How To Use Final solution In A Sentence

  • Some point to the fact there is no direct evidence that Hitler himself gave the order for the final solution.
  • Ultimately, I fear, the full and final solution to spam will be the introduction of micropayments levied on the sender of email, in conjunction with digital signatures to authenticate that sender.
  • The Muslims were to be subjected to a final solution: more than 50 percent of them were to be killed, a smaller part was to be converted to Orthodoxy, while an even smaller… part — people with money — were to be allowed to buy their lives and leave, probably, through Serbia, for Turkey. America and the Bosnia Genocide
  • His most prolific discovery was the whereabouts of one of the people who planned the Final Solution, Adolf Eichmann.
  • The Wannsee Conference was called to discuss the `Final Solution'
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  • Hitler had ordained the Final Solution for lesser races and alien faiths.
  • Nor can we rely on escalatory steps such as economic sanctions to pressure it as it employs dilatory and diversionary tactics to complete its final solution.
  • The reader is kept in an anticipatory state of excitement which is gratified only in the release afforded by the final solution in the last pages.
  • All of the above attested that God's sacrificial love is a final solution to the eliminate man's sin and bestowment of his righteousness.
  • While obviously something needs to be done about the attempts to pass a “Final Solution” for the homosexuals, nothing is going to truly improve until something is done about the education to dispell some of the cultural issues that are clearly wrong. Think Progress » Bill Gates suggests Ugandan anti-gay bill is not that big a deal.
  • Snyder, in my opinion correctly, identifies "four distinct versions of the Final Solution" that preceded the actual hecatomb: "the Lublin plan for a Jewish reservation in eastern Poland," Jewish emigration into the Soviet Union with Stalin's consent (which he refused), Jewish resettlement in Madagascar (which the British navy would have blocked), and forced emigration into the Soviet Union after the German invasion. Caught between two killers
  • The masts of said ship are bedecked in rhythmic gymnastics ribbons, and it is crewed by beach volleyballers and the 1996 French synchronised swimming team, who had planned a routine based on the Final Solution. Pole dancing seeks an Olympic leg-up | Marina Hyde
  • -- Palestinians are to be relegated to isolated powerless cantons under Israel's control before a "final solution" dispossesses or annihilates them; Israel is for Jews alone; after the 1967 war, the Allon Plan affirmed it - named after deputy prime minister Yigal Allon; his goal: A Short History of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Past Is Prologue
  • One colleague 'factitiously' suggested that the Final Solution was to euthanize the 'Baby Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • The FAA acknowledged that the plan is not intended as a final solution to congestion and delay problems.
  • This "précariat" is a new sort of subproletariat that not only has "nothing to sell but its labor power" but that often has little prospect of even being able to sell that; a vast underclass trapped in a limbo of temporary minimum-wage jobs, temporary unemployment benefits, panhandling or prostitution or petty crime when the benefits run out, and from there to incarceration in the rapidly expanding prison-industrial complex, where the system provides its "final solution" to the unemployment problem: a revival of slave labor. Reflections on the Uprising in France; Lessons Learned
  • The answer to the problem of suffering does not lie in a better rebirth in the cycle of reincarnation - only nirvana offers a final solution.
  • It could be a case study as his type of neurosis is always the same, from the Great Past to the Blood and the Soil, to toying with a Final Solution that relies on Death. A Promise
  • Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
  • That this portrayal is a damning one suggests either that Aue is (consciously or subconsciously) submitting himself for judgment or that his particular involvement in the Final Solution is to be taken at facevalue. Translated Texts
  • In fact, Himmler's appointments book and diaries, where extant, come as close as most people would require to demonstrating what the Final Solution was all about.
  • Longerich is wrong in suggesting that the Nazis' exterminatory policy of Euthanasia from the winter of 1939-40 was some kind of ‘rehearsal’ for the Nazi Final Solution of the Jewish Question.
  • This particular 'Fall of the Rate of Profit' is prophetic, as it marks the LAST; it is the launching of years of planning 'THE FINAL SOLUTION' to 'THE HUMAN PROBLEM' by capital and its allied agents from the past: the bourgeoisie AND the role-ified proletarian; the globalist banking elite; the exclusionary cartelist, cabalist, and cultist; the theocrat and tribalist, esp. from the Middle Eastern triad based in desert [ed] visions; the Fabian / Jacobin Latest posts
  • In a foreword to the published proceedings of the conference—written before detailed histories of Nazi Germany lent the phrase he used the jarring ring it has today—Wilford gushed that the convertiplane would be “the final solution of useful flight for humanity.” The Dream Machine
  • The Final Solution, as the Nazis called it, was originally only one of the exterminatory projects to be implemented after a victorious war against the Soviet Union. Holocaust: The Ignored Reality
  • Unfortunately, the ideological collision of the two masterminds is something I wish Ritchie would have applied more heat to early on, as it simmers on low for too long, and is left undercooked by the time the figurative chess match they've engaged in for two films is literalized in a pay-off that should be familiar to anyone who's read Doyle's "The Final Solution," the only story where the two actually meet. Zaki Hasan: Zaki's Review: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  • On the other hand, you juxtapose that with a much darker and more critical view of superheroes--basically by offering up a fairly standard "deconstructive" depiction of Batman as a borderline-fascist he actually uses the phrase "final solution", borderline-sociopathic vigilante who finally staggers over those borderlines. Archive 2009-04-12
  • Oh, and I missed this: The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
  • As such the final solution to this saga is a realignment of exchange rates and the rebalancing of trade. Western Governments' Addiction To Credit And The Rise Of China
  • As far as I can tell, your argument, which you inist Mr. Sidgwick must accept if he wishes to avoid being bespattered with innuendo about Final Solutions, is as follows: if the phantasms I, John Roosevelt, conjure up are true representations of reality, then a negotiated settlement is impossible; therefore, a negotiated settlement is impossible. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Michael Chabon's "The Final Solution" ambitiously attempts to prolong the detective's life into World War II. The Game Is Always Afoot
  • Digital cable is often considered the answer to cable signal theft and piracy, but as a final solution it's a long way off.
  • This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete. New & Noteworthy
  • The courageous reporters of the social-democratic paper had gotten hold of a secret Nazi Party plan for the disposition of the Jews that first used what was to become the widespread euphemism for extermination: “Final Solution” (Endlössung), a word that left little doubt over the mass murder it euphemized. Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats

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