
How To Use Finable In A Sentence

  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • Also, in my opinion, the use of that word, begining with SP and ending in a sound similar to the name of the masked mexican bandit, should be a finable offence. 50 Euro Fine for Torsonudismo
  • definable rules
  • [1] Exemplary as defined through critical reception, financial success and a certain indefinable presence as part of popular culture. Virtual Reality and the First Person Shooter
  • Experienced farmers will blend science, agronomics, economics and field histories with that indefinable intuitive sense and then will decide which crop will do best this year.
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  • The lady's clothes seemed to fill the whole carnage, and out of this little padded box there drifted a perfume of orris, an indefinable scent of feminine elegance.
  • He displayed that elusive, indefinable quality: he looked presidential.
  • With this view, there is a definable limit to the information available in the known universe along with the number of "random" trials available to actuate complex objects such as life. Behe
  • She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.
  • And undoubtedly, their mysterious, indefinable quality is the source of their disconcerting power.
  • There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
  • This, of course, is Moore's open question argument. ‘If ‘good’ was definable it was a complex, and so it could be asked of any definiens if it was good.
  • She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.
  • There is a recurrence of the e-a assonance at the ends of lines, but in no definable pattern.
  • There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
  • She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.
  • She has an undefinable quality and she stands for dignity and respect.
  • Slang is almost by definition undefinable, deliberately outside the dictionary.
  • Guston consistently seeks out the least degree of form that distinguishes a meaningless blotch of paint from something that reads as a definable object. Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
  • How is that?" said Peter, inferring that selling poor beer was a finable offence, yet ignorant of the statute. The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him
  • He had a great respect for the priesthood, and has left many a charming and sympathetic picture of the parish _cure_, such as l'Abbe Janvier in "Le Medecin de Campagne," who acts hand in hand with the good doctor Benassis, as an enlightened benefactor to the poor; or l'Abbe Bonnet, the hero of "Le Cure du Village," whose face had "the impress of faith, an impress giving the stamp of the human greatness which approaches most nearly to divine greatness, and of which the undefinable expression beautifies the most ordinary features. Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • To prove his courage, he told her of his present way of life; Louise had known nothing of its hardships, for there is an indefinable pudency inseparable from strong feeling in youth, a delicacy which shrinks from a display of great qualities; and a young man loves to have the real quality of his nature discerned through the incognito. Two Poets
  • The peace process is not about moving towards a definable endpoint, but about making sure that each side's voice is heard and respected at all times.
  • It is not a bunker at a fixed location with a definable defense.
  • They're one of those "undefinable" bands - they call themselves when they have to "Folkgrass" - some kind of cross between folk music and bluegrass. My Fun Filled Friday Night
  • To savour that undefinable feeling and sense of satisfaction when the final whistle blew almost makes the trials and tribulation of recent days worthwhile.
  • It is that indefinable something that is drawing another Afghan refugee, 70-year-old Taj Bara back to Kabul.
  • Apart from these clearly definable shapes, the orbicular elements were generally amorphous.
  • The potboy at the corner, who is a privileged amateur, as possessing official knowledge of life and having to deal with drunken men occasionally, exchanges confidential communications with the policeman and has the appearance of an impregnable youth, unassailable by truncheons and unconfinable in station-houses. Bleak House
  • She is very clever, too clever for a woman. She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.
  • So Rose Boys had a modest political aim, as well as satisfying an obscure and perhaps indefinable personal need.
  • Indeed, it is the divine attribute of the imagination, that it is irrepressible, unconfinable; that when the real world is shut out, it can create a world for itself, and with a necromantic power, can conjure up glorious shapes and forms, and brilliant visions, to make solitude populous, and irradiate the gloom of the dungeon. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • He did not know where his own mind ended and the rest of the world flooded in: the boundary was vague, indefinable.
  • Nevertheless, this region can be subdivided into four definable subregions, indicated by vertical bars, limiting the extent of the discrepancies.
  • There's no current search engine available that bases its search on a user-definable list of domains.
  • It is a remarkable record, made all the more fascinating by the indefinables of the double sculls, where success is born out of technical refinement and also an intangible athletic bond, an ability to row and react with double‑skulled synchronicity. Katherine Grainger and Anna Watkins ready to put chemistry to the test
  • Being cool is one of those indefinable qualities that's almost impossible to pin down.
  • It is a challenging attempt to define what is often indefinable.
  • The thrones are not definable, and they make me feel inadequate. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • By the 1820s it had become common to attribute definable features to the age, usually in unflattering terms.
  • Report generation is made effortless with a powerful, built-in report generator with pre-scanned and user-definable reports.
  • His poor, mistreated will that he had been holding up to the scorn of himself and his friends, stood before him innocent, and his judgment walked off to prison with the unconfinable imp, imagination, dancing in mocking glee beside him. This Side of Paradise
  • It is a route to the definable, the consolable, and the delimiting.
  • And as a rule in public health, you do not immunize against something for which there is no definable risk.
  • Perhaps subliminally it is this which gave her performances that indefinable, electric edge which drew audiences magnetically to her and held them spellbound.
  • In both traditions it is undefinable and unexplainable, elusive, frustratingly near and far, always so close yet just outside intellect's reach.
  • Any Object we see is Abstract, because it is composed of an infinite number of indefinable, unrecognizable, nonfigurative, shadowy, intangible, imperceptible and undetectable 'points' or 'areas' and all these areas do not, and cannot, allow any human being to perceive them or relate to them in any meaningful manner. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • And an educator from England observed that “the boy in America is not being brought up to punch another boy’s head or to stand having his own punched in a healthy and proper manner; that there is a strange and indefinable air coming over the man; a tendency toward a common, if I may call it, sexless tone of thought.” Failing at FAIRNESS
  • State is the least limitable of the exercises of government, such limitations as are applicable thereto are not readily definable. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.
  • There's an indefinable air of tension at the meeting.
  • Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.
  • = “Who cares if the person is right for the job, as long as the person is opposite of what a certain indefinable group of people want.” Think Progress » Limbaugh: Euphoria Over Alito, A “European” “Married Male”
  • a strange exaltation that was indefinable
  • Musical sounds and voices are stored and reproduced with user-definable timing and pitch, with the timing and pitch being independently controllable in real time.
  • The on-demand scanner lets users run custom or recommended spyware scans of fixed and removable disks, USBs and other storage devices, and is updated automatically at user-definable intervals.
  • Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.
  • The so-called ‘moral law’ is certainly definable, but to clearly define the boundaries of ceremonial and civil law is far more complex.
  • A thrill of indefinable horror shot through his frame on perceiving that those dewy flowers were already beginning to droop; they wore the aspect of things that had been fresh and lovely yesterday.
  • An indefinable element that catches your eye; I had no trouble spotting her in the midst of a crowd of jeans-and-tees teenagers.
  • The question is begged because definable form is assumed as a premiss, and as a premiss which is to prove definable form. Posterior Analytics
  • This right is as unconfinable as it is inalienable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • It's not a definable mental or physical illness, with causes that can be diagnosed and treated.
  • The features, look, air, portrait, the expression indefinable except as a light of outcoming spirit, were those of the man he had helped crucify before the The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • This feeling is not toward any one English person in particular, or even a whole load of English, but that indefinable thing that the word England has come to symbolise for me.
  • Linguistics regarding philosophy's origination in empirically definable "facts of language. Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
  • She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star.
  • Even extensive surfaces such as the plateaus of Africa and Great Plains of North America are largely comprised of hill slopes of low angle between barely definable interfluves and valley floors.
  • Page 676 finable offence for any to be found to be teaching them to read. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. II
  • There's a sense of nostalgia, an indefinable ache, that crystallises the artist's repertoire at a certain point in time.
  • Moondragon's powers are just as definable as any other Marvel telepath -- which is to say kind of definable, depending on a story's needs. Top 200 Marvel Characters #121-140 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The answer depended ultimately on a policy decision informed by history and indefinable concepts of nationality and nationhood.
  • He thought of the unknown as the indefinable beyond to an immediate world that might be quite clearly and exactly known. An Englishman Looks at the World
  • She was struck by how accurately the Sister had hit upon the peculiar, uneasy feeling she was havinga kind of portent to doom, yet without definable cause, that made the fine hairs at the back of her neck stand on end like when she would be lying in her bedroll, almost asleep, and every insect, all at once, went silent. The Pillars of Creation
  • His eyes flashed just a little bit, with some vague, indefinable emotion, perhaps surprise, when he saw she was still lying in bed.
  • She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.
  • So its interesting that force is accepted as an elemental "undefinable" term and the ground of mechanics, and that not on the basis of what we observe passively but in terms of our own actions. But it's not Science!
  • Following our previous blog, we do want to relieve everyone of the Angst that McTaggart's ideas seem ineluctably to lead to, just as Einstein relieved the world of Buber's Angst, and in an earlier blog we mentioned that a sort of 'precognition' might be definable in terms of our new and less Angst-ridden description of physics. McTaggart, Buber, Swartz and Sri Aurobindo
  • What I meant by that, I think, was that something in the atmosphere of these places - indefinable, impalpable - clustered life into articulate and significant relationships.
  • Yet there is very little of that indefinable quality, which we call sincerity, about the score. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
  • We don't need a directive or a definable god to feel the presence of divinity.
  • Images can express an experience that language can't capture: that intangible, indefinable moment when we encounter the Spirit.
  • In short it is something indefinable, incalculable, not something that can easily be analysed.
  • Except for his impeccably accented English and a certain indefinable air about his bearing (I always say no one slouches quite as elegantly as an Englishman), an observer might have taken my son for one of the Egyptians among whom he had spent most of his life. Excerpt: He Shall Thunder In The Sky by Elizabeth Peters
  • I've no interest in who they are, I told him, I won't even look at who they are, but Mr Blair and co, in their wisdom, have made it a finable offence for me to employ anyone without seeing and copying the ID the government requires them to present, I said. Quote of the Day
  • Throughout his career, Kenton pursued a Quixote-like quest for a kind of undefinable art music that, in his own eyes, he never achieved although the symphony-sized "Neophonic" orchestra of the mid-'60s probably came closest. A Restless Soul Revealed
  • She has that indefinable something that makes an actress a star.
  • That is, items in all the categories are definable, so items in all the categories have essences - just as there is an essence of man, there is also an essence of white and an essence of musical.
  • I bashed and pulled the broomstick railings out, revealing the sawed off bottoms of the old balusters and a thick layer of paint and something undefinable (distemper, maybe) in between them.
  • If so, written constitutions are worse than useless; they are not obligatory, there is no penalty for their violation; obedience to them cannot be enforced; there is no government but that of opinion, fluctuating and uncertain, undefined and undefinable, which is paramount to the fundamental law. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3 No 2, February 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Come November, U.S. voters, after well over two centuries, still will not elect to the presidency a Black person who is the descendant of "we the people" who were enslaved not long ago in the U.S.A. These descendants are the Black American people, the group of Blacks whom Kenyan historian Ali Mazrui somehow has come to deem "undefinable" or "unmentionable", or who somehow should not be singled out n view of our long historical existence, lest in some way we might be seen as an "elite. BHM (Black History Month)
  • The class HOD of hereditarily ordinal definable sets consists of all sets a for which a, the members of The Axiom of Choice
  • A third draft corrected some of these problems, but I still felt, without quite being able to articulate it, that in some indefinable way the script had lost ground.
  • A full-featured imaging system will have user-definable template fields.
  • We have an indefinable impression that the rajah is a sensuous, indolent, extravagant sybarite, given to polo, diamonds and dancing girls, and amputates the heads of his subjects at pleasure; but that is very far from the truth. Modern India
  • She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.
  • Totalitarianism is a subset of tyranny, and a rather small and rigidly definable subset; and all of its essential defining qualities are either inventions of the extreme Left, or aped from the extreme Left by liberty-hating nationalists. Radically dishonest
  • The software has context-sensitive on-line help and electronic documentation, and it manages a library of up to 99 user-definable setups on the host computer.
  • “How is that?” said Peter, inferring that selling poor beer was a finable offence, yet ignorant of the statute. The Honorable Peter Stirling and What People Thought of Him
  • However, research increasingly suggests that humans are just pliable puppets, with definable biological and chemical responses to certain stimuli.
  • Austrians can offer an alternative approach that does not depend on having to define or measure what is conceptually indefinable or unmeasurable.
  • Gödel's construction was soon given a general form, as a general diagonalization lemma, which refers to arbitrary definable properties. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Built in 1924 by a trawlerman for his daughter, the style is lavish but indefinable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor from the start had a rare intensity, sincerity, confidence and vulnerability, and she was blessed with that indefinable, attention-grabbing presence we call charisma. Elizabeth Taylor remembered by Philip French | Feature
  • Many suffered from a definable alcohol, drug, or mental disorder.
  • Among people, ambiguity in sexuality and indefinable emotions, cause them to drift afloat endlessly.
  • Preservation of freedom within definable and understandable limits distinguishes our form of government from other arbitrary forms regardless of their designation. Leviathan or Post-War Trends in Government and Business
  • It combines drafting tools with user-definable data integration capabilities.
  • Hers were dulled with medication, but he could see pain and confusion there, along with something softer, something less definable. AFTERMATH
  • Here I would call Nietzsche's great aperçu to our aid: ‘All concepts in which an entire process is semiotically concentrated elude definition; only that which has no history is definable’ (The Genealogy of Morals: 2: 23).
  • His style is nervous and original, not harassingly pointed like a chestnut-burr, but full of _esprit_ or wit diffused, -- that Gallic leaven which pervades whole sentences and paragraphs with an indefinable lightness and palatableness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 23, September, 1859
  • The issue of when Citic Pacific's directors knew about the problem, and why they waited so long before telling shareholders, sparked a debate about corporate governance in Hong Kong and helped expedite new rules that will make failure to disclose price-sensitive information in a timely manner a finable offense. Hong Kong Charges Executive in Inside Deal
  • The same arguments by which good was shown to be indefinable can be repeated here, mutatis mutandis, to show the indefinability of ought.™ Russell's Moral Philosophy
  • Incapable of finding any satisfaction in mercenary intrigues, they succumb to an indefinable sort of languor, which is called home-sickness, though, in reality, love with them is indissolubly associated with their native village, with its steeple and vesper bells, and with the familiar scenes of home. Recollections of My Youth
  • It's unfortunate that there are no statistics on the number of lives that are clobbered yearly as a result of laws: outmoded laws; laws that found their way onto the books as a result of ignorance, hysteria or political haymaking; antilife laws; biased laws; laws that pretend that reality is fixed and nature is definable; laws that deny people the right to refuse protection. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • —Why, thou unconfinable baseness, it is as much as I can do to keep the terms of mine honour precise. Act II. Scene II. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Poetry is the power of defining the indefinable in terms of the unforgettable.
  • She was charming, with the indefinable magnetism certain older cultivated European women possess whether or not they were beauties in their youth.
  • Battles are decisive now not so much by the destruction of armies as by the defeat of public spirit, and a something that has actually happened may be a less important fact, either in conjecturing probabilities or determining policy, than the indefinable progress of change, not marked on any dial, but instinctively divined, that is taking place in the general thought. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • She has an indefinable screen presence that makes even her poorest scenes tolerable.
  • In 534BC the main Dionysian festival inaugurated a tragedy competition, the earliest record of definable drama.
  • The subtle, ungraspable, undefinable but so vital and crucially important factors are more similar to energy than to matter, hence the name life-energy, life force.
  • His face was colourless -- not exactly white, thought Lise, but devoid of definable colour tones. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Slang is almost by definition undefinable, deliberately outside the dictionary.
  • The shuffling enigma, head occasionally cocked in bird-like inquisitiveness, befriends his fellow patients to mesmerising and medically undefinable effect.
  • In coming here, he was actually following psychic instinct, an indefinable but insinuating impulse to visit the court of Voronov-Vaux.
  • She was altered, he thought, in some indefinable way - thinner, edgier, more tense. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • Hawthorne, again, another great master, feeling instinctively the poverty and want of sharp contrast in the externals of our New England life, always shades off the edges of the actual, till, at some indefinable line, they meet and mingle with the supersensual and imaginative. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 28, February, 1860
  • an indefinable feeling of terror
  • In truth, however, their relationship is undefinable, the only truth found not in explanation but description.
  • Indeed, because cardinality is permutation-invariant, every cardinality quantifier is included, including “there are infinitely many”, “there are uncountably many”, and others that are not first-order definable. Logical Constants
  • indefinable yearnings
  • This logbook is like the professional logbook for pilots with all the entries you'll need, plus two user-definable fields.
  • As for the AC, Gödel exhibits a definable well-ordering, that is, a formula of set theory which defines, in L, a well-ordering of all of L. Kurt Gödel
  • It is something talismanic, totemic, intangible, all-consuming, corrosive, compulsive, elusive, indefinable.
  • Most theorists believe that there are mental states ” such as occurrent thoughts or judgments ” that are access-conscious (in whatever is the correct functionally-definable sense), but that are not phenomenally conscious. Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness
  • The potboy at the corner, who is a privileged amateur, as possessing official knowledge of life and having to deal with drunken men occasionally, exchanges confidential communications with the policeman and has the appearance of an impregnable youth, unassailable by truncheons and unconfinable in station – houses. Bleak House
  • It certainly is a clue to the indefinable difference we find in British noir.
  • an abstract concept that seems indefinable
  • He said it lacked a certain je nes se qua, which is French for nothing, or something indefinable. LKH Blog
  • The cistern has an indefinable white substance dripping down it and the missing tiles were stacked up on the window sill.
  • The cause, result, nature and action of all measure of phenomena are totally devoid of being established as finable in terms of their own defining characteristics. Abbreviated Kalachakra Mind Mandala Sadhana
  • The night before entering Liverpool, while lying in his bunk, he experienced an indefinable, inexplainable feeling of sadness. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • A monarchy, an animate body, and a "handmill" — whatever that is — are unlike; a monarchy is not an entity whose properties are completely definable. Seeing Is Reading
  • In all shapes, sizes and more than anything, in those indefinable vibrant shades, butterflies seem to carry an uncanny beauty about them.
  • It was increasingly evident that he had not been absorbed, obliterated, in marriage; an institution which, from the beginning, had tried -- like religion -- to hold within its narrow walls the unconfinable instincts of creation. Cytherea
  • definable terms
  • But if you cannot even be bothered to look up the term on your own, and are so proud of your ignorance that you dismiss it out of hand as 'undefinable' or 'just a word', the discussion is pointless. "How is Senator Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?"
  • So perfect objectivity is not just unachievable but indefinable.
  • Hers was an extreme lithesomeness, and she moved with a certain indefinable airiness, approaching one as down might float or as a bird on noiseless wings. Chapter 23
  • But they are utterly indefinable by way of positive definition hence my requirement of negative demarcation.
  • It was known that when an electric discharge passes in a glass tube through a sufficiently rarefied gas, the part facing the cathode is illuminated by a fluorescence on which the shadow of any obstacle placed in front of the cathode is outlined; and that the cathode rays definable in this way, are deflected by the magnetic field, describing a circular trajectory when they are thrown at right angles to a uniform field (Hittorf). Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
  • However; registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as definable avatar images, private messaging, emailing of fellow users, usergroup subscription, etc. Undefined
  • Canadians spend so much time agonizing over our lack of solid, touchable, definable identity that it has practically become a national pastime.
  • It's very cleverly done, but with an undefinable innocence that suggests the dewy-eyed thrill of very early pop, beaches and bikinis.
  • What stops this being a mere retread of studio highlights is that indefinable quality one can only refer to as feeling.
  • Often, the fatigue is transient or can be attributed to a definable organic illness.
  • The magical photograph attempts to go beyond the immediate context of the recorded experience into realm of the undefinable.
  • Rape and sexual harassment were common, and women would be forced to perform sexual favors to excuse finable violations.
  • While they haven't completely gone in a new direction, their sound just continues to evolve in an increasingly complex, and previously undefinable way.
  • Thus they form a heterogeneous assemblage of liquid hydrocarbons, of which naphtha and maltha may be said to form the extremes, and which have little in common, except their undefinable name. Scientific American Supplement, No. 362, December 9, 1882
  • In Christian Connecticut, for a man to have a sprig of holly in his house on Christmas day was a finable crime. The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth?
  • Theodore Brandeis 'roseleaf skin, and over, and above all these, weaving in and out through the whole, an expression or cast -- a vague, undefinable thing which we call a resemblance -- that could only have come from the woman of the picture, Theodore Brandeis' wife, Olga. Fanny Herself
  • And undoubtedly, their mysterious, indefinable quality is the source of their disconcerting power.
  • The best journalists are often those who bring the undefinable, the intangible, to their work.
  • The cysts are lined by a smooth, definable wall, with the majority found in basilar, subpleural locations.
  • However, we have seen risk aversion start to wane which should lead to a continuation of the EURUSD defined price action as it is has developed short and medium term definable patterns, increasing its attractiveness as a scalping target. Currency Trading News by DailyFX
  • But there was something indefinable about him that still proclaimed his origins in earth and furrow. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • We refer to the forces within nature, which are controlled by clearly definable laws, such as, gravity, magnetism and air pressure.
  • Scientist Frederic Clements (1916; 1928) developed the ‘organismic concept’ which recognized that communities were definable, with species grouped repeatedly and regularly in similar environmental conditions. Natural Community
  • Austrians can offer an alternative approach that does not depend on having to define or measure what is conceptually indefinable or unmeasurable.
  • All such parameters are user-definable in the modeling software of this company, and the search can cover both smaller and larger values.
  • To make use of this additional information stored in user-definable parameters, the definition of productions needs to be changed as well.
  • Above her, from an indefinable source, shone the low red glow, diffused through the muslin drapes. COMPULSION
  • Defining the undefinable is their dirty job, and they have my sympathy. Definitions and manifestos
  • DRAM Digital record announcement machine DRAM Dynamic ram DRCS Dynamically redefinable character sets DRHR Division of revenue hourly DRMU Digital remote measurement unit DRTLRT Dial repe tie lindal repeatie t DRU DACS remote unit DS Data set DS Digital carrier span DS Digital signal DS Direct signal DS-0 Digital signal 0 (one channel at 64 kb/s) Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
  • I look for style, structure, prose, originality and a certain indefinable quality that makes me curse and say, “Damn, I wish I’d thought of that.” November 2007
  • Now for those who have never fandangoed or read Garica Lorca, duende is that indefinable, spiritual essence that enters into one's being and comes out as impassioned dance, a flurry of fingers or a deep cante jondo. Hadani Ditmars: Duende Comes to Vancouver
  • This means that urinating and defecating in public, aggressive begging, car guarding and making fires in public areas will be among the anti-social activities that will be finable offences. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Ever since the ancient Greek artist Debutades traced a line around the silhouette of her lover's face, artists have been attempting to define the indefinable.
  • She has an undefinable quality and she stands for dignity and respect.
  • Listening below, I could hear the creaking and groaning of her timbers, the pistol – like cracks that told of the starting of a trenail or plank, and the faint, indefinable whispers of our ship’s distress. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • The potboy at the corner, who is a privileged amateur, as possessing official knowledge of life and having to deal with drunken men occasionally, exchanges confidential communications with the policeman and has the appearance of an impregnable youth, unassailable by truncheons and unconfinable in station – houses. Bleak House
  • Viewers might feel excluded from an indefinable club that includes only those who speak a seemingly untranslatable language or recognize obscure and unspoken passwords.
  • The forms and colours in her paintings are those of landscape, but she does not paint definable places.
  • In those hours I laughed so hard my face hurt, I cried, I felt happiness, sadness, empathy, anger and other indefinable emotions.
  • But back to your conscience; I know that psychiatrists used to use the term schizophrenia to describe a variety of mental conditions that didn't have any other definable title or description, so I wonder if perhaps you have been diagnosed as a sociopath in a similar way because the doctor had a bit of trouble pinpointing what was exactly the problem. Comments for Damn Interesting

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