How To Use Fingerprint In A Sentence

  • The terrestrial planets in our solar system all have very specific spectroscopic fingerprints that tell us quite a bit about their atmospheres.
  • Fingerprint recognition, which falls under a technology called biometrics, has been used for years in the corporate environment.
  • She has been taken to a local processing center, where she will be fingerprinted, photographed, ticketed and released.
  • The new Touch Bar is spectacular and the convenience of the fingerprint sensor is useful. The Sun
  • The scheme became a common trope in detective fiction, but there are almost no documented cases of a criminal forging another person's fingerprint.
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  • A machine scans the index finger, matching the customer's unique fingerprint with the individual's account.
  • And then the next morning, they fingerprinted me and took me to juvenile hall.
  • A fingerprint is disposed to close the open circuit by making contact and thereby serving as a ‘temporary’ back electrode.
  • Currently, fingerprints are sent to the state's crime lab in Joliet and can take anywhere from a few months to a couple years for processing, depending on the type of case. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Biometric data includes information such as fingerprints and iris patterns.
  • They use the fingerprint scanner to approve payment to a contactless point. The Sun
  • Owners will gain access to the building by fingerprint and iris recognition, and no guests will enter without photo ID. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.
  • Fingerprints were in fact used to see whether twins were fraternal or identical.
  • For Prints, Conner arranged a set of his fingerprints produced at the Palo Alto Police Department along with a strongbox containing file folders.
  • Tyler came bearing a tray of bootleg whiskey and gin and poured them drinks in squat glass tumblers stained with unwashed fingerprints.
  • We will fingerprint visitors who need visas and those planning longer stays before they arrive.
  • He'd show them the communications center, neat gear such as polygraphs and Breathalyzers, demonstrate photography and fingerprinting, and generally try to show them a good time and build a positive rapport.
  • His fingerprints were all over the gun.
  • Objective To study the correlation between stature and the length or width of footmark and fingerprint.
  • We use the latest cryptology combined with fingerprint, capillary, and retinal recognition devices to insure secure connections and transmissions.
  • The present invention discloses vegetable soybean DNA fingerprint map and its constituting method and application.
  • It was as black and polished as an obsidian mirror, though besmeared in many places with fingerprints. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Methods: Analyse the DNA fingerprints of two vareties of Lonicera japonica by RAPD.
  • Payments are then authorised by passcode or fingerprint. The Sun
  • Police believe the fingerprints could help trap the killer.
  • Of course, this naturalness is an illusion (a transcript of thought and conversation would yield mostly a slop of imprecision and repetition), but O'Nan's fingerprints are unobtrusive. A Close Read
  • The new chemicals leave gamma-ray fingerprints in the fireball for astronomers to find.
  • Fingerprints and facial appearance change over time, while iris texture remains unchanged for time periods spanning decades.
  • Soon, we had the full set of fingerprints and Holmes had the photographer position his camera in front of the wall safe.
  • Our fingerprints are probably all over the place.
  • POLICE paid 840 to an asthmatic employee who suffered coughing and wheezing after inhaling fingerprint dust. The Sun
  • In law enforcement, a fingerprint examiner can issue only a positive or a negative identification, and is prohibited from speculating on probabilities.
  • H. E. Dorje Rinzin Rinpoche, master of the seventh Dzogchen Dharma King in China, stamps his fingerprint onto the congratulatory letter he wrote to H. H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.
  • The case was opened and the pandore put on the latex gloves and powdered two glasses for fingerprints. WHITE LIES
  • Under the film of fingerprint dust, it all looked surprisingly domesticated. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • He knelt down and, soas to avoid leaving fingerprints, felt the barrel with the back of his hand.
  • He refused to tell his name but was identified by a fingerprint test. The Sun
  • A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.
  • What is most peculiar about the iris is that each is unique and unchangeable, so much so that many claim that the iris is a better identifier of an individual than fingerprints.
  • Fingerprints must be submitted, and a non-relative must swear out an affidavit that the illegal alien was here before January 1, 2007.
  • Before Biro told me about his research into "La Bella Principessa," and what he described as startling findings, he shared with me the story of how he became the world's first authenticator of art works through fingerprinting-a story that began, curiously enough, with the very paintings I was staring at. GoodShit
  • At a crime scene detectives search for fingerprints, dusting the area with aluminium powder to bring out ridge details. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hcg level—the hormone secreted by choriocarcinoma—had turned out to be its real fingerprint, its marker. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting
  • Forensic officers dusted for fingerprints while two cops stood guard outside. The Sun
  • He was caught out after his fingerprints were taken by customs officials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also fingerprints are not kept as a biometric or as a biodata, they are simply collected to run against criminal databases. Archive 2009-07-01
  • There were never any handprints, fingerprints, hair, or anything that led to the culprit.
  • The crackdown is likely to involve technology such as fingerprint scanners to verify ages and identities. The Sun
  • The metal polish comes in a bottle or pre-moistened towelettes, contains no ammonia or abrasives and removes tarnish, rust, water stains, fingerprints and oxidation.
  • A little green light lit up verifying my fingerprint and the door opened.
  • Not cattishly, but with patronizing pity, Miss Leigh, bookkeeper, remarked to Miss Javotte, filing clerk, that if Miss Kennard did not change that green toque with the white quill to something else pretty soon, she could be identified by her hat better than by her fingerprints. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • The murder suspect couldn't explain away his fingerprints at the scene.
  • For centuries a warder locked up prisoners with a key - this is no longer the case, with both cell-blocks having electronic locks operated by fingerprint and unable to be opened by key.
  • A ninhydrin analysis revealed a total of nearly two hundred latent fingerprints on the three pages on which the marked paragraphs appeared and another eighty on the jacket. More Twisted Stories Vol II
  • There are no membership cards to worry about either - biometric fingerprint identification gives you access to the gym. The Sun
  • Then the young officer hurried off with the tumbler to check the fingerprint files at headquarters. THE VIKING SYMBOL MYSTERY
  • They say it happened when they were detained and fingerprinted by border agents after returning from a religious conference in Canada.
  • For example, the fingerprint sensor to keep the phone locked. The Sun
  • This will show any stains, fingerprints, scuff marks, or shiny places from handling.
  • He used a tissue to clean his fingerprints off the gun.
  • Currently only those over 14 are fingerprinted.
  • Police believe the fingerprints could help trap the killer.
  • The programme will gather facial scans, iris scans and fingerprints from 10,000 volunteers as a foundation for the scheme.
  • This article introduce a new method to make the latent fingerprints emerge by using the iodine heat-sublimating spray-gun heated by a sort of quartz lamp.
  • DNA is unique to each person and acts as a fingerprint which in terms of crimes can prove someone's guilt or innocence.
  • Second, people would immediately use their shirts to wipe the glossy rear panel, because it was easily covered with fingerprint smudges.
  • Fingerprint auth is way safer than a bank card.
  • Some of the police station footage has a fresh, almost documentary feel, as then-new technologies like fingerprint analysis are methodically examined.
  • What excites a person sexually (particularly if it's only visual) is as distinct as that person's fingerprints.
  • Below one entry I found a fingerprint smudged in ink. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • The mirror was smudged with fingerprints.
  • The Wheel Spins Freely Sat in your leather armchair, you find yourself in the bay window of suburbia where sunshine casts friendly shadows as you turn the newspaper's brilliant page and only the hum of Sunday traffic seeping through the open window competes with the tick of the clock when the door explodes and your howling child throws himself before you and offers up the severed wheel from a favourite toy and demands through lime-green snot and salmon-pink eyes for you to intervene (as if you were some god whose powers extended to the very edges of knowing what living is like but by candlelight feared the devil in the mirror) and so you hold that severed wheel from a favourite toy and somewhere on the other side of the Universe you feel the numbed heart of a star collapse and die and you realise the swirl of the grain of the floorboards is the fingerprint of a - Articles related to '3 Idiots' triumphs at IIFA; Vidya, Kareena are best actresses
  • But he said'many people' had access to the saline bags and there were other fingerprints. The Sun
  • Wallace had committed the crime, despite the fact that a bloody shoeprint and bloody fingerprint at the scene did not belong to either of them, and despite the fact that given their locations, it would have been impossible for them to commit the murder, they were ultimately convicted of the crime (based only on the testimony of the rapist who was subsequently released from prison, though he was never originally supposed to be paroled). OpEdNews - Diary: Herman Wallace of the Angola 3 Files Habeas Corpus Petition
  • This proves the ability to create a synthetic biometric or fake fingerprint with biocompatible, chipless RFID ink and read it through hair," he said. RFID tattoos for tracking cows ... and people
  • Collexis now offers the world's first pre-populated scientific social network for life science researchers, www. Collexis 'proprietary technology builds conceptual profiles of text, called Fingerprints, from documents, Websites, emails and other digitized content and matches them with a comprehensive list of pre-defined "fingerprinted" concepts to make research results more relevant and efficient. Undefined
  • Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.
  • The suspect's fingerprints have been matched with those found at the scene of the crime.
  • Methods Isolates were identified as acinetobacter calcoaceticus by using antibiotic susceptibility test, plasmid profiles, restriction enzyme fingerprinting assay and plasmid elimination method.
  • But now that every offence is arrestable, and that (due to RIPA, it seems) an officer must arrest a member of the public before they can ask them any questions, any contact with the police leads to an entry in the DNA and fingerprint databases. Police Need Intelligence Shock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He used a tissue to clean his fingerprints off the gun.
  • A fingerprint you can do over and over and over with a piece of equipment," said J. H. Buckner of J. H. Buckner and Associates, a document-examination and graphoanalysis consultancy based in Dallas. Digitally Detecting Forgeries
  • The protein fingerprints could be deciphered clearly upon scanning the gets using the laser densitometer.
  • That sabotages the effectiveness of the demonstrators who are literally putting their freedom on the line, going through the process of getting arrested, handcuffed, put in a police van or bus, fingerprinted, mug-shotted, fined and sometimes charged with crimes -- usually charges that are unsupportable and ultimately dropped. Are Mainstream Media Covering 21st Century Freedom Riders Fighting For Health Care Civil Rights & Ending Wars
  • The energy shift is a function of the mass of the involved atoms and the binding strength and coordination, so every chemical species shows its own, distinct fingerprint.
  • It is not for nothing that the fingerprints of identical twins are not identical.
  • He refused to tell his name but was identified by a fingerprint test. The Sun
  • PAT D'AMURO, CNN SECURITY ANALYST: Well, at this point, they're looking to try to find what we call a fingerprint as to who could have constructed this device, taking a look at what type of material was used. CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2005
  • To my right, I noticed something that I had seen in place many times as I had gone into New York, and that was the latest scanning equipment for thumbprints or fingerprints.
  • The crooks used gloves to make sure they left no fingerprints. The Sun
  • Several bodily fluids fluoresce under laser or UV light; however, it is usually necessary to develop latent fingerprints using fluorescent powders or sprays to enhance the details of the print.
  • The 5S allows owners to unlock their phone quicker by using a fingerprint instead of a passcode.
  • The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.
  • On an anecdotal level, some campesino neighbors of mine had put about 30,000 pesos in a bank account, but had major problems withdrawing it because of a problem with the account holder's fingerprints -- they would not scan, and therefore she could not access her money at this particular bank. Trust of banks and money in Mexico
  • He also criticised a change in the law under which police were able to retain fingerprints, a photograph and a DNA sample from him, despite his now having been cleared of all charges.
  • The general fingerprint patterns of twins, for example, were often identical. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
  • The idea that criminals generally avoid leaving their fingerprints behind by wiping them away or wearing gloves is a modern myth. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
  • At a crime scene detectives search for fingerprints, dusting the area with aluminium powder to bring out ridge details. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among other absurdities, the ship has a $60,000 bannister, a master bedroom that opens only to a fingerprint and a secret room designated specifically for "nookie," which any owner of a ship like this surely has no shortage of. Aboard Russian Billionaire Andrey Melnichencko's $300 Million Yacht (VIDEO)
  • The murder suspect couldn't explain away his fingerprints at the scene.
  • Voice over Police are now using DNA testing, or genetic fingerprinting in an attempt to track down the rapist.
  • Fingerprints and footwear evidence were recovered at the scene and the prints matched the defendant's.
  • The detective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints.
  • As the minister for justice he was obviously very complacent about the letter sent to him by the fingerprint expert.
  • He was careful not to leave fingerprints at the crime scenes and he strangled all his victims with ligatures (cords, ropes, etc.) rather than murder them violently, leaving lots of blood and gore on the murder scenes.
  • And he can now arrest you and take your fingerprints without a police officer being present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police then dragged him back onto his feet and took him to the justice center to be fingerprinted and booked.
  • A latent fingerprint examiner must then review the list for a final determination.
  • Forensic officers dusted for fingerprints while two cops stood guard outside. The Sun
  • As a senator, Lyndon Johnson buddied with Texas companies like Brown & Root, but its fingerprints on his presidency weren't all that notable.
  • The former is found on the palms and soles and has a thick outer layer that contains dermatoglyphics, a fancy term for fingerprints.
  • It's frustrating for the police so many declined, but the process could only be voluntary and people have the civil right not to be fingerprinted.
  • fingerprinted" concepts to make research results more relevant and efficient. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • A very talented individual with a lot of experience, may be able to identify a fingerprint that a less talented or newer examiner may not be able to identify.
  • The music is effortlessly organic and songs such as Fingerprints and Only One Way are jaunty despite their lyrically black quality.
  • Quasar light absorbed by gas in the protogalaxy has revealed the fingerprints of 25 star-forged elements.
  • A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.
  • Scotland on Sunday has obtained images of the fingerprint illustrations central to the case.
  • He asked her how she could bear to go off chambermaiding and leave her boys; and chaffingly offered to copy off a series of their fingerprints, reaching up to their twelfth year, for her to remember them by; but she sobered in a moment, wondering if he suspected anything; then she said she believed she didn't want them. Pudd'nhead Wilson
  • Everyone is born with a unique set of fingerprints and a unique palm print (pattern of lines on the palm).
  • Superman has been known to leave his fingerprints in steel and in hardened concrete, accidentally.
  • This ‘fingerprinting’ technique gave researchers a snapshot of all the genes in the rice blast genome.
  • The murder weapon, a Kalashnikov free of fingerprints, was left at the scene in a plastic bag.
  • The lab also confirmed that Bill's fingerprints were the only prints on the letter opener.
  • They use the fingerprint scanner to approve payment to a contactless point. The Sun
  • Fingerprints are no longer quite the courtroom clincher that they used to be.
  • June 23rd, 2006 at 2: 19 am mtDNA is mitochondrial DNA & is distinct from nuclear DNA. mtDNA codes only for the proteins of the mitochondrion, the cell organelle responsible for oxidative phosphorylation, & plays no role in heredity other than this. mtDNA is derived only from the ovum & is used in forensic DNA fingerprinting. kim Says: Zorse – The Zebra Horse Hybrid
  • But the technology to record unique information about my retinal patterns, fingerprints and facial measurements is very much a reality.
  • His looks had changed so drastically police could only identify him from fingerprints. The Sun
  • The new “DNA fingerprint” test of a cell can spot from a genetic signature that a condition, such as cystic fibrosis, is present, the scientists behind it say. Think Progress » Court expands review of ‘partial birth’ abortion.
  • The murder is perfectly executed, except that the baseball bat left at the scene of the crime is sticky with fingerprints.
  • The new Touch Bar is spectacular and the convenience of the fingerprint sensor is useful. The Sun
  • Two factor authentication would prevent this - a user would have to be physically present with a fingerprint, voiceprint or smartcard in order to access the system.
  • It calculates checksums for all files on the system and stores these fingerprints in a database.
  • Criminals could soon be caught by the fingerprints they leave on till and cash machine receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Penumbra's special correspondent investigates the secrets of life and of adulterine children, using DNA fingerprinting.
  • The police will have to examine the weapon for fingerprints.
  • Measuring the frequency of vibrational modes using infrared spectroscopy reveals the molecular fingerprint of the compounds in a sample.
  • As 2009 comes to a close and the stories about his "infidelities" fade, Tiger Woods is learning the hard way that extramarital affairs may be fleeting but the digital fingerprints they leave are indelible. Eric Gertler: Yes, We Can ... Learn From Tiger's Digital Dalliances
  • The lean direction is credited to Christian Nyby, but producer Howard Hawks' fingerprints are everywhere.
  • He had his fingerprints and photo taken and faces having a criminal record. The Sun
  • DNA fingerprint is a laboratory procedure that requires several steps.
  • Lieutenant Richards will tell you that each of the weapons was carefully handled to preserve any possible latent fingerprints.
  • Is the MediaAccessKey the public key, the fingerprint the private key, and the salt is used to maybe XOR the stream first? Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • In Italy, all immigrants will soon have to be fingerprinted.
  • These readings establish a fingerprint of the chemicals contained in the plant or extract.
  • DNA fingerprinting has proved the clincher in this investigation.
  • Her body was identified from fingerprints and a mugshot dating back to that arrest. Times, Sunday Times
  • fingerprinting as a means of identification .
  • He took a further step in 1929 and began fingerprinting all civil servants.
  • Criminals could soon be caught by the fingerprints they leave on till and cash machine receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previous fingerprint sensors have exploited the capacitance between the skin and the surface of a semiconducting device, identifying the ridges and grooves of the finger from the difference in capacitance they produce.
  • The police had a watertight case. They even got his fingerprints from that glass cabinet.
  • Biogeochemical and micro-facial fingerprints of ecosystem response to rapid Late Glacial climatic changes in varved sediments of Meerfelder Maar Germany. Some Ice Cores in NAS – Antarctic « Climate Audit
  • The user simply assumes a natural firing grip with the finger alongside the holster, the scanner reads the fingerprint and releases the gun for use - all in the space of a second or less.
  • Also, new chemical techniques mean fingerprints can now be lifted off anything from plastic bags to human skin. FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
  • For example, imagine each whorl of a fingerprint as a separate chunk of information.
  • At least one murder conviction is to be challenged on the basis of "flawed" fingerprint evidence.
  • Her fingerprints on the gun were conclusive proof of her guilt.
  • Since the tails are used not only as a sort of third arm when swinging in the trees (as a safeguard from falling), but often supports the entire weight of their bodies while they feed, this would make sense: fingerprints, and other places with "friction ridges" - the volar regions - generally tend to occur where one needs to grip something. A Rule of Thumb
  • Matsumoto successfully lifted a latent fingerprint from a glass and with it fooled 80 percent of the fingerprint scanners he tested. 007's gadgets no longer just fiction
  • Efforts to identify him using fingerprints and DNA tests have failed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fingerprints were lifted from the bottle's neck, but the ridge detail - the smudge that reveals the print's loops and whorls - was of lackluster quality.
  • Fingerprints also are being used with a number of other devices including time clocks, cell phones, door locks and safes.
  • But that influence is fatally weakened if government fingerprints are all over it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police discovered Mr Jowett's fingerprints on the device, and found parts used to build it in his workshop.
  • At the time, the outbreak seemed to be confined to the restaurant, but now that the strain of SE associated with the contaminated eggs has been genetically "fingerprinted", the Wisconsin outbreak is part of a much larger nationwide outbreak. Business Wire Travel News
  • No perp walk, inkless fingerprints, no mug shots with numbers across the chest and for God's sake, look happy. CNN Transcript Oct 21, 2005
  • Using this technique, absorption spectra that are a characteristic fingerprint of the sample analyzed are routinely obtained with minimum or no sample preparation.
  • DNA testing provides a genetic fingerprint that can be extremely accurate.
  • Kids Fit N Fun Day will feature a variety of free activities, including "gak" making, face painting fingerprinting, water safety and outdoor play in huge inflatables. Kansas City infoZine Headlines
  • The police were able to obtain a set of fingerprints from the suspect.
  • It provides a definite fingerprint and time stamp for different species, and researchers make use of similarities between species to create novel treatments ... such as calcitonin from salmon for human use. Wired Top Stories
  • As fingerprints are unique to each individual, so are shoeprints.
  • The heat brought up the ridges of several fingerprints in the ninhydrin. The Black Ice
  • The handsets for the system combine a phone, walkie-talkie and GPS positioner with the option to add future gadgets, such as cameras, sound recorders and fingerprint recognition machines.
  • Vidocq may not, as his admirers claim, have invented fingerprinting and the science of ballistics, but he did show the importance of keeping detailed criminal records.
  • Future systems could improve security by validating a voiceprint or fingerprint before allowing the engine to start.
  • Then we brushed iron filings on to our fingerprints making them show up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some even include biometric security measures such as fingerprint readers.
  • You'll want some sort of latent fingerprint check on the luggage. TALKING GOD
  • At Oakland's Harborside Health Center, pot is sold not by dealers but from a clean, white building where doors open by fingerprint scans, cameras monitor every corner, and pot brownies come in "childproof" wrappers. Form of medical marijuana won't get you high, but it's creating a buzz
  • Not so fast, tovarisch: your fingerprints are also required. Times, Sunday Times
  • In December the EU decided that all passport holders, visitors and foreign resident nationals should be fingerprinted.
  • His looks had changed so drastically police could only identify him from fingerprints. The Sun
  • His fingerprints were identical with those left on the door.
  • His fingerprints were identical with those left on the door.
  • The police were able to obtain a set of fingerprints from the suspect.
  • Polyembryony was further characterized by determining DNA content and fingerprints of embryos obtained from 157 polyembryonic kernels.
  • The fingerprints are scanned using new inkless technology and the prints are sent to the country to be matched against their criminal database.
  • UPDATE: (July 10) Canadian officials have finally deigned to take Hagi's fingerprints. Archive 2009-07-01
  • If your state permits access to these databases, make plans to develop and implement a fingerprint checking program if you haven't already done so.
  • However, it looks more like a splodge than a fingerprint and you can't make out any of the traditional markings that show it's actually a finger.
  • The fingerprint expert was asked to testify at the trial.
  • The detective discovered no fewer than 35 fingerprints.
  • Everyone's fingerprints are unique.
  • This was insufficient to stand up in court, as fingerprint experts need to find 16 such matches for it to be deemed copper-bottomed evidence.
  • ‘Each mineral has sort of a fingerprint in the visible to near infrared spectrum,’ explained Johnson.

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