
How To Use First appearance In A Sentence

  • But Sexton found Nicks for an easy 31-yard score on fourth down with 4: 11 left to seal it, and Nicks set the receiving record with a 22-yard catch a little later from T.J. Yates, making his first appearance in relief from a broken ankle suffered in September against Virginia Tech. Newspaper Home Delivery - Subscribe Today
  • Despite first appearances, it adheres closely to Shakespeare's play.
  • He perceived they were entering the great theatre of his first appearance, the great theatre he had last seen as a chequer-work of glare and blackness in his flight from the red police. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • But the possible bolters are there, too: two 18-year-olds in Sam Harrison and Laura Trott, both clearly being fast-tracked towards London with a view to riding in the omnium, and a more outside bet in the 20‑year‑old Welshwoman Dani King, who has a chance of a place in the women's team pursuit just a month after her first appearance at a World Cup. Team GB's young pretenders make a bolt for London 2012 Olympic places
  • The men make their first appearance in court today. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Gielow just missed a long putt on the second playoff hole that would have given him the title, giving Gielow and his 14-year-old sister Britni - making her first appearance as his caddie - Undefined
  • He told the story of his first appearance as a gownsman in one of his gossiping letters in verse: The Life of John Ruskin
  • Whether he knew it, he was on course for a historic achievement, becoming only the seventh batsmen in Test cricket to score centuries both on their first appearance at home and on their debut abroad.
  • In The Phoenix, the first appearance that a Zeppelin airship makes is on its way to the Allies as part payment of the reparations bill Germany incurred in the Treaty of Versailles.
  • At first appearance, the boy seemed very bashful.
  • People have been predicting the demise of these often unnecessarily large and cumbersome machines since their first appearance on city streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because many of the above estimates of divergence times far exceed the times of first appearance of land plants in the fossil record, they might be overestimates.
  • The principal production of this palm is the toddy, which is procured in the same manner as from other palms, or in the following mode: one of the spatae or shoot of fructification is, on the first appearance of fruit, beaten for three successive days with a small stick, with a view of determining the sap to the wounded part. North Coast Culture
  • In a snug corner might be seen a party of sober, quiet-looking gentlemen, taking their lobster and bucellas, whose first appearance would impress you with the belief of their respectability, but whom, upon inquiry, you would discover to be The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • Furthermore, as an herbal tea, lavender ‘is also good as a morning tonic for convalescents, as a digestive after meals, for rheumatic conditions, and at the first appearance of a cold or flu.’
  • The early Eocene is important for another reason: many orders of fossil mammals (especially primates, perissodactyls, artiodactyls, rabbits, whales, and bats) make their first appearances in the fossil record.
  • Winston Jones, making his first appearance in South Bradford as prospective parliamentary candidate for the division, was introduced to the new branch.
  • A magna cum laude graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Amanda Nelson's first appearance in the public eye came when she discovered two 15th century antiphonals (chant books) in the archives of the university.
  • At first appearance the boy seemed very shy.
  • Getty Images On Wednesday, the label showed its casual Escada Sport line rather than the more elegant main line at Berlin fashion week — the company's first appearance there — in an effort to highlight its new, broader image. Escada's New Groove
  • Conversely, if the fossil record does not accurately portray the first appearances of synapsids because preservation rates vary widely, then phylogenetic measures might yield a more reliable sequence of branching events.
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The fever, though it was October, had scarcely abated; indeed, on the contrary, it seemed to have revived and increased in virulency in consequence of the premature return of many people who had fled on its first appearance, and who in coming back too soon to the infected atmosphere, were less able to withstand contagion than those who remained. Capitola's Peril A Sequel to 'The Hidden Hand'
  • But, from contemporary evidence, it is clear that he had gained some experience in the provinces before he made his first appearance on the London boards, when his Tamerlane was a decided failure. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago.
  • His first appearance on stage was at the age of three.
  • At their first appearance they are commonly of a palish blue, or rather of a colour somewhat approaching to livid, and are surrounded by an erysipelatous inflammation. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • He made his first appearance as an entertainer with a comedy boxing routine at an army concert, and developed his musical skills when he joined the Royal Corps of Signals as a bandsman in 1943. Sir Norman Wisdom obituary
  • We vertebrates do not stand higher and later than our invertebrate cousins, for all ‘advanced’ animal phyla made their first appearance in the fossil record at essentially the same time.
  • Widman is best remembered for an early arithmetic book in German in 1489 which contains the first appearance of + and - signs.
  • The address hook Despite first appearances, Internet email addresses aren't so hard to recall.
  • During their comparatively brief geological lifespan mosasaurs were nonetheless very successful, and following their first appearance in the Turonian they rapidly became abundant in epicontinental seas worldwide.
  • The first appearance of the word cantaloupe in English was in 1739 in Philip Miller's Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • Police were anxious to avoid any ugly scenes when the two boys made their first appearance in court nine days ago.
  • Making its first appearance a little over a century ago, the lure of the limerick is such that it has grown to become one of the world's most popular verse forms.
  • The complete accessibility and popularity of impressionism today makes it hard to recapture the radicalism in style that shocked and outraged the world with its first appearance in France in the 1870s.
  • The accentuation of the finale's polka is heart-warming, the string slide on its first appearance pure magic.
  • The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday.
  • Back row forward Andy Hill faces a fitness test this week but should be passed fit to make his first appearance.
  • His first appearance on stage was at the age of three.Sentencedict
  • The address hook Despite first appearances, Internet email addresses aren't so hard to recall.
  • The temporal distribution of first appearances of sinistral clades as documented by fossils generally differs from that of clades with a labral tooth.
  • At its first appearance it was warmly praised, in the Champion, probably either by Fielding, or by Ralph, who succeeded to him in a share of that paper; and Sir Joshua Reynolds, when it came into his hand, found his attention so powerfully arrested, that he read it through without changing his posture, as he perceived by the torpidness of one of his arms that had rested on a chimney-piece by which he was standing. Lives of the English Poets
  • The Derby County midfielder made his first appearance at just fifteen and was a regular by the time he hit seventeen.
  • This cd is the soundtrack to the final William Hartnell Doctor Who story (and the first appearance of the Cybermen), and is short, clocking in at only 20 minutes. New Music Purchases | Living the Liminal
  • The singer made her first appearance in a concert in Boston.
  • They are treated on first appearance by the actual cautery, and, when practicable, by cutting off the joint; the drugs popularly applied are Tutiya (tutty) and verdigris. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Things are not always seen , the first appearance deceives many.
  • The address hook Despite first appearances, Internet email addresses aren't so hard to recall.
  • The contradictions are apparent in her first appearance, when we find her in a halfway house for recovering addicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ruud van Nistelrooy is about to make his first appearance for yonks.
  • At first glance, these statements appear to say different things, but if ˜Hesperus™ and ˜Phosphorus™ contribute no descriptive information (like is a morning star or is an evening star) to the proposition expressed by either sentence, but only the referent, which is the same for each term, then the sentences have to say the same thing despite first appearances. Rigid Designators
  • One landmark event in vertebrate evolution was the evolution of jaws from agnathan ancestors, which was followed by the first appearance of the stomach.
  • So this is your first appearance on the big screen?
  • In the absence of an adequate fossil record, geological events, rather than the first appearances of sister taxa in the geological record, are often used to calibrate molecular clocks.
  • People have been predicting the demise of these often unnecessarily large and cumbersome machines since their first appearance on city streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • On its first appearance the turpentine is of a sirupy consistence, and is quite transparent; gradually it becomes more opaque, and of a yellowish-white color. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • And as it was our first appearance at church since -- well, _since_ -- perhaps there was just a little consciousness of our relations that made Bessie seem to retire absolutely within herself, and be no more a part of the silken crowd than was the grave, plain man who rose up in the pulpit. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • Inexplicably, it may be the first appearance of the word posset on this website. Hooting Yard
  • From his first appearance, Waugh wore the air of the silent but deadly gunslinger, a steely-eyed, cold-hearted winner.
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • It amazed audiences at its first appearances at Western air shows in the 1990s with aerobatic manoeuvres previously unknown for a twin-engined jet aircraft its size.
  • Archaic ungulates (‘condylarths’) were long known to be among many eutherians to make their first appearance and proliferate in the Paleocene.
  • People have been predicting the demise of these often unnecessarily large and cumbersome machines since their first appearance on city streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.
  • The label showed its casual Escada Sport line rather than the more elegant main line on Wednesday at Berlin fashion week — the company's first appearance there — in an effort to highlight its new, broader image. Everyday Escada? Life After '80s Power Dressing
  • The long Eocene epoch witnessed only four independent first appearances of gastropods with a labral tooth.
  • Her first appearance onstage brought the house down.
  • She was a bit queasy at her first appearance on the stage.
  • Farmers are reeling from the latest shock to hit their industry, as a devastating livestock disease made its first appearance in Britain for 20 years.
  • According to dance medicine specialists, overuse injuries often make their first appearance in adolescence.
  • By avoiding excessive reverence, Lucas makes the first appearance of the black mask and costume a moment of profound sadness.
  • This disc marks the first appearance of material written under the wing of the record company.
  • The first appearance by a man in Barker's work is unprepossessing, to say the least.
  • he emerged from his hibernation to make his first appearance in several years
  • Popeye made his first appearance as a supporting character in a cartoon strip in Hearst's New York newspapers.
  • The Opera House was sold out for the singer's first appearance in the city.
  • The first appearance of this change is to be found in Cavalli's operas, in which certain rhythmical movements called "arias" which are quite distinct from the _musica parlante_, make their appearance. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
  • II. ii.86 (166,4) [Not a man of those, but he hath the wit to lose his hair] That is, _Those who have more hair than wit_, are easily entrapped by loose women, and suffer the consequences of lewdness, one of which, in the first appearance of the disease in Europe, was the loss of hair. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • The fever, though it was October, had scarcely abated; indeed, on the contrary, it seemed to have revived and increased in virulency in consequence of the premature return of many people who had fled on its first appearance, and who in coming back too soon to the infected atmosphere, were less able to withstand contagion than those who had remained. The Hidden Hand
  • Long before the first appearance of this film's visitant, and the ensuing moments of terror that repeat themselves with every one of its whispering advent, one gets the impression that this just might be a spook flick with a difference.
  • As soon as the "huer" discerns the first appearance of a shoal, he waves his bush. Rambles Beyond Railways; or, Notes in Cornwall taken A-foot
  • In the foundation's first appearance at the Marine Corps Marathon as "Team Travis," Looney was a teary-eyed guest speaker.
  • Nate Teut (0-1) gave up four runs and four hits over five innings to suffer the loss in his first appearance for Indianapolis.
  • We laugh and mock from the moment of their first appearance.
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • The whole family rolled up to their daughte's first appearance on the stage.
  • The first appearance of the word dory for fish is listed as 1440. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 4
  • Song and dance is how Catherine Zeta-Jones made her first appearances in school shows and pantos.
  • From its first appearance on the New York art-scene it scored a triumph with collectors.
  • His first appearance in literary history is curious and significant.
  • The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday.
  • The first appearance of Vernedia in lower Cenomanian rocks of Oregon implies that the genus migrated westwardly across the Pacific into the Old World Tethyan province.
  • Witnesses will not be cross-examined during their first appearance before the tribunal.
  • The thick Thunderhead Sandstone (Upper Precambrian Great Smoky Group) in the Great Smoky Mountains along the Tennessee/North Carolina border was deformed and regionally metamorphosed during formation of the Appalachian Highlands, beginning in the so-called Devonian (that is, early in the Flood year).12-14 With increasing temperatures and pressures from northwest to southeast, the regional metamorphism produced in these sandstone layers a series of chemically and mineralogically distinct zones of schists and gneisses.15 These zones are named according to the first appearance of the distinctive metamorphic minerals which characterize them as the intensity of the metamorphism increased laterally—the biotite, garnet, staurolite, and kyanite zones. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
  • We are old enough to remember its first appearance; the eager curiosity and keen discussion which it awakened; the criticism which it called forth; and, above all, the animated delight with which it was received by all who were young or not critical. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862
  • At first appearances the book may seem rough-hewn.
  • I have lately had the epidemical distemper; I don't mean poverty, but that cold which they call the influenza, and which made its first appearance in London; [52] whether it came to Scotland in the wagon, or travelled with a companion in a post-chaise, is quite uncertain. Boswell's Correspondence with the Honourable Andrew Erskine, and His Journal of a Tour to Corsica
  • People have been predicting the demise of these often unnecessarily large and cumbersome machines since their first appearance on city streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our curate is a young gentleman of such prepossessing appearance, and fascinating manners, that within one month after his first appearance in the parish, half the young – lady inhabitants were melancholy with religion, and the other half, desponding with love. Sketches by Boz
  • Here, too, first appearances may suggest that theology entails a progressive abstraction from the particularity of Jesus to some purely spiritual reality.
  • So this is your first appearance on the big screen?
  • The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.
  • The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday.
  • Early in their first appearance they may be treated with spirits of camphor or plain alcohol, which sometimes tends to abort them; but they usually run their course, and when they are fully developed they may be treated with zinc oxide, simple borated vaseline, or ichthyol. The Mother and Her Child
  • The first appearance a child would make after being charged would be before a youth court, formerly called a juvenile court.
  • Linas Kleiza made his first appearance since in 11 months after undergoing microfracture surgery on Feb. 1 to repair both a torn meniscus and chondral defect in his right knee, and had 10 points and three rebounds. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • She made her first appearance on the Yiddish stage in 1929, playing the role of a child in a production of Sholem Asch's "Kiddush HaShem" at Maurice Schwartz's Yiddish Art Theater. Personal Information for Lillian Lux
  • The Opera House was sold out for the singer's first appearance in the city.
  • He allowed two runs in his first appearance but went eight relief outings without allowing a run until giving up two last Friday.
  • It was his first appearance on television/television appearance as president.
  • The men make their first appearance in court today. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contradictions are apparent in her first appearance, when we find her in a halfway house for recovering addicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • People have been predicting the demise of these often unnecessarily large and cumbersome machines since their first appearance on city streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The baby's first appearance with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was also "live-tweeted" by the Royal Family's official @ClarenceHouse Twitter account.
  • The expression 'full moon' means the fourteenth day of the moon reckoned from its first appearance.
  • The striker was given a warm reception when he came on midway through the second half, his first appearance for the club in over five months, and by full-time he had become the toast of Ibrox.
  • Since its first appearance nearly half a century ago the book has gone through a number of printings and has deservedly maintained its popularity.
  • The future Mrs. John Travolta, Kelly Preston Jerry Maguire, Spacecamp makes one of her first appearances as a flirtily flirtatious young flirt. Christine (1983)
  • In 1964 the bikini made its first appearance on the cover of Sports Illustrated; that same year, the mod designer took the two-piece concept one step further with his topless monokini.
  • These differences were as important for them as, when I made my first appearance in society, were those between two families like the Guer-mantes and the Time Regained
  • I do not know, and it would probably be difficult to say, what was the first appearance of the decasyllable, which in German, as in English, was to become on the whole the staple measure of non-lyrical poetry and the not infrequent medium of lyrical. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • This estimate coincides with the first appearance of the genus Homo in the fossil record.
  • The first appearance of the hairetikos anthropos, the "chooser" of his own way rather than the common sense of the Church, is in Tit. iii. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Linton giggled: the first appearance of mirth he had exhibited.
  • Women made their first appearance as jurors in the King's Bench Courts in 1921, and one jurywoman signalised the innovation by knitting in the box whilst listening to the evidence.
  • Women, much like men, judge everything on first appearances, so it's important to look attractive and remove all the Taco Bell chalupa wrappers from your beard.
  • In the meantime, one might look for the first appearance of a new journal in March Educational Action Research.
  • Your first appearance on the beach or sun lounger is crucial. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, one might look for the first appearance of a new journal in March Educational Action Research.
  • Com. trans« that thisplay, at its first appearance, lated from the French of Madame was, as he expresses it, hounded Genlis. Biographia dramatica, or, A companion to the playhouse:
  • She is lively and obliging: she is young; not more than twenty; yet looks rather younger, by reason of a country bloom, which, however, misbecomes her not; and gives a modesty to her first appearance, that prepossesses one in her favour. Sir Charles Grandison
  • His first appearance, an arraignment to enter a plea of guilty or not-guilty, is required by law.
  • He made no plea at the magistrates 'court in Siteki, about 180 kilometres (115 miles) east of the capital Mbabane, as he made his first appearance before the judges, according to an AFP reporter at the hearing. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Now, relying on these discoveries, as well as upon the successful demonstration, by inorganic means, of organic acids in chemistry, and starting from the supposition that the first appearance of life must necessarily be explained by those agencies which are already active in the inorganic nature, many scientists have attempted the so-called _mechanical explanation of life_. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • We perceive a return to it, as it were, in the early phases of development of the highest organised of the actually existing species, or we ought rather to say that development starts from the old point; and thus, in regard to the scapula, we can explain the constancy of its first appearance close to the head, whether in the human embryo or in that of the swan, also its vertical position to the axis of the spinal column, by its general homology as the rib or 'pleurapophysis' of the occipital vertebra" (_Limbs_, p. 56). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Your first appearance on the beach or sun lounger is crucial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The motor-car was now beginning to make its first appearance in the backveld, and a small motor transport corps rendered excellent service.
  • Not surprisingly, Adrina's first appearance at the war council caused a stir, even more than Tristan's inclusion. TREASON KEEP
  • Thus the scapula, which is the pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra, is vertical on its first appearance in the embryo of tetrapoda, and lies close up to the head Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • While we were waiting, Sergeant Cuff looked through the evergreen arch on our left, spied out our rosery, and walked straight in, with the first appearance of anything like interest that he had shown yet. The Moonstone
  • CARLSBAD - The accused killer of Carlsbad teen Christopher Lee had a first appearance in court Friday. Carlsbad Current-Argus Most Viewed
  • Janet Morgan's dulcet vocals make their first appearance on this duet, and are ably ballasted by Robbins' resonant baritone.
  • First appearance, popularity, I was never lost you.

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