How To Use Fir In A Sentence

  • When we see her, we remember that hot July day doing five knots pulling Jess and Jerry on a tube and Russ skippering his first yacht.
  • Blackpool Scorpions notched their first away win of the season against a good attacking Leigh team.
  • But at lunch on the first day we were approached by the helpful Hotel Manager Henri and offered a swap to an overwater bungalow.
  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • Statutory rape laws were first enacted to protect minors from older predators.
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  • Once tawhid is accepted as the first axiom of thought, the goal of life becomes bridging the gap between the asserter and the asserted. William C. Chittick, Ph.D.: Islam and the Goal of Love
  • The first batch of ten shows is seen as a test of viewer demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • An AFTRA statement confirmed the issues' importance, calling the 1% increase the union's "primary objective" in the bargaining. Jonathan Handel: AFTRA, Networks Reach New Three Year Deal
  • A barman at the pub said that he was one of the first two men to be arrested. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • We had a gam one day, on this voyage, with a Yankee whale-ship, and a first-rate gam it was, for, as the Yankee had gammed three days before with another English ship, we got a lot of news second-hand; and, as we had not seen a new face for many months, we felt towards those Yankees like brothers, and swallowed all they had to tell us like men starving for news. Fighting the Whales
  • 8. The reporters all want Obama to make the sort of inaccurate, snide, snipy comments that the Clintons are now firing off daily. Archive 2008-03-01
  • A horizontal merger may enable the new entity to set price and output in the same manner as a single-firm monopolist, with the same consequences for consumer welfare.
  • I again affirm that I need make no apology for attaching my name to that of one so worthy the esteem of his co-dogs, ay, and co-cats too; for in spite of the differences which have so often raised up a barrier between the members of his race and ours, not even the noblest among us could be degraded by raising a "mew" to the honour of such a thoroughly honest dog. The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too
  • Dance the coxswain was the first affected in that way, but after a few moments Mark felt that the poor fellow had been suffering in The Black Bar
  • Some lucky local with an open fire had determined the evening warranted a little extra cheer, more than the central heating could provide, and had lit a small blaze on his hearth.
  • The first part of the book is pretty boring, but it gets a lot better as the story goes on.
  • Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firm words , air shower and broadband are three major key products of the firm net operator.
  • The firm employs ten people and hires drivers when required.
  • The firms restructured in different ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need first of all a fact finding mission and then we need to put together a coalition of conservators, a cultural coalition.
  • Metformin and sulfonylurea drugs -- the latter a class of diabetes drugs including glyburide, glipizide, chlorpropamide, tolbutamide and tolazamide -- are often among the first medications prescribed to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Drug linked to increased risk for older diabetics
  • First to unfold were the two 14-foot-wide drogue chutes, which oriented the craft and continued slowing it.
  • Contrary to what has been claimed, the theory is not insulated against attempts to disconfirm it.
  • The RAM has a first location for storing the data signal and a second location for storing the initialization status indicator.
  • We must remember that the prime motive for Housmann's boulevards and circuses was to ensure that a strategically placed cannon could fire down many streets, quelling the citizens who were periodically disposed to revolution.
  • He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
  • Connecticut schools have been fitting yellow intruder alarms next to fire alarms in their corridors and dining halls. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not allow people a second try on a second question when they have so absurdly got it right the first time round.
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
  • The CDC asks states to report confirmed flu deaths by age group but not by subtype, meaning H1N1 deaths are not necessarily tracked. Top News Headlines
  • I don't know who'll get there first, but Las Vegas is a good bet.
  • The distich caused discussion regarding the quantity of "hic", but the pope defended the prosody of Voltaire who confirmed his opinion by a quotation from Virgil which he said ought to be the epitaph of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • But, fortunately, there were cavities in the two teeth on either side of the gap -- one in the first molar and one in the palatine surface of the cuspid; might he not drill a socket in the remaining root and sockets in the molar and cuspid, and, partly by bridging, partly by crowning, fill in the gap? McTeague
  • It had multiple shooters, multiple locations, mobile threats, willingness to fight the first responders and follow-on SWAT/commando units, well-equipped and well-trained operatives, and a willingness to die. Cliff Schecter: The Terrorist and the Terror Watch List
  • Little chips light great fires.
  • Less than a minute later he had gone past the courts, down a stairwell and opened the fire door.
  • Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • The example of the first fighter aces fixed itself in the imaginations of a generation being born just as they had met their deaths. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
  • First, the entire science of astronomy had depended on careful measurement from the very beginning.
  • It was the first Nonconformist chapel in the area.
  • Tonight is a big night, because tonight I am going to my first creative writing class.
  • Thrice a day, the performers have been taking to the stage under the massive fireproof tents, which can accommodate up to 2,500 viewers.
  • We also saw our first pelagic bird, the natty Northern Gannet.
  • Somehow, they gathered themselves to beat Limerick in the first round of the qualifiers but the core discontent hadn't been addressed.
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
  • Sometimes, when people die of heart failure, they first suffer angor animi, anguish of the soul. Times, Sunday Times
  • They used dry twigs to start the fire.
  • These cases come first on the court's calendar.
  • As the firm's engraver, he requires an artistic eye and a considerable amount of strength.
  • CALLS for firefighters to move obese people are up by a third in just three years. The Sun
  • Recently the firm has been connected with more abortive bids than successes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Josefina Scaglione's YouTube video When Mr. Laurents first called the willowy soprano, who speaks with lushly rolled r's and sometimes interrupts conversation to ask the meaning of an English word, she was performing the role of Amber Von Tussle in a Buenos Aires production of "Hairspray. I've Just Met a Girl Named Josefina
  • Its heroes were beastly revellers or cruel and ferocious plunderers; its heroines unsexed hoidens, playing the ugliest tricks with their lovers, and repaying slights with bloody revenge, -- very dangerous and unsatisfactory companions for any other than the fire - eating Vikings and redhanded, unwashed Berserkers. The Conflict with Slavery and Others, Complete, Volume VII, The Works of Whittier: the Conflict with Slavery, Politics and Reform, the Inner Life and Criticism
  • Curiously, for a politician who made much of the fact that what happened in the rest of the world was not always Washington's concern, diplomacy has been the keynote of his first months in office.
  • It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite. Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
  • At first, when their cops out there started telling me things, I didn't want to know. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
  • Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
  • This also suggests that this deity was first adopted by the tradition of the monastery of Sa-gya, [26] a hypothesis further confirmed by the reference in the founding myth to his being taken over by the holder of the Sa-gya throne So-nam-rin-chen (bsod nams rin chen). The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part I)
  • This is because people who suffer Panic Disorder, when they experience tetany for the first time, often think incorrectly that they are about to die.
  • I first learned about cassowaries when I was at the School for Field Studies SFS Center for Rainforest Studies in Fall of 1990 as a college student, and was fascinated that they're the only bird that can "scarify" certain rainforest seeds. Archive 2008-07-01
  • LONDON, February 4/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc ( "RDS") today announced an interim dividend in respect of the fourth quarter of 2009 of US$0. 42 per A and B ordinary share, an increase of 5% over the US dollar dividend for the same quarter last year. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It still perplexes Kross that he survived while the firefighter on the other side of Josephine, Sergeant Bacco, did not. Humble 9/11 hero relives tale of the twin towers for tourists
  • Adding to my trepidation is this primary poll from Survey USA, which confirms Roulstone's campaign doesn't yet have the profile it needs. Sound Politics: Roulstone Update
  • His first impulse was to turn around and walk away, blank her out, pretend he hadn't even seen.
  • She hoped he would have answered in the affirmative. Times, Sunday Times
  • It also discusses the harm in detail according to the comparison of acid gases between different. the research provides selection of fire-extinguishing agents in terms of harms.
  • The gun can fire invisible rays.
  • Commissioned in 1963 to make a film about America's first successful quintuplet birth, Leacock and Joyce Chopra captured the quints' mother's anxiety at her sudden celebrity and the surrounding South Dakota community's eagerness to cash in on it. The Man Who Held Up a Mirror to America
  • Open, and I was quietly confident that I would have a chance, said Leaney, who was forced to change caddies after his original caddie, Justin Hoyle, fell ill after the first round. - Leaney's second at U.S. Open earns PGA Tour card
  • I learned to depend on him for practical advice under fire.
  • Marry that fat son of a fat cattle dealer? She would die first!
  • Bachofen was the first to discuss under the name of gyneocracy and mother-right. Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
  • Saint – Germain, the king accorded letters-patent; and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. Les Miserables
  • It was here that the Gaelic tongue first arrived in the fourth century - and with it came that form of the stick game which has evolved into the modern sport of shinty.
  • A favorite uncle provided pointers on pugilistic defenses against bullies - namely her father, who was the first regular bully in her life.
  • Firefighters said a man had taken off a valve before realising gas was still leaking out. The Sun
  • The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was similarly brief.
  • This makes is seem inevitable that the scanning device which supposedly generates higher-order experiences of our first-order visual experience would have to be almost as sophisticated and complex as the visual system itself.
  • Because there were still plenty of crayfish in the becks and streams, and they are the first to go if there is pollution.
  • The first rutted section of the road jolted the vehicle airborne, slamming my head against the roof.
  • They are not people who crumble at the first sign of a strong opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • We will probably start telecasting them by the first week of August.
  • So I'm pleased to introduce our first presenter , one of the stars of Traffic , Catherine Zeta - Jones .
  • When they met she was happily married to her first husband Laurie Brown, a member of Manchester United's back-room staff.
  • Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
  • The following day the capital was under shellfire. Reluctant revolutionary: the rocky road of Venustiano Carranza (1859–1920)
  • The sun was bright in a sky already shading into a cooler, breezier blue, and the trees surrounding the compound glowed with the first, bright brush strokes of fall.
  • Firstly, the board excerpt below represents an endgame situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are trialling it for commercial growing for the first time in this country.
  • Indeed, since entering 2011, I have been cautious; and except for the 14-point, first day of the year "yippee" to 1273, the SPX hasn't really done all that much. Jeffrey Saut: Waiting for a Pullback - Seeking Alpha
  • Unless you've been hiding under an unfashionable rock for the past year, you'll have the word camel firmly rooted in your fashionista lexicon. Philippa Young: Camel: It Doesn't Matter if You're Black or White
  • Helmeted police fired dozens of rounds of tear gas and kicked and clubbed unarmed protesters — one of whom cowered on the ground, covering his face. Tunisian leader flees amid protests; PM takes over
  • Young barristers undertaking publicly funded work frequently earn very little in their first years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is that China will continue to sustain high growth rates in gross national product.
  • enemy fire was intense
  • The first is to wonder why, if the government knows that it wants to impose a ban, does it not get on with it? Times, Sunday Times
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • But their brief respite in the conditioned air of the shuttle made that first step outside a gasper. Cattle Town
  • There are three degrees of intimacy between words, of which the first and loosest is expressed by their mere juxtaposition as separate words, the second by their being hyphened, and the third or closest by their being written continuously as one word. Hyphens.
  • This was the first bloodless revolution the city, which has been burned down forty times in its history.
  • At the least, that first conclusion seems to me unproven by his own arguments in favor of mortality.
  • He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.
  • The films he made look simple at first glance, yet already invite a more complicated response.
  • First, you should equip yourself with the knowledge you can acquire. Only thus can you be confident of yourself.
  • 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
  • Then the first of three banderilleros (usually older bullfighters who form part of the matador's team) individually run towards the bull making him charge.
  • Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth. George Washington 
  • Received telemetry data confirmed the initial phases of the mission to be nominal.
  • The boracic powder was lifted in my absence from the _Pharmacie_ to try and get the first glimmerings of a slide on that sticky creosoted floor. Fanny Goes to War
  • Its stylish reading room was one of the earliest works completed by the architecture firm of De Blacam and Meagher.
  • It was the first time I'd finally counter-attacked.
  • Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister in 1979.
  • And the first ranks have been followed by what one might almost call a levée en masse of those that remained. England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend
  • Three teams of firefighters tackled the blaze for more than an hour. The Sun
  • Investigations indicated the fire started from a temporary storehouse at the building's rear adjacent to a boiler room.
  • He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.
  • `All right, I'll tell you some of it, but first, let's get my things put away, before the high priestess comes looking for me. WEB OF DREAMS
  • Stahl Real Estate has applied to demolish two early 20th century buildings, but preservationists are firing back, arguing that the 190 rent-stabilized and rent-controlled apartments, which sit between 64th and 65th streets near York Avenue, have played a vital role housing lower- and middle-class tenants for nearly a century. New Spat Over Upper East Side Rent
  • The greatest difficulty which presents itself in entering the southern mouth arises from what in America are termed snags, that is, large trees, the roots of which are firmly planted in the bed of the river, whilst the branches project up the stream, and are likely to pierce any boat in its passage down. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Harte fired the ball into the bottom corner before heading for the corner flag to celebrate.
  • He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
  • an open fire
  • Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired.
  • The first pitch was low and over the outside corner.
  • The cake won and the news spread like wildfire. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the first sentence, the ship is described as a frigate, which has a pretty strong military connotation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • In the first instance the government was aiming to foster a private sector in small and medium-sized enterprises.
  • Chain car collisions on the Interstate, hysteria-tinged second by second updates from the weatherman on the local TV stations, a stunned, awestricken look from the locals that almost made one think that this was surely the first time they had ever seen this precipitation thing occurring. Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • The fact that I first met it as part of a pavlova didn't help: the deep clouds of snow-white sugar-cake need a fruit with a sting in its tail (the Antipodeans are bang on with their inclusion of passion fruit) if the dessert isn't to cloy. Tender delights
  • Some archaeologists have been championing the culture of pre-Roman Britain for some time and the Shropshire road may confirm that traders were bringing back continental innovations to add to existing native achievements in art and engineering. Letters: Native culture of pre-Roman Britain
  • I haf to light de fire, put on de kiddle, scrap some vit my vife, and get myself breakfast. Jokes For All Occasions Selected and Edited by One of America's Foremost Public Speakers
  • In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
  • Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure. Thomas A. Edison 
  • ‘We have to win,’ the Scotland coach affirms with a bluffness which only Australians can pull off.
  • The rival TV companies are in a race to bring out the first film drama of his life.
  • The muscle layer needs to be sewn first.
  • The only cloud on the immediate horizon is raising a mortgage - especially if you are a first time buyer.
  • A touch is all that is needed to lube delicate trigger mechanisms, firing pins, ejectors, extractors and springs.
  • Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean. Maya Angelou 
  • Local residents rushed to rescue dogs from the flames before fire engines arrived. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diaz issued a firm denial of the rumor.
  • Fruit should be firm and in excellent condition.
  • It is the first major film the Star Wars actor, from Crieff, has made in the town where he got his first theatrical break.
  • Minutes after they escaped, there was a fire flashover and the whole building went up in flames.
  • The unicity is run by Johannesburg's first-ever executive mayor - previously the mayor was a largely ceremonial position.
  • During these conferences the alteration proposed by Briggs was agreed upon; and on his return from his second visit to Edinburgh in 1617 he accordingly published the first chiliad of his logarithms. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • In 1672, when Mars was in the vicinity of the three Psi stars of Aquarius, the time was ripe for obtaining the first reliable parallax of Mars.
  • Investigations are not yet complete who exactly set the coach on fire.
  • I was halfway through the gates before the first journalist reached me.
  • The black and gold range has an electric oven combined with a gas fired hob.
  • Stick to this well-regarded first book in the series. Times, Sunday Times
  • They stood, without any respect for regularity, on each side of a straggling kind of unpaved street, where children, almost in a primitive state of nakedness, lay sprawling, as if to be crushed by the hoofs of the first passing horse. The Waverley
  • Two executives of a notorious stockbroking firm that fleeced more than 8,000 savers were banned from the City yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police recovered what was later identified as a charred right human foot in the backyard and documented a fire pit with drag marks leading to it. Edmonton Sun
  • Stand the fish tank on a firm base.
  • Betty, aged 43, was severely depressed when I first met her.
  • A short umbilical cable rolled out with the rocket which was fired by electrical impulse, breaking the cord.
  • After that, Feingold joined a Madison law firm and practiced civil litigation, including First Amendment law.
  • After the almost funereal beginning of the first movement, the clarinets introduce a lyric second theme, which is treated in the graceful manner of a siciliana. NPR Topics: News
  • Anti-monarchist rebels bombed the police base a, triggering a fierce exchange of fire.
  • For example, utter the words: "A house is my fire," and observe the comparative duration of time in the pronunciation of each word, the comparative stress, and the relative pitch (e.g. of _a_ and _fire_). The Principles of English Versification
  • Spray the fountain, then fire a rocket at the Bowlarama.
  • I'm not going home yet. I have to go somewhere else first.
  • I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents. Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
  • Fire ants feed on almost any plant or animal material, including vulnerable reptile and ground-bird hatchlings.
  • We never answer questions about special forces, but do not take that as an answer indicating an affirmative.
  • copasetic" [used so nicely in "West L.A. Fadeaway"] -- and such stunts as dancing down Broadway in 1939 from Columbus Circle to 44th Street in celebration of his sixty-first birthday. The Annotated "Alabama Getaway"
  • Rebecca was too embarrassed to reply, but he took her silence as an affirmative.
  • She would fire off a letter of protest in the morning.
  • Then they recruited him (not their first choice, incidentally) to do the donkey work.
  • The first followed a head on collision with a bus, where she had to be cut out of the car and fortunately her only injury was severe whiplash.
  • He stared off toward a cluster of people near the fireplace and I followed his gaze.
  • A catapult fired point-blank, and flames broke over the roiled water, but it was pointless.
  • The church that holds the undisputable proof as the first authentical apostolic establishment with founder the apostle of the Gentiles himself. Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker
  • But going back to the days when I was seeing these epics first time round, in the fleapits and bug-hutches of south-east Leeds - most of them converted music halls or disused chapels - we didn't give a hoot what the title of the film was.
  • The petals were so dry and apery that they crumbled at the first touch. The Seventh Scroll
  • Uzbekistan reaffirms its commitment to implement democratic reforms.
  • He claimed that the school district stepped over the line with its affirmative action plan and that race was improperly used to discriminate against the white teacher.
  • At first I was minded to send a boat after them, but by this time the rafts were a good two miles beyond the harbour, and Mrs. Purchase said, 'No, they can do no good, poor dears; let them have their few hours' pleasure. ' Shining Ferry
  • I grew chilly when the fire went out.
  • Here, my voice broke as I let my emotions through for the first time in a year.
  • But although there was a scare with my first sample being clear, as we'd only just arrived, my second proved that I, along with the entire Sunday Herald table, was completely ratted and therefore allowed to keep the trophy.
  • She added that the annual Halloween celebrations will see bonfires on the area, only making things worse than they already are.
  • First examine the entries on the marriage register.
  • If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
  • Until you awaken this feeling, you should not expect the affirmation to work.
  • She soon made her first stage appearance and won second prize in a competition for the most photogenic young hopeful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The job involved getting up at some unearthly hour to catch the first train.
  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
  • There are other constraints on the firm's capital, however, most importantly perhaps, the takeover constraint.
  • The firemen did heave a sigh of relief after pulling the deer out, but did not settle down and relax.

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