
How To Use Firewall In A Sentence

  • Hopefully you have purchased a Security Suite (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc) from a RELIABLE vendor (like McAfee) and have it properly configured and automatically updating … if so, you probably would not have been infected … SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 111
  • My diagnosis is that since he is on broadband cable Internet, and has no firewall, someone actually hacked into his computer and is manipulating his system just for kicks.
  • New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.
  • For mobile users, firewalls allow remote access into private networks by the use of secure logon procedures and authentication certificates.
  • When Symantec anted up $925 million of its own stock for firewall and intrusion detection system manufacturer AXENT Technologies in 2000, some analysts doubted whether the purchase was worth the price.
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  • CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention. Cisco's top 10 rivals
  • Hardened firewall hosts also offer specific advantages, for example: Concentration of security.
  • Every day we continue to be fat, dumb, and happy with our IANA private ranges and doing port address translation at the firewall is another day further ensconced in the inebriation of IPv4. Five-year plan: 8 problems IT must solve
  • Your company has a firewall, but criminal hackers often access internal networks without a computer.
  • Preventative measures include goodquality firewalls, antivirus software and training staff to minimise digital risk-taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
  • I also discussed in some depth the potential for bypassing firewalls using the proxying components of the protocol. demo DNS is a routing, caching, globally deployed overlay network on top of the Internet. Boing Boing: January 9, 2005 - January 15, 2005 Archives
  • Is it hoping to build a reputational firewall between the bank and its majority owner? Times, Sunday Times
  • The same could happen with the net - we'll have national nets with firewalls and exorbitant charges.
  • Is it hoping to build a reputational firewall between the bank and its majority owner? Times, Sunday Times
  • amd fan boi: do something useful for once if that is all possible, given your penchant for dead-end technologies, shore up the blogs firewall and the one on fsj's IP also. and for f**k's sake shut up about 'caledonia,' or i'll have 'trey' back here insinuating 'c**kf*g' at you for your effeminate use of 'boi'! Sumner Redstone keeps firing people
  • Currently companies have more immediate security and infrastructure requirements such as antimalware and firewalls. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • A firewall is essential in preventing others from breaking into your machine.
  • Preventing infection from Worms is the number one reason people are firewalling their computers.
  • So-called firewalls that would make sure the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing are unrealistic to say the least. WIL WHEATON dot NET: 1.5: April 2002 Archives
  • he moved the throttle to the firewall
  • If your firewall has been disabled, or your antivirus is out of date, that news will display here. SP2 security ‘crater’
  • It also defeats all known firewalls, killing the running process, replacing the firewall icon, and allowing a stealth FTP connection.
  • Every wireless laptop should be firewalled.
  • The problem is that there is often little or nothing to prevent hackers from accessing sensitive customer records - once they breach firewall defences.
  • In addition, make sure a software firewall has been installed on the laptop and is active. Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically, a firewall lets HTTP requests pass through - HTTP being the standard protocol for transmitting webpages.
  • Secondly, when you're dealing with external parties there are tremendous technical problems in penetrating their many different firewalls.
  • You should always check your application coding, because even a well-configured firewall and a patched server can still be compromised.
  • Cyberoam UTM delivers the complete range of security features such as stateful inspection firewall, VPN, gateway anti-virus, gateway anti-malware, gateway anti-spam, intrusion prevention system, content filtering in addition to bandwidth management and multiple link management over a single platform. Press Releases
  • The spokesperson couldn't say whether the software was running inside the firewall, representing a major breach of the Senate IT security, or was a robot-style vote generator run by netizens.
  • Implementing a high-end firewall from scratch might cost several man-months of effort.
  • The easies way to mitigate is to lock down the desktops, have specific/tight firewall rules, and do content filtering. Web Surfing Crackdowns by Corporations as Harmfall? « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • The server is a multi-tasking, multi-user computer system that provides a variety of shared resources and managerial functions, including those of Internet gateway, firewall, e-mail, file storage and system backup.
  • In these buildings, people used fire-resisting rolling shutter to replace the firewall as the partition facility to satisfy large space requirement.
  • Screening routers and application gateway firewalls are frequently used in combination when security concerns are very high.
  • Similarly, there is a trio of panels atop the cowling and just aft of the firewall that provide access to avionics.
  • In 2001 Harper and some of his closest advisors put their provincialist biases on full display when they advocated the raising of a "firewall" around Alberta to isolate Oil Patch and its agencies from the constitutional authority of the Canada's national government.
  • As far as the office itself is concerned, companies have to break away from their traditional reliance on the perimeter firewall and look to harden up defences from within.
  • We'll put up what they call firewalls to prevent the children from accessing the bad sites.
  • The vendor installation is located in a demilitarized zone on an IBM managed server, and is accessible to both IBM remote communications and through the vendor's firewall for vendor access.
  • It's a clear demonstration that there is no firewall between the two. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite trying to educate her and installing firewall plus anti-virus software, I find myself having to reformat my daughter's PC every few months because it ends up loaded with spyware and adware.
  • That's it really - no firewall misconfigurations, unpatched operating system problems or even a Microsoft Internet Information Server problem in sight.
  • It allows you to modularize your system into "bundles" which essentially firewall their own classloader space. No Fluff Just Stuff
  • This means that they wanted to keep the WS-RM processing logic unchanged but still allow for the receiving endpoint (the one behind the firewall in our scenario) to initiate the new connections.
  • Firewalls, authentication schemes and rigid testing are musts for any company that wants to maintain a trusting relationship with its customers.
  • Additional protection is offered against spyware and web diallers, while an integrated firewall keeps out hackers.
  • An integrated dynamic firewall limits access to the client / server applications on a per-user basis.
  • The appliance is usually deployed next to the firewall or application server, ‘eavesdropping’ on outgoing traffic.
  • Some firewalls place a greater emphasis on blocking traffic, and others emphasize permitting traffic.
  • My solution is keep it simple, two firewalls, two operating systems and two virus checkers.
  • Most computer-security products are sold as prophylactics: firewalls prevent network intrusions, PKI prevents impersonation, encryption prevents eavesdropping, etc.
  • However, Q1SQ then talks about firewalls, which is not part of the security settings! Japanese Windows Automatic Update user issues
  • Nvidia Firewall 2.0 was disabled for this test.
  • If you have been using the Internet for any length of time, and especially if you work at a larger company and browse the Web while you are at work, you have probably heard the term firewall used. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The basic task of psad is to make use of firewall log messages generated by either ipchains or iptables to detect suspect network traffic.
  • He tried very hard to maintain a firewall between politics - which he defined as fundraising - and government work. -
  • In 2001 Harper and some of his closest advisors put their provincialist biases on full display when they advocated the raising of a "firewall" around Alberta to isolate Oil Patch and its agencies from the constitutional authority of the Canada? Indymedia Euskal Herria
  • It appears that the attack centered on the big red light and switch that controls the power to the network switches, firewall and internet router.
  • The firewalls were also replaced and upgraded. Computing
  • You have to go back to the User tab and reselect your firewall's global policy to display your rules again.
  • New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.
  • The net at me house is down because out firewall's hard rive died finally. June 30th, 2008
  • Fire barriers, firewalls and rated floors are used to keep a fire contained on the floor or area of origin and limit its growth and impact.
  • Or, if you must provide anonymous FTP (or downloads over HTTP), be sure to use firewall hardware and software to isolate all publicly accessible computers from sensitive internal servers.
  • In addition, make sure a software firewall has been installed on the laptop and is active. Times, Sunday Times
  • Office networkers are protected by network firewalls and virus checkers which are absent in the home.
  • When we had the chimney cleaned, we were told the problem could be taken care of by adding a firewall instead of replacing the back wall.
  • They include anti-virus software, anti-spyware and firewalls. Times, Sunday Times
  • SonicWall, which makes unified threat management, firewall, VPN and backup appliances as well as endpoint security, e-mail security and antispam software, says the deal will buy out current shareholders for $11.50 per share in cash, which is 63% more than the stock is going for publicly. SonicWall directors accept $717M acquisition offer
  • I have 3 firewalls and plenty of antivirus software installed on my computer.
  • Using ubiquitous internet protocols like XML and HTTP, web services allow the sharing of data or logic over the network and even through firewalls.
  • In non-domain environments, the default system shares (admin$, c$) are not accessible remotely by admin users, even if File and Print Sharing is enabled and the Windows Firewall allows inbound connections. TechNet Blogs
  • It also introduced a built-in tool called Lokkit for configuring the firewall capabilities.
  • In these buildings, people used fire-resisting rolling shutter to replace the firewall as the partition facility to satisfy large space requirement.
  • The case came to light months after the Secret Service's Operation Firewall crackdown on cybercrime last October, in which 28 suspects were arrested.
  • I quickly firewalled a sensitive server, but that was not the end of the project.
  • One small section of the office was saved because recent renovations had partitioned it with a two-hour firewall, which kept the flames at bay.
  • The telephone survey of some 1,000 companies found that firewalls were the main line of defence against hackers for most companies.
  • In addition, make sure a software firewall has been installed on the laptop and is active. Times, Sunday Times
  • They should ensure they have up-to-date anti-virus software and personal firewalls.
  • I've been farting around with firewalls, spyware and updating my anti-virus software this week, which in addition to some ISP hassles has kept me away from blogging.
  • Avram was a dedicated communist with a beetled brow and he spat little word-flecks of contempt at the U.S., the system is corrupt, we will eat you for lunch, you are a what-do-you-call-it kind of culture, a mickey mouse culture, and that night Marvin had to make an emergency visit to the hotel toilet, where he unleashed a firewall of chemical waste. Underworld
  • I deleted and reinstalled my firewall but it didn't help.
  • In these buildings, people used fire-resisting rolling shutter to replace the firewall as the partition facility to satisfy large space requirement.
  • But firefighters didn't have a chance to save the landmark, which was constructed in the early 1960s of wood and plywood and had no firewall.
  • Sony, which said it was taken off guard by what it called highly sophisticated criminal attacks, vowed to strengthen its network security, in part by adding firewalls and additional encryption. Sony Hits Restart on Games Network
  • Rules govern packet filtering by providing the firewall with instructions on what to do with packets coming from a certain source, going to a certain destination or having a specific protocol type.
  • Subjects covered will include advising users to maintain up-to-date anti-virus signatures, patch operating systems and use firewalls.
  • Additional protection is offered against spyware and web diallers, while an integrated firewall keeps out hackers.
  • Firewall software watches these ports to make sure that only safe communication is happening between your computer and other computers online.
  • In some cases these firewalls come with a predefined set of rules that constitute the blacklist that they evaluate data against, whereas in others network administrators are responsible for creating and updating the ruleset. DPI: simplified and demystified
  • Up-to-date antivirus software and a firewall also help to thwart hackers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new breed of hacker has a bag full of tricks to get around the technology that companies historically have relied on to keep them safe, so-called firewalls that act like a fence around the company network. Beyond the Firewall
  • If possible, trace the throttle cable from where it leaves the firewall to the carburetor or fuel control unit, and look for wear and tear, or loose connections.
  • Hardened firewall hosts also offer specific advantages, for example: Concentration of security.
  • This one is especially effacacious against mundanes; not only do they lack any serious ‘firewall’ against this manner of influence, but they are generally uncritical of the impact of their oneiric contents.
  • He plays a computer security expert forced to hack into his own firewalls in order to save his family from bank robbers.
  • Fortunately I think our firewall had been blocking the access attempts, but the popup ads were still happening.
  • Of course, as McIntyre himself notes, the last time there was a dust-up like this, it was over Thomas P.M. Barnett's Esquire piece on Admiral William "Fox" Fallon, and that obviously didn't pave the way to some kind of insurmountable firewall between military brass and reporters like Hastings. Jamie McIntyre, Former Pentagon Correspondent, Backs Hastings And Admits A "Dirty Little Secret"
  • The simplest firewall is a packet-filtering gateway or screening router.
  • With SMBs the common areas of application for Linux are for file and print applications, web serving, hosting, caching, email systems and firewalls.
  • Using packet filtering, firewalls can restrict the types of activity allowed, such as permitting web access and email but denying telnet and ftp.
  • Keep antivirus, antispam and firewalls updated regularly ? Times, Sunday Times
  • This text introduces basic conception of the firewall and operation principle mainly. We provide an application instance of PIX firewall in the campus network.
  • New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers.
  • He looked up at the jamb and saw the caduceus, the serpent curled around a sword, and realized this was the firewall between the medical computer and the rest of the ship's systems.
  • If users bought a personal firewall and configured it never to accept incoming connections, and were smart about email attachments and websites, they'd be a lot safer.
  • The firewall will also prevent attacks from the Internet on your PC.
  • A firewall provides more than real security-it often plays an important role as a security blanket for management.
  • The United States now imposes certain firewalls on bank holding companies and their subsidiaries.
  • Media organizations report using a web application firewall—either cloud-based, on-premises, or a combination of the two—to defend against web application attacks.
  • To increase capacity and enhance support for firewall penetration, the market price support for the commission.
  • If possible, trace the throttle cable from where it leaves the firewall to the carburetor or fuel control unit, and look for wear and tear, or loose connections.
  • Users are advised to use personal firewalls and anti-virus defences to defend against infection.
  • The telephone survey of some 1,000 companies found that firewalls were the main line of defence against hackers for most companies.
  • Consider the equivalent of a safe word for when the really important stuff needs to punch through your firewall.
  • Providing systems are properly firewalled then attacks should fail.
  • There is also a firewall application that can be easily configured from the Mandrake Control Center. Reflective Surface - Mandrake Linux 9.1
  • However, the distributed workflow interoperation model using component technology purely can't realize the traverse of firewall and a true interlinkage of alien system.
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  • The malware injects itself into iexplore. exe, which is generally trusted by firewalls, subsequently enabling the threat to get through undetected. ChannelWeb Complete Feed
  • Any properly configured firewall should block such a malformed request sent over the Internet, and broadcast and multicast traffic should also be restricted on a properly set up network.
  • This could be a small closet-sized space, with a fire-rated, self-closing door on the garage side, for firewall compliance.
  • When you compare this with Harrison Ford ` s "Firewall," which was like the glummest thing going a couple of weeks ago, and this one is just Entwistle, mildly thoughtful filmmaking. CNN Transcript Mar 3, 2006
  • Antivirus software and a firewall are also must-haves. Times, Sunday Times
  • These domains were protected from one another by internal firewalls and perimeter security.
  • At this point, the technology is in place to firewall yourselves from the rest of the world, if you care to.
  • They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
  • This means that they wanted to keep the WS-RM processing logic unchanged but still allow for the receiving endpoint (the one behind the firewall in our scenario) to initiate the new connections.
  • A rootkit is a tool designed to go undetected by the security software used to lock down control of a computer after an initial attack (read: anti-virus and firewalls are useless). John Joseph Adams » The Santa Claus worm
  • Compiler generates iptables script in the file with the name the same as the name of the firewall object, with extension ". fw". Tuxicity's source
  • And going through -- and at least all the polling showing Barack Obama heavily favored to win those and you talk about the Ohio and Texas being these so-called firewalls for the Clinton campaign. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2008
  • * Secure mobile devices: If users have access to notebook PCs or smartphones, implement a layered security strategy, such as a combination of password protection, firewalls, partial or whole-disk encryption and antivirus/antispam software. Increased mobility, increased risk
  • Instructions on configuring the system to use your modem, mounting your CD-ROM and optimizing the kernel for firewalling are also given.
  • The new XP SP2 is said to have a beefed up version of this firewall, and it defaults to being automatically on (and they recommend that you leave it on).
  • China's "Great Firewall" is another example of fine-grained state information control, wielded with precision to block specific websites and content networks. Jim Cowie: The Resilience of Egypt
  • Maryland failed to carry out other key recommendations as well, such as patching the Windows 2000 software used on its central computer system, and installing a firewall to protect that system.
  • A firewall is a firm between inner and outer net security barrier.
  • They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
  • If you were trying to avoid, you go hard to starboard by reversing the stbd engine and firewalling the port engine; you really don’t steer boats like that at any speed with the rudders, it’s all done with differential thrust. ‘Capt.’ Paul Watson, COME ON DOWN! You’re the Grand Prize Winner in Bob Barker’s Animal Jihad! - Vladimir’s blog - RedState
  • When a garage is added to a dwelling, a primary concern is altering the partition wall between the house and garage to comply as a one-hour firewall.
  • I couldn't move my left foot because the thick metal of the firewall had deformed around my boot.
  • Businesses can set up their wireless networks, secured with VPN and firewalls, all the while keeping in contact with their road warriors via next generation IP telephony within public hot spots.
  • Centralized management of anti-virus and personal firewalls is also key to making sure your firm is adequately protected on all fronts. Blog | Xcentric
  • These articles admonish readers to keep their virus detectors and firewalls up-to-date to combat cyberterrorism, because we're going to see more Web defacements and viruses as parts of cyberterrorist attacks.
  • Is it hoping to build a reputational firewall between the bank and its majority owner? Times, Sunday Times
  • By Sunday, a few details had penetrated the media firewall, and it looked like Bunning might have a valid point: Democrats were proposing to borrow ten billion dollars to save non-essential workers their jobs in the Transportation Department and to install satellite TV in rural areas, and this was bundled together with another extension of unemployment benefits. Matthew Yglesias » Obstructionism from Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) Boosting Lord’s Resistance Army
  • Firewall is a software which blocks suspicious potentially dangerous connections to preventing viruses from network to penetrate into your system.
  • For instance, it will probably take months before addresses out of blocks and that were given to APNIC show up in actual use-if only to allow firewall administrators to remove those blocks from their "bogon" lists. Ars Technica
  • What kind of sense does it make to invest in firewalls, and of what value is Apple’s claim that Macs are inherently more secure, when all the data on one of my computers is now completely out of my control forever? Scripting News for 12/23/2007 « Scripting News Annex
  • The firewalls were also replaced and upgraded. Computing
  • The risk can be managed by aggressively monitoring computers and networks through firewalls, strict download policies, and frequent security audits.
  • The firewalls on a PC are also disabled or crippled to ensure that the virus can replicate or allow external connections to a back-door installed on the PC.
  • His files are protected by a very complex system of coding and firewalls.
  • He could have concluded that there were no firewalls just by looking from the ground level because the walls would have projected above the roofline.
  • In my life on the internet I had just downgraded the firewall from a minor nuisance to virtual non-existent.
  • That's why they're called firewalls and that's why it was/is good that she had built up such a huge lead in Ohio and Texas. SurveyUSA: Texas Primary A Dead Heat
  • Secara default sistem operasi fedora akan menjalankan firewall secara otomatis ketika dinyalakan. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • A desktop firewall will also stop unsolicited outbound traffic from infected computers.
  • Invest in a software firewall and keep your system up to date.
  • He installed a firewall to protect against hackers, a virus protection program to stop online bugs.
  • Cyberoam delivers the complete range of security features such as stateful inspection firewall, VPN, gateway anti-virus and anti-spyware, gateway anti-spam, intrusion prevention system, content filtering in addition to bandwidth management and multiple link management over a single platform. Undefined
  • Readers are also introduced to the firewall, which acts as a sort of traffic constable, that filters data flow between a host computer and the Internet.
  • In a building, a firewall prevents a fire from quickly burning through, giving firefighter a chance to douse flames, and occupants a chance to find safety.
  • Signing up to white lists and setting tighter firewall parameters is just the beginning of a massive change in the way organisations use and manage email.
  • Each throttle and mixture control lever on the flight engineer's control stand was connected by cables to a pulley on the forward face of the firewall.
  • If set up strongly, firewalling will block all but the port you want open for your site.
  • An Idealogical Firewall against the push southwestward. Is the NRSC Maneuvering to Push Tom Ridge? - Erick’s blog - RedState

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