How To Use First step In A Sentence

  • But their brief respite in the conditioned air of the shuttle made that first step outside a gasper. Cattle Town
  • ‘She's the first step to selling out the sport,’ one critic carped in an online discussion group.
  • The first step was to mask off an area around the metal cut-out, making sure that the spacing was even all the way around.
  • And someone of considerable power and prestige like himtaking a career-ruiningride on the "anti-lobby" haywagon is the FIRST STEP in getting our government back .... Obama's First Big Mistake on the Job: Rescuing Sen. Joe Lieberman
  • After this first step is taken, further refinement of specific goals comes more easily. Christianity Today
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  • When Sampras was taking his first steps to greatness, he had a small gang of hopefuls dogging his footsteps.
  • Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.
  • You have made the first step on the pathless path. Deepak Chopra: Walking the Pathless Path: Do We Need to Travel to Have a Spiritual Journey?
  • The first step in processing the typesetting tape was to find the mapping between the typesetting codes and the special characters.
  • As a first step toward dealing with he problem, management decides to compute the annual cost to the company of this 30 percent turnover. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Therefore a ring opening step will be the first step catalyzed by isomerases for any pentose or hexose substrate. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • The first step, that of the manufacture of phenyl arsinic acid, was carried out at Ludwigshafen in one of the existing azo dye sheds without any alteration of plant, just as a new azo dye might have been produced in the same shed. The riddle of the Rhine, chemical strategy in peace and war ...
  • The first step in scientific map-making, all earlier attempts were more enthusiastic than accurate.
  • The first step of this method is to find the critical point by drawing the scatter plot of hydrocarbon content versus the ratio of light hydrocarbon content to heavy hydrocarbon content.
  • Murdock is taking on an expanded role of football development manager, while Wood takes his first step on the coaching ladder and will be assisted by Paul Penrice and Martin Oglanby.
  • Our first step was to take a player's performance and measure the variance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
  • What is the first step to recovery in other addictions?
  • This analysis is a first step in reconstructing the details of possible evolutionary relationships among primitive cladid crinoids.
  • My first step will be to remove the insect killer tubelight setup on each floor, and issue a blanket ban on all insect repellants.
  • Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
  • A place that must have been the first step out of the working classes into the fear and loathing of the lower middle. Times, Sunday Times
  • THINK - SWIPE - hee-hee, hee-haw ... this would be a big first step in my journey around the neighborhood. Velleite - French Word-A-Day
  • The first step has to be the main parties working together to present a united front against racism, xenophobia and the politics of disunity.
  • Accordingly I directed my researches to the first steps on the ladder, the branch and workshop.
  • The first step is as good as half over. 
  • Integration between business processes within the enterprise is the first step.
  • The first step is to make a formal complaint to the police. The Sun
  • Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
  • The first step to mile high web access and email is airlines introducing the third generation of in-flight entertainment systems.
  • Yet the first step toward creative collaboration is building a relationship. Christianity Today
  • The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
  • Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.
  • Whatever may be the natural character of the soil, unless always well drained by a porous subsoil, the first step toward establishing a good lawn is to secure perfect underdrainage. Village Improvements and Farm Villages
  • As a first step, Labor will commission a new and independent assessment of non-proliferation and disarmament strategies.
  • A trust has now been able to acquire it and take the first steps towards long-term restoration.
  • To open oneself up to that introspection is almost the first step to a true religiosity, where you can be honest with yourself and humble in the way I think you have to be in order to be truly religious. A Conversation with Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson
  • Al was a battler and a brawler and a scrapper from the day he first stepped in as a Green Kroboth, Alan J.
  • Too often, seemingly small and innocuous investments are the first step in a chain of economically dependent investments. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The first step is to seek an objective opinion. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • The co-op will continue to sell carbonated and flavored bottled water in plastic containers, but Hoy noted "change comes slowly for people and taking away the nonflavored and noncarbonated water is a first step to bringing awareness of how wasteful it is. Latest Headlines
  • Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey.
  • Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 
  • The first step was to level the area where the gazebo would be located and set the support columns in concrete.
  • Last night, in a fit of pique, just to show me up for a liar, she took her first steps with the cane.
  • The first step included putting down a small "stripe" on the specimen as a basecoat before writing, using Paraloid B-72 a general-purpose thermoplastic acrylic resin, which is allowed to dry fully. Archive 2009-04-01
  • A first step is for bishops to recommit themselves, in the spirit of penance and reconciliation, to the annual independent reviews.
  • Guests at the launch were told that the return of elephants to South Africa's eastern shores would be the first step towards reinstating an ancient migration route for a sub-group of Maputaland pachyderms.
  • The first step is to take the salt shaker off the table. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • I took my first step into the store and cringed at the music that they were playing.
  • The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. Nathaniel Branden 
  • The first step is to take responsibility for your computer just like you take responsibility for your own health.
  • So, first step, I think, everyone agrees, we've got to get this place denuclearized.
  • Confession is the first step to repentance. 
  • With my first step, I sank up to my waist and got a good whiff of the gym-bag-from-hell odor that any marsh emits in summertime when disturbed. A Sportman's Life: A Sinking Feeling
  • Being informed about health matters and adopting a common-sense approach to minor aches and pains is the first step. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • The first step in the strengthening process happens when the other candidates drop out.
  • The first step to creating a keepable resolution is getting completely honest about your commitment level.
  • My first step was to cut the print into six pieces so each image could be framed individually.
  • Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey.
  • I asked him why he had performed a microchemistry test, given that it is not an accepted method for detecting acrylic; he said that the test "was just one first step. GoodShit
  • Last step: take half the left-hand digit of the multiplicand and reduce by 2. 4 First step: subtract from 10, and add 5 if the number is odd.
  • Being clear on your intentions is a good first step. The Three Most Powerful Practical Spiritual Principles I’ve Learned from Millionaires That Can Totally Change Your Life!
  • The first step toward triaging decisions should be for company managers to imagine themselves in the place of the company's various stakeholders - beginning with employees.
  • Therefore the first step in war will be to get rid of hostile aircraft. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • If Indonesia wants to have an internationally competitive workforce, a major overhaul of its educational system is only the first step in a long process that lies ahead.
  • The first step must be to restore coherence and confidence to the central direction of economic policy.
  • Life quickly became a routine of pain killers and bedpans, but there were small achievements worth celebrating: getting out of bed and standing for the first time, taking that first step, and walking again.
  • Cleanliness represented the first step to success and became synonymous with efficiency.
  • From this gross _Diallælos_ (as the logicians call it), or see-saw, we are now liberated; for the first step, as we are now aware, is false: the value of commodities is _not_ determined by wages; since wages express the value of labor; and it has been demonstrated that not the _value_ but the _quantity_ of labor determines the value of its products. Memorials and Other Papers — Volume 2
  • It is also the first step in what they call pressing the reset button. CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2009
  • Four years ago, when I first stepped foot on the woodsy acres of Phantom Lake YMCA camp, I had no idea that it would soon become what I consider to be my home.
  • Instead of just daydreaming about changes, you take the first step towards making them real. The Sun
  • The first step would be to make the undocumented workers already here legal.
  • The first step for the FTC is to improve the integrity of its current system for taking user complaints. Users worry about online data collection
  • In the case of a male prostitute, says Benedict, using a condom to reduce the risk of HIV infection "can be a first step in the direction of moralisation, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants". Pope Benedict says that condoms can be used to stop the spread of HIV
  • The first step on the road to heaven for each of us is to realize our true spiritual state in the sight of God.
  • One and a half cords of wood burned down to a twenty-four foot path of coals glowing at a brisk 1,000 degrees when Willey first stepped on it.
  • Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 
  • The signature of a declaration on relations between the two countries was seen as the first step towards a future inter-state treaty.
  • This unexpected situation will not facilitate the first steps of the single currency.
  • The US admitting that they erred is a good first step but it's not really enough now, is it? 05/28/2005
  • So the first step must be to make the existing broadband network truly available to all. Times, Sunday Times
  • A household savings rate of minus 11 percent is not good news for New Zealand - it is very bad news - and the Government could be taking a first step by backing our amendment.
  • Doesn't Clement get things given him?" said I. "Oh, he has plenty of plants," said Eleanor, "but then he's always making great plans about his garden; and the first step toward his improvements is always to clear out all the old things, and make what he calls 'a clean sweep of the rubbish. ' Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Linking businesses to the big consumer networks, with their millions of worldwide subscribers, was the first step.
  • The first step is as good as half over. 
  • Their first step was a major cosmetic overhaul, updating the house with simplicity and consistency in mind: sanding down textured walls and ceilings, painting, refinishing wood floors, replacing chandeliers, and retiling counters.
  • Being able to stand up and say that domestic abuse is unacceptable is the first step in changing my behaviour.
  • It said the hotline was the first step in its anti-fraud campaign.
  • A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
  • When one day, a Persian conqueror -- Cyrus -- entered the precincts of E-Sagila, his first step was to acknowledge Marduk and Nabu as the supreme powers in the world; and the successors of Alexander continue to glory in the title 'adorner of The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • It's easy to just daydream about the life you want but today you can take the first step towards it by getting all the facts. The Sun
  • Jim challenged me to take the first step, to propose a new economics of sustainability - specifically, to outline a theory that wasn't just a rehash of the old economics.
  • Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing.
  • She felt about as poised as a baby elephant taking his first steps, she thought miserably.
  • Instead of just daydreaming about changes, you take the first step towards making them real. The Sun
  • A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
  • The first step is to collect solid data that define which students have difficulty completing school assignments.
  • They have their first steps outlined for them. Christianity Today
  • In the first step, large contaminants were removed by filtration through filter paper.
  • Their first step was to obtain resin from the pine trees which at that time grew in dense forests throughout Europe.
  • Although a hierarchic list is artificial and rigid, it is a first step in clarifying areas for future research.
  • Only then will China stop misallocating capital, the first step in creating the kind of balanced growth it says it wants.
  • She began to cross the pool walking bipedally, but after her first steps the water quickly became waist deep and she returned to the pool edge. 2009 January | Netflow Developments
  • A first step to improvement for work-inhibited children occurs when they begin to seek assistance.
  • The first step is usually the application of a bond coat - simply applying the undiluted polymer bonding agent liberally to the surface of the existing material.
  • Then summary raise language sense classroom instruction step:First step:Conformity feeling, Triggering language sense.
  • As unpopular as the statistic became, we have always viewed estimates of purchasing power parity (PPP) useful as a first step in gauging a currency's risk. 2005 Investment Outlook
  • Sometimes, the key to making progress is to recognize how to take that very first step. Then you start your journey.
  • WEST: What we're saying is that we've done the first step toward what we call therapeutic cloning. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2001
  • The first step is in assembling the figures which simply involves gluing the arms together.
  • A first step must be to restrict any military hardware sales to defensive weapons.
  • But when I walk out from the shore, tiny purple crabs run for cover at my first step.
  • With Hadrian we see the first steps toward a system of frontier garrison troops, permanently stationed, along with a field army that gets moved from one hot spot to another.
  • As a first step, Wi-Fi connectivity is being offered in 16 seats where four sets of seats will face each other.
  • The first step is the only difficulty. 
  • There, the first step was to abolish the agency, with the expectation that competitive markets would then develop.
  • As a first step toward dealing with he problem, management decides to compute the annual cost to the company of this 30 percent turnover. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • An article printed on Friday's opinion page in a local newspaper, had also strongly questioned if running is an appropriate first step.
  • He slipped his running shoes on, and found with his first steps that he had to crimp his toes to keep the laceless shoes from falling off. STONE CITY
  • But the important first step was to examine it critically and determine its truth.
  • The first step in changing a car tire is to loosen the wheel.
  • As a first step pensions and child benefit were to be raised and long-term supplementary benefit extended to the long-term unemployed.
  • However, the company has begun to affix the markers on a test basis in Japan as the first step in a global roll out, according to a Japanese news report. Honda Looking at Use of Windshield 'Markers'
  • I want to work in make-up prosthetics on sci-fi and horror films so this is the first step towards getting my dream job. The Sun
  • The first step is to fill a butter churn with cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first step in resolving these uncertainties is a national foreclosure moratorium, one that will allow us to gather all of the facts. Ray Brescia: Truth and Consequences: Loans, Lies and Notary Stamps
  • Those were my first steps towards the art of dance. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • But we WILL support the Macs, and the MP3 rollout is our first step towards being able to actually do that. Boing Boing
  • And this is the first step towards conquering your illness. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • The legislation aims to reconstitute the existing government postal department as a profit-making corporation - the first step towards the complete privatisation of the postal service.
  • There, the first step was to abolish the agency, with the expectation that competitive markets would then develop.
  • Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation. Oscar Wilde 
  • Your first step onto the revolving disc that holds the tables can be a bit disconcerting and it's easy to get lost as your seat sidles away while you're loading up your plate.
  • The first step in management of a possible drug fever is to ensure that there is no superinfection or worsening of tuberculosis.
  • The first step in detonating a thermonuclear weapon is to ignite the high explosive that causes a shock wave to travel inward and compress the nuclear material the explosive surrounds, known as the pit.
  • According to Libby, the decision to colocate LX, Barclays 'dark liquidity crossing network in a centralized liquidity center like Savvis NJ2 is the first step in a larger collocation strategy. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • Some people might be too proud to look forward to the friendship of a flagellator, but in those days we could not pick and choose our chums; Barton might not be clubable, but he might be useful, and the social ladder requires a first step. The Book of the Bush Containing Many Truthful Sketches Of The Early Colonial Life Of Squatters, Whalers, Convicts, Diggers, And Others Who Left Their Native Land And Never Returned
  • But are these complex and not always accessible schemes a wise first step? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the first step, a parser evaluates the search query and creates a data structure based on the words and the attributes in the search query and the scope of an index, if the search space includes an index.
  • The proposals achieve our basic objectives and it is a major first step forward.
  • Samir failed to progress beyond this first step on the ladder.
  • When I finally reached the first step, I threw the coconut down hard.
  • Your first step is to choose a cabinet style that you like, and then you can consult with the manufacturer's catalog for a complete listing of sizes.
  • The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.
  • Because hydrogen can penetrate and embrittle some metals and alloys, developing standards for using existing pipelines, storage tanks, pumps and delivery systems is an essential first step before the elemental gas can be considered as a viable fuel for widespread use. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The committee unanimously voted to adopt the report and take the first steps towards implementing some of the suggestions.
  • The bare beauty of the channelled whelk tells me that one answer, and perhaps a first step, is in simplification of life, in cutting out some of the distractions. Monday Musing
  • Wednesday's election was the first step in a multitiered process that will eventually produce a village committee, which will work with local party secretary Lin Zuluan, the village's former protest leader who was appointed to the position in January. Chinese Village Vote Tests Waters on Reform
  • Assuring the patient that she has a real and not imaginary problem is the first step.
  • In a first step, we searched through various substances able to electrically insulate the electrodes.
  • Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger.
  • Helping them restore physiological functions is the first step in the treatment process.
  • Assuring the patient that she has a real and not imaginary problem is the first step.
  • The habitat gap analysis is one of the most important keys in assessing the irreplaceability of specific biomes and provides the first step.
  • This first step in the enserfment of the American people was taken in envy. How Freedom Was Lost
  • Feminist critic Elaine Showalter has gone so far as to claim hysteria as a root or first step of feminism--a kind of protolanguage of revolt communicating through the body messages that can't be verbalized, especially in a period of time when women or that matter men had no framework for signifying their often largely psycho-sexual repressions. G. Roger Denson: "Old," "Crazy" and "Hysterical." Is That All There Is?
  • In particular, the team identified that the first step of the FTDS-catalyzed reaction involves the transfer of a proton and two electrons, known as a hydride, from a flavin co-factor molecule to dUMP whereas the first step of the TS-catalyzed reaction involves an amino acid from the enzyme's active site forming a bond with dUMP. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • These initiatives are the first steps in that process. Times, Sunday Times
  • His appointment as group chief executive of the high street chemist and pharmaceuticals wholesaler was seen as the first step in his rehabilitation after the banking crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • A midline incision is used, and the first step is to remove blood and clots and control active bleeding from liver lacerations by packing.
  • Al was a battler and a brawler and a scrapper from the day he first stepped in as a Kroboth, Alan J.
  • He proposed that the first step towards liquidating the short-term debt should be through a limited issue of paper money by a National Bank.
  • The North Face Arctic Pull-On Boot is your first step toward warm feet when you're outside this winter.
  • Perhaps it's no accident that this morning it announced a "caffeinated" version of its search engine, offering "the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions". The Guardian World News
  • Critical assessment of long held beliefs is the first step to new interpretation of historical events and other so called scientific truths.
  • The first step in this direction will be by way of discussion with the unions.
  • Therefore, understanding how your brain became so vigilant and wary, and so easily hijacked by alarm, is the first step toward gaining more control over that ancient circuitry. Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias
  • Finding and eliminating breeding places is an important first step in control.
  • The combine reports are the first step in the evaluation process, not the ultimate analysis.
  • Standing alone usually happens around your child's first birthday, with his first steps following soon after as he begins to cruise around the room, holding onto the furniture for support.
  • And this is the first step towards conquering your illness. M.E. and You - a self-help plan
  • There, the first step was to abolish the agency, with the expectation that competitive markets would then develop.
  • These negotiations are the first step toward reaching an agreement.
  • Best known as a long-haul stopover en route to destinations like Bali and Australia, it is an easy first step into Asia.
  • If this Democratic president stops that Democratic congressman from knee-capping school reform to protect unionized teachers from the world the rest of us live in, you can mark down August 2010 as a first step back from the crack-up. The Liberal Dilemma
  • The first step was to level the area where the gazebo would be located and set the support columns in concrete.
  • Many workers feel the change would be a first step in eroding France's social benefits – which include long vacations, contracts that make it hard for employers to lay off workers and a state-subsidized health care system – in favor of "American-style capitalism. France Riots Disrupt Airport Travel In Paris & Beyond
  • It felt like the first step on a slippery slope to mounting debt.
  • This, no doubt, was the first step that would change her from a carjacker to a social worker. Colin Darke: If Artists Are Saving Us, We're F@#ked
  • Take the first steps to feel fit and fabulous this summer. The Sun
  • While signs, letterheads and even the school website may still say Oakwood, the change in uniform - compulsory for new students and optional for year eight and nine pupils - is one of the first steps towards the transition.
  • The event has long been cast by opponents of President Hamid Karzai as the first step in his attempts to increase his power and perhaps extend his term beyond 2014. News
  • The first step is identifying key risks, which tend to be low probability but very high impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice. 
  • But the researchers involved are quite hopeful that the simple netting technique will be a first step toward increasing the overall numbers of the greater adjutant stork.
  • Generally, the first step in treatment is to make patients believe that diabetes is a disease that can be effectively controlled. Diabetes 'revolution' is cutting both ways
  • This is the first step back to financial health. Say Goodbye to Debt
  • Meanwhile, the first steps towards reshaping the rules governing the co-op are being taken.
  • The book is the first step to radically improving the quality of your life at work.
  • The meeting is seen as the first step towards greater unity between the parties.
  • The first step along this path was taken in 1664 when Isaac Newton used a prism to split sunlight into its constituent colors, the familiar rainbow.
  • The first step is to estimate an occupancy rate or the number of nights a year you can reasonably expect guests to stay in your establishment.
  • The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice. 
  • Clearing up and putting away non-essential personal items is the first step to moving out and moving on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first step along this path was taken in 1664 when Isaac Newton used a prism to split sunlight into its constituent colors, the familiar rainbow.
  • The first step is as good as half over. 
  • And to actually go to what we call a realm, because the queen is head of state of New Zealand and to undertake engagements on behalf of her is the first step in his grooming for kingship. CNN Transcript Jun 21, 2005
  • The first steps of the master draughtsman. Times, Sunday Times

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