
How To Use First base In A Sentence

  • These two requirements alone mean that many hopeful wannabes will not even get to first base.
  • The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.
  • Chone Figgins started the eighth inning with a single to left and moved to second when first baseman Mark Teixeira made a nice diving stop on a groundout by Bobby Abreu. One Season
  • For example, you can place a ball down the first baseline by aiming towards the base itself.
  • A batter becomes a runner when the third strike called by the umpire is not caught, providing (1) first base is unoccupied, or (2) first base is occupied with two out. - Pierzynski's heads-up play keeps Sox alive
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  • Kevin Youkilis will continue to move from first base to third if it'll make the team stats] a better team, but he is getting to the point in his career - he turned 31 in March - where he believes the moves should be made "seasonably," rather than from game to game. MLB -
  • Leadoff man Fernando Vina ricocheted a single off first base.
  • The pitch was high, but Dante swung, hitting a dribbler back to the pitcher, who threw home to the catcher, who threw to first base, double play, game over. Parents Behaving Badly
  • So here's my baseball personality test : Are you a chatty first baseman or a sullen shortstop?
  • He plays first base for the Red Sox.
  • Angels first baseman Mike Epstein ruined North's plan by reaching the bunt before Lange.
  • If one of your catchers is a position player that can go other places like outfield and first base, then it's actually kind of a bonus to be able to have three. rss feed
  • Chacon fired to first but the ball got lost in flight on its way to first base.
  • That entails getting a first basemen, second basemen, left fielder, and more if possible to create a better lineup.
  • Ryan came out of the bullpen with two outs in the seventh inning to relieve Pat Hentgen and proceeded to pick off Omar Infante at first base.
  • At 12:01 a.m. on October 21, 2004, New York batsman Rubén Sierra hit a routine groundball to second baseman Pokey Reese, who threw to first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz for the final putout of a dominant 10-3 victory. One Season
  • One of them dumped a blooper in back of first base trying to hold back his swing. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • He is on first base.
  • Like Thome, Butler is going to make the slide across the diamond to first base.
  • The last time he used a glove in a major league game was in 2001 when he played five innings as a first baseman.
  • His throw to first base went wide .
  • Tommy raced to shortstop and fielded the first ball cleanly but was so amped up that he airmailed his throw over first base and into the stands. Parents Behaving Badly
  • In midseason, as the Cubs staggered following an injury to outfielder Corey Patterson, Hendry brought in outfielder Kenny Lofton, third baseman Aramis Ramirez and first baseman Randall Simon from the Pittsburgh Pirates in two deals. - Cubs, Bosox look to put past failures behind them
  • But it seemed all wrong for the wolfish Nighy who one assumes would reach first base with a woman before the rest of the boys had got their boots on.
  • When it is an inning-ending forceout, the pitcher can take the throw like an outstretched first baseman to pick up the out.
  • I even scored on the next play when the first baseman missed the throw from third.
  • The eighth was a strikeout, the ninth a pop fly to first base, the 10th a foul pop to the catcher.
  • In its upper reaches the stream and its banks are bare as the baseline from home plate to first base.
  • One of them dumped a blooper in back of first base trying to hold back his swing. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • OF/DH Marcus Thames is the odd man out for now, so he's working some at first base this spring. Fantasy Insider: American League projected lineups
  • He's the top power-hitting first baseman in the minors and the only legitimate 50-home-run threat on this list.
  • Local fans thought the Colonel bore a resemblance to Randy Bass, a bearded power hitter and first baseman from the U.S. who played for the team at the time. Colonel Sanders Rescued from Osaka River | clusterflock
  • If you're playing first base and you bust or get a Blackjack, don't wait for the other hands to be completed to have a completed count.
  • Their slick-fielding first baseman is watching groundballs elude his grasp like never before and their young leader is scuffling so badly he was benched.
  • With two outs and first base occupied, the catcher needs to tag the batter on a dropped third strike or throw to first.
  • Furmano bobbles the ball and the runner reaches first base with plenty of time.
  • Beckett got upset with West in the fifth inning after he called a balk on an attempted pickoff toss to first base. Undefined
  • Charles's vision was for a chair with the warm, receptive look of a well-used first baseman's mitt. Boing Boing
  • With Edmonds on first base, McGwire started to move from the on-deck circle to the batter's box.
  • Andrews did admit, however, that he had developed a mental block that affected his throws to first base.
  • His throw to first base went wide .
  • My first baseball game, (the Mets against someone or other) was thoroughly ruined by the wannabe sports commentator motormouth sitting a row in front of me who loudly berated everyone on the field for the entire duration of the game.
  • First Baseman - A defensive fielder who plays on or near the first - base bag.
  • Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade, as a pitcher, first baseman and outfielder.
  • In the old days, women wore so many girdles, corsets, pantaloons, bloomers, stockings, garters, step-ins and God knows what all that you had to practically be a prospector to get to first base . . . to even find first base. The 2,548 Best Things Anybody Ever Said
  • You know sometimes when the pitcher sees the guy on first inching his way towards second and pegs the ball to the first baseman, in a feeble attempt to get the fella out?
  • He plays first base for the Red Sox.
  • Then Christian Jorgensen bunted, the ball landed virtually at his feet but a wild throw to first base allowed him in.
  • He didn't make it past first base.
  • His throw to first base went wide .
  • The next batter, Adam Shorts, popped a foul ball down the first base line.
  • we didn't get to first base with that approach
  • Casey Kotchman has been signed to play first base and provide an upgrade in batting average, though not in power over departed Russell Branyan. Mariners have busy offseason, now ready to take next step
  • You concluded that Sheets was running on fumes by then because he committed one of the bobbles, bouncing a throw to first base in the dirt, with Oswalt running down the line.
  • The first baseman was dumped from the team.
  • So they had me play second base, where I could flip the ball underhand to first base.
  • The root of this bonding most likely starts with a game of catch, or better yet, one's first baseball glove.
  • With Enrique Wilson on first and none out, Travis Fryman laid down a bunt that first baseman Tino Martinez fielded inside the line.
  • After two afternoon workouts before the All-Star break to acquaint Caminiti with his new position, he started the second half at first base.
  • Pesky bobbled the ball, recovered, and threw to first baseman Walt Dropo but Rizzuto beat out the relay.
  • When there's a runner on first base and the pitcher makes a motion to throw to that base from the rubber, he's charged with a balk if he does not complete his throw.
  • But by game's end, all you've managed to do is hit four feeble infield dribblers and bounce three throws to first base.
  • With a .255 lifetime batting average, Ibanez appeared to be destined for a career as a platoon outfielder and backup first baseman.
  • he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman
  • A lot of his throws to first base don't go to the first baseman.
  • The Rangers had Rusty Greer coming to the plate with first base open because Johnny Oats had bunted a runner over to second.
  • At worst, Gibbons makes a nice platoon bat, and has been able to get by in right field, and play well at first base.
  • Thousands of New Englanders had made the trip to Toronto, many of them arriving early and lining up four deep from behind the first base dugout to the right field foul pole.
  • Walking over from his position at third base, Foy crossed the field toward the first base side of the diamond and delivered his own message to Tillotson.
  • The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could easily have thrown the ball to the first baseman . Shaya would have been out and that would have ended the game.
  • At a game last week, a hitter popped the ball up in foul territory, right by the first base bag.
  • All will keep playing but likely will be anchored at first base when they reach.
  • That's the way my senile grandfather looks when I tell him he would have made a great first baseman for the Yankees.
  • A few wild swishes, a couple of pop-ups for easy catches, and then a mishit squeezed past first base is enough to keep a streak alive.
  • The pitcher throws to first base on a pickoff attempt.
  • A few wild swishes, a couple of pop-ups for easy catches, and then a mishit squeezed past first base is enough to keep a streak alive.
  • The Milwaukee Brewers 'first baseman is one of the most exciting players, with 29 homers and 70 RBI. Super Met Reyes steals Bonds' thunder
  • With 15 second-place votes, NL batting champion Hanley Ramirez, a shortstop for the Florida Marlins who received 233 points and is married to Pujols 'second cousin, outpointed slugging first basemen Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies (217) and Prince Fielder of the Milwaukee Brewers (203) for second place. Pujols unanimous choice en route to third NL MVP Award
  • First baseman Jack Clark fielded the ball and threw to pitcher Todd Worrell who was covering first.
  • The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.
  • Huber was the prized jewel of the Met system a few years ago, but became a bit of a tweener between catcher and first base in recent years.
  • Their demands were first based on the domain name containing the term deadliest catch which they have trademarked. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Reed started it with a sweet bunt hit toward first, Scott Spiezio and Dan Wilson singled for one run and Ramon Santiago bunted the runners over, and with first base open Scioscia ordered Ichiro walked intentionally.
  • A first baseman in the minors, Sexson progressed quickly through the Indians' minor league system.
  • Earlier in the night, outfielder Andruw Jones raised eyebrows when he dawdled heading to first base on a double-play ball to short. Nova Twirls a Gem, Yanks Hang On To Beat Reds
  • When he won in 2002 he was the first baseliner to do so for a decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Mets had Jerry Grote on second and Al Weis on first when J.C. Martin bunted the ball toward the first base line that was fielded by Pete Richert, the Baltimore pitcher.
  • We saw one ball bounce off it during a pitcher's warm-up, and it caromed past the mound almost to the first baseman's position!
  • Putting aside both his monumental fielding failure and his nice stroke up the middle which earlier helped establish the lead that his error would nearly destroy, it seems to me Delgado has gone back to playing "impinged," and as anyone with half a brain (read: not Omar) could have told you his "bargain" contract option as a first baseman and as a big bat was a trap that the Mets fell right into. It's Mets For Me: Off-Beat, Tangentially Relevant Mets Ruminations
  • My agnolotti - outsized cheese-filled ravioli topped with parmesan shavings - were pleasant enough, but just didn't manage to get my tastebuds racing past first base.
  • How often have you seen a batter hit a sizzling grounder to the first baseman who is holding the runner on first?
  • Still, he had a first baseman's glove ready in his locker.
  • A railroad track parallels the first base line where diesel engines thunder and fume to haul my father's commuter train to the city.
  • On this night, he is coaching first base for Grace Builders, an adult team managed by his grandson.
  • The power-hitting first baseman was injured on the final play of Philadelphia's season-ending loss to St. Louis in Game 5 of the NL division series Friday night, falling as he ran out of the batter's box on his groundout. Ryan Howard Injury: Achilles Tendon Is Torn According To Phillies
  • You've gotten to first base if you've landed an interview.
  • The first baseman was dumped from the team.
  • After fielding the ball, however, the pitcher threw it way over the first baseman into deep right field.
  • First base’ referred to embracing and kissing; ‘second base’ referred to groping and fondling; ‘third base’ referred to fellatio, usually known in polite conversation by the ambiguous term ‘oral sex’; and ‘home plate’ meant conception-mode intercourse, known familiarly as ‘going all the way.’ GENERATION S.L U.T.
  • At 12:01 a.m. on October 21, 2004, New York batsman Rubén Sierra hit a routine groundball to second baseman Pokey Reese, who threw to first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz for the final putout of a dominant 10-3 victory. One Season
  • The proposal is so poorly designed, they won't even get to first base with the directors.
  • Garvey played first base for the Dodgers.
  • They played him on first base
  • Because of his proximity to the base, the first baseman will tag the bag first before throwing to second.
  • The Milwaukee Brewers 'first baseman, who played high school ball at Florida Air Academy and Eau Gallie, outslugged Texas outfielder Nelson Cruz 6-5 in the finals at Busch St.dium to take home a title St. Louis fans hoped would go to one of their own. Undefined
  • The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.
  • As the pitcher straddles the rubber and the runner takes his lead, the first baseman tags the runner.
  • He was easily one of the dominating first basemen of his generation, both at bat and on the field.
  • Mattingley played first base for the Yankees.
  • When Reyes strides to the plate, odds are the at-bat won't end with him handing his stick to the batboy and jogging to first base.
  • He stole second on an attempted pickoff, easily beating first baseman Howard's double-clutch throw. Rockies top shaky Hamels 5-4, tie NL Division Series vs. Phils
  • But then he made a crucial mistake, making a wide pickoff throw to first base.
  • He can hit that blooper over the first baseman's head and run all day.
  • He joined the Mets, at first becoming a platoon partner with Ed Kranepool at first base.
  • He was a first baseman and a left-handed batter and I admired the way he played.
  • the first baseman made 15 putouts
  • The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.
  • Magee pivoted and threw the ball to first base.
  • He hasn't had much trouble with his footwork at first base but is adjusting to the larger glove.
  • The team has committed heavily to Pena, handing him the first base job and bumping Young off the position shortly after signing Young to a four-year deal.
  • In the meantime, expect another start or two at first base for Matt Williams.
  • The Milwaukee Brewers 'first baseman, who played high school ball at Florida Air Academy and Eau Gallie, outslugged Texas outfielder Nelson Cruz 6-5 in the finals at Busch St.dium to take home a title St. Louis fans hoped would go to one of their own. Undefined
  • First baseman Bill Buckner misfielded critically in game six, allowing the New York Mets to come back and win.
  • He helps himself with a good move to first base and a quick slide step.
  • The ball slipped from the first baseman's glove.
  • However, the Giants would be best suited to find a left-handed hitting first baseman this winter, as Niekro makes the perfect platoon partner.
  • '' As it was, the kid came in barehanded, and the first baseman made a real nice catch. ''
  • After a leadoff walk to Jose Molina, David Eckstein fielded a bunt and threw wildly past first base, allowing Molina to advance to third. American League Baseball - Angels vs. White Sox

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