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[ US /ˈfaɪɝˌkɹækɝ/ ]
[ UK /fˈa‍ɪ‍əkɹækɐ/ ]
  1. firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing

How To Use firecracker In A Sentence

  • I have a beautiful, wonderful, firecracker of a daughter.
  • Many boys explode firecrackers on the Fourth of July.
  • False-firecracker Thrower @ 11: 49: Better than your boy, bushie, who kissed the terrorist-Saudis on the mouth, while holding their oil-encrusted hands. White House: Obama monitoring terror situation closely
  • A Palestinian flag was unfurled at the site, and some of the demonstrators threw firecrackers at the building. Egypt to withdraw ambassador to Israel over ambush
  • All around us, Berliners were lighting off fireworks, firecrackers, noisemakers and rockets, and none too cautiously.
  • Dennis also bought thirty to forty dollars' worth of fireworks, everything from firecrackers to some really serious-looking rockets.
  • We lit off so many bottle rockets and firecrackers that we had the girls running for cover.
  • The custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away Nian continues today.
  • Just like firecrackers streaming through the air... here and there... the following story veers offtrack I was supposed to reveal the fashion victim of our latest story. French Destinations
  • Setting off firecrackers makes a tremendous noise and causes serious air pollution.
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