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How To Use Firing In A Sentence

  • 8. The reporters all want Obama to make the sort of inaccurate, snide, snipy comments that the Clintons are now firing off daily. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • A touch is all that is needed to lube delicate trigger mechanisms, firing pins, ejectors, extractors and springs.
  • A collection of tattered men o'war and patched sloops is firing directly over the decks of the old admiral's flagship and into the area of HMS Brown.
  • Police say the weapons were seized as it is suspected that they breach the 1982 Firearms Act, which prohibits the selling of readily convertible blank firing weapons.
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  • On set, instead of saying ‘Action’, he cued his actors by firing a gun.
  • The police responded by firing rubber bullets, wooden pellets, and tear gas into the crowd.
  • Think of it as a repeated uphill sprint requiring constant firing of the gluteal muscles. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a person has any kind of injury - a broken shin, for example, or a sunburn - the pain system becomes hypersensitized, firing up in response to normally painless sensations induced by, for instance, walking or a gentle massage. Undefined
  • In defiance of the ceasefire, rebel troops are again firing on the capital.
  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • I meant painted in the sense of a pigmented cementitious finish that is applied to the surface of the brick before firing. Green Building Elements: Brick
  • M. O'BRIEN: We are one minute into that rocket firing they call the deorbit burn, two minutes and 42 seconds worth of rocket firing. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2005
  • As one character says here, with desperate weariness: ‘We electrocuted him, gassed him, put him in front of a firing squad.’
  • The guns were set inside of hills, beneath reinforced concrete bomb shields, and concealed behind immense iron firing ports.
  • The third class of ordnance included the guns firing stone projectiles, such as the pedrero (or perrier, petrary, cannon petro, etc.), the mortars, and the old bombards like Edinburgh Castle's famous Mons Meg. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • The playful flirtation vanished from the dark woman's face in a flash and she straightened suddenly, firing a steel - cold glance my way.
  • Liquid-fueled DF-5A missiles may not employ storable liquid fuel propellant, possibly requiring a lengthy fueling process before firing.
  • Soon the men of F Company that were detailed to serve in the carbineer company joined us; they had been on the skirmish line all the forenoon, but became somewhat mixed when the firing commenced, and were ordered to report to their respective companies. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • On the way down it will take images that will help determine its exact location and altitude, and set the timing for the final thruster firings.
  • The executions will be carried out by a firing squad.
  • But at the same time that the U.S. armed forces are hurting for qualified soldiers, they're also firing qualified soldiers just because they're gay.
  • Have the first rank open; let the second be checkerwise; and let firing against cavalry be the only firing to be executed in line. Battle Studies
  • The 0.0 experiment has a description of the test firing, told in innominate nightmare's typical style. Strangelove
  • Extend tax credit for electricity produced from wind and closed - loop biomass; provide credits for open-loop biomass facilities and coal-biomass cofiring; and provide credits for methane from certain landfills -91 -976 Fact Sheet On The Climate Change Technology Initiative
  • The enemy had overheard the firing and ambuscaded us. Ben Comee A Tale of Rogers's Rangers, 1758-59
  • Rather than rewarding whistleblowers who had been punished for their good deeds, Obama has signing statemented away constraints on his power to retaliate against whistleblowers by firing them. Six Months of Immunity
  • The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.
  • The burnability of the proposed raw mix has been tested in a muffle furnace by firing nodules at 1450°C for 30 minutes. Chapter 17
  • Why was a ship flying British colors firing on them?
  • They spoke of incidents of violence, which included a disabled woman twice narrowly escaping injury from a youth firing an air rifle and a pensioner's pet dog being shot dead.
  • They're going to regret firing me, you mark my words.
  • From the free-kick, Williams race forward, played a one-two with Reeves again, before firing home from tight angle.
  • I felt as I had felt when the battalion first marched from Aire towards the firing-line, a kind of keying-up and wild expectation. Greenmantle
  • Worn out or dirty spark plugs are a common cause of misfiring in petrol engines, and cleaning or replacing them can make your car go better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sanjiang will, on behalf of Liangshan tartary buckwheat, strike to international markets, and embrace a new "firing" era and opportunities for rapid development.
  • Walsh took the ball forward and off loaded to Coulter who had made a blistering run before firing over.
  • Never try to shoot out an obstruction by loading another shell and firing!
  • Proprioceptor afferents project to the phrenic motor neurons and affect their firing rate.
  • At the same time, Iraqi potters developed luster glazes by adding metallic elements to the surface of the glazed piece before a second firing in the kiln.
  • He cracked his neck, and it sounded like a gun firing.
  • Fossey saw local Rwandan people as barbarous, and went to extreme lengths to protect the gorillas, even killing villagers' cattle and firing guns at them.
  • This resulted in the ‘Goal of the Match’, their young forward beating three defenders before firing a perfect cross goal shot into the net.
  • Then he responded by, apparently, unfiring them and saying he's offended but he'll unfire them, which makes him look at best like an equivocator and at worst like he doesn't have any scruples. Edwards On The Bloggers: "Personally Offended," But Believes In "Giving Everyone A Fair Shake"
  • My mind, firing on all cylinders, entertained these notions and more, delirious as I was with cabin fever, lack of social interaction, and those strange pointy champignons I had consumed earlier.
  • Even with the selector switch on semi auto, I was still firing just as fast as an automatic.
  • It features dreadfully long and boring ‘action’ sequences comprised mostly of repeating footage of men firing pistols in the dark.
  • TPers might want to note that a decrease in revenue because of a change in government policy which then lead to layoff is not the same as the outright firing of an employee. Think Progress » Purported doctor on Texas A&M message board claims he ‘laid off my first Obama voting employee.’ (Updated)
  • The antiaircraft guns at Hamburg were not firing at individual aircraft, but instead were set up to fire in predetermined grid blocks over the target we were to bomb. Our Unforgettable Mission
  • In this book, the author is firing on all cylinders.
  • This sort of thing was sorted out on the firing butts, where the crew could park a fighter and have it blast away at a target two or three hundred yards distant.
  • The North has declared what it calls a firing zone in disputed waters off its west coast. CNN Transcript Dec 21, 2009
  • ‘Now, I get very panicky at the sound of a loud explosion caused by a tire blowout or the sound of a car backfiring in the parking lot,’ he said jokingly.
  • The technique of making majolica begins with firing a piece of earthenware.
  • His platoon, attacking heavily fortified and strategically located hostile emplacements, had been stopped by intense fire from a large bunker containing several firing posts.
  • But if air bubbles (pinholes) give trouble during glaze firing, it may be a good idea to extend fritting time, so that the air has time to escape. 14. Quality control
  • The system has previously undergone six months of preliminary tests in the same Redwood City neighborhood, with officers firing blanks.
  • As a dream, the concept can be dated back at least to Leonardo da Vinci, who doodled a round, wheeled, armoured vehicle with cannon firing out of ports.
  • IT has been designed to depict the explosive burst of speed at the firing of a sprinter's starting pistol.
  • We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle.
  • However, I can say after purposely firing multiple consecutive shots without swabbing the bore (under test conditions) that hot water slicked the rifle up to brand new in a few short minutes.
  • Children have been firing questions to their new friends by email, quizzing them on how long it takes to get to class and what a typical school meal is made up of.
  • Issues were not speedily defined as envisaged in the plea procedure; delaying tactics, such as firing legal representatives, were still used. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • At this stage a party of yeomanry opened fire and when the firing ceased 14 people, including a married woman and two boys (one the son of a yeoman) were shot dead.
  • Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air.
  • You lose credibility when you try to interpret a declination of criminal prosecution as an "exoneration" of anybody involved in the firings. Not Prosecuting Isn't the Same as Being Exonerated
  • The book's longer, second part, called "Eastern Voices," describes the convolutions in Gilmore's court trial, the legal appeals and his successful quest to be executed by firing squad. Literary Tales Of Real-Life Crimes
  • Take half an ounce of samphire, dissolve it in two ounces of aquaevitae, add to it one ounce of quicksilver, one ounce of liquid storax, which is the droppings of Myrrh and hinders the camphire from firing; take also two ounces of hematitus, a red stone to be had at the druggist's, and when you buy it let them beat it to powder in their great mortar, for it is so very hard that it cannot be done in a small one; put this to the afore-mentioned composition, and when you intend to walk on the bar you must annoint your feet well therewith, and you may walk over without danger: by this you may wash your hands in boiling lead. The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
  • There was a loud bang, like the sound of an engine misfiring.
  • Another application is analysis of plume impingement, the effects of firing of thrusters by one spacecraft on another spacecraft nearby.
  • The firing squad were already aiming their rifles and waiting for the order to shoot.
  • The first issue had problems with the firing pin mechanism, but that was changed.
  • What they forgot to take into account, however, is that you do not hear the primary charge of a rifle being fired if you are more than 100 metres from it, you only hear the "thwack" or "crack" of the bullet passing overhead, followed by a MUTED primary charge thump (weapon firing). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • But the walls aren't just a protective cocoon for far-flung outposts; ballistic windows offer protection while giving Marines a line of sight and the ability to fire downrange, meaning McCurdy's Armor can be deployed as both a defensive stronghold as well as a tactical firing position. Neatorama
  • The technique of making majolica begins with firing a piece of earthenware.
  • For reduced distance rifle-firing on bases that have only pistol ranges, a scaled down target featuring 10 appropriately dimensioned miniature silhouettes is placed at 25 meters.
  • You could check to see if the firing pins are stuck by putting a piece of thin masking tape on the back of some spent shells and see if the tape is marked or punctured. Stupid Moves
  • She can't be referring to obloquy in general, since it is her campaign that is firing out slurs and false allegations at an astonishing pace.
  • Once an archer downed a target, he nocked an arrow while relocating to another firing site.
  • Thus their forced resignation or firing from Hearst, CNN and NPR respectively is the right action. Parvez Ahmed: Juan Williams to Helen Thomas: Clarity Missing in Debate Over Free Speech
  • Imagine firing a high-powered rifle in a mountainous area; people within five kilometers of the shot would hear it.
  • The assault commenced with the firing of Rocket Propelled Grenades followed by indiscriminate firing.
  • He goes on holiday to the beach in an odd little car that is constantly backfiring, and we follow him as he interacts with the other vacationers at a seaside hotel.
  • The launcher is capable of firing rockets of different calibers armed with a range of warheads.
  • When released by the gun's mechanical triggers, the coil spring strikers trip a rocker that impacts the firing pin.
  • The submerged firing of the missiles can be conducted in a single salvo while the submarine is moving at a speed of 5 knots.
  • Hiring and firing will get harder, not easier, so the grey economy will expand. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have the RIGHT … to family and medical leave, to sue your employer for looking at you funny, to sue him for not firing someone else who looked at you funny, to sue that guy who owns the house you were breaking into when you hurt yourself, to inspect the coins jingling around in your pocket and not see those horrible letters G, O, D. House of Eratosthenes
  • In reality, this is pretty hard to credit, given the security around the firing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • I really don’t know much about the funding of Thinkprogress other than the distict lack of advertising but if this Judd nimrod is getting paid theres 2 people need firing. Think Progress » McClellan: I Can’t Comment Because Harriet Miers Told Me Not To
  • The gun-carriage is rolled forward into firing position by handspikes or block and tackle.
  • Bliss worked on ballistics during World War I and designed new firing tables for artillery.
  • If it hardens in the firing pin hole, we may have to use a Dremel tool and a pick to get it out.
  • Slow firing dormant ion-lights, we rotate counter-clockwise, along the azimuth, putting the Milky Way at our back, shaving seconds per meter off the tumble of our outbound trajectory. 365 tomorrows » submission : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The scout section reconnoiters TOW firing positions and routes between positions. FM 7-91 APPENDIX A ORGANIZATIONS
  • Billsburg, we can hear the since familiar _tick -- tack_, _pip -- pop -- pop_ of a rattling skirmish, and the _vroom -- vroom_ of volley firing. The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Ronaldo showed expert skills in the 21st minute to draw the teams level, seizing on a Hugo Almeida flick-on before firing into the net from 10 yards. Lionel Messi eclipses Cristiano Ronaldo as Argentina beat Portugal
  • Edith Cavell was executed by a German firing squad on October 12, 1915.
  • People like me, who believed the firing squad had been assembled, were left with egg on our faces.
  • For me, I guess the core reason was ‘fascination’ - things firing my imagination and integrating that with my angle on approaching the world.
  • News of the shared experience of tear gas and of the police firing at them was spread in disbelieving, hastily transmitted messages from person to person to, and those who had not been present in the first moments of violence soon informed. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • If rugby were to get nervous, then there would be a queue for the firing squad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider the physiologist's intuition that an increased neuronal firing frequency explains increased intensity of experience.
  • Rod winged another in the leg and he fell to a kneeling position still firing.
  • In waking life, of course, you were not part of the decisions about promotion and firing in your office, but still you feel guilty about getting ahead under such unhappy and unfair circumstances.
  • The book is previewed in the current issue of The Economist (subscription required), in an article that's sure to get some of the sisters firing off letters to the editor.
  • Any hostages in the firing line would have been sacrificed.
  • Bill saw the tank thundering towards his outfit and heard his own voice join a chorus of warning cries as its guns began firing.
  • The experiment has been carried out since July on the vast military firing range at Dundrennan.
  • 1922 - Popular author and Irish Republican Army member Robert Erskine Childers is executed by an Irish Free State firing squad for illegally carrying a revolver.
  • They are hard anodized to resist wear, and in place of a primer is an extremely tough material that cushions the firing pin and is said to be good for 3,000 impacts.
  • Your random firing will scare away the prey.
  • After the initial biscuit firing, all tableware is glazed by hand, before the glost firing.
  • Firing the various thrusters in brief bursts, Brett slowed the rotating motion of the elevator around its axis.
  • In Britain, regulars and the part-time yeomanry, though placed at the disposal of local magistrates, disgraced themselves by firing on the crowds at Peterloo in 1819 and at Queen Caroline's funeral in 1821.
  • Then I turn the kiln up in the morning and complete the firing slowly.
  • Like the rat-rat-tat of a quick-firing gun was the appreciative volley of recognition from the solitary applauder. Thoroughbreds
  • Moisture makes the brick adaptable and impressionable, whereas the firing process dries the brick and sets it into a strong, structured, resistant object.
  • Given the dearth of goals elsewhere in this misfiring midfield he could be promoted sooner than he thinks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whilst the chamade was beating, Colonel Cotton, sent by General Wills, rode up the street, and alighted at the sign of the Mitre: the firing meantime had not ceased from several of the houses: the common soldiers were ignorant of the real state of the case, and believed that General Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • He is best known for his automatic pistols and was the first one to invent the slide, which encloses the barrel of a pistol and the firing mechanism.
  • A nifty tear-jerker featuring extortionists, some fine Robin solo work, the backfiring of Bruce's playboy pose, and (I have to admit) some questionable family-law procedure. Happy anniversary, you old bat | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • When the firing broke out, it was like some utterly excessive fireworks display.
  • These are the men and women who remain on the job long after the special forces have made their largely useless swoops and patrols, and who remain on the firing line when the criminals return from their lairs.
  • Some apprehended a purifying virtue in fire, refining the grosser commixture, and firing out the aethereal particles so deeply immersed in it. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • This paper introduces one-firing crystalline glaze wall or floor tile some common defects , and proposes solving methods accordingly.
  • By the 330s, ephebes received a full year of training in hoplite fighting, archery, javelin-throwing, and catapult-firing, followed by a year of patrol duty.
  • His comrades cried as they formed the firing party and some shot wide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steel is enured by folding in carbon and firing followed by rapid cooling. "W.T.C. 7 Brought Down by Fire, Not Explosives, Report Says."
  • When Canadian Bill is firing with the sun-dried gidgee logs, Rio Grande's Last Race & Other Verses
  • WHITFIELD: And so, Nic, is unapproached by the army there, that they're hoping that the folks firing weapons just might run out of artillery and that's how it ends? CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2007
  • After surviving the pseudo-vexfoot's assault, the haustorium-firing fungus, and the rain drain that had swallowed Clarity, it was almost ironic that he should stumble on a dry, smooth chunk of rock. Flinx In Flux
  • Photographs also included the burnt patch of stubble in the field that had been set alight by the firing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing.
  • The battle developed into one of maneuvering and firing with neither vessel gaining the advantage.
  • Facing him at the office next day was like facing a firing squad.
  • For years the start and end of the two minutes silence across the town has been signalled by the firing of a maroon - a firework-like device that produces a deafening boom.
  • And the possible firing of a director -- who has been called visionary by more than a few -- from a musical she has worked on for nine years. Cara Joy David: The Fall That Was
  • When our game is firing we can beat anyone and we're determined not to end the season empty-handed. The Sun
  • The mortar can also be mounted in a vehicle, firing through the roof hatch, to keep pace with a mechanised advance.
  • Ballistics was used in the criminal case to determine the gun's firing capacity.
  • So simply clear your sights and muzzle before firing to achieve optimum results on the target.
  • In a letter of grievance over his July 14 firing, Smith says he was subject to "severe and debilitating harassment" over the 18 months preceding his dismissal.
  • The Viking's huge muscles were nearly as taut as the bowstring itself as he strained in bringing it back into firing position.
  • This prepares an unfired weapon for the sudden stress of a firing charge, which will in turn reduce the number of seal and cylinder failures.
  • The four deaths were all as a result of firing anti-tank missiles!
  • I turned around to meet with the gaze of the gunmen that were firing at me a minute ago.
  • As they passed outside the larger ship's dock, there was a much larger engine firing.
  • Electrically operated smoke grenade dischargers are mounted either side of the turret in the forward firing position.
  • We shouldn't wonder at the sight of women holding the shotgun and firing.
  • She'll have to be careful now she's directly in the firing-line of the new director.
  • There is no doubting their footballing ability - there are few teams better to watch when they are firing. The Sun
  • In 2009, the Rico Auto strike ended in the police resorting to lathi charge and firing, leaving one worker dead. India's Labor Pains Go From Bad To Worse
  • Man's best friend has been in the firing line for a good couple of decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't consider what you describe as firing friends since the relationships you describe fall far short of my definition of friendship. ActiveRain Real Estate Network
  • What happens in the disease is that the neurons or the brain cells are misfiring and not communicating well.
  • The firing squad were already aiming their rifles and waiting for the order to shoot.
  • Current calls for "reform" and "accountability," including those of, claim that compelling teachers and administrators to put students first requires firing teachers deemed ineffective and assumes that standardized test data can make such determinations and therefore protect students from miseducation. Larry Strauss: Students First and Other Lies
  • On the surface, it appears that Big Blue is firing a huge quantity of staffers just to please shareholders.
  • The show was certainly a lively, fast-moving, hilarious affair salted with quick-firing sallies of naval wit and wisdom.
  • And there was poor old Flashy, caught behind the companies of the 24th as they poured their volley-firing into the "chest" of the Zulu army, cheering and shouting for the ammunition-carriers, and Durnford 's bald forehead glinting in the sun above his splendid whiskers as he pulled his men back to the donga and blazed away at the left "horn" sweeping in towards them. Watershed
  • He also condemned what he called the indiscriminate firing of projectiles towards Israeli civilian areas by Palestinian militants. UN: Middle East Talks Deadlocked
  • As the planes flew overhead, all the guns started firing.
  • Because the whole firing mechanism housing can be simply removed from the frame by hand, it's both easily maintained and repaired in the field and as a separate sub-assembly, vastly simplifies production of the pistol itself.
  • It drops to the bottom, hits the firing pin, the propellant charge explodes, and---" "I know what happens next. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • It was hard to see the extent of the damage because the windscreen was dirty after firing the gun.
  • Licensed gun holders may not load their firearms with bullets until they are in the firing range, Arroyo said.
  • The end of his sentence was lost, for he had whisked out the big Colt's dissuader of ladrones, that hung on his belt, and was firing. Americans All Stories of American Life of To-Day
  • There have been several incidents of so-called ARVNs turning around and firing into the helicopter that just dropped them off.
  • I dreamed of someday flying in a Spad, firing tracers from my machine guns at German barrage balloons or zeppelins.
  • In contrast, the Meissen factory created more impermeable ceramics like those made in China by combining a white clay called kaolin into the mix and firing the pieces at high temperatures. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Before the Hmong came to America, the death of a family member was announced by firing three shots into the air.
  • An analog calculator designed along the principle of a slide rule, it utilizes logarithmic and inverse logarithmic scales to quickly provide you with the correct firing solution.
  • They've been micromanaging missionaries until they resign in frustration, firing missionaries who could not conscientiously support their bibliolatrous theology, and selling off/closing down the system of schools and hospitals in foreign lands that we created to earn a hearing for the gospel. Philocrites: Go and make Republicans of all nations.
  • Alan took a chip in the neck and it opened up a small cut that nevertheless bled copiously and ruined, * ruined* his favorite T-shirt, with Snoopy sitting atop his doghouse in an aviator's helmet, firing an imaginary machine gun at the cursed Red Baron. Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
  • After firing just a few digitally generated rounds I was able to rapidly laser range a target and take it out with an airburst.
  • From that moment the theatre's sense of drift changed to one of firing on all cylinders. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper presents a new method of automatic detection on target from image captured by outdoor firing training system with complex background. All the images are picked up by a camera on pikestaff .
  • The part of the wood where we were had become the focus to which all the firing converged.
  • A unit was sent in the direction of the firing and four men were captured along with a grenade launcher.
  • They fanned out in a line, calmly firing volley after volley of automatic gunfire at shoppers running into the building in search of somewhere to hide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let me hope that I have not so completely failed in my aim, while firing my small shot against certain abuses and disuses connected with The The Bed-Book of Happiness
  • Firing into a crowd of hundreds is not the same as firing at a charging basto," said Duare; "where there were so many, you couldn't miss them all. Escape on Venus
  • This weekend is its last chance to "pre-sell" the Xbox before the official launch next Thursday and Microsoft is firing its biggest guns.
  • A teacher who was jailed for firing an air pistol while confronting a gang of youths outside her home was freed on appeal yesterday.
  • Andrea Elvey hit the post before stunning interplay between Jo Martin and Kirsty Ormrod led to Brooks firing in Kendal's second.
  • The troops stated that their firing was in retaliation to a militant attack on them, a charge hotly contested by human rights groups in the state.
  • The principal weapon uses electronic firing to reduce reaction times.
  • For starters, Carlisle decided to attend the press conference announcing his firing, a rarity in today's game.
  • The disclosures have led to firings, assaults and other forms of harassment against the parolees and ex-cons.
  • They are required to carry out a series of manoeuvres with the 1.5 tonne gun and limber, including changing wheels, moving around a track and firing two salvoes of three shells each.
  • Our enemies were caught unprepared and we disposed of them without firing a single shot.
  • The ground-down powder-like wood particles will be used at Drax Power Station, for the UK's first-ever full-scale trials of co-firing willow with coal.
  • They've got gunpowder enough to keep the whole battery firing for ever.
  • Harrington, who had been misfiring badly on his out patterns, finally grooved a tight one into his big receiver Roy Williams.
  • After years of loyal service, his boss gave him the shaft by firing him just before he would have qualified for a pension.
  • I did get a few misfires, so I believe a stronger mainspring or perhaps a longer firing pin or both would take care of this.
  • He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality.
  • The President's own supporters are firing a warning shot across his bows .
  • You are correct, if the inside of the bolt and firing pin requires cleaning on a bolt gun in that few rounds fired then there is something really fowled up. Rifle Shooting's 10 Most Significant Developments of the Decade

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