
first principles

  1. the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural)
    he mastered only the rudiments of geometry

How To Use first principles In A Sentence

  • And the refutation of these has been such as alone it could be: that is to say, by signs and the evidence of causes, since no other kind of confutation was open to me, differing as I do from the others both on first principles and on rules of demonstration. The New Organon
  • We seem to have forgotten why we're fighting this campaign - we really need to return to first principles.
  • We seem to have forgotten why we're fighting this campaign - we really need to return to first principles.
  • John Stuart Mill wrote in 1861 that it was "required by first principles that the receipt of parish relief [welfare] should be a peremptory disqualification for the franchise.
  • I suspect that the universe is deterministic and based upon a set of first principles that are probably not comprehensible to any sort of being that is bound to causality.
  • Hamilton's use of the word inconceivable, and finds that it is applied in three senses, in one of which all that is inexplicable, including the first principles, is held to be inconceivable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • He had his doubts about Leibniz and Spinoza, because their systems rested upon questionable and indemonstrable first principles. August Wilhelm Rehberg
  • The rays proceeding from atoms of small mass having less material momentum, are the most refrangible, and those possessing greater material momentum, are the least refrangible; so that instead of presenting a difficulty in the undulatory theory of light, this dispersion is a necessary consequence of its first principles. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • The tea partiers 'tricornered hat is supposed to be a symbol of patriotism and constitutional first principles. Black Helicopters Over Nashville
  • The requirements made in international legal instruments, such as the ones cited above, are good first principles with which to start.
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