How To Use Firewood In A Sentence
Once, with a muttered imprecation, Kama leaped away, a stick of firewood in hand, and clubbed apart a tangle of fighting dogs.
Chapter IV
Will his wife appreciate his artistry or will she have him cut it up for firewood to keep her warm?
We are working to ensure women can safely cook, and don't put themselves in harm's way gathering firewood by providing safe, efficient stoves and teaching women to create fuel briquettes made out of organic waste.
Josette Sheeran: We Can End Hunger: 10 Ways to Feed the World
The firewood, soaked in oil, blazed up immediately, and his boat became a beacon of flame, drifting downstream towards Lake Tallian.
‘With a sled, I can also carry firewood or all the fixings for a picnic,’ Cheryl says.

Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing holm oak forest into secondary, dense shrubland, known as "maquis", or into agroforestry landscapes constituted by scattered trees on grasslands or crops.
Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
He told it, stringing it out while the three spread their blankets and collected a pile of firewood for the night.
A Plague of Angels
Among the products currently manufactured are indoor and garden furnishings, charcoal and firewood.
Women trek along, carrying huge loads of eucalyptus branches on their backs for firewood.
With the discovery of gold, mining became a major consumer of firewood and rough timber.
We can saw off any dead branches and chop them for firewood.
A century ago, this was a muddy thoroughfare for burros and carts carrying firewood down from the mountains.
No systematic study has been made of the productivity of mahoe for firewood.
Chapter 5
his temper sparked like damp firewood
Over to the left I saw an unhappy little urchin, hardly a rag covering his shivering, bleeding body, grovelling piteously in the snow, while his blind and goitrous mother did her best at gathering firewood with a hatchet.
Across China on Foot
We didn't believe (until we were much older) in wasting time cutting and burning firewood, so I was wrapped up in my sleeping bag, and my friend was yelling across the room about getting up to go bird hunting, and that it was warmer outside than inside, and I protested from inside the protective cacoon of my bag.
Big Reader Bucks from the Field & Stream Trophy Room
Instead, they are sentenced to a life of subordination: tilling fields, building homes, preparing food, collecting firewood, bearing children, and preparing any item -- from charcoal to litchi fruits for their unfaithful husbands to sell on roadsides -- money that will ultimately end up in the men's empty stomachs in the form of bootleg banana booze.
Summer Rayne Oakes: Where the fire burns: Accounts from Mozambique
Human impacts, mainly grazing, fires, and firewood collection, have transformed the majority of the remaining wild olive and carob plant communities into secondary dense shrubs, known as "maquis," and into agro-forestry landscapes comprised of scattered trees on grasslands or crops.
Mediterranean woodlands and forests
Convenience is their strong suit and in general they are fine when time is an issue and you want a quick fire without all the muss and fuss of natural firewood.
For example, California requires that people in the 10 infested counties get permits before transporting any SOD host species within the state, with the exception of firewood that has been totally debarked.
Boats from the ships and the fort were used to tow down rafts of timber for firewood.
VOYAGES OF DELUSION: The Search for the North West Passage in the Age of Reason
I set myself the task of chopping up the firewood.
The soggy firewood was gathered, tents put up, and a line strung between trees to hang the wet gear to dry.
Unbelieving jinn, those who resisted the Koran, are shaytan, demons, “firewood for hell”.
Born of Fire
If you are going to use the tree for firewood it must be seasoned properly.
Trees also provide shelter, shade, leaf mulch, fencing and firewood.
Firewood is generally sold by volume, the most common measure being the cord.
The soggy firewood was gathered, tents put up, and a line strung between trees to hang the wet gear to dry.
In the city centre, people chopped at hedges for firewood as power cuts lengthened.
Times, Sunday Times
Then we put some oars against the wall and stretched a paulin to protect our noble chef, who finally got the wet firewood once more ignited, and succeeded in getting the bread almost baked and the coffee nearly hot and some dried peaches almost stewed.
A Canyon Voyage The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
Life inside the reserve is harsh, as the Bushmen are banned from hunting, gathering and collecting firewood.
Shutdown leaves firewood period not to exceed 12 months commonly.
It seems that most seeds are foodful in the arid regions, most berries edible, and many shrubs good for firewood with the sap in them.
The Land of Little Rain
Not much of it has been at sea for long - not real good mantelpiece driftwood, more like firewood driftwood.
Historically the shrub's wood has been used as fragrant firewood and in Scotland juniper was the plant of choice for illegal whisky stills as the plant was said to burn with less smoke.
We've lost a number of potted plants, tarps and firewood covers over the years.
The protective pupa shown here (“la serre” is French for “greenhouse”) transforms more motive motives into regenerative ones, à la auto glass gone wild, nailed to firewood beams and each other and slated for a greenhouse roof.
Kevin Gardner | Inhabitat
There Brandon grabbed an armload of chopped firewood from his never-ending stack and threw several branches into the barbecue grill.
He stacked the firewood in the backyard.
The lower level is used to house livestock, fodder, food, and firewood, while the upper story holds the living quarters.
Heaped next to it is an untidy stack of slender oak and mesquite branches, the leña -- firewood -- responsible for the patio's distinctive smoky redolence.
Huellas ...Dona Carlota
heap firewood around the fireplace
With shaking hands you gather twigs and sticks from the firewood basket and coax the last embers of the fire to wake up too.
Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood.
I would imagine that firewood is a bit hard to come by on the Texas border. jennifer rose
The Pressure Cooker
She only offered a gracious giggle before kneeling down to gather nearby sticks and branches for firewood.
Stair spindles and a banister had also been ripped out and used as firewood while glass carpeted the floors.
Much of the work of the household is gender-specific, with women working longer hours than men and responsible for the hard work of hauling water and firewood and husking the rice.
Artificial dispersal occurs when people transport gypsy moth eggs thousands of miles from infested areas on cars and recreational vehicles, firewood, household goods, and other personal possessions.
CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
Even well seasoned firewood can be ruined by bad storage.
Like Jim in MO said the firewood aspect is very important since in the wilderness we can have no motors which equates to a handsaw.
You know you are with a GOOD hunting buddy when?
Honestly, firewood is a lot cheaper if you buy it by the cord instead of the volume. sammieb51
McCain: Palin bills were for 'troopergate'
Official teak for the timber yards and bamboo for the mills was one thing, but forest sneaking to the plains for firewood was another.
Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
About every 15 years the nearby supplies of wild game and firewood would become depleted, and the farmed soil would become exhausted.
Mesquite firewood purchased from local woodcutters replaces nonrenewable fossil fuels that must be purchased off the Reservation.
It is also a source of medicines for traditional healers and is used extensively for fencing, rope, firewood and building materials.
Men working in the wood said they were felling the trees for firewood because they were diseased and dangerous.
Many have reverted to despoiling the nearest remaining forest for firewood.
Days like this become a file of lingering images: women winnowing grain, children carrying almost their own weight in firewood, and meeting a Hindu sadhu on pilgrimage.
We had stopped by a patch of mulga bushes on the way and gathered dead branches for firewood.
To reduce firewood consumption and fire rings, backpackers started carrying small portable stoves.
Tree crops supply shade, fodder, leaf or bark mulch, firewood, shelter, soil protection and fencing.
Cutting down fruit trees for firewood is a case of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood.
The horses also pull the farm's ‘truck,’ an antique box wagon, and skid logs for firewood out of the woods.
The protective pupa shown here “la serre” is French for “greenhouse” transforms more motive motives into regenerative ones, à la auto glass gone wild, nailed to firewood beams and each other and slated for a greenhouse roof.
Recycled Windshield Greenhouse Grows More Glass | Inhabitat
He criticized increasing rate of firewood, which is selling at 300 rupees per mound.
1500 Border Police would be recruited in CHitral DCO said
In fact, just yesterday, I borrowed my son's ipod while I was cutting firewood, and cranked "Stranglehold" up to the max, and I was limbing and bucking beetle-killed lodegpole like the Motor City Madman himself.
On The Nuge Feud
The smoke emanating from the firewood used for cooking infused a spirit of celebration into the atmosphere.
Most of them didn't believe in modern machinery, so they had to laboriously cut their firewood with bucksaws.
P T Barnum tells a story about how his grandfather tricked a woodchopper into cutting up a cord of firewood for him.
Substituting LPG with more efficient and cheaper fuels such as biogas of firewood can minimise the escalating costs.
The trees in the parks have been cut down for firewood.
Escalation in firewood prices and air pollution led to the establishment of electric crematoria.
_Esparcette_ occurred universally, and among the plants on the river I noticed, for the first time during this journey, a few small bushes of the _absinthe_ of the voyageurs, which is commonly used for firewood, (_artemesia tridentata_.)
The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
His darkest hour came when he was chopping firewood and delivering it to the local post office just for daily cash flow.
Times, Sunday Times
Environmentcurrent issues: soil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone
Then it was time to gather firewood, fetch water and cook.
Some of the material was used for firewood and some for traditional fencing and viga poles used in southwestern houses.
A County-model Land-Rover had been backed up against a stack of firewood in the shelter of a thatched carport.
Gorse and broom are used for cattle bedding and eucalyptus for firewood.
He cleared out the coals from under the staircase, and built a neat fire of firewood and paper there, he splashed about paraffine and arranged the lamps and can even as he had designed, and made a fine inflammable pile of things in the little parlour behind the shop.
The History of Mr. Polly
Stem and leaves are pretty useful for feeding the goats, or they're dried and used for firewood, fencing and roofing materials.
He was taking firewood and a large cauldron into the smithy that adjoined the cottage.
Then he tends his herd, hunts arctic foxes and finds firewood.
Times, Sunday Times
Like Jim in MO said the firewood aspect is very important since in the wilderness we can have no motors which equates to a handsaw.
You know you are with a GOOD hunting buddy when?
Even when Dona Berta delivered our burros de leña, (firewood was measured in burro loads) small-talk was kept to a minimum.
Calle Rico
Sitting at their rough-hewn wooden table, I watch through the window as their father collects cedar firewood from a jumbled pile near the box-car.
Years ago I sometimes had fun in rooms like these, sitting on stacks of firewood and drinking shots of whiskey with friends.
When they were condemned to gather firewood from hills, their punishment could be commuted to a payment of 300 coins per month.
His duties consisted of grooming the magistrate's horse, cleaning out the stable, cutting firewood and keeping clean the dry earth closet out in the yard.
And indeed it was revealed immediately to the hegumen that this person whom he had assigned the task of animal care, who also had to carry firewood from the forest, the Niphon the Ecumenical Patriarch who long ago had been one of the brotherhood of the monastery.
Word from the Desert
With an abundance of firewood and water, with the sea always near to be bathed in, awninged bivvies and a well-stocked larder, they lived in undreamed-of luxury.
The Tale of a Trooper
they collected and cut their own firewood
True yams look like a hairy log of firewood and are all gucky and mucilagenous when you slice them.
Yams and Fertility
Non-landowning villagers had unwritten but well-understood rights to graze livestock, gather firewood, medicinal plants and mushrooms.
The Times Literary Supplement
This fan is firewood vaporization furnace namely the selection of mechanical equipment complement.
The Seine froze over, and barges carrying firewood could not get through.
Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
It is the sound of sticks being broken for firewood.
He finishes off with a wonk's analysis of sustainable firewood projections for the next 60 years.
Food is prepared in an umu, an oven dug in the earth and filled with firewood and basalt rocks.
Cutting firewood was men's work in the winter, but in the summer, it was women who scoured the woods for dried alder branches and blasty boughs for cooking.
Gutenber-e Help Page
NOAH ADAMS: A small white house, a work shed and sales room, stacks of firewood around, a 30-foot-long kiln made from firebrick - here is the potter.
Potter's Wood-Fired Kiln Sparks Friendships
The air is chill with a strong aroma of wet, fallen leaves as I carry a few old-lady sized loads of split firewood from the stack to the basement cache so we'll be warm tonight.
2006 October - Telic Thoughts
Boats from the ships and the fort were used to tow down rafts of timber for firewood.
VOYAGES OF DELUSION: The Search for the North West Passage in the Age of Reason
One of the clearest memories I have of my mother was one time when my brothers and sisters had returned from the forest after collecting firewood.
Others have been killed by sniper fire or mines while trying to escape or to collect firewood.
Times, Sunday Times
Trekking tourism to Mount Jaya has already had a severe ecological impact due to littering and firewood collection.
Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
Activities such as slash-and-burn cultivation, logging for firewood, and livestock pasturage by the landless seem to have been tolerated in commonly owned village forests.
The blankets were spread, a supply of firewood was chopped from the seasoned driftwood, and over a fire the coffee pot had begun to sing.
Panning gold in the gulches, poaching deer and other game, rounding up wild horses and mules for the packing plant, growing vegetables, cutting firewood, and bootlegging whiskey-all were honorable occupations during such hard times.
An embargo against the military junta of the day meant they couldn't sell the coffee right away, but they still needed firewood to cook.
Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing wild olive and carob plant communities into secondary dense shrubs or "maquis" or into agroforestry landscapes composed of scattered trees on grasslands or crops.
Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests
The cabin's front porch contained a liberal supply of firewood for our heating needs, the only thing standing between us and being comfortably toasty was converting the wood to heat energy.
Children are expected to help carry water, collect firewood, and run errands for their mothers.
If nothing is done about this the trees will never attain their potential value as high quality sawlog and may only be suited to the low value firewood market.
Shall we chop these logs up for firewood?
The cellar was searched and, hidden amid the large quantity of firewood stored there, 36 barrels of gunpowder were found, along with fuses.
There Brandon grabbed an armload of chopped firewood from his never-ending stack and threw several branches into the barbecue grill.
Oh, and I have seen only two scorpions since coming here two+years ago and they were both brought onto our property in firewood stored previously in a rural field.
Pet's critters
They have to go out every day and collect water and collect firewood.
Use local firewood only - Do not transport firewood from other states because destructive pests and diseases, such as redbay ambrosia beetle and laurel wilt, can hitchhike into Florida on infested firewood.
Media Newswire
Now, while Billy lays in a stock of firewood and fixes up a 'humpy' for himself to sleep in, suppose you and I go down and try to catch some fish for tea?
A Little Bush Maid
Firewood will become even more scarce, and its price will soar.
The new law also applies to petrol pumps, alcohol dispensers, weighbridges, industrial scales, firewood and even rubbish dumped at the tip.
He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably on a pile of firewood.
Five things were important in trench warfare, Orwell acknowledged as he frowsted in his dug-out high on the hills of the Aragon Front in early 1937: firewood, food, tobacco, candles and - a very bad fifth - the enemy.
They cleared some of the natural broadleaf woodland to make way for sheep pastures; they also coppiced or managed other parts of the woodland for timber and firewood.
The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.
Approximately 3 million steres of timber has been actually cut in private forests during the last years, including approximately equal volumes of logs, paper timber and firewood.
They stacked the firewood in readiness for the evening campfire.
People in Tanzania cook using firewood at home with smog around them.
The able-bodied had to saw up old railway sleepers and then chop up the pieces for sale as firewood.
I set myself the task of chopping up the firewood.
Sticks of stinkwood mixed in with our regular firewood drove us out of the room another evening.
Shaman's Crossing
She used gas lanterns, grew her own food and chopped firewood, which she sold.
Times, Sunday Times
I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night.
Burning firewood is not a panacea, but neither is it to be sidelined.
Times, Sunday Times
He has already sawn the branches up; now we have plenty of firewood.
Ethiopia has an oil refinery, but derives most of its energy from firewood, charcoal, and dung.
To cut the cost, savvy bosses burnt firewood, chaff and coal cinders in addition to the coal briquettes and balls.
Sometimes besiegers piled up firewood and brushwood at the gates or walls of their intended target in order to start fires that, they hoped, would damage their enemies' defenses.
He was chopped up for firewood.
Times, Sunday Times
They cleared some of the natural broadleaf woodland to make way for sheep pastures; they also coppiced or managed other parts of the woodland for timber and firewood.
In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.
Rivers froze and supplies of coal and firewood, already scarce over the autumn, were immobilized.
The burgeoning populations of this area is contributing to its desertification by clearing forest for agriculture as well as for firewood.
The demand for firewood now far outstrips supply.
We got our possessions settled under the ramada, and Pearl Hand managed to trade a small pearl for a load of firewood.
Fire The Sky
A man was working in the woods collecting firewood when he came upon a snake wedged in the crevice of a tree.
There's an unfinished attempt at a deck, no more than a heap of firewood, in one of the back corners, and a small dumping area in the other where the previous owners used to tip grass cuttings.
cord firewood
As well as firewood, the Country Park is now introducing woodchips and mulch to their range of recycled wood produce.
Indeed, older women bear the main burden of the search for firewood, as areas outside the camps are not safe for younger women and girls, who become the targets of the Janjaweed militias.
This last item may not have been firewood though, for Thomas Walton practised coopery as a second craft.
One group left the camp to forage for firewood.
He believed the iconostasis now reposed in a museum in Moscow, if it hadn't been chopped up for firewood before getting that far.
After a couple of decades in one area, firewood was cut, game was hunted out, and farm fields were depleted.
He was also well aware that many of the reservation's sixty-five hundred residents lived near the creek bottoms that provided pasturage and a ready supply of firewood.
In my area, firewood is easily available and I get logs delivered in bulk.
Vert - French Word-A-Day
They snatched wallets, purloined purses, ‘borrowed’ tools, burgled houses, snitched firewood or drying clothes or even chickens.
But first I cadged for myself two thick and hefty wood-chopping sections of beautifully grained cypress; what a difference that makes in the firewood chopping ritual!
Refugees from the missions labored as gatherers of yerba, loggers, herders of cattle, supplied firewood for the viceregal capital, and crewed the many boats of the riverborne commerce of this region.
I now know that after I run my trapline and do a little morning work on the firewood I will be enjoying one last deer hunt before the season ends, and I'll thank your dad tomorrow while I'm basking in the winter solitude.
Old Guys Know How To Hunt
According to the Daily Mail on February 28, one retired couple of the UK found a weird image ingrained in the trunk of a poplar tree when they were chopping firewood.
Paperbark is used extensively by local people for cajeput oil, insect repellant, soap, caulking for boats, firewood, and construction.
Southwest Borneo freshwater swamp forests
Then I called the firewood people and ordered another tonne (or do we spell it "ton"?) of wood for saturday.
Sierrazen Diary Entry
Silvia Rojo, president of EcoAndina, explained to Tierramérica that the people of the Puna region have traditionally used three types of plants for firewood: the "tola" bush, "queñoa" -
T r u t h o u t
In the morning they brought him a brass axe and said: "Our chief likes rocks for his fire; go and cut firewood from the rocks and bring it tied up in bundles.
The King of the Snakes and Other Folk-Lore Stories From Uganda
The most devastating impact came from cutting trees for firewood and charcoal.
Nearly every other motorist passing the site has showed their encouragement by tooting their horns and some have even stopped off to donate food as well as firewood for the brazier.
The banksia is a paltry tree, about the size of an apple-tree in an English or French orchard, perfectly useless as timber, but affording an inexhaustible supply of firewood.
The Bushman — Life in a New Country
In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.
Travelling by a separate route, a customised lorry, truck and trailer carry all our supplies, including 3,000 litres of water and a ton each of horse feed and firewood.
In addition to saving money, families using solar ovens no longer spend hours searching for firewood.
The Fellows use draft horses to spread manure, rake hay, and move fences, water, firewood and hay around the farm.
Seconds later, I heard a dull clunk as he placed the firewood on the floor.
The aesthetic appeal of firewood is hardly new.
Times, Sunday Times
In some parts of Scotland, people would not put a piece of elder wood into the fire, and I have seen, not many years ago, pieces of this wood lying about unused, when the neighbourhood was in great straits for firewood; but none would use it, and when asked why? the answer was -- "We don't know, but folks say it is not lucky to burn the bourtree.
Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
He says he is a sprinter by nature, too impatient to see results to work more slowly with hand tools as he used to do until 1977, when he stopped sawing firewood with a bowsaw and discovered a tool that suited his nature.
The cellar was searched and, hidden amid the large quantity of firewood stored there, 36 barrels of gunpowder were found, along with fuses.
The summer months were the time when the villagers would collectively gather, grow and store firewood and food to help tide the long winter months.
The burning firewood sent up clouds of smoke.
Families in the hills not only consume 25 percent more energy than those on the plains, they also consume more firewood.
The mother built the fire, the children kept the firebox filled, and the father cut the firewood.
To reduce firewood consumption and fire rings, backpackers started carrying small portable stoves.
They are the favorite targets of the boys who steal a few hours from shining shoes, peddling candy and gathering firewood.
During the winter the felled trees were sometimes cut for firewood, and those remaining in the spring were "junked," as it was called, and rolled into immense piles and burned, after which a crop of rye or wheat was sown, and hacked in with hoes, the roots of the trees preventing the movement of the harrow.
The New England Magazine, Volume 1, No. 5, Bay State Monthly, Volume 4, No. 5, May, 1886
On common lands they could pasture a cow and gather firewood.
Most of their energy goes into finding firewood and food, but they gradually let out the secrets of their lives.
Times, Sunday Times
And this we command in absolute terms, that you see to it that whichever part of our realm the direction of your march may cause you to pass through you proceed to the aforesaid place in good order and without unruliness, that is, that you. presume to take nothing other than grass, firewood and water.
De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Medieval Warfare in the reign of Charlemagne
As a last resort, your local authority can make woodchips and firewood from it.
Times, Sunday Times
Every household sports a solar-powered stove, an ingenious device that saves valuable firewood.
When I had taken all the firewood creme de la creme the van could way beyond reasonably carry, I inched on up to the house and added it all to the pile.
But the weather did not let up and eventually the last piece of firewood was burnt and used up.
Armeniasoil pollution from toxic chemicals such as DDT; the energy crisis of the 1990s led to deforestation when citizens scavenged for firewood; pollution of Hrazdan (Razdan) and Aras Rivers; the draining of Sevana Lich (Lake Sevan), a result of its use as a source for hydropower, threatens drinking water supplies; restart of Metsamor nuclear power plant in spite of its location in a seismically active zone
Environment-current issues
Farmers in Tabi struggle to keep up with the pace of that change, seeking alternatives to feed their families, such as apiculture and selling firewood, while women are doing crafts to earn extra money.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
A County-model Land-Rover had been backed up against a stack of firewood in the shelter of a thatched carport.
Cutting down fruit trees for firewood is a case of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
It was a long, pendulous, minutely itemed affair, such as the traveller's recklessness in candles and firewood comes to in the books of the Continental landlord, and it almost swept the floor when its volume was unrolled.
Indian Summer