How To Use Finch In A Sentence

  • A few minutes with the heron book cleared up the mystery; they were tricolored herons, the first I had ever seen.10 By the end of the month American goldfinches were shooting around like tossed gold pieces despite another cold spell. Bird Cloud
  • From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings. Birdology
  • No wonder the tits and finches were so noisy and active.
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • This and the two following numbers, 26 and 27, are only required for the humming birds; 28 is, however, a good size for the least. 24 will be found a good size for the smaller kinds of warblers and finches up to canaries. 21 is a useful general size for a great number of small birds, and will do for such a bird as the hawfinch. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
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  • The birds at my home are very active and I have house finches galore on my feeder.
  • Where I see Hawfinches they become more visible from early afternoon in the tops of trees - often Beech or Hornbeam. Listen out for the loud ticking call.
  • It is an ornithologist's dream come true with an abundance of parrots, rosellas, honeysuckers, finches and nightbirds.
  • built their nests" in the tree: the Greek word has no such meaning; the word merely means "to settle or rest upon" anything for a longer or shorter time; nor is there any occasion to suppose that the expression "fowls of the air" denotes any other than the smaller insessorial kinds -- linnets, finches, etc. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • In addition to supporting Columba trocaz, several forest areas are also very important for a number of Madeiran subspecies, notably the birds of prey and passerines living within the forest canopy such Madeira chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs maderensis) and Madeira firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus maderensis). Madeira evergreen forests
  • Perched on the back of the large booby, the small finch then sucks its blood.
  • The valley has hosted a mountain rosefinch population of about 150-300 breeding pairs since the 1970s. Breeding habitats for rosefinches consist of shrubby, mostly wet and humid meadows.
  • Cham of Tartary themselves, contended to load me with gifts — doth he think I am to abide in this old castle like a bullfinch in a cage, fain to sing as oft as he chooses to whistle, and all for seed and water? Quentin Durward
  • We went driving in the country on Sunday afternoons to look for some of the birds that were special to us: bluebirds, goldfinches, pileated and red-headed woodpeckers, and, most thrilling of all, painted buntings.
  • Birdsong enters the cottage from front and back - blackbirds, robins, finches.
  • To kill a mockingbird is a sin, Finch told his children, because it brings no harm to others. Gas Drilling
  • Certainly, in comparison to Errol Flynn's, Finch's antics were mild.
  • Woodland species such as Hawfinch and Crossbill are much easier to locate in the foliage-less trees.
  • Mr Fletcher said that a number of people had been caught keeping wild birds, particularly finches and magpies, as pets.
  • Be on the lookout for Caribbean dove, West Indian woodpecker, Cuban bullfinch, and smooth-billed ani.
  • Not only is the Cape flush with cardinals, towhees, mockingbirds, catbirds, goldfinches and woodpeckers, its birds of the shore entice many a visitor here.
  • Today's birds descend from a generalist ancestral finch that invaded the islands from mainland Ecuador.
  • Almost every grower had little option but to trap bullfinches (using cage-traps complete with a live decoy) during the winter and spring.
  • On the lake itself, we mainly saw the same woodpeckers, gulls, goldfinch, robins, waxwings, juncos, and other common birds spotted last year.
  • Couple of months ago we had this ironworker falls off a girder, Finch has to break the news to the wife. TIME TO MURDER AND CREATE
  • I attended the public schools where I was properly "hazed" and got what was "coming" to all country boys; finally I graduated under the tutelage of Dr. Joseph Finch (a patriot indeed, who made a lasting impress for earnestness on thousands of boys), and then went to business as an entry clerk with a large importing metal house, where I remained until the war broke out. Between the Lines Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After
  • But the population of bird species such as rosefinches, spotted doves and grey jungle fowl did go up during the flowering.
  • There were terns and ernes and gulls, myriad tropical varieties of birds of all shapes and sizes, albatrosses and finches and cranes…
  • W cygnine swan W anatine duck 1862-1893 dacelonine kingfisher W OOsW didine dodo 1885 OW avine bird 1881 OW falconine falcon OW buteonine buzzard fringilline finch 1874 - VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • The greenfinch is among common garden birds that have taken their leave of suburbia this winter. Why Britain's garden birds are staying in the country
  • This behaviour is commonly observed among several species of finch.
  • Jillie leads me through an opening in the brush, a path lined with white knotweed and purple morning glories that opens up, just beyond the briers of blackberry vines that have long been picked clean by quail and finches, into a meadow lighted with goldenrod and sunlight against the rusty tops of tall grasses, striving against the subtle blues of the lobelia and the aggressive reds of jack-in-the-pulpits. Taxonomies
  • I don't want to see more goldfinches, chickadees, herons or cardinals.
  • An eternal optimist, proprietor Robert Finch has an amazing story to tell of the vicissitudes of farming emus.
  • Finches, canaries and budgerigars do not need as much attention from their people and so may be an option for those with busy life-styles.
  • The Chinese can take this, Finch muses, because they are more nonchalant about bodily functions, such as burping, farting or even going to the bathroom - an act performed squatting sans doors in some places in China. Top Stories
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • Niger thistle appeals especially to pine siskins, goldfinches, and purple and house finches.
  • Currently there are 23 ongoing ACF projects involving experimentation with mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, ducks, sandpipers, and zebra finches.
  • David Fincher paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.
  • The movie is brilliantly scripted by Aaron Sorkin, author of the courtroom drama A Few Good Men and the TV series The West Wing, and incisively directed by David Fincher, whose films (among them Se7en, Fight Club, The Game and Zodiac) show him to be a doubter of outward appearance, a questioner of accepted realities. The Social Network – review
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • The gums were full of budgies, skawking and whistling their parodies of songbirds; finches wheeled from branch to branch; two sulphur-crested cockatoos sat with their heads to one side watching her progress with twinkling eyes; willy-wagtails fossicked in the dirt for ants, their absurd rumps bobbing; crows carked eternally and mournfully. The Thorn Birds
  • Stop sparrows and finches from shredding crocus blossoms by placing foil pinwheels - the kind sold for children's Easter baskets - every few feet among the flowers.
  • Dog roses, bramble, nettles and thistles provide good for birds such as goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinches and the occasional rarity such as brambling or bullfinch.
  • The results may thus indicate that rosefinches do not perceive edges as poor habitats.
  • The goldfinches chittered and sang like drunken canaries and once in a thunderstorm a barred owl blundered into that fake crystal chandelier she had always detested.
  • He could easily have cited the Aldabran tortoise, the chuckwalla of Angel de la Guarda, the hippo of Madagascar, the beetles of Madeira, the elephantids of Timor, the iguanas of the Galápagos, the finches of Darwin and Lack, the earwig of Saint Helena, and the dodo. The Song of The Dodo
  • John Finch had sent his assistant to tell Faith and Hannah Benn of their discovery of the body in the box.
  • Owner piece, I inform you and still reserve letting to make the childe come behind in a hurry, don't with Vinaceous Rosefinch soldier fasten attach.
  • The chicks began growing wider, taller, more robust beaks similar to those of a nut - cracking finch.
  • More than 2,600 linnets, 100 yellowhammers, 229 reed buntings and 1,200 skylarks have been recorded along with smaller numbers of brambling, tree sparrows and chaffinches. BBC News - Home
  • For example, the zebrafinch is a highly communal bird, but the congeneric violet-eared waxbill is highly asocial.
  • Mrs. d' Urberville instructs Tess to whistle to the bullfinches that Mrs. d' Urberville treats as pets and Alec surprises Tess as she's practicing her whistling in the garden.
  • Birds such as goldfinches, orioles, and cardinals owe their colorful plumages to carotenoids.
  • Birds common to the mountains include rosefinches, Guldenstadt's redstarts, Himalayan monals, raptors, and vultures.
  • John Piercy, of St Peter's Street, Norton, realised 11 finches and four quails had been taken from their cage when he saw the aviary door had been forced open.
  • Black oil sunflower seeds are relished by chickadees, evening grosbeaks, cardinals and finches, and are less attractive to non-native sparrows and starlings.
  • There are four, which seem to belong to the _trochili_, or honey-suckers of Linnæus; one of which is something larger than a bullfinch; its colour is a fine glossy black, the rump, vent, and thighs, a deep yellow. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • I say there's not a huge difference in planting banksias to attract honeyeaters to your garden and scattering some wild birdseed out for the finches.
  • Finch's face had also become a little redder through its windburn. THE FALLEN MAN
  • `Margaret used to read to me from Bulfinch 's Mythology. TALES OF THE CITY
  • Nearby, the rough grass and scrub contain large stands of teasels and thistles, which provide seeds for finches - goldfinch, chaffinch, bullfinch, brambling and siskin are frequent winter visitors.
  • The team compared these studies with two databases: one for species such as Galápagos finches that had changed through natural selection and one for nonhunted species exposed to other human influences such as pollution or introduction to new habitats. Resilience Science
  • Most observations relate to larks, pipits and finches but kestrels are capable of taking such quarry as fieldfares, turtle doves and lapwing.
  • Wild horses can be tamed, but Finch said it takes someone who is knowledgeable and experienced.
  • I saw many other birds in my month on Fair Isle, far rarer ones: I found a woodchat shrike, a streaky youngster with a grownup hooked bill, that should have been on the other side of Europe; I became adept at listening for the soft calls of common rosefinches, the blandest of birds with the beadiest of eyes; I knew where a buff-breasted sandpiper blown from North America roosted. A Year on the Wing
  • I don't want to see more goldfinches, chickadees, herons or cardinals.
  • Finch mules have always been more difficult to breed than the canaries or finches themselves, but some were less difficult than others.
  • Finch is well on his way to the top until some unforeseen circumstances drive a wrench into his works.
  • The image here comes from Norse mythology, in which the Midgard serpent is “of such an enormous size that holding his tail in his mouth he encircles the whole earth” (Bulfinch [1855] 2003: 333). Archive 2007-05-01
  • The numbers of greenfinches have increased over the years, but so have the primroses!
  • Miners became fond of their birds, and as well as breeding the canaries with one another, they started to produce crosses - or mules, as they called them - with British finches such as goldfinches and greenfinches.
  • Arun thrust through the swinging door into the taproom of Bullfinch's only inn, still feeling remarkably weightless.
  • And is it the way I'd be leavin 'you marry some good-for-nothing idle jackeen, who couldn't buy a ha'porth of bird seed for a linnet or a finch, let alone to keep a wife? Duty, and other Irish Comedies
  • I didn't know that the goldfinch is the only one that eats upside down. A CHELSEA MORNING
  • He worried about the future of the golden eagle, the osprey and the nightingale and he condemned the persecution of the bullfinch.
  • The list was impressive and included robins, starlings, a goldfinch, blackbirds, redwings, chaffinches, wood pigeons and black-headed gulls.
  • In winter, found also in fields and even gardens, feeding with other buntings and finches.
  • They plant the kind of crops on which not only the pheasant feed, but also thousands of wagtail, curlew, lark, pipit, finch, plover and other species that have been in decline for years.
  • With something of the style of a Japanese buyo dance, Philippa Davies bends the pitch of her alto flute to summon the sound of a shakuhachi and Catrin Finch plucks her harp strings near the soundboard, alluding to the sound of the koto.
  • They include the bananaquit, the blue-black grassquit, the blackfaced grassquit, and the St. Lucia black finch.
  • Since the preliminary results lean towards viral that means that the redpolls and finches are passing a virus to each other rather than getting sick from eating directly out of the feeder.
  • Another round of the finch-siskin-junco with added! chickadees turmoil in our side yard. Warmer
  • All the common species are here - blackbirds and thrushes and the like - plus goldfinches, swallows, kingfishers and grebes on the pond.
  • But that didn't stop a chorus of critical hosannas, particularly for Fincher's work, and that of lead actress Rooney Mara, who was revelatory as emotionally scarred hacker Lisbeth Salander. Oscars 2012: the best picture nominations we'd like to see
  • Budgies, finches, sparrows and canaries are only a few of the more than one hundred kinds of birds people keep in their apartments.
  • Up to nine birds, including three budgies, a dove, a finch, two hens and a quail died at the pets' corner in Longford Park, Stretford.
  • Sunflower seeds appeal to many of our wintering birds, but the goldfinches and house finches prefer thistle seed, while the ground-feeding sparrows and doves enjoy millet or a mixture of high quality seeds.
  • I am a clumsy beginner and in the hut first a greenfinch escapes from my grip, and then a sedge warbler, both hurtling toward the windows. A Year on the Wing
  • It was completed by 1700, becoming the home of the ‘dark, funereal Finches’.
  • My favourite plant, lavender, is something of a delicacy for goldfinches - when they've finished all the thistledown, that is.
  • For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
  • I have some pet birdies -- a red factor canary and two green singer finches.
  • Finches love water and will bathe up to three times a day.
  • Goldfinches also feed on the seed of goldenrod, coreopsis, cosmos, zinnias, dandelions and other weedy plants.
  • The festival closes at 2pm with words of wisdom from Wigan scriptwriter Paul Finch who will conduct a question and answer session.
  • Avoid nesting material for finches, canaries and other small birds because they may have artificial fibers such as polyester contained within.
  • The place was cluttered and cozy, filled with knickknacks and pets: a cageful of ornamental finches whose aimless twittering gave Joanna a whole new insight into the term "birdbrained"; Pella's two fat pugs about whom Joanna, a cat person, privately agreed with the Regent; and, to Joanna's great delight, a five-foot boa constrictor dozing in wintry torpor in a big glass cabinet built into the side of the chimney. The Silicon Mage
  • Purple Finches flock to the wahoo elm trees to feed on the buds, and Crossbills attack the pine cones.
  • Close relatives to Old World sparrows are pipits (family Motacillidae), accentors (family Prunellidae) and possibly finches (family Fringillidae).
  • Whenever I have been fortunate to watch a party of Breckland hawfinches they were very wary, taking flight at the first alarm and rocketing into the treetops.
  • The novel's eponymous Finch is a detective, and the novel opens with a bizarre double murder, one person and one fungiform. Archive 2010-02-01
  • House finches with mycoplasmal conjunctivitis can't see properly and fall easy prey to predators New Scientist - Online News
  • Right outside the window a male indigo bunting and a male goldfinch are eating side by side.
  • If Jeff VanderMeer´s FINCH could be summated in but one word it can´t, mind you, but let´s pretend, just for argument´s sake, it could be this one: sporepunk. The Ambergris Week - Part 3: Finch
  • Common bird species of the montane region are found here and include rosefinches (Carpodacus spp.), Guldenstadt's redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogaster), Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), raptors, and vultures. Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • Such riches are not without robbers, and we observed male purple-throats defending their patches, repelling other purple-throats as well as Saint Lucia orioles and Lesser Antillean bullfinches.
  • Chaffinches and cowbirds are not the only birds that teach song to their young.
  • Kara stared aghast as the brawny Maggie Finch, with a florid complexion like red brick and forearms like a butcher's, rolled up her sleeves and went to meet the threat of the two men in black Greek fisherman's garb.
  • There is, for instance, that charming letter about the escaped goldfinch, which is not spoiled for us even though we may take The Art of Letters
  • The reserve is home to woodpeckers, chaffinches, bullfinches and blackbirds.
  • A major food source of squirrels and many finches is totally absent this year.
  • The reserve is home to woodpeckers, chaffinches, bullfinches and blackbirds.
  • Leaves had unfurled , goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.
  • A greenfinch is singing on the next street over from mine, a street I never go down but that I can now hear. A Year on the Wing
  • Finches, grosbeaks, titmice, nuthatches, sparrows, and cardinals will beat a path to your door.
  • The goldfinch is a fun bird to spot around Lincoln. juditu ... - Articles related to Summer sun safety tips for kids Living a healthier 2010 -->
  • The right hon. Member for Finchley was right to concede majority voting so that the single market could be in operation by 1993.
  • As a prize example of creating new species by natural selection, these finches leave very much to be desired.
  • Sparrows, (otherwise known as weaver-finches), maybe. Grouse Diary Entry
  • He looks into the camera as he exhales, the smoke wafting out of his mouth toward the finches.
  • Mr. Finch is the most sedate young man I have ever seen; -- but his sedateness is temper'd with a _sweetness_ inexpressible; -- a certain mildness in the features; -- _a mildness_ which, in the countenance of that great commander I saw at Brandon Lodge, appears like _mercy_ sent out from the heart to discover the dwelling of _true courage_. Barford Abbey
  • Collection of the goldfinches took place when plumage dichromatism between males and females is subtle.
  • The fruits are red, blue, or black and are quickly consumed in late summer and early fall by finches, game birds, mockingbirds, thrushes, waxwings, and woodpeckers.
  • The coldest December on record had driven them to warmer climes, and during the day I managed to miss goldfinch, greenfinch, dunnock and song thrush as well. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • Male house finches, experimentally infected with coccidiosis grow a less red plumage and are less often selected by females.
  • In the case of greenfinches and bullfinches, which, like starlings, have relatively massive outer primaries, molt rate is exaggerated (steeper slope) during the early part of molt and underestimated later.
  • The ubiquitous starling is one of the most widespread problem species but blackbirds, partridges, robins, sparrows, thrushes, and finches are also common.
  • Common to their discoveries is the unique adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule, which can store and transport energy in all organisms, whether it be a simple bacterium, a dandelion, a finch or a human being. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997 - Presentation Speech
  • Another such word is geoduck, which is pronounced "gooey duck"; a less violently dissonant, but still unpredictable, spelling is distelfink, which according to Merriam-Webster's is pronounced DISH-tlfink it's from Pennsylvania Dutch dischdelfink 'goldfinch', although the AHD gives the normalized DIST-lfink. ENGLISH SPELLING.
  • The warbling of a chaffinch flitting through the bushes. Earl of Durkness
  • Finch looked up, his heart jigging with relief and surprise.
  • About 20 koi carp, worth more than £1,000, were killed, and between 20 and 30 finches, canaries, waxbills and Java sparrows were allowed to escape.
  • Young indigo buntings and zebra finches require social interactions to acquire songs.
  • Other standouts include Eddie Kaye Thomas as the oddball Finch and, of course, Eugene Levy as Jim's ever intrusive father.
  • Plenty of birds of winter still mob Ann's bird feeders; chickadees, juncos, sparrows, woodpeckers, nuthatches, goldfinch, and doves are in no short supply.
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • For instance, if you're looking into a large tree and notice several small birds constantly in motion, you should know that these are likely warblers and not sparrows or finches or thrushes.
  • House, Oxfordshire, the house of a noble Knight, and favourer of my Muse; and Elegy on a Bullfinch, 1648; of the Four Mile Course of Bayaides Green, six times run over, by two famous Irish footmen, Patrick Dorning and William O'Farrell. Notes and Queries, Number 19, March 9, 1850
  • Not exactly,' Ted's cheeks flushed a sharp bullfinch pink as he turned towards the door and shoved the key into the lock. BEHINDLINGS
  • Beauty arbitress Linda Wells (with touch-ups by her Allure editors) shares the Confessions of a Beauty Editor (Bulfinch). Hot Type
  • Sitting in his Church Street studio, found-object sculptor Silas Finch said he identifies as a New Haven artist. Yale Daily News - Latest Issue
  • Water was supplemented with the chemical, to suppress Isosporan coccidiosis, an ubiquitous disease of goldfinches that will quickly kill aviary birds.
  • The ubiquitous starling is one of the most widespread problem species but blackbirds, partridges, robins, sparrows, thrushes, and finches are also common.
  • He worried about the future of the golden eagle, the osprey and the nightingale and he condemned the persecution of the bullfinch.
  • I was able to recognize "cormorant" due to the unique shape of their beaks and moderate size big to anybody who just sees pigeons,crows and fincheson a daily basis. What is a Blog For?
  • Cedar waxwings, crows, finches, flycatchers, grosbeaks, grouse, jays, mockingbirds, pheasants, thrushes, vireos, and woodpeckers feed on their fruits.
  • Other diseases that affect the overall health of finches, including pox and Mycoplasma galliceptum, cause males to grow a less red plumage.
  • Birds found here and in only few other places include white-bellied seedeaters Sporophila leucoptera, grassland yellow-finches Sicalis luteola, chalk-browed mockingbirds Mimus saturninus, tropical peewees Contopus cinereus, rufous-throated antbirds Gymnopithys rufigula, black-breasted puffbirds Notharchus pectoralis, and plain-bellied emeralds Amazilia leucogaster. Marajó varzea
  • Such feeders no longer seem necessary, with the house finch population stabilizing. rss feed
  • Occupy vantage point, suddenly aggression, absence Lao along Yi, this what period, it are the new soldiers' bad situation to tin make up all of Vinaceous Rosefinch soldiers.
  • Sitting in his Church Street studio, found-object sculptor Silas Finch said he identifies as a New Haven artist. Yale Daily News - Latest Issue
  • It's crucial we provide our bullfinches with the wintering feeding resources that will encourage them to come here.
  • Finch and Varnes's brief is broad and inclusively demotic.
  • On the lake itself, we mainly saw the same woodpeckers, gulls, goldfinch, robins, waxwings, juncos, and other common birds spotted last year.
  • There were birds everywhere, of all types - hoopoes, wagtails, tits, finches, and sparrows and swallows nesting in the beams of the house; there were cuckoos singing by day and nightjars by night.
  • These are chaffinches, yellowhammers and reed buntings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also a young robin, a fledgeling great-tit being given a lesson in how to work bird feeders by a harrassed-looking parent, a couple of adolescent blackbirds from the parents' first brood I think they are now feeding nestlings on their second, and a noisy family of chaffinches. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Ireland is internationally important as a northerly winter feeding ground for many winter migrant birds such as thrush, fieldfare, redwing, and finches.
  • David Fincher's much-hyped film, which, by all means, lives up to its hype, very classily opened the New York Film Festival Friday night. 'Social Network' Goes to Harvard
  • In the first, a female paradise whydah mates with a male indigobird (whether by choice or coercion), then lays an egg in a nest of her usual host, Melba Finch.
  • Every month, RSPCA inspectors in Rochdale receive three or four reports of greenfinches, bullfinches, linnets and goldfinches being trapped and caged before being sold to breeders.
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • Certainly, in comparison to Errol Flynn's, Finch's antics were mild.
  • In winter, our resident population is increased by large numbers of birds from the Continent, forming flocks on farmland, often with other finches, buntings and sparrows.
  • The vast majority of the House Finch's diet is vegetable matter - seeds, buds, berries, and nectar.
  • Montreal waits with bated breath until it is announced that the city's official bird is the… American Golden Finch!
  • A drive down a local road flushes out all kinds of sparrows, warblers, and finches.
  • Crossbills are closely related to goldfinches, and the curve of the upper beak seems easy to miss.
  • He uses effects to create upsetting organic images a la David Fincher, though where Fincher uses dirty yellows and negative bleeds, Cunningham uses steely grays and lens flares.
  • In Finch's hands, what could have been a simple plein-air painting of the sky morphs into a cerebral yet poetically lively hybrid.
  • The goldfinch is a symbol of Christ's future death on the cross. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Thus, he lists as noblest the meat of turtledoves, starlings, doves, quails, pheasants, blackbirds, woodcock, partridge, and chaffinch.
  • Finch, a retired National Park Service administrator, has been re searching Hunter since 1961.
  • He was the son of Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel, by his wife, Anne, coheiress of Dacre and Gillesland, and was born at Finchingfield in Essex on 7th July, 1586.
  • Blackbirds, starlings, green finches, great tits, robins, collared doves and dunnocks are all included in Cumbria's top ten.
  • Finchem said the new Senior PGA Tour lineup would provide more events, and reduce overlap with regularly scheduled PGA Tour telecasts.
  • I also only recently found out about what the kea can do to a sheep, and about vampire finches. Chordeiles minor - The Panda's Thumb
  • Birds are not like this: blackbirds or goldfinches vary reassuringly little wherever you go.
  • A teacher from Andhra Pradesh writes of sights seen with his children while out in the scrub: spurfowls, warblers, and rose finches.
  • You will also find St. Godric of Finchale in the calendar of saints, and they are one and the same, the story of his very long life come down to us as he told it in his old age to Reginald of Durham -- although _this _story is not in there. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • Their varied climates, ongoing vulcanism and extreme isolation, has produced one of the highest concentrations of endemic species in the world including unusual animals such as the land and marine iguanas, giant tortoises and the many types of finch that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution following his visit in 1835. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • Finches, canaries and budgerigars do not need as much attention from their people and so may be an option for those with busy life-styles.
  • Willows provide nesting sites for several types of finches and many different birds can be seen throughout the year, including cuckoos, yellowhammers, mallards, moorhens and whitethroats.
  • This historical whodunit is too good to miss, and recommended for fans of The Last Dickens by Matthew Pearl and A Beautiful Blue Death by Charles Finch. October 2009
  • Finché ne arriva uno nuovo, ed un altro trova posto nel “cimitero degli dei morti”. No Fat Clips!!! : JOSSIE MALIS – Bendito Machine ep. 3
  • Other species in danger are the brown hare, skylark, linnet, reed bunting, tree sparrow, grey partridge, bullfinch, song thrush and grass-wrack pondweed.
  • Migrating from northern Europe to the Iberian Peninsula's cork forests are blackcaps, finches, robins, and song thrushes.
  • Seedeaters such as evening grosbeaks, goldfinches, and pine siskins prefer black oil sunflower and niger thistle.
  • Through gruesomely efficient methods of mist-netting and bird-liming, Japanese hunters delivered huge catches of thrushes, grosbeaks, finches, siskins, and buntings.
  • Boudia and Finchum were fifth in synchronized platform Aug. 11, then waited 11 days for the individual event. USA's Boudia advances in diving semifinals; China's Huo leads
  • It had been very sparing also in its use of the Chaffinch's note, until one in the neighbourhood had begun to _twink, twink, twink_; then the Essays in Natural History and Agriculture
  • Cedar waxwings, crows, finches, flycatchers, grosbeaks, grouse, jays, mockingbirds, pheasants, thrushes, vireos, and woodpeckers feed on their fruits.
  • Their bills are slimmer than those of most finches.
  • Flocks are common outside of the breeding season, and American Goldfinches often flock with redpolls and Pine Siskins.
  • Researchers not too long ago successfully bred the offspring of two ‘species’ of Galapagos finches.
  • In their study, the researchers compared two species of night-migratory songbirds - garden warblers and European robins - with two non-migratory songbirds - zebra finches and canaries.
  • House birds like the blue tit or the chaffinch eat seeds or insects, which are easy to find in the countryside when the weather is mild, as it has been for this winter so far. Why Britain's garden birds are staying in the country
  • Finches, grosbeaks, titmice, nuthatches, sparrows, and cardinals will beat a path to your door.

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