
How To Use Finances In A Sentence

  • She managed to get the company's finances into a healthy state.
  • Organizing your finances and time helps you become more productive and responsive and ensures you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, such as incurring wasteful late fees. - Home Page RSS
  • Your finances are in tatters, your blood pressure is rising and the queue for the bank cashiers' desks is never-ending.
  • Ten years ago, officials from the Western Isles Council were sweating, hoping, praying, that the BCCI would somehow be refloated; that they would go back to work on Monday with their finances restored.
  • Good governance and management of finances is surely key to keeping the debt crisis at bay.
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  • Outside of the cities the monarch, whose private fortune was identical with the state finances, possessed immense domains managed by intendants and supporting a population of serf-colonists. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Obamacare Constitutional?
  • There is a strong case for Brown to sound warnings about the economy and the public finances next year.
  • Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
  • The next logical step was to put racing's finances on a permanent footing.
  • He responded testily to questions about WikiLeaks's opaque finances, Private Manning's fate and WikiLeaks's apparent lack of accountability to anybody but himself, calling the questions "cretinous," "facile" and reminiscent of "kindergarten. NYT > Home Page
  • She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.
  • Some discussions to have beforehand should include finances, habits, bedtime, room assignments, babysitters, and divvying up duties.
  • A local council can spend more than its total guideline if it finances more from sales than the government assumes.
  • His intellectual rigour and sharp focus on finances have also kept Quinn out of financial trouble.
  • Vowed to take better care of your finances, bought one of those little red cashflow books, ruled into narrow blue feint columns, pledged to note in it your incomings and outgoings, create for yourself a budget?
  • But marital relations and domestic finances are not what should make government ministers fit or otherwise for office.
  • Sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis.
  • May your finances profitable this year.
  • Most have their own board of governors and a bursar who is responsible for the school's finances.
  • Buying a new car need not put a strain on your finances.
  • The two election defeats were put down to an inability to convince the electorate that they could be trusted with the nation's finances.
  • Donald Tusk is set to lay out his administration's budget plans and other policies for the term ahead in his address Friday, and investors will be watching closely to see how much he intends to consolidate state finances. Polish Premier's Speech to Focus on Budget
  • She recently wrote that the census questions "forc [e] Americans to disclose sensitive information about their finances, health and lifestyles. Karl Frisch: Census 2010: The Right's Super-Secret Plan to End All Plans
  • The result is a lagged effect on state finances, with tax revenues usually taking as long as five years to reattain prior peaks, according to Mr. Boyd. The Sorry State of Finances
  • Simply put, he thinks the NCAA's "immoral and criminal" bureaucratic handling of its finances and its "blatant hypocrisy, shamateurism and systematic ripoff" of youngsters must end. The Hoops Are Made Of Gold
  • Sadly, finances would not stretch to pay for her two children, Emma, 15, and Daniel, 13, and Paul's three grown-up children to go too.
  • And the Finns' log cabins, erected on barely cleared cutover lands, were covered with white clapboard siding as soon as finances permitted.
  • She worked to improve the finances of the magazine with new fundraising projects, found ways to reduce expenses, and garnered grants to assist in building the magazine's subscriber base.
  • On Saturday, he said the crackdown was necessary to safeguarding the nation's finances and economy.
  • In return, the profession would hope for reinvestment when finances improved, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course you should be vigilant with your finances and budget carefully but hoarding money is not the answer.
  • DARIUS I instituted a major reorganization of the administration and finances of the empire, establishing twenty provinces ruled by Satraps.
  • There is no compelling reason why legislators can't wait at least a year to see if the state's finances improve before underwriting a new football stadium.
  • At a time when economic growth is slowing down and public finances are worsening, this survey illustrates the true grit of the north when it comes to determination to succeed.
  • He is strongly opposed to NHS care being opened up to "any willing provider" – a key element of Lansley's plan, which Downing Street now worries has left ministers vulnerable on the charge that they are privatising the NHS, and also concerned that, in the melee of a radical restructure, the NHS finances will get out of control. Experts speak out on what Andrew Lansley should change in his health bill
  • Moving house put a severe strain on our finances.
  • As a result, his finances became depleted, he was unable to pay his rent and had to leave his town house and move to very modest accommodation, and at one stage was forced to go on public assistance.
  • The process begins with a trip to the bank, where a sharp-eyed analyst will review your finances.
  • The objections against the application were, that should Congress comply with it, others of a similar nature would he made; that if the lines of the army were com - pleat, which ought to be insisted upon, such extra aid would be unnecessary; that the condition of the finances would not admit of new demands; that the adoption of such a measure would seem to exclude the idea of mak - ing the exertions of particular States for their own de - fence an object of publick charge, except in cases which had been specially provided for by Congress. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • She bears the grand title "Divisional President of the Finances Committee".
  • He was assigned to work as an Inspecteur des Finances at the French Finance Ministry in 1971 and rose up the hierarchy.
  • The finances of the Balearic Islands, which have been led by a staunchly pro-monarchy government in recent years, have been shattered by Spain's property bust. World Watch
  • It points out that the revenues have not been expended for the purposes for which they were levied -- "_on appert clairement, que les dictes finances ne sont point employées à choses dessus dictes_," etc. -- and it closes this its review with the peremptory demand: "_Item, et il fault savoir, où est cette finance," -- "Now, we have a right to know what has become of these funds. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
  • A shrewd, hard-headed businessman typical of his age, he speedily restored abbey finances after years of mismanagement.
  • The crisis in municipal finances is one of those burgeoning national issues that has been percolating for years. Euro-America, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Children in these circumstances often take on the family finances just to survive.
  • I'd like to buy a new car, but my finances are in such a parlous state that I can't afford to.
  • One wonders how the inoperative council is supposed to generate the much needed finances to liquidate the debts.
  • I mean, you know, you've got to get your finances in order.
  • Most of us learn their interpretation early in our studies, remembering parrot-fashion a regime of house meanings that we commit to memory and integrate into practice. We learn that the 2nd house represents wealth and finances - why?
  • They'd rather get second-hand info about the finances from Wong than have to talk to the lippy accountant.
  • And he proceeds to explain why everything surrounding Virgin's finances should be so secretive.
  • I don't know how NSVF finances work, but maybe Apple, McGraw-Hill, et alia should be making large donations to that organization? John Merrow: The Intersection of Technology and Test Scores
  • You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
  • He said: "It was part of a restructuring of the club's finances."
  • They'd rather get second-hand info about the finances than have to talk to the lippy accountant.
  • I told him my tour was a bit of a nightmare, and that my finances have been seriously freaking me out lately.
  • Good governance and management of finances is surely key to keeping the debt crisis at bay.
  • With the government's finances stretched, though, much of the burden of reviving the economy has fallen to the Bank of Japan, which, in theory, has limitless resources to print money.
  • Some people may manage their finances badly and therefore have to go short of essentials.
  • Getting control of your finances requires tough choices
  • He said: ‘Decisions over Richard and Mark had to be made in order to rejig finances and use them elsewhere but they were the hardest decisions to make.’
  • There will be huge finances needed to relocate and rehabilitate the fishermen living inside the lake.
  • He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances.
  • In terms of finances, did you have a hard time convincing financial mucky-mucks to throw their weight behind the project?
  • The fact of the matter is that student finances are stretched.
  • Funds to finance these huge war loans was borrowed from China and Japan, putting America ever deeper in thrall to the Asian powers, and undermining its finances. Eric Margolis: Attention All Republican Flag-Wavers -- If You Want Wars Abroad, Pay for Them
  • We have managed the Government's finances so well that he has opined that the low debt is crazy, and that National would borrow to dispense largesse to some of its mates.
  • My present finances will run to either a pogo stick or a pair of roller skates.
  • Doyle said the local police station was isolated on Jones Rd and he would like it to be on the section owned by police on Tennyson St in Rolleston but said police were bound by finances.
  • my finances were in a deplorable state
  • Neither expects to see an improvement in consumers' finances this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • An entrepreneur must be prepared to make a sacrifice in terms of finances and overall quality of life.
  • She managed to get the company's finances into a healthy state.
  • Tastunori Kawai of Securities said TonenGeneral will lose managerial expertise and that its dividends could be at risk if the Exxon Mobil deal depletes the company's finances. Exxon Mobil to Unload Its Subsidiary in Japan
  • You need a professional to sort out your finances.
  • The increased costs will certainly strain our finances.
  • In France, for example, a liberal restoration allowed the return of a free press and enabled the minister of finances to establish the annual budget as an immutable feature of French political life.
  • The budget speech was the second within two weeks in which he accounted to the legislature on finances and services delivery.
  • A CBO letter to Reid, dated Nov. 18, noted the "imprecision" of the calculation and the great degree of "uncertainty" inherent in healthcare reform finances. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • He launched into a verbal attack on her handling of the finances.
  • I didn't realise your finances were that bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • The increased costs will certainly strain our finances.
  • So now is the time for them to think about the best way to manage their finances.
  • Subscriptions and contributions to various appeals provide the bulk of our finances.
  • Being dumped by Honda left the Northamptonshire-based squad celebrating a meagre Christmas, so even finding the finances to make it to round one was an achievement.
  • In the case of male-to-female transsexuals who are not able to get GRS at the same time (finances, perhaps not completed their RLE yet, depending on when castration is required to occur), there are additional consequences. A rose by any other name
  • For instance, the Polish zloty is down 8% this year, while the Czech koruna has strengthened a little more than 2% thanks in part to the country's solid domestic finances. Interesting Times in Europe's Other Periphery
  • And, when it comes to your finances, courage is often needed to admit mistakes and begin mopping up a financial mess.
  • Le ministre fédéral des Finances, qui présentera son budget mardi, a récemment créé, pour le conseiller, un conseil consultatif sur l'économie, composé surtout de chefs d'entreprises. Archive 2009-01-01
  • You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances.
  • In addition they were perceived to be inefficient, measured in terms of productivity, and also unprofitable, causing a drain on public finances.
  • In effect these new finances represent the inducement required to persuade developing countries to conserve their genetic resources.
  • I got my finances in order by using Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet of my monthly income and expenses.
  • These repayments are putting a strain on our finances.
  • How much have these war efforts cost us in finances and human lives? Obama: Health-care reform will not increase deficit
  • We learn that members are required to provide a "picture of the structure and finances of government" that is complete enough for an assessment of its "soundness" -- but an assessment by whom, and what if a government fails the test? The Full Feed from
  • So her campaign has been trying what it calls a proactive effort to fix problems with committee reports it filed with the State Board of Elections, performing a voluntary audit of her campaign finances and forfeiting donations that had a whiff of potential illegality. Local
  • If you're the principal money earner in a young family, then your premature demise would leave a large hole in your family's finances.
  • By submitting ourselves to the scrutiny of a financial review, and with the help of a financial advisor, we can face the coming twelve months with the peace of mind that our finances are in order.
  • If your finances are in a sound state, then you will survive any storms ahead.
  • Whilst those commissions may be rebated in full in many cases, it is the payment of that commission which, in fact, finances the whole of the financial planning process.
  • National Liar, Premier Minister of the Province, and First Juggler of its finances: -- a profligate in public in the name of the Church -- in secret in the name of Free-Thought -- _beau diseur_ -- demagogue of the rabble and chieftain of the Cave. The Young Seigneur Or, Nation-Making
  • It found that students worry about leading an independent life, dealing with antisocial flatmates and managing their finances.
  • The department said it was still too early to say if the improvement in the public finances would continue as some of the increase in tax revenues were from one-off items.
  • Its day-to-day finances are in a critical state.
  • Just when you think you have got your finances whipped into shape something or some one comes along to upset the apple cart.
  • There needs to be a real sharing of power in the church, especially in choosing pastors and bishops and in supervising church finances.
  • Speaking of Mr. Jackson's finances, Judge Pastor said he was unwilling to let the trial become a 'battle of accountants' or 'a salacious analysis of personal financial issues.'
  • Moving house put a severe strain on our finances.
  • There has always been a whiff of scandal about the finances of the company.
  • While they made some attempts to handle their finances responsibly, they knew they needed help.
  • Though he started philately as a hobby during his school days and collected many stamps, lack of penpals plus adequate finances prevented him from pursuing it vigorously.
  • I've always kept a tight hold on our finances.
  • Our finances are already stretched to the limit .
  • As Finance Secretary I found that the finances of the state were in a precarious condition.
  • Calonne was called from an intendancy to the general control of the finances. History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814
  • It is into this quicksand that the public finances are now fast sinking.
  • From 1782 to 1788 Dutch banks loaned nine million guilders, which helped salvage American finances.
  • Getting the public finances back into balance must be a key objective of economic policy.
  • The present drop in overseas students on top of this is having a devastating effect on the school's finances.
  • For reassurance that it will raise the finances, a company will usually, but not always, have its rights issue underwritten by an investment bank.
  • The report recommends an overhaul of public finances.
  • We need to pressurise the Government to raise finances not close wards.
  • So her campaign has been trying what it calls a proactive effort to fix problems with committee reports it filed with the State Board of Elections, performing a yearlong voluntary audit of her campaign finances and forfeiting donations that had a whiff of potential illegality. Top Stories
  • Tara K. Harper – “Taxes and Finances for Writers” (thorough andclear) 2 Responses to “Say Uncle (Sam) – A Cautionary Tale” Say Uncle (Sam) – A Cautionary Tale «
  • By then the minister had also acquired the help of a powerful official, the first clerk of finances, as well as a dozen other senior clerks and several principal secretaries directing bureaux.
  • Elder abuse and neglect can have devastating consequences for older people, and a huge amount of long-term effects on physical and mental health, finances, living arrangements and family/whanau/aiga relationships. ScreenTalk
  • At the beginning of the year 1881, the committee on finances of the common council of Paris received a petition from the central committee of the syndical chambers asking for the establishment of an official exchange for merchandise and commercial transactions for the especial use of Parisian commerce. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • But we've always been savvier with finances. The Sun
  • The treasurer in his report showed that the finances had a surplus at the end of the year.
  • Though this will be effective in theory, the difficulty is the centralised distribution of state finances - an inflexible system that often causes funding delays.
  • One thing Hillary Clinton supporters can not deny is Obama's campaign has been much more disciplined and effective, has had no turn-over in key campaign ranks, has properly managed its finances, versus the circus that is Hillary Clinton's campaign, surprising considering her "experience" should have got her a better campaign staff. Clinton rallies union in Puerto Rico
  • Mr Winsor said the regulator would consider an early interim review of Railtrack's finances.
  • While grant-maintained, the school chooses its own firm of auditors, leaving the council with no statutory powers over finances.
  • So assess your finances, look at where you can make cuts in expenses.
  • The krona itself has remained remarkably steady, consistent with Sweden's superior public finances and falling inflation rate.
  • I have the primary role of financial controller and my day-to-day function is to make sure that we've got the adequate finances to meet our goals.
  • ‘I don't know if the club's finances will stretch to allow me to keep two keepers on the go,’ admitted the manager.
  • Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.
  • Saturn in Cancer at the time of the perihelion inclines you to deal with issues of home, family, security, finances, and relationships.
  • She bears the grand title "Divisional President of the Finances Committee".
  • The Council of Finances determined fiscal policy within the region.
  • This dogged persistence and determination to see it through has taken its toll, both on his finances and his emotional well being.
  • All governments, especially those with the ropiest public finances, should think boldly about how to lower their debt ratios in the medium term-in ways that do not choke off nascent private demand. AvaxHome RSS:
  • In reality, he controled their finances, micromanaging how they raised and spent money.
  • All these success stories have got many Indian Americans turning to film production, with finances in place or not.
  • Neither does he have much in the way of time, the commodity most precious when finances are limited.
  • Nobody ever knows what's round the corner, or when unforeseen circumstances will place a bomb under our finances.
  • He gradually rose on the Stratford town council, serving as one of the two chamberlains, who had charge of borough property and finances, from 1561 to 1563.
  • As their finances worsened, Monet fell behind with the rent and was unable to pay the servants' wages.
  • In managing your finances, you should look at your assets the way a football coach looks at his team.
  • This fact goes some way towards explaining why the nation's personal finances are looking pretty ropey at the moment.
  • Under such status, the school recruits its own staff, administers its own finances, employs its own bursar, and makes decisions through the governing body on many major matters.
  • The tricky question about his finances discomfited the minister.
  • You can be very extravagant in both your affections and your finances, finding it difficult to manage both.
  • She also recommitted to sound public finances despite a public cabinet battle over lifting the public sector pay cap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances.
  • The world economy is more interdependent than ever, with trade and finances ever expanding.
  • School finances in the city are in a critical state and require urgent action to put them right, a new report says.
  • Time to take inventory of your finances and fantasies.
  • In this situation where the country is in dire need of finances to revamp the economy and better the living of the underprivileged, it is not time to sit and wait for manna from heaven.
  • And he said they had launched a programme that would help mobilise finances and recapitalise the company.
  • This discontinuation is really a ploy to rob and mulct the historic taxpayers to rescue the finances of the municipality.
  • He wants to carry out social reforms, but he has to keep public finances in order to satisfy international creditors.
  • And while the out-turn on the public finances for 2001-02 may be slightly better than expected, the bigger picture is not so good.
  • After studying the organisation and finances of both the New York and Boston marathons, Brasher put together a budget for a similar race in London, and was given a cautious green light by the authorities.
  • A year later, he was crowned WBU world champion, a title he would later be stripped of because he didn't have the finances to defend his crown.
  • The company's finances are in a mess.
  • One wonders how the inoperative council is supposed to generate the much needed finances to liquidate the debts.
  • It predicted an inevitable collapse of tsarist finances and proposed the repudiation of the payment of the tsarist debts.
  • Accommodation charges are deemed to be the heaviest burden on students finances, and are most often cited as a major factor in choice of university.
  • The Reserve Bank of India has warned corporates that maintaining unhedged foreign currency commitments could severely impact their finances if conditions in the currency markets were to change.
  • They published a monthly news magazine, which served as their mouthpiece usually inveighing against something wrong with Boston's city finances, or elected officials.
  • To cut costs and bolster its finances, EDS will lay off 2,700 workers, move more operations offshore, and sell off $250 million in noncore assets.
  • Osborne insists that Britain will enjoy what he calls "expansionary austerity", because the knowledge that the government is getting to grips with the public finances will engender confidence and encourage private spending to replace the cuts in public spending. Is Osborne fit to run the economy – or to ruin it?
  • Lowry's record is questionable when it comes to statements concerning his finances.
  • These repayments are putting a strain on our finances.
  • He could not return to his casual post-retirement job as a security guard as a result, and his loss of income had a considerable impact on his family's finances.
  • She worried obsessively that her four-year struggle would destroy her family's finances.
  • The finances are perhaps the most stressful element of building work for the average homeowner.
  • However, if your firm's finances are relatively healthy, getting a bigger pay-off is indeed an option worth exploring.
  • BStill, to this day, it is unclear how Moon finances his costly operations.
  • Many investors, by contrast, believe the main worth of credit rating agencies is the pressure they bring to bear on governments to put right their finances.
  • This effort to pluck George W. from his troubles is the latest episode in a recurrent drama -- from the drunken young man challenging his father to go "mano a mano" on the front lawn of the family home in Kennebunkport, Maine, to the father pulling strings to get the son into the Texas Air National Guard and helping salvage his finances from George W. 's mismanagement of Harken Energy. June 2006
  • Mason is going to help me straighten out my finances.
  • Fragile letters in which the painter Vincent van Gogh revealed the precarious state of his mental health and finances will be displayed next winter at the Royal Academy, it was announced today.
  • In this regard, it does not take a deranged imagination to see a potential train wreck developing in muni finance; faltering finances, mushrooming underfunded pension liabilities, and huge borrowing needs for as far as the eye can see.
  • If the poundage is at least 60/65 you should be fine till you get your finances back together. Some Expert Advice needed: I want to begin bow hunting for whitetails again and eventually, mule deer and elk.
  • (AP) - A conservative think tank has rolled out a "piglet" book that outlines what the group calls wasteful spending at all levels of Nevada government along with a call for greater transparency in public finances. - Latest News
  • Can John Hood, the university's new head, put its finances on a sound footing?
  • Mr Darling said, "by doing this we can ensure that the Government's finances are returned to sufficient levels to ensure that our own copper-bottomed, gold-plated and mink-lined pension pots remain full". Archive 2009-03-01
  • ‘We're always clawing and scraping by,’ Forrest said of the centre's finances.
  • A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family's finances.
  • Personal loans and plastic cards are another burden on our finances: this time, a hefty £161 billion.
  • The rowers, knowing they had the honor of conveying the surintendant of the finances, pulled with all their strength, and that magic word, the _finances_, promised them a liberal gratification, of which they wished to prove themselves worthy. The Vicomte de Bragelonne Or Ten Years Later being the completion of "The Three Musketeers" And "Twenty Years After"
  • Aggregate trends in the eurozone indicate that member state finances are deteriorating.
  • Investors will want to hear how he is managing the group's strapped finances.
  • Until I discovered the website, my finances were in a right royal mess, and being in the red was something that happened almost every month.
  • It is understood that the Queen's courtiers put up strong resistance to his purchase of the lease, because they feared that it would put a strain on Edward's finances.

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