the imputation of blame
they want all the finger-pointing about intelligence failures to stop
How To Use finger-pointing In A Sentence
- MO 'BITTER BLUES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' MO\ 'BITTER BLUES'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Clarence Thomas\' autobiography, is a vivid and dramatic display of obfuscatory finger-pointing which is why it probably should be ignored. ' MO' BITTER BLUES
- I thought you might as well hear it from me first (although I gather a certain Austrian gentleman has been circulating a rumour about it!) as I can foresee some finger-wagging, not to mention finger-pointing. C is for Coursebook (by Lindsay Clandfield) « An A-Z of ELT
- What they have done, however, is turn the sleepy municipal bond industry into a caldron of backbiting and finger-pointing.
- Officers won't be finger-pointing and nannying but having some banter with the teenagers.
- I think these are issues in which finger-pointing is really an easy reaction.
- However, finger-pointing is not going to solve what is an incredibly complex issue.
- There is no need for us on the right to wring our hands about the finger-pointing that is happening in the media.
- The latest in a series of hearings scrutinizing for-profit higher education also produced the most intense partisan finger-pointing to date and new data claiming many schools are a revolving door of dropouts and new recruits. For-Profit Colleges Hit Again In Senate Hearings
- They're not interested in being nasty or finger-pointing or political.
- But now with one quality control fiasco after another, it seems like finger-pointing for misdirection from the real problem. Smug Ugly - Anil Dash