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How To Use Finery In A Sentence

  • Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
  • Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market. Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
  • Putting Cape Wind in Nantucket Sound is like putting a refinery in Yellowstone. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cape Wind Approved
  • It claimed the refinery was losing 10m a month and was in danger of permanent closure unless new investment could be found. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, oil is pumped from underground oil-filled rock and sent to a refinery where it is made into gasoline.
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  • DELHI: India's Reliance Industries Ltd has awarded its term tender to sell diesel to traders Trafigura, Kuwait's IP. and Africa-focused Galana as it prepares for a surge in supply later this Oil company Reliance Industries is planning to export low sulphur diesel to refinery at Jamnagar comes on stream later this year, P. Raghavendran, the company's refining China will cut diesel exports in May by 40 percent versus April volumes to a four-month low of - Business News
  • He tapped a spot on the map with the rubber tip of his pointer - the synthetic oil refinery at Odertal, Germany.
  • a scarlet "whittle" over all this motley finery; with a "outwork quoyf or ciffer" (New England French for coiffure) with "long wings" at the side, and a silk or tiffany hood on her drooping head, -- Priscilla in this attire were pretty indeed. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • The consignment is a reactor imported by BPCL-Kochi Refinery for its vacuum gas oil hydro de-sulphurisation unit. - Articles related to Minister unveils plans for maritime tourism project
  • It's next to the ocean, you've got three industrial sites and it's next to an oil refinery.
  • And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • A short while before midnight the gods adorned themselves in finery and jewels. Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: part 3
  • All of that finery is hidden under their look-alike robes. Trial by attire: Supreme Court look should go with everything we believe in
  • Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery.
  • Another bidder is still in the running, but sources said the refinery is likely to shut and be turned into a storage terminal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hydrogen can be effectively and economically recovered from the refinery gas by cryogenics, pressure swing absorption, or semipermeable membranes.
  • A richly decorated palanquin, escorted by a band of priests and devotees, carried in the Kumari, dressed in her gold and scarlet finery.
  • So many youngsters thronged the street in their party finery. The Sun
  • The dispute at the Lincolnshire oil refinery was a demand for special protection for British workers on the ground of their nationality rather than their productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the economics changed, and in 1983 the refinery was decommissioned, dismantled and shipped off somewhere.
  • Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies, the taller in armor, stained and rusted with many a storm and fray, the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet, gaudy sash and plume, and sword hilt glittering with gold, a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery. Westward Ho!
  • For two or three days it's OK, but for more than that it's a big problem for me," said Matar, 25, a worker at the aluminium refinery who was picking disconsolately through the broken glass and charred debris by Lulu hypermarket. Protests in Oman Sputter
  • While methane generally serves as a fuel and is often simply burned off at a refinery, the other light gases can serve as the starting materials for plastics and polymers or as feedstock for a number of other petrochemicals.
  • Daemon idly wondered how she could move in all those layers of clothes, though her finery was proof that she was truly a noble.
  • When an oil company builds a refinery, it decides at the outset what it will produce and constructs it accordingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He did this in cahoots with people from the refinery.
  • Oh yes, the great, the double-barrelled and the weak chinned were all there in their green tweedy finery.
  • An audience turning up in its finery and getting anything less would feel short-changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The refinery is the nation's largest producer of gasoline, kerosene and other refined products.
  • In March Mr Salinas shut down the city's oil refinery at a cost of $500 million and 5,000 jobs.
  • The preceding provision does not apply to licensed oil refinery operators or licensed importers.
  • They are all bearded bigwigs dressed in finery and look remarkably alike.
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides providing a depository for the neighbouring heavy metals refinery, Bleak Pond forms a natural sump for the surrounding agricultural land, so harbours little aquatic life.
  • The experimental composting results of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sugar refinery waste (SRW) are used to test and prove the effectiveness of the model.
  • Absentees had just returned from the coast, and the youths were brave in their gaudy bedizenment, their new barsatis, their soharis, and long cloths of bright new kaniki, with which they had adorned themselves behind some bush before they had suddenly appeared dressed in all this finery. How I Found Livingstone
  • Shell's refinery opened for business in 1984, and the company has been a part of the town ever since.
  • BATON ROUGE From the front door of the aged brick school, the 4-year-olds at Wyandotte Early Childhood Center can spot the cottony plumes from a refinery just over the trees. Young students often most vulnerable to toxic air
  • I felt quite shabby in my plain cream-coloured gown next to the finery of the other ladies.
  • Candidates with exposure to palm oil refinery mill are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • The pupils dressed in white finery sat attentively throughout the mass.
  • Captured princes in torn and draggled finery were put to digging latrine drains and clearing up after the cavalry. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • As the two bay mares dueled in the lane, Finery angled to the outside following a ground-saving trip midpack and kicked home in the final strides to edge Madeira Mist.
  • We watched the stars arriving for the awards ceremony dressed up in all their finery.
  • The reassuring factor in all this is Ottway, who was the company's hired killer: Before the crash, he had spent his days shooting predators around the perimeter of the refinery, and morosely obsessing about the woman he lost. 'Man on a Ledge' Does a Balancing Act
  • All were dressed in finery; an evening dress or two, black suits, pearls.
  • The first is the ventral tegmental which is the body's central refinery for dopamine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The refinery supplies about 15 percent of South Africa's fuel requirements.
  • Now the fourpenny hop was great old crack as the boys and girls were there in their finery, dressed to kill, as they'd say.
  • An explosion and fire at a sprawling sugar refinery rattled this Savannah suburb Thursday night, severe-ly injuring dozens of people.
  • The ethanol will then be trucked to a Total refinery to be used to add oxygen to gasoline.
  • I would that were the worst; but I owe for all this finery, and settling-day is coming on, and my master will find my accompt worse than it should be by a score of pieces. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • To alter the balance you have to rebuild the refinery. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a simple dressing, however, of a white cambrick frock; no finery, seeing that Daisy was to put on and off various things in the course of the evening. Melbourne House
  • Families living near the refinery say it is also responsible for a nauseating smell that often lasts for several hours.
  • Make Oil Company of Lebanon was to start building a $3 billion, 250,000 b/d refinery in Kurdistan in 2006, and Make Oil Company bid for a $2.2 billion, 150,000 b/d refinery in Iraq. The Threat Level Remains Unchanged
  • For Mr Bartholomew, the chairman of Devizes-based Wadworth, went to pick up Ms Marsden on Thursday in a brewery dray done out in all its finery.
  • Emissions from even one giant cargo ship's engines rival those of an oil refinery.
  • There were grave Spaniards in long cloaks and feathered beavers; jolly merchants and artisans in short linen jackets, each with his tabatiere, the wives with bits of finery, the children laughing and shouting and dodging in and out between fathers and mothers beaming with quiet pride and contentment; swarthy boat-men with their worsted belts, gaudy negresses chanting in the soft patois, and here and there a blanketed Indian. The Crossing
  • I felt quite shabby in my plain cream-coloured gown next to the finery of the other ladies.
  • This was based on the DOJ's antitrust division's view that the acquisition as originally proposed would significantly hamper U.S. refinery desalter manufacturing competition, resulting in higher prices and lower quality, service, and innovation. Undefined
  • Texaco is an "insalubrious" shantytown named for a nearby oil refinery, and the so-called Christ is a city planner who has come to bulldoze this slum in the name of progress. NYT > Home Page
  • The association, through the taboos Julia was supposed to conceal (in "finery") from me, of female bodies with danger is what makes the relational histories imprinted on women's handmade pottery so important. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Instead of soft clouds of sweetly sour fruit tucked beneath a comforting blanket of biscuity pastry, the tatin brazenly displays its wares, stickily caramelised and decadently buttery, on the outside – the humble base reduced to a mere vehicle for the apples in their sugary finery. How to cook perfect tarte tatin
  • During that work he entered into an arrangement with a trucking company that was carting much of the gear for the refinery's upgrade.
  • No, we are not referring to the famed streets of Dubai, which display gold trinkets in all their finery.
  • So I stowed, in waterproof containers, in the back of my canoe, victuals and wine and a picnic blanket and other such finery.
  • Just weeks after the refinery had resumed production of petroleum products, a fire has again swept through one of the furnaces that refines petrol.
  • Curaçao is unspoiled, in the truest sense of the word: you can buy a postcard of the oil refinery.
  • The pole is carried between a pair of turning wagon wheels, pulled by two red horses outfitted in bronze finery.
  • The mayor was dressed in all his finery.
  • At the age of 9 he moved to the latter city, where his father worked in a sugar refinery. Times, Sunday Times
  • A decision on the application to store and handle liquified natural gas at the former refinery was due to be made on Wednesday.
  • Failing that, they painted erotic studies of fancy women in their best finery, coquettishly revealing their ankles.
  • She also has a weakness for dresses and finery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs. Margaret O'Rourke, with the baddish cat following closely at her heels, entered the Bilkins mansion, reached her chamber in the attic without being intercepted, and there laid aside her finery. Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature
  • She was dressed in wedding finery and taken downstairs for the ceremony. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil refining separates the various fractions of petroleum by a process called fractional distillation and takes place in a large plant called a refinery.
  • It has carried out bioremediation on and reclaimed 300 acres of the Brighton oilfield facility, along with a number of battery sites, oilfield pits, gathering stations, pipeline headers, a small refinery site, and a tankfarm.
  • A worker from the local oil refinery said he could see'dark spots' on the river. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both know that the emergence of the fracking industry in America has changed the whole refinery business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mazheikiu operates the only refinery in the Baltics and owns an oil terminal and pipelines.
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • One would imagine this place to be a paradise of alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres, and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.
  • The wife of a niggardly merchant asks the loan of a hundred francs from a priest to buy finery.
  • The woman, with the baddish cat following closely at her heels, entered the Bilkins mansion, reached her chamber in the attic without being intercepted, and there laid aside her finery.
  • The industrial sector includes an oil refinery, steelworks, and chemicals.
  • But not all of the new industries were lasting successes - the oil refinery was mothballed in 1981, and the heavy-water plant shut down in 1986.
  • He has been asked whether emissions from the refinery are hazardous to human health.
  • Over the course of two days, women dressed in traditional Valencian finery carrying bunches of carnations troop into the square to the accompaniment of folk bands and TV cameras.
  • Whiskey, essences, and many products from the oil refinery industry are processed via distillation.
  • Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery.
  • And while these elderly gents may look faintly ridiculous when they troop out in their finery of tartan trews, Lincoln green tunics and feathered bonnets they are all serious people.
  • Suki turns and blows a kiss to the five men in her cuadrilla, handsome in their bullfighting finery. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • Department of Justice (DOJ) to divest its Edge refinery desalter business and will license, on a non-exclusive basis, NATCO's Dual Frequency electrostatic technology for refinery desalter products. Undefined
  • There is an oil refinery nearby.
  • Dressed in our finery, it was a real treat to spend time together. The Sun
  • There we all were in our finery, waiting for the bride and groom to arrive.
  • Indeed, what makes him such an entertaining lyricist and interviewee is the way he manages to dress witheringly cynical comments and spitefully barbed put-downs in such verbal finery and succinct epigrammatic wit.
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • Brandark's finery had astounded everyone, and some of those who'd prudently withdrawn from his vicinity had been lured back when he uncased his balalaika and began strumming.
  • Place down the 3 rd finished Refinery on your Expansion Field . Sell the Emissary, que another Refinery.
  • Now Orca Strike can directly destroy a refinery or seriously damage a Tech Center.
  • Some are life-size effigies, and they are dressed in tawdry finery, with a mask or false-face topped by a three-cornered cocked hat. Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November | Edwardian Promenade
  • Just because Gramps was a great, public spirited man does not mean that junior, who has grown up with a taste for finery, will be the same.
  • Furiously, Louis tore off the leather gloves adding them to the trail of expensive finery he had ripped off.
  • The most recent major incident was a blast last April 1 at the Shell refinery in Martinez.
  • Don Pedro Gil: his progeny grew up a thriving and merry-hearted, though short and bandy-legged generation, while Senora Gil, befringed, belaced, and betasselled from her head to her heels, with glittering rings on every finger, became a model of slattern fashion and finery. The Alhambra
  • There had been some concern expressed about the safety of the site, which had previously been a coal mine, an oil refinery and a chemical works.
  • It was latish afternoon, and the tarts were beginning to parade; little Willy goggled at a couple of painted princesses swaying by in all their finery, ogling, and then he says to me in a reverent whisper: The Sky Writer
  • She is therefore for a term of twelve moons not permitted to wear any finery, neither is she permitted to slicken up and comb her head; this to avoid attracting attention. A Further Contribution to the Study of the Mortuary Customs of the North American Indians
  • She, in all her finery, and Levine went up for a spin in a Ford trimotor.
  • The strategic associations convert the extra heavy crude and bitumen from approximately 9° API to lighter, sweeter crude, known as syncrude, at the Jose refinery complex on Venezuela’s northern coast. Energy profile of Venezuela
  • A commercial waste-to-oil refinery plant is in operation today that takes in waste material and converts it into golden oil, free of sulfur and bitumen (better known as asphalted tars), in a continuous process. Vast New Oil Reserve Found in the U.S.
  • The refinery distributes 1.8m tons of fuel a day to keep the northwest on the move.
  • This deal would see Chinalco pay US$500 million for a 50% stake in the unexpanded Yarwun refinery. Rio Tinto to Cut 700 Positions
  • If an oil refinery operator needs oil for a trial run.
  • The refinery at Pavlodar is supplied mainly by a crude oil pipeline from western Siberia (since Russian reserves are well placed geographically to serve that refinery); the Atyrau refinery runs solely on domestic crude from northwest Kazakhstan; and the Shymkent refinery currently uses oil from Kazakh fields at Kumkol, Aktyubinsk, and Makatinsk, although it is linked by pipeline to Russia. Energy profile of Kazakhstan
  • Such disruptions are both global and local: wars and embargoes, blowouts and refinery failures.
  • The refinery, built in 1998, processes food waste and animal by-products collected from slaughterhouses, butchers and supermarkets.
  • My gracious! the best blanchisseuse in the land could not cope successfully with all that flimsy finery, laces and ribbons. Social life in old New Orleans : being recollections of my girlhood,
  • The residents claim that fish caught in local waters are tainted with oil deposits from the refinery.
  • The initiate is dressed in finery and escorted with pomp to the monastery, where his head and eyebrows are shaved.
  • So Jane was in borrowed and resewn finery when she stood on the front step of the Blanck home. Uprising
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Amerada Hess Corporation oil refinery, with a capacity of 545,000 barrels per day, was also severely damaged.
  • And finally, we sallied forth into the centre of Nottingham in all our finery.
  • I visited a large sugar refinery and observed the process by which sugar is converted from rough cane to fine, white crystals for the table. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • So many youngsters thronged the street in their party finery. The Sun
  • The refinery is the nation's largest producer of gasoline, kerosene and other refined products.
  • He retains a detailed knowledge of uniforms and parade punctilio, and his sartorial finery is legendary within the Waitati Militia.
  • To let the feel of him, hard as rock beneath his finery, sink to her bones, to revel in the way her softer flesh sank against him. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • I pranced in without knocking to find Mother, dressed in her scarlet finery, standing on the platform the seamstresses used to pin dresses.
  • Texan oilman Darrel Jacob took over the reins of the Total refinery at Milford Haven last week.
  • A new refinery will be constructed in central Iraq, with a production capacity of 30,000 barrels per day.
  • They rattled through the industrial outskirts of the capital, past refinery tanks and banana trees — and then, for no good reason, the train coasted to a stop. The 12:39 to Matanzas
  • The trappings of male finery included plumed helmets, heavy epaulettes, long swords, tassels, braid, knee-high boots, gleaming escutcheons, white gloves, white trousers.
  • Rebels retreated from their positions in the strategic oil-refinery city of Ras Lanuf as pro-Gadhafi forces dropped bombs from fighter jets and fired salvoes of rockets on the town. World Watch
  • A worker from the local oil refinery said he could see'dark spots' on the river. Times, Sunday Times
  • The machinery displayed include those for jewellery casting, rolling and chain making, refinery, etching and plating, gold testing and hand tools.
  • But if you are an oilfield fitter in some godforsaken Siberian driller camp and your wages aren't being paid, owning a few hundred shares in the refinery is a bit of an abstract concept.
  • Witnesses reported seeing a huge orange fireball as the oil refinery exploded.
  • Where and how did they acquire such elaborate clothing and finery: jewellery and musical instruments, money for lavish food and drink?
  • At the last, known as something unique and far better than the site of one more oil refinery, the village is not bought out. Christianity Today
  • Uzbekistan has virtually no international oil pipeline infrastructure except for a pipeline linking the Kazakhstani Shymkent refinery to the Chardzhou refinery in northeastern Turkmenistan. Energy profile of Central Asia
  • This paper discussed the practicability of bio-refinery the plant of Lycoris radiate. Herb comprehensively.
  • The attractive strings of pearls from Hyderabad, birthstones and a wide array of semi-precious stones from exotic places add to the finery.
  • For British High Society, the Ascot meeting is the fashion event of the year, with the ladies parading in full finery and gentlemen sporting elegant top hats and tails in the Royal enclosure.
  • Prospero devises a show of tinsel finery to sidetrack the vulgarians, but he is not present to see Caliban's disillusionment, or his vehement contempt.
  • The titular parade was a real event that occurred every Easter, where everyone would walk down Fifth Avenue decked out in their Easter finery.
  • During the war effort it was stripped of all its finery and put to work by a boilermaker in the Midlands.
  • His mottled livery was grass-stained and earth-stained, and he had dizened it with a kind of woodland finery. The Proud Prince
  • The closure of part of Scotland's only oil refinery yesterday added to growing fears of a return to record fuel prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • SHREVEPORT - A large plume of black smoke is rising from a three-alarm fire at a Shreveport refinery after area residents reported an explosion. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • European ladies who may actually have penetrated into a harem, perhaps in Constantinople or in Cairo, are still unacquainted with the real harem; they have only known its outer semblance in the rooms kept for show, rooms where European finery is partially aped. Memoirs of an Arabian Princess
  • It was also followed by unofficial strikes by workers at Grangemouth oil refinery who complained that jobs had been awarded to European counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made sure she wasn't dressed in finery and she even swallowed her pride for the day and a half journey through the woods.
  • The insurers, having paid a claim made by the lessees of the refinery, brought against the defendants a subrogated claim for negligence.
  • The twin-engine plane had taken off from Tripoli and was on its way to an oil refinery when the incident happened.
  • So saying he linked arms, and pursuing our course at a proper kill-time sort of pace, we were at length brought up at the end of Vere Street, along which there was a regular rush of carriages, cutting away as if they were going to a fire instead of to a finery shop. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • One would imagine this place to be a paradise of alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres, and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.
  • At a large refinery on the outskirts of the city, 100-foot 30-meter -high bright orange flames rose in the air, spitting out dark plumes of smoke. The Full Feed from
  • The pole is carried between a pair of turning wagon wheels, pulled by two red horses outfitted in bronze finery.
  • She plays on his love of finery and wild, risky living and plies him with extravagant compliments and hints of undreamed of favours yet to come—absurd. Exit the Actress
  • Leaders of the labor union that organized the shirtwaist strike were so disturbed by the finery of the strikers that they attempted to impose a limit on the amount of money that each member of the union could spend on clothes. A Renegade History of the United States
  • People hurried back and forth, wrapped in cloaks or swirling capes behind them, in peasant wear or merchant finery.
  • Sugar mills are among Bayamon's chief industries, along with iron foundries, ice plants, dairies, and an oil refinery.
  • A new combination of technologies has been put together to create the refinery.
  • Lonely Planet said Shetland is "pristine, wild and untamed" which is a dull sort of description, especially given that it has a bloody great oil refinery, with the fabulous name of Sullom Voe and which makes its council among the richest in the UK. Lonely Planet should have looked at Orkney as well as Shetland
  • Call it weariness," said Laurent Delaunay, a delegate with the CGT labor union at ExxonMobil Corp. 's Port-J é r ô me-Gravenchon refinery, north of Paris, where workers opted Monday to return to work. French Strikers Begin to Relent
  • But Doumer built a refinery in Saigon, where a blend was concocted that burned quickly, and thus encouraged consumption.
  • A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river. He ordered the company to stop work until they had a better plan to guard against water pollution.
  • Refinery - Sell after the Harverster comes out. Send the Rifleman to protect your expansion.
  • The stars come out in all their feathery frocked finery (and seem to drink rather freely, judging from shows past), and one gets to watch the weird, awkward high-school hierarchy of television actors mixing it up with big movie stars. The Week in DVR
  • And I think every refinery companying is doing something at existing refineries to increase their capacity. CNN Transcript May 24, 2007
  • RIL, which has started up an alkylation plant at its new refinery, is also likely to begin producing Euro V grade gasoline with 10 parts per million Friday or Saturday, one of the traders said. Reliance Expanding Trading Team in Europe
  • In the decoration field, I greatly cite minority finery art.
  • It then built the world's biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. Stephen Kinzer: BP in the Gulf -- The Persian Gulf
  • Ethiopia has an oil refinery, but derives most of its energy from firewood, charcoal, and dung.
  • There, I was introduced to his fellow members of the hunt, resplendent in their finery on top of their steeds, and I got my first inkling of why hunting generates such hatred among its opponents.
  • However, he had thrown his old campaigning sagum over his finery — a thick, greasy, malodorous cape which could keep out the perishing winds of the alpine passes or the soaking days-long downpours of Epirus. The First Man in Rome
  • The sea brought sugar refinery to Greenock and the riches of tobacco trading to a generation of new entrepreneurs. Times, Sunday Times
  • But ethanol must be blended with gasoline at an oil refinery to make it usable as a fuel.
  • The chart below provides historic Average Annual Wages for Petroleum pump system operators, refinery operators, and gaugers in the U.S.
  • At the last, known as something unique and far better than the site of one more oil refinery, the village is not bought out. Christianity Today
  • The King was dressed in his finery - blue robes stitched with silver, the buttons made from silver and his cloak lined with ermine.
  • The purpose of oil refinery is to refine crude petroleum.
  • One would imagine this place to be a paradise of alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres, and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.
  • The banquet hall had been full of the court dressed in their finery.
  • Her eyes were as bright, and her little wizen face was as sharp as ever; but the wizen face and the bright eyes were not so much amiss as seen together with the old dark brown silk dress which she now wore, as they had been with the wiggeries and the evening finery. The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • In York, clubbers dressed in party finery mixed with older couples and families with young children outside the Minster, cleared of its scaffolding for the first time in more than a decade especially for the occasion.
  • He tapped a spot on the map with the rubber tip of his pointer - the synthetic oil refinery at Odertal, Germany.
  • Besides providing a depository for the neighbouring heavy metals refinery, Bleak Pond forms a natural sump for the surrounding agricultural land, so harbours little aquatic life.
  • Candidates with exposure to palm oil refinery mill are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • The dispute at the Lincolnshire oil refinery was a demand for special protection for British workers on the ground of their nationality rather than their productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • For outbursts like these, Ed's teachers eventually flunked him, so he hauled up to Johannesburg and trained as an industrial radiographer, testing welds in an oil refinery.
  • Sunday bedizened in Spanish finery, with such a blaze and rustle, that the good vicar had to remonstrate humbly with Mrs. Leigh on the disturbance which she caused to the eyes and thoughts of all his congregation. Westward Ho!
  • A procession of judges left the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand by car, wearing formal finery of full-bottomed wigs and robes with purple or red trimming.

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