
How To Use Finer In A Sentence

  • Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
  • My store-bought long dresses are too "dressy" and made of rayon and other finer fabrics that are not suitable for housework. Sewing Simple Clothing
  • Still, for the medium term, either the government needs to scutinize refinery activity much more closely, adopt new regulatory authority and aggressively enforce antitrust laws, or it must intervene to deconcentrate the market. Robert Weissman: What To Do About the Price of Oil
  • Putting Cape Wind in Nantucket Sound is like putting a refinery in Yellowstone. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cape Wind Approved
  • He loves me and appreciates my finer points - especially the fact that I don't make him dress like me in a black turtleneck and coordinating cable-knit sweater for a holiday portrait.
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  • And I do believe that that bumpkin 's flower was even finer than the one you lost to me, all those years ago. STARDUST
  • Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the "interlopers" were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, -- especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
  • It also means that Twitter users will have finer grained control over which applications have ongoing access to their accounts — and will be able to disable applications without changing their password. Twitter can has OAuth? | FactoryCity
  • It claimed the refinery was losing 10m a month and was in danger of permanent closure unless new investment could be found. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, oil is pumped from underground oil-filled rock and sent to a refinery where it is made into gasoline.
  • Production was cut at its rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and at onshore refineries such as Texas City, which was also the scene of a fatal fire in March.
  • Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
  • DELHI: India's Reliance Industries Ltd has awarded its term tender to sell diesel to traders Trafigura, Kuwait's IP. and Africa-focused Galana as it prepares for a surge in supply later this Oil company Reliance Industries is planning to export low sulphur diesel to refinery at Jamnagar comes on stream later this year, P. Raghavendran, the company's refining China will cut diesel exports in May by 40 percent versus April volumes to a four-month low of - Business News
  • To become a custodian for the finer things in life. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • He tapped a spot on the map with the rubber tip of his pointer - the synthetic oil refinery at Odertal, Germany.
  • When the material is then sieved and the finer fraction sent to the assay furnace the gold particles could stay on the screen and be left out.
  • And there is no finer exponent of acute angles than the man who has won a record 60 consecutive matches on clay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dust was also mixed with clay to produce a finer quality brick. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was an item on Dustbury last week about refineries post-Katrina, linking to Hatless in Hattiesburg's suggestion to replace refineries which were destroyed or disabled by Katrina with new refineries on military bases slated for being "realigned," and to Engine of the Future's suggestion to lift for three years the EPA regulations requiring different fuel blends for different regions, so that gasoline can be shipped wherever it's needed, avoiding artificial shortages. Oily residue - BatesLine
  • Standard of New York, for instance, bought a major California producer and refiner, and later merged with the Vacuum Oil Company to form Socony-Vacuum and develop the brand name Mobil. The Prize
  • a scarlet "whittle" over all this motley finery; with a "outwork quoyf or ciffer" (New England French for coiffure) with "long wings" at the side, and a silk or tiffany hood on her drooping head, -- Priscilla in this attire were pretty indeed. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Flattery, cajolement, humble supplication and the finer maneuvers of tact, all have this in mind. The Foundations of Personality
  • The consignment is a reactor imported by BPCL-Kochi Refinery for its vacuum gas oil hydro de-sulphurisation unit. - Articles related to Minister unveils plans for maritime tourism project
  • It's next to the ocean, you've got three industrial sites and it's next to an oil refinery.
  • And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • The only way to resolve the issues related to diesels is for automakers, refiners and government to make a commitment to resolve them together. DaimlerChrysler and Canada
  • In fact, however, a finer semolina flour is available; this is used for making pasta, so durum wheat is sometimes called macaroni wheat.
  • The dust was also mixed with clay to produce a finer quality brick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The older travellers were certainly not blasés; they seemed to find pleasure and beauty wherever they looked: Ca da Mosto (1455), visiting the Senegal, detected in this graveolent substance, fit only for wheel-axles, a threefold property, that of smelling like violets, of tasting like oil of olives, and tinging victuals like saffron, with a colour still finer. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • The refiners who would be at the end of the pipeline do not re-export crude oil. Keystone Can Help the Gulf—and the Northeast
  • From that album she sang "The Mad Hatter," an uptempo swinger from the short-lived Broadway musical "Wonderland: Alice's New Musical Adventure"; "No Finer Man," a worshipful ballad from "Cyrano de Bergerac: the Musical," which had a brief run two years ago in Tokyo; and the album's title song with lyrics by Maury Yeston. NYT > Home Page
  • A short while before midnight the gods adorned themselves in finery and jewels. Mythology and legends of the Nahua people: part 3
  • All of that finery is hidden under their look-alike robes. Trial by attire: Supreme Court look should go with everything we believe in
  • Also effective are the modern streamer tyings rather akin to the ‘Appetizer’ rainbow trout lure but finer dressed.
  • Parts of the Via Appia Antica are closed to traffic on Sundays, and the stretch running south from the Tomb of Cecilia Metella, lined with crumbling graves and tall umbrella pines, and parallel to an aqueduct, is one of the finer archaeological walks in the world. The Road from Ravenna
  • If there is any excess refining capacity anywhere else, the gas refiners would rationally move the gas to those other refineries, since they could get the full market wholesale price elsewhere.
  • Her skirt was bedaubed with cheap finery.
  • Refineries in South Africa say they are overwhelmed by orders from Germany for Krugerrand gold coins. Euro crisis: only root-and-branch financial reform can tame the wolf pack
  • He believes that bead blasting with aluminum oxide gives a finer finished product than glass bead.
  • It curbs and curtails the natural development of players and stunts the learning process of the finer arts of the game.
  • Thus the data were recoded using more stringent criteria to permit finer discriminations (feminist, antifeminist, neutral).
  • Another bidder is still in the running, but sources said the refinery is likely to shut and be turned into a storage terminal. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the bottom was a large piece of stone or parging which blocked a substantial part of the opening and above this was other finer debris.
  • This could account for the finer ash layers in the quarry sequence being dominated by T2 ejecta.
  • These Schooners along with several other larger four masted Schooners and Barkentines would help pioneer the lucrative sugar trade from Hawaii to California’s C&H refiners near San Francisco.
  • To her finer qualities must be added a quick temper and considerable hauteur, more readily apparent to the Chinese than to most foreigners.
  • Hydrogen can be effectively and economically recovered from the refinery gas by cryogenics, pressure swing absorption, or semipermeable membranes.
  • The rest was putting crude into Northern Europe and shipping clean out of the refineries. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • The field circle definer is naked to the elements around the base like a hula hoop. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A richly decorated palanquin, escorted by a band of priests and devotees, carried in the Kumari, dressed in her gold and scarlet finery.
  • I've seen many a young dominick rooster, but I never saw one with finer feathers than yours. A Dream of Empire Or, The House of Blennerhassett
  • The sinking of bodies in water has likewise the same effect, as I remember to have heard of bottles of wine being let down into a deep well to cool, but through accident or neglect being left there for many years, and then taken out; and that the wine not only was free from sourness or flatness, but tasted much finer, owing, it would seem, to a more exquisite commixture of its parts. The New Organon
  • And when some of the finer diners cast a disdainful eye upon their shabby, old-fashioned dresses, the two women merely giggled and stared right back at them.
  • So many youngsters thronged the street in their party finery. The Sun
  • The dispute at the Lincolnshire oil refinery was a demand for special protection for British workers on the ground of their nationality rather than their productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the economics changed, and in 1983 the refinery was decommissioned, dismantled and shipped off somewhere.
  • Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies, the taller in armor, stained and rusted with many a storm and fray, the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet, gaudy sash and plume, and sword hilt glittering with gold, a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery. Westward Ho!
  • Role-playing situations allows a finer assessment to be made than in pen and paper exercises.
  • She tells him that Odysseus will not come back and calls her maids in to bathe the beggar and give him finer clothing.
  • Particularly and precisely imagined are a diverse range of choral works, none finer than his extensive output for male voice choirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end of the century, kerosene had become the chief product of American oil refineries.
  • a finer wine
  • For two or three days it's OK, but for more than that it's a big problem for me," said Matar, 25, a worker at the aluminium refinery who was picking disconsolately through the broken glass and charred debris by Lulu hypermarket. Protests in Oman Sputter
  • Jove's hair is so kissably soft and fuzzy, much finer than Jaya's and he has the most gorgeous swirl on the back of his head which I've tried to capture here. Tequilamonky Diary Entry
  • For some time I heard nothing more of the Princess of Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the “interlopers” were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, ” especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court
  • While methane generally serves as a fuel and is often simply burned off at a refinery, the other light gases can serve as the starting materials for plastics and polymers or as feedstock for a number of other petrochemicals.
  • Daemon idly wondered how she could move in all those layers of clothes, though her finery was proof that she was truly a noble.
  • France, more so Paris, is known for appreciation and patronisation of finer things of life.
  • Sprawling refineries hide behind chain-link fences topped with razor wire and guards at the exits.
  • This introduction to their new monthly is all about the finer things.
  • And he starts to write in his notes what Kirsten Powers, in the Daily Beast, remembered: he described himself as "definer of civilization ... leader possibly of the civilizing forces. Gingrich Is Inspiring—and Disturbing
  • When an oil company builds a refinery, it decides at the outset what it will produce and constructs it accordingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sweet-scented geranium abounded and so did the crowberry, which is a finer and sweeter kind than that which grows nearer the settlement. Three Years in Tristan da Cunha
  • A number of refineries have been converted into oil storage terminals, which employ a fraction of their former work forces.
  • Three bars later, though, he'd be back tickling the finer notes out of Beethoven with utmost delicacy.
  • He did this in cahoots with people from the refinery.
  • When he is not holding forth on the finer points of politics or theatre, he is prone to flights of huge, silly fancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you get skipped stitches with a universal needle, change to a ball-point needle for heavier fabrics or a stretch needle for finer knits.
  • Engineers tonight are also checking for damage to the area's oil refineries.
  • That set off a surge in prices for rare-earth minerals such as lanthanum, often used to make catalysts for refineries, and cerium, which is sometimes used in glass. China Inspects Rare-Earth Production
  • Oh yes, the great, the double-barrelled and the weak chinned were all there in their green tweedy finery.
  • On Talkback Gardening, local rose expert, Dean Stringer, explained the finer points of pruning a bush rose and a standard.
  • Who made you the great definer and defender of the category “American”, anyway? Matthew Yglesias » Head of State
  • To reduce emissions and improve performance, the company's fuel system developers have increased injection pressures to provide finer fuel atomization.
  • In the kitchen there were three fires blazing, stacks of _Bratwurst_ on the tables, great kettles for the sour-krout and potatoes, and eggs, lettuce, and other finer viands, for the dignitaries, on the shelves. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • An audience turning up in its finery and getting anything less would feel short-changed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The refinery is the nation's largest producer of gasoline, kerosene and other refined products.
  • There was somebody in especial – a man you cared for and might have married if he had been a finer sort of chap than he turned out to be? ' Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • In March Mr Salinas shut down the city's oil refinery at a cost of $500 million and 5,000 jobs.
  • Generally coarse-grained soils compact more readily than fine grained ones and hence the finer the particles the less maximum thickness of layer to be compacted.
  • Read the manual to learn the program's finer points .
  • It is finer in quality and possesses more waviness, which is a help in the process of spinning. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • Within days, blockades at Britain's oil refineries had drained every garage of fuel, threatened the health service, food supplies and industry and brought the government to the brink of declaring a state of emergency.
  • So far, there has been little interest in setting finer limits because the procedure is awkward and expensive to manage.
  • The Institute for Certified Divorce Planners (institute cdp. com) trains advisers on the finer points of splitting the spoils, and offers referrals at its Web site. Finances: Splitting Up Spoils
  • If Davidson is right, the famed ‘improvement’ in hand axes 600,000 years ago would simply mean that knappers were getting more and finer flakes from each stone.
  • The escapement is the regulating organ of the watch, and at the heart of this new creation, the constant escapement is a blade of silicium, finer than a human hair. Style: Timing Is Everything
  • Within the chocolate line, Ritenburg says, ‘there seems to be a move towards a more premium flavor, so we might use a finer quality Dutch or alkalized cocoa.’
  • As a general rule I should almost be inclined to say that the finer the color of the thallus of any given lichen, the more is that lichen to be suspected of poverty in valuable coloring matters; and that, on the other hand, the palest pulverulent or crustaceous species, especially such as are saxicolous, may be expected to yield the most beautiful and valuable pigments (_e. g._ the Rocellas and The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • One of Britain's biggest oil refineries faced a second day of wildcat strikes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The preceding provision does not apply to licensed oil refinery operators or licensed importers.
  • It is as if birds hear a different spectrum of sounds, with much finer discrimination between one tiny parcel of sound and another. Times, Sunday Times
  • That I may never, if a finer swaddy ever crossed my hands. Fardorougha, The Miser The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • I won't write that much about the second chance, Caroline af Ugglas and Sarah Dawn Finer got the votes and found themselves in the finals together with the International jury's choice Sofia and the Greek song "Alla". Manchester Evening News Blogs
  • They are all bearded bigwigs dressed in finery and look remarkably alike.
  • Letting them invest in new refineries and open new sources of petroleum in Alaska, North Dakota and off the coast of Florida while we work on long term strategies is the answer. mollygonz New Obama response spot on the gas tax
  • For a finer mulch, run needles through a chipper or shredder.
  • She gave me a withering look of utter contempt and proceeded to lecture me at length about the finer nuances of Mother's Day.
  • The refinery, strewn with asbestos and drenched in oil, was an ecological disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides providing a depository for the neighbouring heavy metals refinery, Bleak Pond forms a natural sump for the surrounding agricultural land, so harbours little aquatic life.
  • En prenant pour portes d'accès la danse libre, le hatha et le kundalini yoga, et en laissant des temps pour la relaxation, l'auto-massage et la méditation, vous vous offrez un temps pour respirer avec plus de conscience, affiner la perception de notre corps physique et énergétique. et explorer des états d'expansion de conscience afin de mettre en lumière des informations utiles pour votre vie. Archive 2009-02-15
  • Nothing can be finer for honest books than to stand unashamed and free to the air.
  • In the study of radiata pine stands by Florence and Lamb, litter accumulation was greater on sandy podzols than on finer textured soils, despite similar rates of litter input.
  • But this will be a short term measure and there is an urgent need to get the refineries and oil rigs back into production before the onset of winter.
  • The experimental composting results of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sugar refinery waste (SRW) are used to test and prove the effectiveness of the model.
  • The inventory drawdown has fueled concern that refiners may struggle to build supplies of distillate fuel, including heating oil, for peak winter demand.
  • Thence through a square of stuccoed lodging-houses, that seemed a finer and cleaner version of my native square, I came to a garden of asphalt and euonymus -- the In the Days of the Comet
  • THERE are few finer sights in Britain than a lush carpet of bluebells. The Sun
  • This face looks best in finer frames that don't draw attention to any heaviness or angularity.
  • Absentees had just returned from the coast, and the youths were brave in their gaudy bedizenment, their new barsatis, their soharis, and long cloths of bright new kaniki, with which they had adorned themselves behind some bush before they had suddenly appeared dressed in all this finery. How I Found Livingstone
  • I can't think of a finer person to have taught me the sport-he was a master technician who had a real knack for dealing with kids.
  • Its quartz hills are covered with trees and gigantic grasses; the buaze, a small forest-tree, grows abundantly; it is a species of polygala; its beautiful clusters of sweet-scented pinkish flowers perfume the air with a rich fragrance; its seeds produce a fine drying oil, and the bark of the smaller branches yields a fibre finer and stronger than flax; with which the natives make their nets for fishing. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • The dust was also mixed with clay to produce a finer quality brick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why, Ethan Allen himself couldn't have handcrafted a finer spice rack.
  • In order to produce a higher sheen or gloss, we need to use a finer abrasive.
  • Shell's refinery opened for business in 1984, and the company has been a part of the town ever since.
  • Thence through a square of stuccoed lodging-houses, that seemed a finer and cleaner version of my native square, I came to a garden of asphalt and euonymus — the Sea Front. In the Days of the Comet
  • The gentleman in question has been pastor to the whole community for more than 40 years and a finer man you'd be hard pressed to find.
  • BATON ROUGE From the front door of the aged brick school, the 4-year-olds at Wyandotte Early Childhood Center can spot the cottony plumes from a refinery just over the trees. Young students often most vulnerable to toxic air
  • More sampling might reveal finer scale discriminations between groups, but we are satisfied that we have detected the major differences.
  • Luma Lane has already given brief respite by then; hair clamped in bunches, her not unattractive playground lullaby vocal stripped from the finer points of the 4AD back catalogue.
  • July, 2000 corrector Andrew Rouner, The Electronic Text Center All Native American words have been tagged as "Quechua," though the author makes finer distinctions; not all foreign words have their language of origin indicated in the text, so in some cases, an educated guess was required to tag a word as Spanish or Quechuan. etextcenter@virginia. edu. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
  • I felt quite shabby in my plain cream-coloured gown next to the finery of the other ladies.
  • Candidates with exposure to palm oil refinery mill are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Eloise's Auntie Lucretia is coaching her in the finer points of being a vampire. Nov. 19th, 2008 - Issue 0.012
  • The pupils dressed in white finery sat attentively throughout the mass.
  • Captured princes in torn and draggled finery were put to digging latrine drains and clearing up after the cavalry. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • And there is no finer exponent of acute angles than the man who has won a record 60 consecutive matches on clay. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the two bay mares dueled in the lane, Finery angled to the outside following a ground-saving trip midpack and kicked home in the final strides to edge Madeira Mist.
  • There have been no problems settling into the West Lothian town, even if some of the area's finer points have escaped him so far.
  • It is well placed to build terminals and refineries and to hire oil workers for offshore operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • We watched the stars arriving for the awards ceremony dressed up in all their finery.
  • What makes a finer Co-cola is seven year old dark Havana rum and some lime juice and I know you and I both know that for sure. Exploring Mexico's Markets
  • I have never lectured in a finer classroom.
  • The reassuring factor in all this is Ottway, who was the company's hired killer: Before the crash, he had spent his days shooting predators around the perimeter of the refinery, and morosely obsessing about the woman he lost. 'Man on a Ledge' Does a Balancing Act
  • Your use of "duro" put a finer point on the specifics, I think. Quick Fabric Update - A Dress A Day
  • At Sandringham, Grandpapa took the boys hunting pheasant and grouse, while Charles took care to teach them the finer points of fly-fishing for salmon and sea trout on the river Dee at Balmoral. William and Kate
  • All were dressed in finery; an evening dress or two, black suits, pearls.
  • For general dissection, two pairs of forceps are required, a pointed pair for finer work, a blunt pair for heavy work.
  • There are many finer valleys than this in Asben, and were the trees not preserved, it would be a very barren, unlively spot. Narrative of a Mission to Central Africa Performed in the Years 1850-51, Volume 2 Under the Orders and at the Expense of Her Majesty's Government
  • The first is the ventral tegmental which is the body's central refinery for dopamine. Times, Sunday Times
  • A total entry of 34 competitors played in the competition and the adults probably learned a few tips about the finer points of the game.
  • The refinery supplies about 15 percent of South Africa's fuel requirements.
  • a finer musician
  • To be sure, France's 12 refineries remain hampered by strikes or a lack of crude oil, because the country's main oil terminals are blocked. French Strikers Begin to Relent
  • In addition, some of Commander Douvrin's intelligence people had discovered that the only source of fissionables and radioactives for the planet was a complex of uranite mines, separation plants, refineries and reaction-plants on the smaller of Aditya's two continents, Austragonia. A Slave is a Slave
  • Nor have we needed the finer developments of functional neuroanatomy to tell us that brain damage causes changes in behaviour, thus undermining simplistic notions of free will or criminal culpability. Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman – review
  • The instruments required by the refiner were a crucible of furnace and a bellows or blow-pipe. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • Now the fourpenny hop was great old crack as the boys and girls were there in their finery, dressed to kill, as they'd say.
  • An explosion and fire at a sprawling sugar refinery rattled this Savannah suburb Thursday night, severe-ly injuring dozens of people.
  • The man who was in the last degree amiable was to the last degree unyielding where conscience was concerned; the soul which was so tender had no weakness in it; his lenity was the divination of a finer justice. Literary Friends and Acquaintance; a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship
  • Overall, the refineries have a combined capacity of 1.05 million barrels per day.
  • Finer cottons should be used for the finer stuffs, such as embroidery cotton (Coton à broder D. M.C) Nos. 6 to 200, [A] and lace thread (Fil à dentelle D. M.C) Encyclopedia of Needlework
  • The ethanol will then be trucked to a Total refinery to be used to add oxygen to gasoline.
  • But Blessing suggests that presidents who rank most highly do so because they ‘have become key definers of American political thought.’
  • The superhighway was the result of geography as well as the need to sell the excess gasoline capacity of the refineries in the Home Page
  • A perfect lens would be able to focus light more narrowly than conventional lenses, making it possible to etch finer electronic circuits and create more compact and powerful computer chips.
  • There were two or three varieties finer and better than these, only used by the nobles, which were therefore made at home, and not commonly to be found at the baker's: simnel, manchet or chet, and paynemayne or pain de main (a corruption of panis dominicus). One Snowy Night Long ago at Oxford
  • No steel can be hardened without the refiner's fire.
  • Under the Bush administration, instead of building a framework that would embrace broader strategies, we invested, for instance, billions of dollars in iffy research to abate GHG emissions primarily from oil refineries and power plants, by pumping it into the subterranean geological strata. Steven Apfelbaum: A Win-Win Policy: Conserving Lands and Mitigating Climate Change in a Public-Private Partnership
  • The receiver is as bad as the thief — aye, and the thief is finer than the receiver; he at least has the courage to run the risk. The Somnambulists
  • His father was only rarely called "signor," despite the fact that in recent years Cristoforo's earnings had allowed Domenico Colombo to prosper, moving the weaving shop to larger quarters and wearing finer clothing and riding a horse like a gentleman and buying a few small houses outside the city walls so he could play the landlord. Pastwatch, the Redemtion of Christopher Columbus
  • And there is no finer exponent of acute angles than the man who has won a record 60 consecutive matches on clay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Texas coast is home to a quarter of the country's oil refineries and is also the source of much of the country's natural gas.
  • Cake flour, which is milled from a soft wheat, has a finer texture and a lower gluten content.
  • These Schooners along with several other larger four masted Schooners and Barkentines would help pioneer the lucrative sugar trade from Hawaii to California’s C&H refiners near San Francisco.
  • A machine which reduces slubbing to a finer thread or roving, making it more regular and even puts more twists in and winds it onto a smaller tube.
  • The three refineries in Atyrau, Pavlodar and Shymkent are still unable to meet domestic demand and export requirements, which explains why Kazakstan still imports a quarter of the fuel and lubricants it consumes from Russia, where these items cost more. Kazaks Struggle With Oil and Food Prices
  • You may also want to check with your chamelion for President, Obama, who suddenly has been coming around to more drilling and expanding oil refineries. Mark Kirk Adopts His Party's Drilling and Only Drilling Solution Carelessly Setting Us Back Another Quarter Century (Again)
  • Bvt when these maner of solitary speaches and recitals of rebuke, vttered by the rurall gods out of bushes and briers, seemed not to the finer heads sufficiently perswasiue, nor so popular as if it were reduced into action of many persons, or by many voyces liuely represented to the eare and eye, so as a man might thinke it were euen now a doing. The Arte of English Poesie
  • So investing more in discovering oil and building new refineries is vital. The Sun
  • His mind works like a razor, dividing larger ideas into finer discriminations of meaning.
  • Yet the finer details needed to implement this idea in the context of international trade have proven contentious and divisive.
  • I would that were the worst; but I owe for all this finery, and settling-day is coming on, and my master will find my accompt worse than it should be by a score of pieces. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • To alter the balance you have to rebuild the refinery. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we need more refineries or we at least more refining capacity.
  • This was a simple dressing, however, of a white cambrick frock; no finery, seeing that Daisy was to put on and off various things in the course of the evening. Melbourne House
  • Families living near the refinery say it is also responsible for a nauseating smell that often lasts for several hours.
  • Make Oil Company of Lebanon was to start building a $3 billion, 250,000 b/d refinery in Kurdistan in 2006, and Make Oil Company bid for a $2.2 billion, 150,000 b/d refinery in Iraq. The Threat Level Remains Unchanged
  • Small residential power users paid the highest rates for the spottiest service, while big customers such as factories and refineries pocketed millions in discounts and rebates. Colossus
  • Workers at three of France's 12 refineries voted Monday to return to work, though their supplies of crude oil remain disrupted by port blockades. French Pension Conflict Enters New Phase
  • The tyranny of custom, it is true, compels your friend and myself to dress peculiarly, but I assure you nothing could be finer than the way that the olive green of your coat melts in the delicate yellow of your cravat, or the pearl gray of your trousers blends with the bright blue of your waistcoat, and lends additional brilliancy to that massive oroide watch-chain which you wear. Drift from Two Shores
  • For Mr Bartholomew, the chairman of Devizes-based Wadworth, went to pick up Ms Marsden on Thursday in a brewery dray done out in all its finery.
  • Oil refineries are closing. The Sun
  • When Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons met up in SW France around 45,000 years ago, the Neanderthals were still making Mousterian-type tools, pretty much like those they made 100,000 years earlier, while Cro-Magnons had much finer Aurignacian blades, along with increasingly elaborate symbolic artifacts; the wall art in Chauvet Cave has been dated to 35,000 years ago. Neandertal! - The Panda's Thumb
  • The cloths she made for her family always looked of finer quality then normal homespun, and wore even longer.
  • Emissions from even one giant cargo ship's engines rival those of an oil refinery.
  • There were grave Spaniards in long cloaks and feathered beavers; jolly merchants and artisans in short linen jackets, each with his tabatiere, the wives with bits of finery, the children laughing and shouting and dodging in and out between fathers and mothers beaming with quiet pride and contentment; swarthy boat-men with their worsted belts, gaudy negresses chanting in the soft patois, and here and there a blanketed Indian. The Crossing
  • Our common house-wren is a finer singer than the European bird; but he flies far to the southward, in winter, and sings Spanish in Mexico and South America. Rural Hours
  • There's nothing finer with a rousing chanteyman leading it and the watch hauling on the braces. Java Head

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