
How To Use First person In A Sentence

  • The ninth-place finisher in other words, the first person to lose Saturday nets a cool $1.25 million. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • I love contemplative first person narratives, in which nothing happens and yet everything of significance is profoundly altered. Molly Fox’s Birthday « Tales from the Reading Room
  • She is at her most urgent and evocative when she assumes the first person; otherwise the work's essayistic quality obtrudes upon the immediacy and music of the poetry.
  • He looked around, his own arms hanging at his sides, but ready to clock the first person who laid a hand on him.
  • They used, in Latin, the term persona, which means ˜role™ but which was also used by the grammarians to distinguish what we call ˜first person, second person and third person™ pronouns and verb-forms. Religion and Morality
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  • The plot is transparently thin; our hero, named F.W. and writing in the first person throughout, delivers what he calls a travelogue through time to the Eleventh Cosmic Capital Year of Virgo, an unspecified time 100,000 years or so in the future. Star of the Unborn (1946)
  • During the expedition, Voss conducted spacewalks in both U.S. and Russian space suits, and he was the first person to operate the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System.
  • The first person known to have solved cubic equations algebraically was del Ferro but he told nobody of his achievement.
  • Once they have worked out an essay, they have ideas that cannot be blown away by the first person who comes along with a firm opinion. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Thespis, of Athens (6th BC) was the first person to speak lines as an individual actor on stage, thus the term “Thespian” to refer to a theatrical performer was born.
  • Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play.
  • The millionaire adventurer was the first person to circle the globe solo in a hot-air balloon.
  • While the first person is gone, a second person will move the object to different location. Smithsonian Mag
  • Creator Kevin Colden may be the first person to win a Xeric grant — and turn it down, in favor of distributing Fishtown for free on the internet, specifically the LiveJournal comics community Act I Vate. Breakout Cartoonists: Kevin Colden »
  • Sharing her first person hooping experience at SouthernLiving. com, Erin told readers, I visited Sunny Becks at her studio Hooprama, where I learned that yes, hooping is most definitely a workout. | Blog | Erin Shaw Street: My First Person Hooping Experience
  • Her husband was the first person of the day not to offer up a single superlative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients with aggressive skin cancer have been protected from relapses after receiving the first personalised antitumour vaccines. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unmarked young hog born in the woods, however, could be claimed by the first person to find it.
  • He was the first person to ask about the intentions of Jesus, and one of the first to raise serious questions about the relationship of John's gospel to the synoptics.
  • Meanwhile, Gary or Craig, or whatever his name was from Steps, possibly became the first person to be throw by a gymnasium horse.
  • A daredevil great-grandmother was the first person to test a 100 mph white-knuckle ride yesterday - and enjoyed it so much she went on again.
  • Stetson, her latest novel, is told from the first person voice of its eponymous character.
  • She says that despite their political differences, Johnson's the first person to turn to over any knotty policy question.
  • He was the first person to use the encounter group and his particular form is known as "basic encounter". Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
  • I was hardly the first person to have recourse to the sortes Virgilianae in time of confusion or trouble. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • This is a deranged concept leading an innocent man to do horrific tasks in grotesque detail, and it puts it all in first person. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Some skinny on the actual play of Manhunt 2
  • Most of the worst novels were written in the first person narrative present tense.
  • ‘I thought I was a goner,’ I tell Gregory, who is the first person I see when I come walking up the empty beach carrying my float.
  • It was Pythagoras who was the first person to study the notes emitted by plucked strings of various lengths.
  • Hardly a line does not include the first person singular. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first person known to have solved cubic equations algebraically was del Ferro but he told nobody of his achievement.
  • And the very first person she saw — of course! — was the Duke of Bewcastle, looking dark and elegant and toplofty as he stood at the opposite side of the room conversing with a handsome raven-haired lady who was seated and sipping from a glass of wine. Slightly Dangerous
  • Anyway, she walks through this circle of standing stones and appears back in 1743 where the first person she sees when she emerges from her confusion is a gentlemen in 18th century army officers 'uniform, who looks just like her husband. Matthew Peterson interviews Diana Gabaldon
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • That's why football fans always speak in the first person plural. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional picaresque frame, with its fictitious first person voice, offers its authors the opportunity to scrutinize society ostensibly from another's perspective-the picaro's.
  • All _Nouns and Pronouns_ are of the _third Person_ except _I and we_, which are of the _first Person_, and _Thou, you and ye_, which are of the _Second Person_; and except the _Relative Pronouns_ which are always of the _same Person_ with the _Personal Pronoun_ to which they relate; as _I love, thou lovest, he loveth; I who love, Thou who lovest, he who loveth_. A Short System of English Grammar For the Use of the Boarding School in Worcester (1759)
  • Although von Helmholtz was not the first person to develop an ophthalmoscope, nor the first to examine the interior of the eye, his device was the first to be put to practical use. Dec. 6, 1850: The Eyes Have It, Thanks to the Ophthalmoscope
  • Bombelli was the first person to write down the rules for addition, subtraction and multiplication of complex numbers.
  • She was breathing hard, and her fists were clenched as if she were ready to deck the first person that got in her way.
  • The first person she saw was Sally, sitting on one of the chairs, sewing fine, little stitches on her handkerchief.
  • Autobiographies are written in the first person.
  • Even when she reached her home again, and Mrs. Byrne followed her in, afraid of leaving the frightened woman alone lest she should "blab" the whole secret to the first person she met, -- even then Mrs. Cregan could not speak until she had gathered up the broken dishes and propped the broken chair against the wall, as frantically as if she were trying to conceal the evidence of a crime. McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
  • There will be a prize for the first person to correctly identify my rash statement.
  • I think first person autobiographical is a starting point in writing and that we grow in maturity as we try to see through the eyes of others. Post mortem
  • I've got the office lurgy, feeling like hell (if the first person who got it didn't come in but just kept it safely at home how much better the world would be!) so I might not be back for a day or so.
  • The first person to claim that equations of degree 5 could not be solved algebraically was Ruffini.
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • We keep in touch, I always inquire about him, he is a devotee of Khwajah Gharib Nawaz the Holy Saint of Ajmer if you call his malady a disease than the first person to infect him with the poison was his uncle who gagged him and sodomized him when his family was away..he has not forgotten that and weeps each time he talks of this persecution ..this assault on his body and soul. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Why the FDA keeps that dangerous substance on the market, yet the Quaalude, the delicious euphoria inducer, that innocently made you have sex with the first person who entered the room, or a tree, was banned for good. Abe Gurko: The Galliano Conundrum
  • The first person to appreciate the meaning of such experiments was the English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish.
  • The first time I started wondering about life after death was when I lost my dear darling nan, it was so sudden and a very big shock, she was the first person that I had lost close to me.
  • I will be the first person to admit, however, that I think DTS is superior method of sound reproduction, and Pitch Black does nothing to change my mind.
  • The first person that addressed them was Captain Aresby, who, with his usual delicate languishment, smiled upon Cecilia, and softly whispering, Cecilia
  • The first person was down, with the last dong ringing in their ears, so we climbed the 69 steps of a very narrow staircase to the top of the tower and was rewarded with some nice views.
  • It's a first person account of adopting a possum from a possum rescue organization. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • Four years later, she became the first person to medal in both a swimming and diving event in the Olympics.
  • A familiar voice drawled and the first person who had spoken grunted and walked away.
  • Ms Thornton is the first person ever to have her "eye tooth" taken out, reshaped and inserted in this type of surgery.
  • Hinton usually writes her stories in the first person, to reinforce the strong individual identities of her characters.
  • It's the first person plural present indicative of the verb ignoro, and it means ‘we do not know’ or ‘we take no notice of’.
  • The Oxford English Dictionary cites the Elizabethan playwright Ben Jonson as the first person to use the word plagiary to designate literary theft -- and he was making a joke. Periscope
  • As he retired, bursting with ineffectual indignation, Esdale was the first person whom Hartley chanced to meet with, and to him, stung with impatience, he communicated what he termed the infamous conduct of the The Surgeon's Daughter
  • It is part of a bid to become the first person to climb each continent's highest mountain and cross both polar ice caps. The Sun
  • I was the first person in my family to go. The Sun
  • As it happened, the first person he found was Laura, who was sitting a little ways inside the cave, unbraiding her hair.
  • If nothing, it is an interesting exploration in dealing with the process of grieving from a first person “in the moment” point of view. We, Who Need Such Great Mysteries | Her Bad Mother
  • He also told him that he was not the first person to have had a paranormal event happen to them in this building.
  • The change from first person singular to plural evinces his embarrassment.
  • The meeting led Combs to extend an invitation to McBrayer for his party last year (08) - and the funnyman was the first person through the door. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The garrulity began with the nonfiction books, "Death in the Afternoon" 1932 and "Green Hills of Africa," both written self-indulgently in the first person. The Slow Crack-Up
  • Here, in 1821, a balloonist (born 1785) became the first person to ascend in a coal gas-filled balloon. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am the bread of life -- Henceforth the discourse is all in the first person, "I," "Me," which occur in one form or other, as Stier reckons, thirty-five times. he that cometh to me -- to obtain what the soul craves, and as the only all-sufficient and ordained source of supply. hunger ... thirst -- shall have conscious and abiding satisfaction. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In Hungarian, the zero copula occurs only in the third person, and in AAVE it is not permitted in the first person singular.
  • Robert Simson was the first person to be appointed to the office of Clerk (later known as Clerk of Senate), which he took up in 1728 and only demitted when he retired in 1761.
  • Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.
  • With the first person _shall_ is used in direct statement to express a simple future action; as, "I shall go to the city to-morrow. How to Speak and Write Correctly
  • The device Blake chose -- a first person narrative -- is exceedingly difficult when using an historical figure.
  • Am I supposed to be the first person people see when they walk in?
  • For instance, the use of first person limits the book to the point of view of the narrator. Smithsonian Mag
  • Among Chinese aesthetician in the 20th century, Zong Baihua is the first person who investigates the discrepancy between Chinese and Western aesthetic spacial consciousness.
  • His duties even called on him to be the first person to try out the cross for the Crucifixion scene.
  • I was the first person in the car line, and I waved to Ellie when she pranced down the stairs. The Bird House
  • The medico is a long-suffering person, even in these days of scarcity of properly-qualified men -- the first person called on emergency, and the very last to be paid! The Seven Secrets
  • Scholar Huang Zhonglian is the first person in china to systemize shift theory.
  • Because of the inaccessibility of others' mental experience, it is presumed that the process of perspective framing in reporting others' experience must be different from the first person narration.
  • An odd volume of Harris's Hermes caught his fancy, and after having pondered for some time on the alternative, whether he should postpone legs in favour of head, or _vice versa_, he concluded on the former, saying to himself that _Hermes_ would be snatched up by the first person who saw it; but that the second hand silk stockings could be got at any time. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
  • Lionel Drummond was charming and much appreciated everywhere; he retrieved Winn from the stable yard when no one could guess where he was, and was the first person to call Estelle, Mrs. Staines; he wound up the affair with a white satin slipper. The Dark Tower
  • As we finally entered the ward, the first person I saw was a tall girl topped with a bush of thick dyed black curls.
  • Well, Antinori is widely-tipped to become the first person in history to clone a human being.
  • He was also the first person to use coal gas for lighting purposes.
  • Or, in my case, the first person ever to have an ileostomy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is, captions explain, the first person to work out that a rocket could get us into orbit. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a limited pre-release version of a new first person shooter game is worth it's weight in gold.
  • So now begins a century in which the first person plural will be replaced by the third person plural. Times, Sunday Times
  • Laskas writes in the first person and gives Elizabeth a simple, folksy voice in the tradition of oral story-telling.
  • The first person to strike oil in the US was Edwin Laurentine Drake.
  • Why would the former choose to write his piece mostly in the first person? Exploring language (6th edn)
  • I used voices in the first person, second person, and third person.
  • He's the first person at training. The Sun
  • Plant taxonomy was given structure by the 18th century Swedish botanist Linnaeus: on the basis of their sexual organs (a system described by one critic as "loathsome harlotry"), every plant was assigned two Latin names – the first denoting its genus (or clan), the second denoting the species, often followed by the name or initial of the first person to "describe" it to science. Kew Gardens: 'Plants are not just beautiful. They help us to survive'
  • He became the first person in over two decades to be awarded the Victoria Cross after he heroically saved the lives of his comrades in two separate incidents.
  • The perfect stem of the verb is formed in various ways, but may always be _found by dropping «-ī» from the first person singular of the perfect_, the third of the principal parts. Latin for Beginners
  • He was the first person to believe that the earth was a sphere.
  • The first person he met was a tall, baby-faced, blond-haired guy who was standing by the entrance of the main room.
  • For instance, when we describe one person as having killed another, we imply that the first person - the agent of the action - caused the death of the second person.
  • The first person singular pronoun in the Creole is from the French unstressed pronoun moi ‘me’, and many people object to spelling it in Creole in such a way as to obscure its French origin.
  • I turned the corner and, I jive you not, the first person I saw was Lamps.
  • Saying that games are mostly male fueled fantasies is a valid point, but when you look at the standard of games (that meaning over the shoulder third person or first person), that lends itself to putting a gun, laser pistol, or chainsaw in the hands of the protagonist. Kicking The Dog
  • Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.
  • You make a promise, you keep that promise; if you cannot, then the first person you should notify is the person you made the promise to. Jenny Sanford on her husband: 'The ball is in his court'
  • A young scrote from Manchester is the first person in the country to be banned from wearing a hooded top.
  • Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.
  • Many passages of his book read like densely argued footnotes, unashamedly written in the first person. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The first person voted out, a Brazilian woman named Andy, had set a goal of "shagging" at least five of the roommates before she left. We are watching!
  • She's vying to become the first person from Saudi Arabia to hold elected office in this country.
  • The 5-foot-11, 180-pound western Pennsylvania chef is the first person to eat a monstrosity called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser: a 15-pound burger with toppings and a bun that brought the total weight to 20.2 pounds. Pennsylvania Man Chews Through Belly-Busting, 15-lb. Burger | Disinformation
  • He was the first person to teach me that expressing yourself through writing, music, painting or acting was something to be treasured.
  • Drama is a genre which is heavily oriented to the first person present, a narrative form associated with subjective experience and inner feelings.
  • I was the first person to USE what were then being sold as “Models of the five regular polyhedra” (for mathematics teachers to show to their students), AS DICE. The Braunstein Game « Isegoria
  • And when wildlife inspectors intercept illegal shipments of endangered and threatened animals, he is the first person called.
  • Little Menie was the first person to whom he made the amende honorable; and a much smaller propitiation than the new doll with which he presented her would have been accepted as an atonement for a much greater offence. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • Sir Francis Chichester was the first person to make a single-handed voyage round the world.
  • The first person to hold this cube with mortal hands shall inherit all of my strength.
  • N.O.V.A. HD, Gameloft, £3.99 With neither a mouse nor joypad, first person shooting games on a touch screen have not been terribly good. New iPad games reviews
  • But this was her first personal encounter with such a craft.
  • A heavyset woman in the front row was the first person to make it onstage, and she slapped her hands on him like she was trying to knock him out.
  • They're poems, written in verse in the first person, elegiac in format.
  • You are the first person to use the word persnickety that I have ever encountered – Way To GO! good word One way to fill blogspace on a pre-long weekend Friday – Liveblogging a PMO background briefing - Inside the Queensway -
  • Any initial collywobbles I might have had about stepping into a room full of strangers were immediately dispelled when the very first person I clapped eyes on turned out to be someone I already knew: David.
  • Ms Ng agrees, speaking from first person experience.
  • He concludes that the first person singular may not be the appropriate voice after all.
  • You're the first person I've heard use the word bod since junior year high school. Black and Blue
  • Hours after becoming the first person of color to clinch the presidential nomination of a major U.
  • Who was the first person to swim the English Channel?
  • In New York the first person not suffering from any other condition has died. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many passages of his book read like densely argued footnotes, unashamedly written in the first person. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I was the first person that got to interview her after her fall.
  • It is recorded that the first persons who practised this species of composition [Footnote: The _composition_ here mentioned consisted of three parts, The _first_ regarded the structure; that is, the _connection_ of our words, and required that the last syllable of every preceding, and the first of every succeeding word should be so aptly united as to produce an agreeable sound; which was effected by avoiding a collision of vowels or of inamicable consonants. Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
  • The first person to come and pick it up could have it. Times, Sunday Times
  • We no longer hear the vocative compañero -- comrade -- rather it's the once stigmatized señor -- mister -- and it's been a long time since the first person plural has included those who govern us. Yoani Sanchez: Goodbye "Comrade," Hello "Mister"
  • (Stine writes most of the novels in comfy first person to provide a subconscious reassurance that the narrator will live.) Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2008 » October
  • So she is not necessarily the first person you would imagine directing a children's show, Beauty and the Beast age group eight to 12, complete with insect orchestras and goldfish-swallowing, big-teethed monsters and men in pink top hats. On the children's menu
  • To my relief I wasn't the first person to notice the similarity. The Sun
  • There are many references to Jephthah's slaying of his daughter in fulfilment of a rash vow which he made that he would sacrifice the first person of his own house whom he met on his return. Shakespeare and the Bible
  • Parker arrived early at the ballpark, and the first person out of the Arkansas clubhouse was Wilson, who was carrying a batting tee and a bag of baseballs.
  • Kant's use of the first person plural is a device of a very special character.
  • While the first person is gone, a second person will move the object to different location. Smithsonian Mag
  • Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.
  • Movement is in 3D from a first person perspective and all monsters appear as still pictures with only small sections being animated.
  • Patients with aggressive skin cancer have been protected from relapses after receiving the first personalised antitumour vaccines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The circulator is the first person to meet with the patient before surgery. New Times News
  • The workshops did not bypass the inherent difficulties posed by the environment but presented anecdotal and experiential accounts related in the first person.
  • This was my first personal encounter with Basil Rocke.
  • While the first person is gone, a second person will move the object to different location. Smithsonian Mag
  • A more substantial problem is the repeated use of ‘Creator’ for the first Person of the Godhead.
  • ‘I sent out this press release, and you're the first person who responded,’ he drawled.
  • Co-blogger, Neil will be pleased to know that he was the very first person that I had ever seen doing a sudoku puzzle (that was only at the beginning of May!)
  • Chinese tennis star Li Na became the first person from Asia to win a Grand Slam on Saturday with a stand-out individual performance.
  • It is part of a bid to become the first person to climb each continent's highest mountain and cross both polar ice caps. The Sun
  • The poor devil was the first person to ever get run over by a train.
  • He was, for instance, the first person in Rutland to have a telephone. Lord Bonkers is on Twitter
  • The first person on my list is Mrs Gilling.
  • Davy was the first person to experience intoxication after inhaling a gas or vapour.
  • Firms can also secund young associates to public sector agencies (e.g., the county prosecutor's office), where they can be paid by the firm but get far more hands-on experience than they would as twenty-first person on a multidistrict litigation team ... Law firms
  • The first person we know of who might be called a scientist was Thales of Miletus, who lived in Ionia, now the west coast of Turkey, around 600 B.C. What is a scientist?
  • He became the first person to cross the desert on foot.
  • A woman jailed for accepting a looted pair of shorts became the first person to have her riots sentence reduced yesterday. The Sun
  • He chooses to write extensively in the first personal plural. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Granby had to devise a system to help the identification of the individual face and associate the first person to recognise it as the winner immediately.
  • It was another Johannes, also a German, who in 1472 became the first person to print an astronomical almanac.
  • Kay Daly was the first person to publish complete versions of the stolen documents.
  • She uses the first person because she's narrating the story.
  • The first person to really carry forward his ideas was Philippe de la Hire.
  • But I would suspect that this is one of those first person confessionals secretly disguised as a generalization-laden argument.
  • For instance, in a wave of eight players, the first person to sink their ball would deduct seven strokes from their score.
  • Roberts will be remembered not just as the first person to bring religious preaching and ceremony, and his healing ministry to television - he's now called the first "televangelist" - but for talking frankly about religion and sex on the airwaves. - The Blog Report
  • He spoke to my high school Creative Writing class, and all I remember about him besides the fact that he was the first person I know to wear a cravat were his complaints about being misunderstood by the publishing community. Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2008 » June
  • The first person you need to have a relationship with is yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're single, new love could be the first person you see as the gym door opens. The Sun
  • The enchanted house builder was not the first person to notice this pinhole effect.
  • The first person I mentioned was Richard Dean, a forty-nine-year-old Vietnam veteran who had worked for the Social Security Administration for twenty-two years.
  • Bombelli was the first person to write down the rules for addition, subtraction and multiplication of complex numbers.
  • The scientist Ernest Rutherford was the first person to split the atom.
  • The first person plural possessive pronoun ‘our’ is occasionally used in lieu of an article in order to denote a certain universality.
  • Mixing the mythoses (mythoi?) of Arthur Conan Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft is risky, but Lane has done it very well - lots of borderline steampunk in his Victorian settings, most of the narrative told in the first person by Watson (who inevitably develops a liking for Benny), cameo appearances from Pope Leo XIII, the San Francisco fire of 1906, and the smart missiles from Iain M. Banks 'Culture novels. October Books 10) All-Consuming Fire
  • This novel's the only kind of sustained novel I've done in the first person, and writers here will be aware that the first-person's a very undramatic voice, almost by definition or by its nature.
  • He is the first person we know of who thinks you can win a war by triangulation.
  • Lilly invented the isolation tank (think ‘Altered States’), and was I believe the first person to use ketamine as a psychedelic drug.
  • Don't just take the first person who comes along and can afford it. The Sun
  • I was, for instance, the first person in Rutland to have the telephone. Lord Bonkers' Diary: Titter
  • Lots of first person accounts of historical events.
  • Overall, the feeling of this gunplay, the meat of any first person shooter, is Beta quality at best as its overall simplicity works against it given what we expect from today's first person shooters.
  • And, one day, a first person account of what it's actually like to "douse" Mer Whit "with ... champagne. Dealbreaker
  • The scientist Ernest Rutherford was the first person to split the atom.
  • He invented the first operating system for microcomputers in the early 1970s, making it possible for hobbyists and companies to build the first personal computers.
  • I'll be the first person to admit that not every episode of this first season was perfect, but there are no real clunkers in the lot.
  • A British father has abandoned his attempt to become the first person to swim the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aware that I had unwittingly become the first person to blot his unblemished track record, I got the feeling as we parted he won't be rushing to return anymore of my phone calls.
  • Friday he became the first person to be formally charged - also with "misprision" - since the wave of arrests following the coup bid. ANC Daily News Briefing

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