who used his service knew they were dealing with a first-rate professional.

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