
find fault

  1. harass with constant criticism
    Don't always pick on your little brother

How To Use find fault In A Sentence

  • The Republicans, being the PERFECT GROUP that they are, find it reasonable, acceptable and perfectly fine, that they say NO to the President every day; that they find fault with every step he takes, every move he makes.., however, a person says what a zillion people probably think, apologizes profusely, and is sincere about it..they want to hang TODAY! Democrats dismiss Republican call for Reid to step down
  • However, these issues are really just hairsplitting; it is difficult to find fault with such a magisterial work simply because the author did not cast an already broad net even wider.
  • Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 
  • Gentlemen, -- No one dislikes, more than we do, to grumble or find fault, but we hate just as bad to have our boats detained beyond a reasonable time, at your place; and when our boats leave here for your place, we look for them back at a certain time; and if they do not get here soon after that time, it disarranges all our calculations and proves a great loss to us. Cleveland Past and Present Its Representative Men
  • People dont like these kind of pictures , it offends them specially the so called puritanical Muslims..but show them the pictures of the havoc on Iraqi streets , the jehhadi attacks, limbless bodies, they wont find fault with it, as all this spiritual terrorism against Humanity is condoned for the greater glory of Misguided Martydom and radical Islam.. 2008 February 20 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • He could always find fault with something, either in my writing or in my personality.
  • She has an annoying predisposition to find fault wherever she goes.
  • I do not think there are many who would find fault with the Jewish resistance fighters who destroyed the gas ovens that Nazis used to slaughter so many of their brethren.
  • The popular understanding of the word _criticize_ is to find fault, to pettifog. Plum Pudding Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned
  • Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 
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