How To Use Fireball In A Sentence

  • The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those marines were in a lightly armoured vehicle when it hit the bomb, flipped into the air and exploded in a fireball.
  • Suddenly there was a big wave of flame coming across the garden towards me, a massive fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • So here you had the scenario, you've got a highjacker on the plane; he's got his passport in his pocket, or in his luggage, and they hit the building, and this enormous fireball erupts and this passport floats out of his pocket or whatever, and gets through the fireball without being singed, then it gets out of the building and falls to the ground where somebody can find it. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • On the plus side, the fact that I'm here means I didn't expire in a blazing fireball.
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  • The propellant deflagration produced only a fireball, and a small one at that, by comparison to a LOX-hydrocarbon mix. Black Zones - NASA Watch
  • A fishing boat is ignited by the intense radiation from the fireball.
  • The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
  • From 1918 to 1923 there are four more brilliant fireballs over rural areas on land.
  • The fireballs grow in intensity until the sky is a curtain of drizzling flame bursts.
  • But the pilots had to be quick to fly away from the huge fireball. The Sun
  • Keep your eyes moving across the sky and stay alert; brilliant fireballs or bolides (exploding meteors) are possible.
  • Twice a day a huge, medieval siege catapult launches a fireball in battle. The Sun
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.
  • But when Dev arrives at his shop it explodes in a fireball, which sends him flying across the road, leaving him battered and bruised.
  • The Martian meteorite crashes through the Earth's atmosphere - a blazing fireball.
  • Dragoon enclosed on the base and went high in the air then dive-bombed the area with that special fireball technique.
  • She was entering the lobby when a fireball exploded from the elevator shaft.
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • The new chemicals leave gamma-ray fingerprints in the fireball for astronomers to find.
  • A huge fireball erupted from the aircraft as it careered 400 metres westwards along the road, crushing cars and setting them ablaze. Times, Sunday Times
  • As firefighters started to drag the door out of the way, there was a sudden ignition of petrol vapour causing a fireball.
  • The jet exploded in midair and turned into a fireball.
  • The huge fireballs endlessly shown on television that day caused little structural damage, the report says.
  • And unrelated to the geodetics of the situation but corresponding to the Aries New Moon, a fireball blazed in the sky throughout the midwest states of the US on Wednesday night as the fiery Aries New Moon squared off against Pluto. Astrological Musings
  • Blaze formed a fireball in his hand and launched it at the giant serpent, but it was simply eaten by its right head.
  • A driver died when his tanker plunged 60 ft from a motorway bridge and exploded into a massive fireball.
  • Sometimes I'm a fireball of enthusiasm and inspiration.
  • In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.
  • But I was deeply grateful for the lack of gunplay, car chases and scenes in which the hero outrunning a fireball down a hallway.
  • The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
  • She watched as the firecrackers rained down from the planes overhead and exploded into fireballs.
  • Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.
  • John Brown reports that the fireball appeared about 120 km west-north-west from Amsterdam.
  • Television footage showed lava flowing out of the crater while thick clouds of smoke rose upwards and a large fireball burst into the night sky.
  • He dropped a lighted match in his lap, tried to douse the flames with brandy, and turned into a fireball.
  • Another time his homemade rocket fuel explodes in a huge fireball on the family's suburban driveway. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a huge explosion and the fireball burned fiercely as the tanker's load of fuel ignited.
  • Exploding gas tanks launched huge fireballs and black plumes of smoke high into the air.
  • The spacecraft and its crew were incinerated by the billion-degree temperatures generated by the fireball.
  • The fireball destroyed a prefabricated office building before setting a four-storey office block ablaze.
  • Residents of a York suburb were clearing up this afternoon after a major gas leak sparked a fireball and a blaze burned through the night causing 300 people to be evacuated from their homes.
  • The resulting fireball could be seen for 40 miles. Times, Sunday Times
  • These products of earth's exhalations included not only weather events like wind and rain, but also fireballs, shooting stars, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and Northern Lights.
  • That your brain cells might be catenated to those distant fossilized fireballs would strike you as preposterous, but only slightly more preposterous than your emotional links to the fellow who is lying on the sofa with an ice pack on his face. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  • Twice a day a huge, medieval siege catapult launches a fireball in battle. The Sun
  • Light-flash, searingly bright, bursting from the end of a long tunnel like a fireball. GRACE
  • A lorry driver was killed in a fireball crash which closed the M60 and marooned thousands of shoppers in the Trafford Centre.
  • Mr Clark was preparing Sunday lunch when he opened the oven door and a fireball leapt into the air.
  • The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.
  • By the end of the month thanks were being offered to the emergency services following the gas fireball in Rawcliffe.
  • Then a fireball blossomed from the top of the forum, both real and virtual. 365 tomorrows » Sam Clough : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • There'll be a torchlit parade, fireball-twirling, a longship pulled through the streets by helmeted warriors and midnight fireworks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fill a pail with your choice of 300 different kinds of candy sold by the pound, including caramels, licorice, and atomic fireballs.
  • A fireball, which is usually seen to accompany the fall of aerolites, was not observed in this case.
  • A huge fireball erupted from the aircraft as it careered 400 metres westwards along the road, crushing cars and setting them ablaze. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was the dull crump of ignition followed by a fireball of considerable proportion.
  • He dropped the fireball, the ground erupting in a fierce inferno, brutal flames licking at the surrounding trees with their fiery tongues.
  • The fireball had been close-followed by some stub-winged whooshing nightbird or hog-faced bat, flicking low to Inman's head, causing him to duck and walk stooped for three full strides. Cold Mountain
  • Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.
  • These schematized formations recall aerial ballets, spiraling nebulae or orbiting planets, tracings of tiny fireballs, even measles and skin rashes.
  • This is thought to have created a huge fireball and an enormous, damaging shock wave.
  • The resulting friction causes them to burn up, and in some cases form a fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • I could have done without the attempts to make the movie a "real" spy movie --- I'm talking about all the things that get blown up and swallowed in gigantic fireballs and about the realistic violence of the fistfights. Lance Mannion:
  • That pattern suggests that an object may have struck from the northwest - a path that would have taken the blazing bolide over southeastern Australia, where aboriginal legends mention just such a fireball.
  • In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.
  • The airplane burst into a huge fireball when it hit the ground.
  • Witness the world's largest catapult launch a flaming fireball. The Sun
  • TWO workmen suspended on a cradle inside a 120 ft metal chimney died when they were engulfed in a fireball after a massive explosion.
  • In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.
  • Fire Flower: you can shoot fireballs with that "bloop" sound The News is - The News is Now Public
  • At least 20 people died and 175 were injured yesterday when a fireworks storehouse caught fire, triggering multiple explosions and sending billowing fireballs over the Dutch town of Enschede.
  • A young mother is being treated in hospital after becoming a human fireball in a horrifying scene outside her home.
  • An extremely hot fireball is seen that often outshines the host galaxy.
  • During the initial nuclear radiation mostly Gamma rays are emitted from the fireball.
  • AT least 43 people burned to death in a coach crash fireball yesterday. The Sun
  • We believed the fireballs were a result of the carbon particles, oil, and combustive gases causing explosions in the exhaust cans, and the explosions created back pressure, resulting in hung stalls.
  • Maria is a total fireball, completely irrational, and speaks a mile a minute.
  • Giant fireballs and trails of fire accompany the performers in the energetic and dramatic display.
  • Fill a pail with your choice of 300 different kinds of candy sold by the pound, including caramels, licorice, and atomic fireballs.
  • The vessel sank after two deafening blasts, which sent a huge fireball and smoke into the air above the city in the early hours yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • At this point my engine exploded followed by a large fireball, with the fire spreading to the adjacent water.
  • As if the Assassins had read his desperate thoughts, several fireballs suddenly slammed into the ground directly in front of him, creating an impenetrable wall of magic fire, unquenched by the heavy rain.
  • An eyewitness account described the plane as a "fireball".
  • The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.
  • The pilot tried to turn back but the jet exploded and a large fireball ripped into a crowded residential area.
  • The specific color Pantone has chosen is called "tangerine tango"—a brilliant shade of reddish orange that evokes a fireball as much as fruit. Orange Blossoms Especially for 2012 Fashion
  • There was a great fireball and filthy black smoke that belched into the sky.
  • Witnesses reported seeing a huge orange fireball as the oil refinery exploded.
  • Catapults pelting fireballs were used with little effect.
  • Standing up, we removed our goggles and stared in awe at the huge fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • Witness the world's largest catapult launch a flaming fireball. The Sun
  • The explosion that lit up the Siberian sky in a fireball shortly after 7 a.m. on June 30, 1908, is known as the Tunguska event, after the river that flows through the damage zone, and is widely considered the modern-day warning about the dangers slinging through space. ‘Roid Rages Past Earth - The Lede Blog -
  • Hendley was a fireballer pitching for Lanier High School.
  • The sky was black as midnight, lit only by glowing sparks, firebrands and fireballs shooting into the air.
  • Circles are the subject matter of her new work and she uses them to explore her fascination with planets, moons, suns, fireballs and comets.
  • The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
  • The fireball destroyed a prefabricated office building before setting a four-storey office block ablaze.
  • That blast created huge fireballs and sent vehicles and bodies catapulting through the air.
  • Initially mistaken for dry ice by revellers, the gouts of smoke were ignored until the roaring fireball was actually consuming the building, liquefying its flammable décor into a rainstorm of molten lava.
  • Then, they may be safe, but a Senate aide notes: "Don't try to bite directly into any whole jawbreaker, gobstopper, jolly rancher, or for that matter, atomic fireball, before you soften it up, as it can damage your teeth. Atomic Fireball threat contained on the Hill
  • The blaze created a fireball that burned at up to 1,400 degrees Centigrade and melted the tensile steel cables which supported the men's platform.
  • It spread a few feet and stopped, encased in an invisible dome, much like the invisible wall the fireball had hit earlier.
  • The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
  • Improper dispersal of the fuel aerosol or a mis-timed firing of the initiator could produce a large fireball, but the resulting deflagration would not produce the blast shock wave of the intended explosive detonation.
  • Missiles rained down on the city as fireballs went up into the night sky after the armoury at the central Ikeja barracks caught fire.
  • Radiation from the Big Bang fireball has been travelling across the universe, cooling as space expands, they say.
  • On this day, local residents observed a huge fireball, almost as bright as the Sun, moving across the sky.
  • A toxic fireball as big as the Houses of Parliament burned for several hours, exhaling a black cloud over Houston.
  • Two men had a miracle escape after surviving a smash which turned a car into a fireball
  • Rocks are of course a minor accessory to the loss of gases from the explosion fireball.
  • A motorcross champion was killed when his speeding car exploded into a fireball after crashing into a lamppost on a waterlogged road.
  • By day, eight stainless steel towers double as giant columns of waterfall, but on the hour, after dark, they explode into gas fireballs amid gasps from astonished onlookers.
  • It tore into the glass and metal, leaving a second gaping hole several storeys high from which a fireball of smoke and flame erupted.
  • The Rogers' homestead erupted into a gigantic, exploding fireball.
  • He was a fireball of creative energy, ideas fizzing from his brain like sparks from a Catherine wheel. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know it wasn't a plane, a satellite nor a bolide, meteor, fireball or a shooting star.
  • Within five seconds, the winery erupts into a fireball as flames lick the sky and the crashing explosion sends debris hurtling everywhere.
  • A state-owned commuter bus explodes in a giant fireball and thunderclap, bringing down a building near the shore of the Thames River.
  • COPS caught a fireball meteor racing through the sky on an in-car camera. The Sun
  • Explosions that occur at high enough altitudes will lay down severe shock and fire damage without the fireball ever contacting the ground.
  • It was perfectly safe; he had cast a spell on the fireball so it wouldn't burn anybody.
  • The fireball passed over the northern horizon and had nearly faded from view when the sky was lit by a tremendous flash.
  • He was traded to the Detroit Tigers in 1938 and actually beat Bob Feller when the Cleveland fireballer set the strikeout record at 18.
  • The other fighters shook from the concussion waves as their pilots looked in shock at the two fireballs.
  • UCLA's Kyte, who himself favored a fireball origin for the spinels, has measured the chemical composition of hundreds of spinel samples from around the world.
  • Just before he hit forward on the flight deck, I dove head-first into an open hatchway to avoid the fireball and explosion.
  • A second later, this led to the structural failure of the external tank, igniting the liquid hydrogen and oxygen it carried into a fireball.
  • I concentrated all of my focus into my magic as I formed a fireball in my hand.
  • When I was seven years old, my grandparents gave me a Dungeons & Dragons boxed set, the basic edition with an Erol Otus cover on which a spear-wielding fighter in purple armor and a fireball-hurling magic-user, one leg outthrust from her scarlet robes, confront a green dragon on the edge of a subterranean lake. Archive 2010-07-01
  • The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.
  • The resulting friction causes them to burn up, and in some cases form a fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • The early universe was filled with radiation and a plenum of matter, originally hydrogen and helium, formed from elementary particles in the dense primeval fireball.
  • In July, blue sky, the Sun, the clouds like a fireball seems Sun Shaohua, also disappear.
  • Some said the fireball "turned night into day" and produced shock waves that shook the ground when it exploded just after midnight Mountain Standard Time. Video of Utah Fireball | Universe Today
  • The fireball was first detected by Western's camera systems at an altitude of 100km, and moving southeastwards at 20.8 km/s. Pictures and Videos Capture Canadian Fireball from Sept. 25, 2009 | Universe Today
  • Circles are the subject matter of her new work and she uses them to explore her fascination with planets, moons, suns, fireballs and comets.
  • Spectators at the 2001 show watched in horror as a Second World War King Cobra exploded in a massive fireball, killing the pilot.
  • There was a strike that looked almost like a fireball and then an almighty power surge.
  • Catastrophists love to point out the damage that might have been caused if a fireball that exploded over an uninhabited forest area in eastern Siberia known as Tunguska on June 30, 1908, had hit elsewhere. Godzilla's Attacking Babylon!
  • The fortified city was battered by fireballs from the Brits' three camps along the river.
  • The Mariners believe that shin splits that sidelined their fireballer during Spring Training is the reason for the his struggles.
  • There was the huge fireball in the sky, with thick clouds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • A fireball then burst from the gable end of the second property and damaged a third.
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
  • Sporadic gunfire echoed from the east, followed by a thunderous explosion that spewed a fireball into the air, about three blocks from the group.
  • At around 7:15 AM, Tungus natives and Russian settlers in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal observed a huge fireball moving across the sky, nearly as bright as the Sun.
  • In the olden days, the ships shot fireballs.
  • It's thought that two freight trains collided, sparking a giant fireball that devastated the surrounding area.
  • The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.
  • The fireball just deflected off of him and burned off.
  • Rocks are of course a minor accessory to the loss of gases from the explosion fireball.
  • I saw the fireball closely followed by the bang and the pall of smoke.
  • Concerns were raised that extra fuel was carried in auxiliary tanks on the aircraft, and that this may have caused the massive fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • A huge fireball exploded as cars were catapulted in all directions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just before he hit forward on the flight deck, I dove head-first into an open hatchway to avoid the fireball and explosion.
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • He raised his arms into the air and chanted the incantation for a fireball.
  • Things like Mario jumping in a go-kart while Bowser chases him throwing fireballs, all while trying to avoid bannana peels in the road. Five Video Games That Should Be Made Into Live Action Movies | myFiveBest
  • The meteor, described as a "slow-moving fireball, estimated to be no bigger than a basketball," was recorded at 6:04 p.m. CBC | Top Stories News
  • On Sept. 14, 2008, a 30-inch span of the Transco pipeline ruptured in Appomattox County, Va., creating a fireball that destroyed two homes and caused five injuries. Development in once-rural areas put populations closer to natural gas pipelines
  • Giant fireballs and trails of fire accompany the performers in the energetic and dramatic display.
  • Above them a tremendous white fireball blossomed, like the unfolding of a vast paper flower, but now blindingly bright.
  • I suggest that green fireballs may be extraterrestrial probes entering our atmosphere.
  • The jet was carrying a full payload of fuel for its flight, scheduled to last about five hours, and it exploded into a fireball which engulfed 12 houses within seconds.
  • A neighbour said her outfit touched a candle in a carved pumpkin on a doorstep of a house and went up'like a fireball '. The Sun
  • The Boston fireballer led the league in games, games finished, and saves in 1962; was second in all three categories in 1963; and led once again in games finished and saves in 1964 while placing second in games.
  • It was a clean brownstone triple with bowfront windows and blooming flower boxes painted fireball red. The Town
  • The buildings of New York take quite a beating and nearly disappear in a fusion fireball.
  • A new coach came on before his senior year and offered a spot on the team - not to pitch, but to mentor freshman fireballers.
  • Such fireballs are surprisingly common: researchers expect an asteroidal object one meter in diameter or larger to strike Earth's atmosphere about 40 times per year.
  • Most of these fireballs burn up or explode in the atmosphere and vanish without a trace.
  • The fireball passed over the northern horizon and had nearly faded from view when the sky was lit by a tremendous flash.
  • They were destroyed with the help of gunpowder, canons, and fireballs.
  • An accompanying photograph showed a fireball rising over the city in early morning light. Times, Sunday Times
  • A teenager dragged from a blazing car just seconds before it exploded in a fireball was reunited today with the man who saved his life.
  • At 81 years of age, he remains a fireball of creative energy.
  • During the initial nuclear radiation mostly Gamma rays are emitted from the fireball.
  • Does the cosmic tug and pull of these far-off fireballs (and our more neighborly planets) help shape our lives from birth?
  • FOUR people were killed and 28 hurt yesterday when a hot air balloon crashed in a fireball. The Sun
  • He was a fireball of creative energy, ideas fizzing from his brain like sparks from a Catherine wheel. Times, Sunday Times
  • State-of-the-art special effects include three-foot high fireballs, water jets and dancing fountains around the bamboo dance floor.
  • While rumours are rife that a dropped cigarette or a spark from an underground cable caused the fireball, the cause of ignition was not yet known.
  • He's a real fireball too; I like the feistiness.
  • For example, when I visit Daring Fireball using Chrome, for some reason all of the left hand menu items disappear into a string of empty character symbols (the character you sometimes get in a font if a particular glyph is missing). Chrome dome « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Fill a pail with your choice of 300 different kinds of candy sold by the pound, including caramels, licorice, and atomic fireballs.
  • Closer in swirled crisp yellow, and nearer still a bluewhite ferocity lived, an enduring fireball. Tides Of Light
  • She has her Dad's temper and as her older brother, Mason, will attest, she can be a fireball.
  • The city was too dangerous, they thought, as loud explosions and fireballs lit up the skyline at night.
  • Viewers should be able to see 100 or so meteors per hour, some of them fireballs.
  • Debris pelted down from the rolled edges of the fireball like meteors, buffeting those who had been lucky enough to avoid the initial explosion, slamming them to the ground.
  • Past displays have featured a richness of both fireballs and faint meteors but have included fewer objects of medium brightness.
  • The resulting friction causes them to burn up, and in some cases form a fireball. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minutes later, there was another explosion and a fireball engulfed the building.
  • The sun is a nuclear-driven fireball - but speak the taboo statement that nuclear fuel is the only truly sustainable source of energy and one gets shouted down with howls of derision by less well-informed eco-warriors.
  • Two superb stunt drivers, two aggressive cars, lots of clashing metal and a huge cinematic fireball at the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • People came rushing out of their houses when a car parked on the roadside exploded in a fireball which severely damaged another vehicle parked nearby.

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